Title: Teen Angel
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <once the site is moved> Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel
Feedback is like oxygen, I must have it to survive.
To Kylia. Hope you enjoyed this. :)

TEEN ANGEL (10/10)

"I wonder where Katie is" Willow said, moving closer to Angel on the couch.

"Probably somewhere better than that school" Angel said, inhaling the scent
of her hair.

"Oh God. I know...can you imagine anything worse than being trapped in high
school for more than forty years?" Willow asked, her fingers playing with the
buttons of his shirt. Her head was laying against his chest as they sat in
his apartment.

"Being trapped there with Xander?" he said innocently. He heard her giggle
and looked down into her smiling face. He brushed his fingers against her
cheek, his eyes serious, "I love you."

Willow smiled softly, "I know. You've told me just about every half hour
since we left the library."

He chuckled as he brushed his lips against hers. The kiss deepened as Willow
pressed against him. She felt his hands in her hair, brushing it as they
kissed. She loved kissing him. The coolness of his mouth on hers, the unique
flavor that was so addicting.....She whimpered as he finally pulled away. She
looked into his eyes, seeing the arousal in their dark depths.

"Willow, if we keep on, I don't think I can stop" he said, his voice soft.

"I don't think I want you to stop" she said quietly.

His eyes flashed at her statement, "Are you sure? We've only been together
such a short time..."

"I've loved you forever" she said simply, leaning up to kiss him.

He accepted her invitation, standing and pulling her into his arms. He
carried her into his bedroom, never breaking the kiss. He couldn't believe
this was real. He really hoped that wherever Katie had been sent, it was
nearly as perfect as being in Willow's arms. They fell to his bed, laughing
softly as hands explored and clothes were removed. He held her gently as he
began to take her places she had never been before.


Willow woke up to an empty bed. She sat up, running a hand through her hair.
She glanced down at her body and saw the bites and marks that he had made
during their repeated couplings. Making love with him was just like kissing
him. Completely addicting. She heard a noise coming from the kitchen and
smiled as she smelled the scent of coffee. She swung her feet over the edge
of the bed, picking up the sheet and pillow that lay there. She pulled his
shirt over her head as she walked into the bathroom.

She left the bathroom feeling a bit more awake. She had washed her face and
brushed her hair, as best she could with no mirror. She brought her fingers
to the deep bite on her neck, her body heating up as she remembered the
intensity with which he had made it. She walked into his living room, her
eyes lighting up as she saw him standing at the sink. He turned, his eyes
possessively sweeping over her. She sat on the stool and looked at him. She
smiled as she blushed slightly at the heat in his gaze, "Morning."

"You look beautiful" he said, his tone husky.

She looked up, laughing softly, "Thank you. I need a shower though."

"Later" he said, moving towards her. He pulled her against him, his upper
thighs hitting the stool she was on, ripping the shirt open and seeing his
mark. He heard her gasp and chuckled, "Mine" he said, his eyes on hers as he
licked the bite. He smiled when he saw her acceptance. She was his.

"Angel" she whispered, need spreading through her at his touch. She felt the
leather of his pants rubbing against her throbbing core. He was pushing
against the black material and let out a sigh of relief when she felt his
hand unzip his pants, freeing himself. "Angel...please!"

His eyes darkened slightly as he wound his hand into her thick red hair. He
pulled her head back, his mouth against hers, "Call me Angelus, baby" he said
before kissing her and entering her in one deep stroke.


Across town a dark haired angel smiled as she looked at the stars. She
listened to what they told her and she clapped. She stood up and began
dancing around the courtyard of the mansion, her long skirts twirling around
her pale legs. A husky laugh sounded from the blonde haired man watching her.
She laughed, pulling him into her carefree dance. "Daddy's back....." she
sang, her laughter joining his in the cool night air as they danced together
underneath the stars.

go to the sequal Devil In Disguise
