Title: Teen Angel
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <once the site is moved> Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel
Feedback is like oxygen, I must have it to survive.
This week has had several major crisis. I could really use some kind words,
so hit that reply button and let me know that someone is actually reading
this stuff. It might help convince me to spend the day writing...... :)


"So, you and Angel looked pretty chummy last night" Buffy said, watching her

Willow turned red as she looked up, wide eyed at Buffy. "Huh?"

"Well, when you both came up for air long enough for me to see" Buffy added,
laughing as Willow blushed. "Don't worry, Willow. I'm happy for you both."

"It was just a kiss" Willow said, a small smile on her face.

"But what a kiss" Buffy said, "He cares about you."

"You think?"

"I know" Buffy said, smiling. "So, do you care about him?"

"Yes" Willow said softly. "I think I love him."

"Good. You both need love" Buffy said, standing. "So, patrol with me tonight?"

"What about Matt?" Willow asked, surprised that she had been asked to go.

"What about him?" Buffy asked, "Will, you're my best friend. I'm not married
to Matt or anything. He can stay at home alone for a few hours while you and
I patrol."

"Sounds good" Willow said, glad that her friend approved. She knew that at
one time Buffy had thought herself in love with Angel. She had been rather
worried that the slayer might be upset if she got together with the dark
haired vampire.

"Come on. We can get some ice cream along the way."

Katie smiled as the redhead left with her friend. She started to follow her
charge, stopping when she felt a slight change in the air. She turned around,
not seeing anything. She shrugged, deciding she was imagining things. She
faded away, finding Willow easily. She listened as the slayer encouraged
Willow to be open with Angel and let him know she was in love with him.
Personally, Katie agreed. She knew that they were in love but had decided her
mission would not be over until they declared their feelings. Soon,
