Title: Teen Angel
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <once the site is moved> Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel
Feedback is like oxygen, I must have it to survive.
Almost done with this one. Hope people have enjoyed it.
To Kylia for being so convincing.


"We need to talk" Angel and Willow both said. They looked at each other and

"You first" Willow said. She saw Katie hovering near by and smiled at the
ghost. It had been a little over a week since they had first met the girl.
Willow was actually getting used to her being around.

"I'm not good at this" Angel said, making a face.

"Good at what?"

"Emotions and things" he replied, looking at her face.

"Just spit it out" Willow urged, hoping he wasn't telling her that he was
tired of hanging around with her. The last week had been the happiest of her
life because of him.

"I love you" he said, groaning as he added, "That's real good. I had planned
to give this romantic speech and I knew exactly what I wanted to say....."

"I love you too" Willow said softly, a large smile on her face.

"What?" he asked, wanting to make sure he had heard her correctly.

"I love you. The last week has been amazing" she started, glad to see the
happiness in his dark eyes. "I think I fell long before that though."

"Yay!" Katie sang out, clapping.

Both of them turned towards the ghost, having forgotten she was there. "Guess
you did."

"Yep, I sure did" Katie said, looking around the school. "Well, I assume I
will be leaving soon. I'm so happy for you guys. You make a fantastic couple."

"Thank you Katie" Willow said softly. She knew if it hadn't been for the girl
that she and Angel would have continued dancing around their feelings.

"Welcome Willow. Just remember, life is too short to spend at the table
alone!" Katie said. She looked at Angel, "Take care of her Mister."

"I will" Angel said, smiling at the ghost. He looked back at Willow, "Would
you like to go for ice cream or something?"

"Sure" Willow said. "Bye Katie."

"Bye" Katie called out. She watched them leave, a smile on her face. She
turned, finding herself in a beautiful place. The sun was high overhead and
there were flowers all over. She heard footsteps and faced a beautiful dark
haired angel. "Hello."

"Katie" the angel said softly, "You have done so well. Exactly as you were

"Thanks" Katie said, "It was pretty easy. They were already in love. They
just needed someone to open their eyes to it."

The angel laughed softly, "Their eyes are definitely open now. Such a sweet
little girl."

"Yes, she's swell" Katie said. "She loves him a lot."

"Good. That love will help them both open their eyes to everything around
them. Go, now, sweet Katie. Your help is appreciated."

"Good day" Katie said, closing her eyes and finding herself in a happy place.

The dark haired angel smiled as the ghost faded. The vision of Angel and
Willow leaving the room together made her smile as she said softly, "Very
well done, sweet Katie."
