Title: Things Change
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill http://www.qwikpages.com/surfcity/kissorkill
Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Feedback is like oxygen. I must have it to survive.
To whomever nominated Seize the Night and my Stasia's Fallen Angels at the
W/A Awards...Woo hoo....gave me a major happy. :)


Spike couldn't believe it was finally happening. He held on tightly to
Willow's small hand and followed her and his sire up the stairs. He brushed
his fingers across her palm, smiling as he felt her shudder. He walked into
their bedroom, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. When he and Angelus were
together, it was always his room. Angelus hadn't wanted to mix their
relationship with Willow so they had never had sex in the master bedroom. He
glanced at Willow and saw her biting her lower lip. He smiled as he drew her
close and kissed her again, taking complete possession of her mouth.

Angelus moved behind Willow, knowing she was scared. He kissed the back of
her neck as his hands drifted around to unbutton her shirt. He teased each
piece of warm flesh as it was revealed, hearing her heart racing at the
contact. She was so responsive. That was one of the many things he loved
about her. He finished with the last button, pulling away only long enough to
allow her shirt to fall to the ground. He trailed kisses down her back as he
used his teeth to unclasp her bra. He felt her shudder as his bare teeth
scraped against her tender skin. He kneeled behind her as he deftly unzipped
her jeans and shoved them to the floor. He could smell her arousal, thick in
the air. He kissed the silk covering her firm ass cheeks as he slid his long
fingers into the elastic of her panties. He glanced up and saw Spike's hands
on her back, his fingers drawing small circles as they kissed.

Angelus slid her panties off, lifting first one leg and then the other as he
removed the denim and silk. He again moved to a kneeling position as his
tongue licked at first one globe and then the other. His fingers found her
wet curls, teasing her as she began to whimper into Spike's demanding mouth.
Angelus laughed huskily as he freed his erection before it tore through his
pants. He ran his tongue over the pink pucker of her ass. He heard her gasp
as he began to wet an area that was still untouched. Soon, Willow was moving
back to his questing tongue as she writhed on his fingers. Angelus stood up,
his hand roughly bringing her head back and away from Spike''s as he kissed
her, a demanding thorough kiss. His hand, slick from her juices, tore at the
fastener of Spike's jeans. He ran its wetness along Spike's cock, hearing his
childe's groan.

Willow pulled away from Angelus, her wetness dripping down her thigh. She had
felt his tongue and fingers enter her ass and knew what he planned. A feeling
of apprehension mixed with excitement went through her. She took Spike's hand
as he led her to the bed. She watched as he laid down, a soft smile on his
face as he beckoned to her. She looked at Angelus and smiled, the love she
felt for him on her face. She crawled up the bed and positioned herself over
Spike's long cock. She moaned as she slid down on it, taking its length into
her. She began to move, slowly at first as she adjusted to his size. She felt
the bed shift as Angelus joined them. She felt his chest against her back as
his fingers dipped down between her and Spike, playing with her clit as his
childe's cock moved into her. She then felt his finger adding more wetness to
her ass. Stilling, she waited until she felt the head of his cock against
her. A cool substance coated him, allowing him to push easily into her. Her
head fell down on Spike's chest as she gave a guttural groan as Angelus
slowly pushed into her. He took his time, moving in small strokes until he
was sunk deep into her ass. She felt Spike's hands on her face, lifting it to
kiss her. She felt the two men begin a rhythm inside her that soon had her
moving and begging for more.

Willow felt Angelus push her down until her breasts were rubbing against
Spike's smooth chest. She continued to kiss the vampire only stopping when
she felt a hand in her hair lifting her. She looked back as Angelus caught
her mouth. She felt Spike's mouth on her breasts as she continued to ride
them both. She felt her cunt tighten as a wave of pleasure shot through her.
She cried out, biting Angelus' tongue as she came. Angelus chuckled, his
fingers finding her clit as he and Spike continued to thrust into her willing
body. She began to babble as his mouth drifted over her face. She felt him
speed up, his hand clenched around her thighs as he brought her forceably
back onto his cock. She felt more fingernails dig into her as Spike growled,
his seed sent deep into her as his teeth bit into her breast. She cried out
in release from the pleasure as Angelus' teeth sunk into her neck, his own
cold seed spilling into her ass. She collapsed on top of Spike, feeling
Angelus pull out of her. His arms went around her as he fell to Spike's side,
bring her with him. He nuzzled her neck, his arms holding her in his embrace.
Spike turned to face them, moving slightly lower on the bed. He smiled at
Willow, kissing her softly before resting his head by her breast, his tongue
lapping slowly at the small trickle of blood. She sighed in contentment as
both her lovers softly suckled her skin as she difted off to sleep.
