Just want to be Loved

“What a jerk.”

“A complete bastard,” Xander agreed as he looked at Willow and could have sworn he saw tiny birds flying around her head.

“I’ll stake him for you,” Buffy said as she pulled out a stake.

“He’s a werewolf,” Willow told her, wondering why Buffy had two stakes in her hand.

“Then, I’ll get my silver gun with holy bullets,” Xander replied, trying to figure out where the rest of his drink had gone.

“That doesn’t sound right,” Buffy said as she looked around the floor for another bottle of rum.

“Was it the smoochies?” she asked, her mood changing to sadness.

“No.....I don’t think so....no, he’s just a horny werewolf.”

“All werewolves are horny,” Xander added, hoping to help out Buffy.

“How do you know?” Willow asked.

“Know what?”

“Nothing, you know nothing,” Willow said as she began to laugh. The two joined her, Xander not sure what he was laughing at, but not wanting to
be left out.

“Remember, no sad faces, only happy ones. Everyone ready for plan A?” Buffy said as she got up, surprised she would still stand.

“Let’s go,” Willow said excited.

“You got the monies?” Xander asked.

“Even better - Giles “gold” credit card,” Buffy replied triumphantly.

* * * * * * * * * * *

What had started off as a study-for-test-on-Monday get together had turned into a broken hearts drunken feast. Xander had raided Willow’s booze
cabinet and had become an amateur bartender. After two bottles of rum and a bottle of some unknown wine, they had come up with a plan.

“Don’t think it’s too much do you?” Willow asked Buffy as they looked at each other in their new outfits.

“I like it.”

Xander was still changing in the fitting room.

“How’s it going, Xander?” Buffy asked loud enough for him to hear.

“A bit tight, but I think leather has to be tight,” he replied as he opened the door.

His eyes opened wide, as his mouth dropped.

“Wow, Will you have..you know you have *a pair*, nice.......Buffy, you have too much,” Xander continued as he took a long look at both of them.

“Nice pants,” Buffy remarked as she took a look at them from the front and a sneak from the back.

“Stop breathing ladies, Xander has arrived. Satin?” Willow asked as she touched his electric blue, button down shirt.

“Now what?” Xander asked.

“The parlor,” Buffy replied with wicked smile.

They paid for the clothing they had on and left, ready for the night ahead.

* * * * * * * * * * *

“Too bad they aren’t real,” Xander said as he looked at his fake Celtic crest on his right breast.

“I know, we look 18. What does the law know? Anyway, what do you think?” she asked as she showed them her cross and stake wrapped in a band,
tattoo on her left arm.

“Me like it,” Willow replied.

“Me likes yours too,” Buffy said as she took a look at Willow’s stomach. A Celtic link crest was wrapped around her waist.

“Two even,” Xander added proudly.

“It was a combo set.”

Willow explained as she looked at her arm which had the same design around her right upper arm.

“Now where?”

“The Bronze, but first to the park. Can’t let Faith have all the fun. Wanna wait for me here?”

Willow and Xander shook their heads violently.

“No way. Want to try out my new Kung Fu powers. I’m a black belt.”

He began to demonstrate his moves, making Buffy and Willow giggle.

“And I can turn invisible - see”

Willow closed her eyes and stood motionless. Buffy and Xander looked at each other confused, then shrugged their shoulders.

“Good enough, off to the bat mobile,” Buffy said.

The three super heroes went off to save the world.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The drunken trio made it to the Bronze a little after eleven. They had needed to go back to the batcave (Willow’s house) to re-energize. After five
drinks of Xander’s concoction, they were ready for the night ahead.

“How do I look?” Buffy asked.

“Like a tramp,” Willow replied, “What about me?”

“A complete hussy.”

“Thank you, Buffy.”


“A man who wants to get laid,” Willow answered.

“Good then, mission accomplished.”

They walked into the Bronze, the whole world at their feet.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Angel wasn’t sure what to expect as he entered the Bronze. He had bumped into Faith at the park and had told him what she had seen. She had told
him to find them, because she wasn’t sure how to explain it.

The club was packed to capacity as it always was on Friday. Being the owner had its advantages, no need to wait outside with the crowds.
Everything seemed normal, but he still hadn’t found the people he was looking for. He noticed a group of guys gathered by the bar. He headed that
way, but abruntly stopped as he felt someone pinch him on his ass. He turned around and found one of the three people he was looking for.



“Yup, Buffy. The Slayer, you know it,” she replied happily.

He smelled it.

“Buffy, your drunk.”

“Moi, nooooooooo....maybe tipsy, but not drunk...nooooooooooo.”

Angel rolled his eyes. The second person he was looking for appeared in back of her.


“Yeah, deadboy! Came to party, to buggy away the night?” Xander asked him as he began to dance stranger then usual in back of Buffy.

He looked at the pair in front of him, seeing what Faith had said. Xander had a pair of black leather pants on with a blue satin shirt. His hair was
spiked up a bit, trying to make it look wild. Even his fingernails were painted black. He had left the first three buttons of his shirt open, letting
everyone see what looked like a tattoo. Buffy had on a tighter then usual short black leather dress with small straps that held it up on her shoulders.
Her hair up in a ponytail with a band around her head.

“Lets dance”, she said as she pulled Xander with her to the dance floor, before Angel could say anything.

Angel was about to stop them and ask about Willow, but he had a feeling he knew where he could find her. He headed to the group gathering and
made his way through them and nearly fell back in complete shock. Willow was seated on a stool, talking to the group around her.

Part 2


He simply nodded in agreement with his name. She jumped off the stool and took his hand and began to pull him to the dance floor.

“Let’s buggy!”

Angel heard the moans of protest and disappointment and let Willow pull him with her. His eyes were glued to the way her hips moved from side to
side in her skin tight leather pants. He bumped into her, unaware they had stopped. The sound of the music took control of her body as she began to
sway from side to side, at times bumping against him. Angel’s eyes couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Her leather pants hugged each curve. Her
short leather corset/tube top gave a wonderful view of her milky white breasts. The shortness of her top offered a peek of her waist and stomach. He
admired the curve of her neck, down to her bare shoulders. A pair of black bands were wrapped around her upper arms. He groaned as her backside
rubbed against him. He felt himself harden and grabbed her shoulders, turning her around to face him.

“Willow, what are you doing?” he asked, hoping to hide the desire in his voice.

“Dancing silly”, she replied, her read hair loose and wild around her.


“Oh, wanna play? Okay.”

She punched him in the arm and giggled.

“Your *It*.”

She ran off with a smile on her face.

Angel followed, trying to keep up with her with the mass of people around them. He lost her, but found Xander.

“Come on Deadboy - Let’s get em.”

Angel looked at him confused, then felt a punch on his arm. He followed Xander, joining the game Willow had started.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Willow and Buffy giggled as they ran through the park. Angel and Xander weren’t far behind. They had had some close calls, but managed to get
away without being detected.

Rain had begun to fall and they huddled under a tree for shelter. Not the smartest decision, but at least they had some cover.

Willow couldn’t stop thinking about Angel. He looked wonderful. One thing Angel had retained from Angelus was his leather pants. How she loved
to see those leather pants on him. The gray thin sweater clung to his broad shoulders and narrow waist. His hair looked as carefree and reckless as
ever. Her heart skipped a beat as her mind drifted to pleasurable thoughts. A deep red covered her cheeks.

“Think they’ll find us?” Willow asked close to a whisper.

“Angel with him, they’ll find us.”

Willow was just too curious.

“So, what it up with Angel and you?”

“I don’t think he likes me.”

“You did send him to Hell, Buffy.”

“I know, but....”

“I’m sure Hell was pretty bad. From the little he’s told me, I can see why he might not be too happy with you.”

“I know, he doesn’t like me. Won’t even talk to me, unless it’s really necessary. He’s probably seen you more then I ever had.”

Willow couldn’t help but smile. They had been spending a lot of time together.

“So you guys aren’t together?” Willow asked, just wanting to make sure.

“Nope. That ended the moment Angeles returned. He was right, we weren’t meant to be.”

“What about Xander? I saw the way both of you were dancing.”

“That’s a surprise. I thought with all the guys drooling over you, you weren’t able to see us.”

“I looked over once in a while,” she replied giggling.

“Well with Xander, it’s possible, he looks hot tonight, made me horny.”


“What? So did Angel. Such a nice ass in leather.”


“Like you didn’t think the same thing.”

“Well...no.not out loud.”

They both started laughing, feeling the alcohol still swimming in their brains.

“They’re both shagable.”

Willow burst out laughing, Buffy joining her a moment later.

“Should we stay here?” Willow asked.

“I heard about this club called Slashes on the other side of town. We’re two attractive women who should get some loving tonight.”

“What about the guys?”

“We’ll leave a note. Let’s see. What can we use?”

“There’s a pen,” Willow said as she picked it up from the grass.

“Now all we need is paper to write it on.”

* * * * * * * * * * *

Angel and Xander looked all around the park for them.

“Where the hell are they?” Angel asked out loud to himself.

“Buffy...Willow...come out come out where ever you are” Xander yelled.

Angel looked over at Xander. The boy had trouble standing in one place.

“What were you guys thinking?”

“What?” Xander asked confused.

“Just how much did you drink?”

“Oh...let’s see..”

Xander tried to count and remember. He stopped once his fingers ran out.

“Not enough fingers,” he finally replied.

Angel shook his head.

“You know...maybe you should get wasted, that why you won’t be so moody, that whole guilty routine...too old...” he slurred.

Angel rolled his eyes. All he wanted to do was look for Willow and make sure she was fine. Ever since she had restored his soul it he had made it one
of his duties to look after her. She had been the only one to welcome him back, never judging him, just being his friend. Now she was half naked,
drunk, in a park, at night. He’d kill Buffy if she got hurt.

They resumed their search. Angel didn’t let Xander stray to far. The little shit was still Willow’s friend. As they turned the corner, they found the tree
where the girls had been. <Can’t be> Angel thought as he saw something on one of the branches.

To his complete surprise it was. He pulled the underwear from the branch and saw something written on it.

You guys are so late. I thought you would have found us by now.

“Look what I found,” Xander told him as he swung a bra around his finger. Angel grabbed it and read the message on the cups.

Couldn’t wait any longer. Meet you at Slashes.

“Shit,” Angel hissed.

“Must be Buffy’s bra and....Willow’s underwear. Know she could do it.” Xander said with a smile.

“How do you know?”

“Buffy wasn’t wearing underwear. ‘You’ll see the underwear under the dress’,” he replied, mimicking Buffy’s voice.

Angel couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t help himself, he become aroused. He throw the bra back to Xander and stuffed Willow’s white underwear in his
pocket. He grabbed Xander by the collar and dragged him in record speed to the club.

* * * * * * * * * *

Part 3

“Is this the right way?,” Willow asked her.

Her feet had begun to hurt. Twenty minutes in the rain, with high heeled boots and twenty minutes of walking just wasn’t the best thing to do.

“I think so. Never been down here before.”

“Then how do you know it’s the right way?”

“Slayer sense.”


“Anyway, we can always ask for directions.”



They both turned to see Angel and Xander headed towards them.

“What now?” Buffy asked.

“Give me your hands. I’ll turn us invisible.”

Buffy did as she asked. They both stood still and closed their eyes.

Angel looked at them confused. He stopped a few feet away from them. He turned to see Xander, looking around him, oblivious to the woman in
front of him. He looked back at Willow.

“Willow, what are you doing?”

She opened her eyes in complete surprise.

“How did you see us? We were invisible.”

“Wow, Angel, you found them.”


“Guess ‘cause you’re a vampire.” Buffy reasoned.

“Yeah, okay. I should get you guys all home,” he told them.

“Here, found your bra,” Xander told her as he handed her the soaked garment.

Buffy’s face softened.

“How sweet,” she told him as she pulled him to her lips for a kiss.

It ended quickly, prompting a questioned in Buffy’s head.

“Who has Willow’s underwear?”

“Angel. Stuffed it in his pocket. Not sure if he smelled them, Will, ‘cause he sure felt them.”

Angel turned to glare at Xander, prompting a laugh in them. If it had been possible he would have blushed.

“What about Slashes?” Buffy asked disappointed.

Her reply was given to her by Mother Nature as the small sprinkles of rain became fat droplets at a very advanced rate.

“Too late, too dangerous,” Angel replied.

“But I’m Batman” Xander told him.

“Oh! then I’m Wonderwoman!” Willow exclaimed.

“Bionic Woman to the rescue,” Buffy said excited.

“What’s Angel?”

“The Crow,” Willow thought out loud.

This was all to weird for him. He needed to get them inside, away from the rain.

“We’re leaving,” Angel told them.

“We can take the batmobile. Oh! Damn, forget it, I forgot the keys,” Xander cursed.

“Don’t worry, now if I can only remember where I left my invisible plane.”

Willow looked around her and started walking. Angel grabbed her wet arm and stopped her.

“You guys are drunk. It’s pouring out here. What you need is to go home. Now. Let’s go.”

They looked like three children being disciplined for something they did wrong. They lowered their heads and started walking with him.

Two minutes into the walk, Xander took Buffy’s hand and began whispering in her ear. Buffy nodded in agreement and the pair soon fell back a bit
and disappeared into an alley near by. It was already too late when Angel saw they were missing. He took a hold of Willow’s hand, making sure she
remained with him.

Willow abruntly stopped, her feet too sore to continue. Angel stopped and looked into her lovely wet face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked worried.

“My feet hurt,” she pouted.

Angel smiled at her and offered to carry her the rest of the way. Too excited to resist, she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist
and her arms around his neck, pressing herself against his body. Angel almost lost his footing, being taken by complete surprise. His body responded
to hers, surpressing a moan that threatened to escape his lips, sending a jolt of electricity throughout his body. Once he got back his composure, he
placed his arms around her, holding her tight. He walked down the street as the rain fell harder.

“Are you mad?” Willow asked, her mouth too close to his ear.

Angel felt a tingle, making it harder for him to concentrate.

“I was just worried.”

“I didn’t want to make you worry. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. Did you have fun?”

“Ahem...especially when I danced with you.”

“Me too.”



“Did you touch my undies?”

Angel wasn’t sure what to say.

“What if I told you I did?”

“I’d be fine with it. But did you think about me in them?”

Angel stopped for a moment.

“And if I told you I did?”

“I’d be okay with it. Did you want to put them back on me?”

Angel pulled her away from him, enough for him to look at her face. He couldn’t resist.

“Did you want me to?”

Willow nodded her head innocently as she blushed.

Angel wasn’t sure what to do. <It’s the alcohol. That’s it, the alcohol>

“I should get you home.”

He pushed her back down, her head cradled on his shoulder. The wind picked up, which was soon joined with thunder and lighting. He felt her
tremble against his. He needed to get her away from the rain. He was glad to see a small bed and breakfast down the block. He walked quicker,
deciding on the best thing to do. Once they entered the Victorian home, Angel pried Willow off him, leaving her in the small waiting area as he went
to the reception area.

Willow wrapped her arms around herself and waited for Angel to return. She was cold and wet, something he hadn’t felt while in his arms.

“Only one room left, our suite. Hope you like it,” the gentleman said as he handed Angel the keys.

“Thank you.”

He walked back to Willow and saw her frail body trembling. Without a word, Willow hugged him, wrapping herself around him as she had before.
Angel carried her up the stairs to their room as the storm grew madder outside.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Part 4

Willow refused to let him go, and Angel didn’t really want to let her go. Her small fingers were brushing back his wet hair softly. He had managed to
open the door without a problem and entered the dark room. He tried to coax her off him, but her arms only tighted around him. He sat down on
one of the plush chairs and shifted her around, placing her on his lap. Her arms remained around his neck, but now her legs were hung over this
knees. Her head remained at the crook of his neck, her breath teasing him gently.

“Willow, why are you drunk?”

“I was....I really don’t know.”

“There had to be a reason. What was it?” he asked her gently as his hand caressed her hair back.

“I not really drunk....tipsy yes, but I can still count.”

Angel chuckled.

“Are you laughing at me?”

“No, now tell me, why did you get drunk?”

“I guess to be brave, maybe to loosen up....and get the courage to..”

“Courage for what? Is this about Oz?”

Willow had come running to him in tears a couple of weeks ago. He had comforted her as she told him about the way Oz had broken up with her. She
had never given him a reason as to why they had called it off, but now curiosity was getting the better of him.

“No....well in a way...but not really”

“Why did you break up with him?”

“Well....it’s a long story...and I really don’t know if I can say it.”

“Have you told anyone else?”

“No....it was between me and Oz. I want to tell you, but I’m not sure how you’ll take it.”

“It’s about me?”

“A little.”

“I thought everyone was O.K. about me being your friend.”

Willow cringed a bit by the comment.

“They are, but not after that night with Oz.”

“Willow, tell me what happened.”


“No, buts. Tell me.”

“Don’t laugh then.”

“I won’t. Promise.”

“I met Oz at the Bronze that night. I heard the band, we talked, then he took me home. I invited him in, and we started.....you
know....kissing.....smoochies, but light. He wanted a little more and I was sort of swept up in it all, then he kissed me on the neck....then it happened.”

Angel tensed. He knew Willow wouldn’t remain a virgin forever, but to know she had, some how tore at his dead heart.


“Imoanedoutyourname”, she said quick and low.

Angel was sure he had not understood her.


“I moaned out you name.”

Angel was shocked.

“During the act?”

“What act?” Willow asked confused.

“Sex, Willow. When you had sex.”

“When did I have sex?”

“You just said it. When you and Oz where at your house...”

“We didn’t...”

Angel felt relieved and hugged her a bit tighter. Now back to this moaning thing, he thought, though he was sure he could love to hear it.

“Will, you were kissing him then, you said my name?”

“See, Oz complained there was no passion, but with Oz I never felt passion. Just regular kinds of smoochies. So what I did, was when I kissed him, I
thought I was kissing you.”

Angel couldn’t help but smirk.

“So you’d like to have smoochies with me?”

“It’s gone beyond smoochies,” she said, feeling braver by the second.

Angel pushed her chin up to face him softly with this hand.

“Is that what you want?” he asked, hoping.

“I have for such a long time.”

Angel looked deep into her green eyes, and with that said, claimed her mouth.

Xander looked down at his naked legs as the rain began to pour down harder,

wondering where his pants had gone. He was caught off balance as Buffy pulled him into

her house, making him stumble to the floor. Without warning, Buffy joined him, tumbling

on top of him. They crawled over to the living room, seeking the plushiness of the rug.

Without truly paying attention, Xander had managed to crawl on top of her. He was

surprised to see her there.

“How’d you get there?” his sobering voice asked confused.

Buffy simply replied by kissing him, and flipping them over.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Willow couldn’t believe what was happening. Angel was finally kissing her. After

so many dreams, illusions, and hopes, it was finally happening. Her lips parted, inviting

him into her warm mouth. His tongue soon joined hers as they met softly, taking time to

taste each other.

Angel was lost in the emotion of having her in his arms after having craved it so

long. His hand began to move up her thigh, caressing her over the wet leather. As their

kiss turned deeper, one of his hands moved to her corset and began to unlace it, as his

other hand buried its fingers in her fiery hair, pressing her mouth as close to his as


Willow’s hand trailed from his hair, down his face, to his shoulders, lower to his

arms, until they found the bulge of his sweater and began to pull it up, her hands touching

his cold stomach. Angel moaned in her mouth as his skillful hands hurried to touch her

breasts. Willow began to pull up his sweater, as she began to feel lighthearted, her body

responding to her lack of oxygen. Angel tore his mouth away and helped her pull the

sweater off his body. His mouth sought hers, and when they met passion flared, as they

tried to devour each other. Angel was finally able to pull the last lace out. He opened the

corset and slide it off her body. He changed her position, his hips never leaving hers, her

knees straddling him, and pulled her warm wet breasts against him.

Willow moaned as new sensations evoked her body. Angel’s hands began to roam

around her body, caressing her back, moving lower to cup her firm cheeks. Willow pulled

back, her head arching back, moaning his name as she tried to take in air for her burning

lungs. She felt Angel’s mouth move to her neck, suckling her neck. Willow tensed a bit,

her hands moving to his head, holding him there, offering her neck to his want.

All he wanted was a taste, a simple taste of the hidden liquid that coursed through

her body. And it was at that moment, that he realized what he was about to do. His mouth

reluctantly stopped, his hands stopped and moved them up to her waist and looked up at

her. Willow looked at him confused, with a mixture of fear. Did he not want her anymore?

“Willow...I can’t...,” his voice still hoarse.

“Why?” she asked sadly.

“Because...you’re so young...so trusting...so beautiful...so desirable...I have

nothing to give you and all you offer me is too much.”

“But I want you. All I ever need. I just want to be loved by you”

She kissed him tenderly, showing him how much she wanted him..how much she

cared..how much she loved him. To her complete delight he offered her the same. He

stood up and held her firmly against him as he carried he to the bed and laid her down

carefully. He joined her, covering her body with his. Angel could sense her sudden

nervousness, her virginal fears coming to the surface. He kissed her softly, letting her get

used to the feel of their naked flesh against each other. He felt her stiffen a bit more, sure

she had come to realize his painful erection pressed against her. He looked down at her,

his eyes shining with love for the ravishing red head below him.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I want you, Angel. Please make me yours,” she pleaded.

Her words had made his usual cold body, shiver with delight. His mouth locked to

hers as his hands began to trace each curve of her wonderfully velvety body.
