SERIES: Rest In Peace (26-28)
RATING: R and worse
DISTRIBUTION: Just ask, my some of my other Fic reside at
*****The previous parts can be found at my site,The Liquid Fire Archives:
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters. They belong Joss Whedon,
Mutant Enemy, the evil overlords at Fox. I am just having some fun with them.
FEEDBACK: I love it, it makes me write more, hint!! hint!!

Chapter 26

Giles POV

I was always sad that the weekends passed so quickly. I would spend the
majority of them with Faith.  She asked me to move in.  I couldn't refuse
her, even if I wanted to. I was gradually moving my things into her, now our,
apartment anyway.  I miss her already. I only made love to her four hours
ago, but I miss her warm arms. I miss her sweet kisses, the feeling of lying
next to her.  It was easy to say I would move in with her. But leaving
Sunnydale was not as hard as I expected it to be.  My loyalties for a time
were divided. Buffy would come by and visit, but she didn't patrol at all.
Riley and his friends did. She was having the normal life she so desired. I
was glad, but it also scared me.  I could tell something had changed her.  It
was, as thought I was looking at the shell of a person I once knew.

I ran my hand over the picture Willow had taken of Faith and I cuddling
on the rooftop of Angel Investigations. I remember Angel's offer. It was a
good reason to move to LA. I now have another reason, sleeping soundly in
nude in my bed. Buffy and Riley were coming over for dinner. I also knew that
Xander and Anya would be here.  Even Willow and Angel were coming to
Sunnydale for the weekend. I would tell them all tonight. Willow would be
here to help me with boxes. I looked forward to taking Faith in my house, in
every room, before we left Sunnydale.  I knew it was hard for her to even be
here in Sunnydale, even temporarily, but she would stay with me. That makes
me feel alive.

I remember the night Angel called me to tell me about Faith, her release
and her need for help. Things with Buffy were strained then, so I leapt at
the offer to help her.  I was ready to drive to LA that morning.  She is
stronger now than she ever has been. I am so proud of her. We had spent the
last week in Mexico. She had never been anywhere special before. Since she
was acquitted of all her charges, she was free to leave. Mexico was
wonderful.  We made love on the beach, on the balcony, an alleyway in Mexico
City and pretty much anyplace we could get away with.  It was wonderful being
so uninhibited.  I smiled as the memories danced in my head.  I can see her,
dancing naked in the moonlight surf.

It was the warm arms wrapping around my waist that had my attention.
"Good morning Mr. Rupert Giles." She said in a deep voice. I felt those soft
lips brush against my ear as she spoke.

"Good morning Mrs. Rupert Giles." I said to her. It still felt weird
calling her that.  She was mine now. I was hers. It was bliss.

We had not told the others. I saw her faraway look in her eyes. "What are
you thinking about love?"

"Show me again." Faith said, pointing to my shoulder. I smiled and took
my shirt off. She ran her fingers around the still sensitive skin where my
tattoo was.  I had her name tattooed on my shoulder.  It was in a gothic
script with a stake under her name. She kissed the skin around it. It was

"Show me yours." I tell her.  She lifts up her T-shirt and I see Ripper,
tattooed in the small of her back with a stake under my name. I can't explain
the feeling of seeing my name carved into her flesh. I ran my fingertips over
the flesh around my name. "Mine." I whispered.

"Ours." She said.

It was the knocking on the door that startled us.  "I'll get dressed."
She said.

I watched her walk into the bedroom. She purposefully walked slowly,
swaying her hips lightly, tempting me. I wanted her.

I found Xander and Anya at my door. "Hey, G-man."

"Xander, I have asked you not to call me that."

"Yeah, I know. I like it though."

I wondered what Xander was doing here so early. I had wanted to see my
wife dance for me. I wanted to fuck my wife senseless in every room before I
left. I had not counted on the early visit from Xander.  "What brings you
here early Xander?"

"We might be moving." Xander said in a low voice, so Anya wouldn't hear.


"LA.  Things have changed. I am worried that they will hurt Anya.  It is
so bad even Willie's has closed."

"Hey Xander." Faith said as she came downstairs.  I was glad she was
dressed in tight jeans and a white T-shirt.  I was glad she was wearing a

"Faith?" Xander said questioningly.

"I'm good now." She said. She had this spark in her eyes.  I wanted her
more than anything else at that very moment.

"Indeed." I said, I then realized I had company. "There is something I am
telling you know, so you won't spaz-out in front of B."

"You called her B." Xander said looking at me strangely.

"It is Faithspeak." Faith said grinning like the Cheshire cat. I looked
at her as she sat on my lap.  I knew she felt my hardness pressing against
her. I could smell her jasmine body lotion.

"You two hooked up." Anya said.

"Indeed." Faith said.

"Faith is my wife." I said, touching her long soft hair.

I saw Xander's jaw drop. Anya smiled. "I can tell you if you hurt her,
she will kill you." Anya added.

"Do I call you Mrs. G-man?"

"If that floats your boat, I don't care."


"Last week, when I had a holiday.  Faith and I got married." I said.
Faith had kissed my cheek quickly and went into the kitchen.

Faith began to get the chicken and steaks ready.  Willow and Angel would
be here later, if they ever got out of bed. Anya and Faith had gotten along
very well. It was almost disturbing to hear them swap stories. I was glad. I
worried as to how Buffy would take the news. Then it dawned on me. I didn't
care. Faith decided to blast her Godsmack CD.  I laughed as she and Anya had
danced to the music.

The knock at the door caused everyone to take a deep breath. I looked
through the peephole and saw Buffy and Riley. He ushered them in. "Hey
Giles!" Riley said.

We shook hands. I had liked Riley, he seemed nice, but something has
changed. I was not sure what had changed, but something was up.  They had, as
Faith would say, some wicked karma. I trusted my instincts.  They were
generally accurate. Buffy had noticed the small picture on the fireplace.
"What's this Giles?" Buffy demanded.

"That would be a picture." I simply said.

"It has you and Faith in it."

"Yes, it does. Faith is my,... prodigy."

"What about me?"

"I will always be there for you."

"Then why are you moving?"

"I never said I was."

"Did you think I would not figure out all those weekend trips to LA?"

"Buffy, may I remind you that I also have a life of my own.  What I
choose to do in my spare time is my business. Now, shall we eat?" I said;
trying not to sound irritated. Xander had also picked up on Buffy's mood.

It was at that moment when Faith came into the kitchen, "Hon, I need
another plate for the food."

I went and helped her with the food. It got me away from a very unstable
looking slayer.

"What is she doing here?" Buffy said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Cooking, B." Faith said in a tone of voce that implied
Duh!-what-does-it-look-like-I'm-doing voice.

"Why aren't you dead?" Buffy asked.  I think she was completely oblivious
to the shocked expressions of Xander and Anya.

"Because, you fucked up. Nice to see you again Riley."

"Giles, what is going on here?"  I saw Buffy get into her attack mode.

"Buffy sit down like an adult please."

Buffy sat down with her arms crossed in a defensive position.

"You will treat Faith with respect." I said to her. I knew Faith was
keeping her temper in check. Faith was strong, more than likely stronger than

"Why should I?"

"Because, Faith is my wife."

"WHAT?  You married that fucking slut. She fucked Xander, fucked Riley,
fucked Angel, now you."

"Back off Buffy." Faith said. I saw her temper rise. I was prepared to
defend my wife.

"Its true. I am the chosen one, so you can just die now."

I went to get up. "Relax Ripper, listen Buffy, you have some issues and
maybe need help. Yeah. I was pretty fucked up before but I changed. Either
get over it or get out."

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Buffy fumed. Faith matched her
killer glare.

"You want to talk balls B? How dare you talk like that. This is my
apartment now. You want to lose what few friends you have left, go ahead.
It's your life. I used to envy you B, now I just pity you."

Buffy lunged at Faith.  Riley had caught her. "Honey, stop it. Let's get
you calmed down. Excuse us." Riley said and went into the bathroom with

"Is she turning evil?" Xander asked me.

"I am not sure." I muttered back to Xander. I then looked at my wife. "Is
everything okay?"

"Yeah. I am five by five. She seems so lost."

We quickly kissed.  Buffy and Riley emerged from the bathroom a few
minutes later. "I am sorry Giles."

I was nervous. "I am moving to LA." I said.

"When?" Xander had asked.

"I think in about two weeks."

"Do you have a job out there?" Buffy asked.

"Yes, I have been offered a position with Angel Investigations. It is
mostly research, some combat.  There is also a slayer there that needs a
watcher there."

"You are no longer a watcher." Buffy said dryly.

"Not in the strictest sense. I am surprised you care, considering you
used to be the best slayer."

"Why not the bitch took my ex-boyfriend, now the slut is taking my

"Buffy, maybe we should go." Riley said grabbing her arm. "I'm sorry,
Giles." Riley said and took Buffy home with him.

"She is losing it." Anya said. "And what was with that comment? Who was
she referring to as a bitch?"

"Willow. I wish I could figure that girl out." I said. The gang was now
officially in shreds. Ironically, I did not care.

"Its okay Giles, I will miss ya. Until we move out there." Xander chimed.

"You mean it Xander, we can leave this place." Anya said crying happy

It was the knocking of the door that caused Faith to answer it.  Willow
and Angel were standing in outside. "Come in." Faith said.

"You guys missed Hurricane Buffy." Xander said.

"Was it bad?"

"Yeah, B is losing it.  She tried to attack me.  Riley stopped her."
Faith said.

"We still love you, don't we Imzadi?"

"Yeah, we care." Angel said.

We all had a wonderful dinner.  It was nice we all talked until the early
morning hours. Willow and Angel headed back to the mansion before daybreak.

Chapter 27

Willow POV

It was nice having us, the new and improved Scooby gang back.   We still
had slayer, Faith, a witch, me, a sexy vampire, Angel, a watcher, Giles,
sarcasm guy, Xander and ex-evil girl, Anya. I knew something was up between
Faith and Giles.  Faith called after leaving Gunn's saying she was taking a
vacation. Then Giles said he was taking her to Mexico.

It was nice to see Giles happy again. Faith was just glowing. Something
is up.  "So what is with the glow?" I ask Faith.

I saw her nervous smile to Giles. "Ripper and I got married."

I ran over to her and hugged her. I then looked at her ring.  She had a
simple gold band and a small diamond. It looked lovely on her hand. I
congratulated them. They had made each other happy.  We all knew that, some
people never learn. I grinned when I saw the tattoos they each had.  Giles
didn't strike me as tattoo guy.  Dinner was excellent.  Angel and I headed
back to the mansion. We were both so tired and Angel was extremely aroused. I
am convinced he was a nymphomaniac in his life, he is unstoppable now.

We walked through Sunnydale. It was nice to not have to worry about
things.  We arrived at the mansion.  Spike had been staying there
periodically and made sure we had a comfy bed. I had quickly fallen asleep
when the nightmare came. I saw the cemetery, Restfield I think.  Buffy was
standing there.  I saw fighting, Buffy was attacking me with her sword. I
felt her stab me.  I screamed as it hurt. Angel was by my side in seconds.  I
just cried. It had a long time since I had a nightmare. I did not miss them.
I feel so trapped here.

Chapter 28

Angel POV

I watch as her as she dreams.  It never ceases to amaze me how even the
night frames her face. She is beautiful in the darkness of the room. I can
see her clearly.  Then I sense it.  Something is wrong. I see her expression
change. I hear her heart rate increase dramatically.  I hold her close and
whisper to her.  It usually calms her down.  It starts to work then fails.
Willow is fighting now, I am trying to holds her arms in place, so she
doesn't hurt herself. She screams before she wakes up.  The name she screams
worries me. Buffy. I then decide come the next nightfall we are going home,
away from his place. I know Faith was freaked out by Buffy's lack of
self-control. I was worried for our safety.  Would Buffy hurt Willow, or
Giles, or Faith?

When did things fall so far out of control? I wish I knew. Willow falls
into back a deep sleep.  She looks peaceful again.  I am glad things are
looking up.  My soul is permanent.  I love that fact.  I am free to love
Willow with everything I have.  Even the demon in me views her as ours. I
would kill for her, die for her, and do anything for her.  I can remember
when vampire Willow came here.  I wanted her so bad.  I had to fight the urge
to take her and claim her then as mine, to fuck her senseless.  Even now,
when Willow dresses in leather, I must have her. I become hard at the image
of Willow as a vampire. I can see her game face and we then mate vampire
style.  It has been so long since I had sex like that.  I could never do that
to Willow, not while she is human. I  will end up siring her. For now, I want
her to revel in the light.  Time flies so fast and one day, she will leave
me.  Vampire mating is not slow gentle caresses that Willow is used to. It is
biting, scratching, growling, pouncing, and hard fucking. I begin to stroke
myself imagining Willow is fighting me like that.  Trying to control me. I
can almost image her running her nails deep enough to really make it hurt.  I
envision her scratching my chest and licking my blood off it. She would be
radiant covered in blood and cum. I could lick her clean, bite her deep as
her teeth are deep into my neck.  That is such intimacy.  Joined by teeth.
I stroke myself faster, enjoying the torment.

"What are you thinking lover?" Willow said in her soft sweet voice.

Shit. Willow has never caught me. Ever. "You."

I feel her hands cover mine. "What about me?"

"Only you, deep inside you."

"It is so hard Angelus." I growl.  I love when she appeals to the demon
as well as me.  "You. All you, Princess."

She moves her hand over my balls.  Her touch is light and making me

"What would you like me to do to you?"

I groaned. "Anything."


"Please," I almost beg her.

"Did you like when I hurt you?"


"How do you want me to hurt you?"

"Anyway, please." I beg her.

"Close your eyes." She whisper, just inches away from my mouth.  She is
killing me. I did as she asked.  I heard her get up and walk over to the
chest. I hear the chains.  I purr as the cold metal touches my skin.  Willow
locks me in tight. She runs her nails along my flesh.  I groan.  My hands are
tied to the bed and I can't move.  She is heaven, truly heaven.

She teases me for a long to I so much want to burst. "Angelus, what do
you what?"

"You. I want to taste you."

"Angelus, love, my cycle is still here, but tomorrow night…"

"Please, I want to taste you...."

"If you desire...."


I felt her mount my face.  I could smell her blood and I licked it from
her.  Willow groaned, growled and came four times as I licked her. Finally
she pulled away. She then mounted me.  I growled when she impaled herself on
me. Willow rode me so hard.  When I came she bit me. She then came again. She
then hopped off me and went into the bathroom and filled a bowl with warm
water.  She cleaned my face and cock and then released me.
