Title-Revenge is Sweet (30/?)
Disclaimer-Oh if they were mine, the fun I could have.  As it is, they
belong to Joss.
Distribution-Willow's World, BBA, Angel of Mine
Key Couple-W/A C/S G/F
Summary-Prom plans
Dedicated to Kylia, whom is my inspiration and everyone who has waited so
patiently for this story to get done.
Feedback is loved and needed.

Part 30

      "Hey Giles, we're here," Willow called out as she and Oz entered the
library to help with some research.  It had been four days since Willow and
Angel started making believe that they had realized that Oz and Buff were
right all along, and so far, everything was going according to the plan.  It
was two nights before the full moon, and Oz's confinement, and two days
before whatever Harmony was planning would take affect.
      "Oh good," the Watcher said, coming out of his office with Wesley at his
heels.  "I was wondering if you could be so kind as to look up some
references on the infernal contramption that you love so much for me."
      "No prob," she replied as she made her way over to the computer.  The two
Watchers watched in amusement at how close Oz was behind her, practically
tripping her with his feet.  It still amazed them that Oz and Buffy had been
so quick to get back with their ex's, so much so that they didn't even
question the suddenness of the breakup of Angel and Willow.  All that Buffy
and Oz were willing to understand was that everything was just the way it
was supposed to be in their minds.  Buffy was with Angel again, Oz with
Willow.  Giles had taken on his duties as Buffy's watcher once more,
although Wesley was still around.  The only problem they had with the
current situation was that Xander was still gone and Cordelia was still
living with Spike, although they were sure that Drusilla would figure out
how to break up that couple, just without Buffy and Oz's help this time.
      Giles and Wesley turned towards that front of the library when they heard
the doors open to see Buffy and Angel entering.  The two men braced
themselves for what they were afraid could turn into a nasty confrontation
since this was supposedly the first time the couple had seen each other
since Angel told Willow that he still had feelings for Buffy and the
watchers had no idea of what was planned.  Buffy stiffened at the sight of
the hacker by the computer, but then relaxed as she realized that Angel was
where he belonged with her.
      Willow knew who had entered the library without even turning around.  Ever
since the spell that Buffy and the others had done, she had been able to
feel whenever Angel was close by to her.  It was one benefit of their
attempts to break up the couple that Willow was actually thankful for.  It
made her feel whole whenever she was around Angel, and she knew that he felt
the same way.
      "Hey Giles, so what's the plan for the night?" Buffy asked as she came
further into the library, her hand never letting go of Angel's.
      "We're still trying to discover what exactly Harmony is up to," the
Englishman replied.  "The full moon is in two days and we still have no idea
what she is planning on doing."
      "Works for me."  Buffy swung herself up onto the counter and swung her
feet.  "Oh, hey, Angel, don't forget to get your tux ready for Friday
      "Why, what's so special about Friday night?"
      "It's the prom, remember?  You are going to take me, aren't you?"  Buffy
whined as her face showed signs of a pout.  Angel quickly glanced over at
Willow, but her back was too him.  He felt a constriction in his chest as he
remembered all the talks he and Willow had about the prom and everything
that he wanted to do to make it a special night for her.  They hadn't even
thought of what they were going to do about it when they had come up with
the plan and here he was now, being faced with the prospect of having to
take someone other than the woman he loved.
      "You guys can double with me and Willow?" Oz volunteered, wanting to put
the past behind him and the red head.  He was convinced that if Willow saw
how truly happy Angel and Buffy were together, it would help her move on
      "Yeah, that's a great idea," Willow answered, turning to face everyone.
Buffy and Oz were surprised at how happy the witch was with the notion of
going to the prom with Angel and Buffy, but Angel didn't miss the dangerous
gleam in her eyes and knew that she had something going on in there. "I
mean, we all want to get back what we lost and what better way then going to
the prom together.  But, would it be all right it Cordelia and Spike come
along?  I mean, I haven't seen them since, well, you know."  Willow's voice
became quiet as she brought up her break up with Angel.  Oz, not wanting to
hurt his girlfriend nodded his head, showing that it would be okay with him
to bring the other couple, although he wasn't exactly happy that Willow
still wanted to associate herself with the blonde vampire and cheerleader.
      "That's cool with me, babe," he said, making a show of kissing her on the
cheek.  Angel's demon roared at the boy's possessive air with Willow.
      "Yeah, that would be great," Buffy agreed, glad to see that Willow was so
willing to move on with her life, and okay with seeing Buffy and Angel
together.  "So, I guess we should patrol, huh?  Thanks Giles."  Buffy didn't
even wait for Giles reply before jumping from the counter and leaving the
library, Angel close behind.  Giles and Wesley shook their heads and went
back into the office.
      "This will definitely not be a dance that will soon be forgotten," Giles
muttered with Wesley agreeing with him.

Later that Night

      Willow could see the lights on in the house when she crept up the back way.
  She looked in the window and could see Angel's outline as he lay on the
couch reading a book.  She took out her keys and let herself in, glancing
quickly to make sure that the coast was clear.
      "It's okay, kitten," Angel drawled, not even looking up.  "She left an hour
ago.  Apparently she promised her mom that she would try and not stay out so
late anymore."
      "And she's actually trying to keep that promise?" Willow inquired
sarcastically as she went over to the couch and had herself engulfed in
Angel's arms.  Angel kissed her deeply, losing himself in the moment of
having her with him.  Finally, when air was becoming an issue for her,
Willow broke the kiss off and rested her head on his chest.  "I've missed
      "Same here," the vampire told her.  "It was all I could do not to grab you
and do that when I saw you in the library.  Especially after he kissed you."
  Willow shuddered at the memory of Oz's kiss.
      "Please don't remind me," she said.  "I'm trying to forget I ever felt
anything for him.  The only thing sustaining me is the knowledge that this
will all be over soon and we can go on with our lives, hopefully without
Buffy or Oz interfering anymore."
      "They won't.  Not anymore," Angel answered.  He looked down at the woman in
his arms.  "So, what exactly do you have planned for the prom, or do I not
want to know?"  Willow looked up at him, her green eyes staring into his
brown ones.
      "I don't know what you mean," she replied innocently.  Angel didn't buy a
minute of it.
      "Don't even try and lie to me, little one.  I saw that look in your eyes
when Oz mentioned going with us," Angel informed her.  Willow shrugged.
      "Well, I just thought that the prom would be much better place to finish
this then the Bronze like we had planned," the witch explained.  "I mean,
think about it.  Neither one of them will be expecting it and the fact that
we did it in such an open space with all of the school around us makes it
even more fitting."  Angel though about what Willow was saying and found
that he had to agree with her.
      "You are an evil one, sweetling."
      "And you love me anyway."
      "That I do."  Angel bent down and kissed her again before picking her up
and carrying her to their bedroom.
