Title-Senior Year Hell (8/?)
             Author-Kaitelynn Email-sundevil48@h... Disclaimer-Not mine.   BtVS belong to Joss.   Dawson's Creek belong to the WB
             Distribution-Willow's World, BBA, Angel of Mine Rating-PG-13
             Category-Crossover Key Couple-W/A F/X P/C Summary-Lets make Buffy squirm Dedicated to everyone reading this. Feedback is
             loved and appreciated.

             Part 8

                     "Okay, so everyone knows what they're going to do?" Pacey asked as everyone
             stood in front of Capeside High.  They were all dressed for the dance, the
             guys in suits and the girls in evening dresses.  They three couples drew
             stares from some of the other students that were entering the school,
             especially those that recognized Pacey from when he attended it.
                     "You and Faith go in, pretending that she's me," Cordelia answered in a
             monotone voice, repeating for the tenth time the plan of action.  "Angel and
             Willow enter in about thirty minutes and then we follow.  Then we let the
             fireworks begin."  Pacey nodded as he saw the grins that Willow and Xander
             wore at the thought of making the blonde Slayer that had abandoned them
             squirm for just forgetting about them.
                     "I still can't believe I let you talk me into playing dress up," Faith
             muttered, shaking her head.  She looked down at the dress she was wearing.
             It was black, her favorite color, and sequined.  It was low cut in the front
             and the sides had slits that went up to her thighs.  It was definitely not
             something she felt comfortable in.  "Let alone play the cheerleader."
                     "Well, this certainly wouldn't work if Delia went in with me considering
             Buffy already knows her," Pacey reminded the brunette.  "Anyway, I figured
             you would love to get a look at her."  Faith nodded her head.
                     "Damn straight I want to see the bitch that thinks she has the right to run
             off and forget her destiny," she hissed, hatred at what Buffy had done
             evident to all.
                     "Then look at this as your way of getting some revenge," Xander said trying
             to placate his girlfriend.  He looked down at his watch.  "Well, I guess we
             might as well get this show on the road."
                     "I'll see you inside," Pacey told Cordelia as he gave her a light kiss.
                     "Behave," Xander warned Faith.
                     "Always do," she grinned.
                     "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of," he retorted, placing a kiss on her lips.
               Then everyone watched as Pacey offered his arm to Faith and they made
             their way into the school.  "Why do I have a feeling this is one dance this
             school will never forget?"
                     "Because you know that no matter where we go, we can always find a way to
             cause trouble," Willow teased her best friend.  Xander seemed to be in deep
             thought for a moment before he smiled.
                     "Yup, that about sums it up."
                     Faith and Pacey entered the decorated gymnasium and started looking for his
             friends.  "Over there," Pacey said when he spotted them.  Faith looked over
             to where he was pointing to see four couples in one of the corner tables.
                     "Which of the blondes is Buffy?"
                     "The one in the red," he answered.
                     "Lady in red.  Figures," Faith shook her head.  "Shall we?"
                     "Lets."  The couple made their way over towards the table.  Dawson was the
             first one to see them and smiled at his long time friend and stared in awe
             at the woman at his side.  She was definitely not someone that Dawson would
             have thought he would ever see his friend with.  "Hey guys, room for two
                     "Sure," Jack said, indicating the two chairs that were next to him.  Pacey
             held out one for Faith, pushing it in when she sat down.
                     "Thanks.  Everyone I would like you to meet Delia.  Delia this is
                     "Hello everyone," she smiled sweetly, trying to act a bit like the girl
             whom she was impersonating.  "Pacey's told me a lot about all of you."
                     "Really, he hasn't told us much about you at all," Andy replied bitterly.
             She had been hoping that whomever Pacey had been dating would be someone
             that she could possibly make him forget, but seeing this Delia up close and
             personal, made her realize that her hope of getting him back was irrelevant.
                     "You must be Andy," Faith stated, trying to see what Pacey had seen when he
             decided to go out with the girl.  "And I know that you're Dawson, and that
             you're Joey," Faith pointed at each person.  "But I'm not clear on the rest
             of you."
                     "I'm Jack, Andy's brother."
                     "I'm Jenn."
                     "I'm Steve, a friend of Andy's."
                     "I'm Paul.  Joey's boyfriend."  This left Buffy and Faith turned to the
             other Slayer.
                     "And you are?"
                     "I'm Anne.  I'm Dawson's girlfriend."  Faith nodded her head, as if that
             wasn't an unexpected answer.  She had already decided that she wanted to
             have some of her own fun at the other girl's expense, even if she had to
             promise Xander that she would behave.  She never did say exactly how she
             would behave though.
                     "I can see it.  You two look like you would go out.  I mean, you have that
             all American goody two shoes look about you two."  There was something in
             the way that Faith said that, that made Buffy and Dawson uncomfortable.
             Pacey quickly realized that Faith had decided to add a little something to
             the plan and decided to sit back and enjoy the ride, even if it did come at
             his friends; expense.
                     "What do you mean?"  Anne asked.
                     "Well, you know.  The All American dream thing.  I mean, I bet the two of
             you just love sitting at home, watching videos and stuff.  Me, I'm more of
             the rough and ready kind of girl, if you know what I mean," Faith smiled.
                     "And you're with Pacey Witter?" Joey questioned, obviously shocked by the
             idea of anyone thinking Pacey would be like that.
                     "Of course," Faith explained as if it was the most obvious thing.  "I mean,
             when I'm out there fighting some vamp, I mean, gang dude, Pacey's right
             there with me."  The former Capeside resident had to bit back his laughter
             at Faith's near mention of vampires, especially when he saw how white it
             caused Buffy to become.  ‘Oh this will be fun," he thought.
                     "What do you mean, fighting gang dudes?" Dawson gulped, trying to picture
             the beautiful girl in front of him fighting anyone.  He could tell by the
             looks on the faces of the other people in the group that they also wondering
             just who Pacey had found himself involved with.
                     "Its my destiny you see," Faith replied simply, staring at Buffy, who
             squirmed in her seat, suddenly have the strong desire to be elsewhere but
             not knowing why.  "I help people that can't help themselves against the evil
             things that kinda rule over the night."
                     "Rule over the night?"  Jenn repeated, jokingly.  "What, like vampires and
                     "Something like that," Pacey answered this time.
                     "Man, Pacey, you certainly do know how to pick em," Jack laughed.  "She
             sure had your sense of humor.  Vampires and fighting.  Please, like we'd
             believe that vampires are real."  Everyone suddenly started laughing, except
             for Buffy, Pacey and Faith, all thinking that Faith was just having fun with
                     "And you don't?"  Faith asked innocently.
                     "Please, the only vampires that exist are on tv, in the movies or made up
             by Anne Rice," Dawson scoffed.  Faith and Pacey just looked at him smugly
             while Buffy moved about uncomfortable in her seat.  Suddenly, Pacey felt
             Faith tense up at his side.  He glanced over and noticed her looking over
             the crowd, an anxious look on her face.
                     "Delia," he questioned.  "Delia?"  Still no response.  "Faith?"
                     "We've got trouble," she whispered.  "What do you have on you?"
                     "The basics, but nothing major," Pacey told her, all mirth gone from his
             voice as he realized what Faith was sensing.  "Didn't think we would really
             need it.  Never had a problem in Capeside that required actually leaving the
             home with stakes and holy water."
                     "What's going on," Joey asked, wondering what Pacey and his girlfriend were
             talking about, and also why Pacey had called her Faith.
                     "Damn," Faith swore, ignoring Joey as she finally spotting some of what she
             was feeling.  "We need to get Fang and the others in here and everyone else
             out, now."  She stood up and looked over at Buffy.  "Well B, looks like
             someone decided to crash the party.  You gonna fight or just run away
                     "I don't know what you're talking about," Buffy answered, suddenly scared
             of what was going on.  There was something in the way the brunette in front
             of her was acting that reminded her of times past, before she had left
             Sunnydale. Things that she wanted to put far behind her.    Things that she
             wanted to forget ever existed.   "Anyway why did you call me B?  The name is
                     "Whatever," Faith rolled her eyes as she realized that Buffy wasn't going
             to be of any use.  She turned once again to Pacey.
                     "How many?" Pacey questioned, trying to spot the vampires that Faith was
             sensing.  He saw two by the stage, and another five by the doors that lead
             to the locker rooms.
                     "About twenty, if I'm feeling them all.  Don't know if one of them is Fang
             or not, but we need to get him in here."
                     "I would say he knows that already."  Pacey pointed to where he saw Angel,
             Willow, Xander and Cordelia running towards them.  The three humans already
             had stakes in their hands.  As soon as they reached the table, Xander was by
             Faith's side and Cordelia was by Pacey's.  "Little early aren't you?"
                     "Saw a few unwanted guests drop in, so we decided to come a little early,"
             Xander suppled, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend's waist and confusing
             the four couples that had already been there.  None of them even noticed as
             Buffy started to visibly shake as she recognized the new arrivals,
             especially the tall vampire.
                     "Angel?"  She whispered, slowly making her way over to the vampire, past a
             confused Dawson.  When she reached him, she rested her hand on his cheek.
             "Is it really you?"
                     "Yes, Buffy, it's me."
                     "But how?  I sent you to hell."
                     "I came back," was the simple response as Angel turned his attention back
             to Faith.  "We have to get these people out of here."
                     "Angel?"  Buffy repeated, still in shock at the sight of her former lover.
             She was completely oblivious to anything else, including the fact that
             numerous vampires had suddenly decided to have a feast on the students of
             Capeside High School until a familiar voice cut through the air.
                     "Allo all.  Let me introduce meself.  My name is Spike and I'm ‘ere for the
