Title: Braving Buffy (2/?)
Author: Katie
Disclaimer: The BtVS and Angel characters don't belong to me, but to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc.
Rating: PG - British System
Feedback: Oh Yeah!  I need it - I can't write if I don't know that someone is reading!
Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.
Dedication: To Krys for betaing this, and just general help.  To all those who wanted it.
Notes: A sequal to 'It Shouldn't Happen to a Vampire'.

As they sped along the road into Sunnydale, Angel and Willow shared a
companiable silence, with background remarks from Cordelia about Angel's
driving as they neared Sunnydale.

"You know, they put stop signs there for a reason."  Cordelia pointed out.

"Really?  I must have spent too much time watching you drive.  I thought you
were meant to go straight through."  Angel shot back, sharing a secret smile
with Willow.

"That's the last time I make an observation."  Cordelia huffed.

"Promise?"  Willow burst out laughing at the hope in Angel's voice.

"Well, hmph!"  Cordelia attempted to turn her back on them.

"Sorry."  Willow calmed down.  "Angel, be nice."  She admosnished.

"Me?  She was criticizing my driving, and look at hers!"  Angel lost his

"Why don't you both be quiet?  It's like having a couple of kids."  Willow
showed Angel her resolve face, and he nodded his head.

"Good.  We'll be there in five minutes anyway."

"Are your parents expecting us?"  Cordelia couldn't contain herself for more
than thirty seconds.

"No.  They're away.  Again."  Willow answered without taking her eyes off the

"Are they ever home?"  Cordelia continued, apparently not noticing that
Willow was uncomfortable with the topic.

"Not really.  They don't even know I've moved to LA.  I left a message, but
they haven't got back to me."  Willow shrugged her shoulders.  Angel reached
over and took her hand in his.
"Still, it means we've got the house to ourselves.  I didn't really want to
explain Angel's allergies."  Willow gave him a small smile.

"Allergies?  Angel has allergies?  Nobody tells me anything!"  Cordelia
sounded very put out.

"Only the usual: Cordelia; sunlight; garlic; crosses; holywater; wooden
stakes."  Angel smirked as he recited his version of the list.

"Very funny."

"I thought so."  Angel affirmed.

"Guys."  Willow raised her voice slightly.

"Sorry."  Angel gave her an apologetic smile in return.

"Yeah, me too."  Cordelia turned to look out of the window.  "Nearly there."

"Oh, that's *great*!"  Willow didn't know what was preferable, a weekend
with Buffy or another five minutes in the car.  Angel pulled into the drive,
and Willow slowly climbed out of the car.

"I never thought we'd get here alive... well, undead in your case."  Cordeliascowled at Angel as she rearranged her hair before emerging from the

"Bring on Buffy."  Willow muttered under her breath, as she unlocked the
front door.
