Title: Braving Buffy (5/?)
Author: Katie
Disclaimer: The BtVS and Angel characters don't belong to me, but to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc.
Rating: PG - British System
Feedback: Oh Yeah!  I need it - I can't write if I don't know that someone is reading!
Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.
Dedication: To Krys for betaing this.  To all those who wanted it.
Notes: A sequal to 'It Shouldn't Happen to a Vampire'.


Willow caught her breath as she came up besides Xander and saw Spike and
Cordelia lip-locked.

"Cordy?"  Willow tried tentatively as the two continued kissing, seemingly
unaware of having been discovered.

"They're a bit distracted."  Xander stated the obvious, yet again.

"Let me."  Angel moved closer to Spike and Cordelia.  "Spike!"  He shouted,
but once again he got no response.  "William!"  He tried again, using a
condescending tone, reminiscent of Angelus.  This had some success.

"What?"  Spike tore his mouth away from Cordelia.  "No one calls me
William."  He growled.

"Hey, it got your attention."  Angel protested.

"Hello?  Spike and Cordelia kissing?  Anyone else want some answers?"  Xander
glanced around the room and found himself on the receiving end of one of
Anya's best glares.

"It's none of your business."  Cordelia snappe[, as she smoothed down her

"You're sucking face with deadboy junior, and it's none of our business?"
Xander sounded incredulous.

"I've got to agree with Xander on this one."  Angel cut into the
conversation.  "You can't repeat that out of this room."  He hastily told

"What, you can have the witch but I can't have the Cheerleader?"  Spike
pouted slightly.  "Good job I don't need your permission, then, isn't it

"Hey!"  Cordelia smacked Spike lightly on the arm.  "Nobody will be having
me.  Not yet anyway."

"Anybody else need to throw up?"  Xander inquired.

"Are you telling me I get to stake Spike now, as well?"  Buffy piped up from
her position on the couch.

"You get to stake no one, Slayer."  Spike hissed.

"And how exactly do you plan to stop me?"  Buffy withdrew a stake from her

"Buffy!"  Willow protested, moving to stand in front of Angel.

"Buffy, I do believe you are being tiresome.  Now sit down and shut up."
Giles removed the stake from her hand before she realized what he was doing.

"But Giles..."  Buffy began to protest.

"This is my home.  Either sit down and shut up, or leave."  Giles was in no
mood to deal with a petulant Slayer.

"Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming."  Xander broke the silence
as he turned back to Cordelia.  "You and Spike, how long has this been going

"It's very new."  Cordelia informed him.

"Yeah, so let us get back to it."  Spike grumbled as he slid his hands into
Cordelia's hair.  Willow knew that it must be serious when Cordelia didn't

"I think we should be going now."  Willow spoke to Giles as she reached out
for Angel's hand.

"What about the computer?"  Giles motioned to the machine that Willow was
fairly certain he hadn't even switched on since they left.  "You [requested
that I purchase it, and then you abandoned me to its malevolence."

Willow giggled.  "I'll come by tomorrow, bright and early."  She heard Angel
growl.  "Well, not too early."  She amended, earning a peck on the cheek.

"I can't sleep if the bed's not warm."  Angel confided.

"Too much information."  Xander protested, covering his ears briefly.

"What's it like having sex with a vampire?  Is it not too cold?"  Anya piped
up from her position next to Buffy.

"Um..."  Willow considered how to answer that question for a moment, before
deciding not to bother as she heard Xander groan.

"Lets go."  Angel tugged on Willow's arm.

"Yeah.  Come on."  Spike tangled his fingers with Cordelia's and headed for
the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"  Angel asked as they made it to the door.

"He's with me."  Cordelia spun on her heel and dragged Spike out of the door.
 "See you tomorrow!"  She called over her shoulder.

"Yes.  Quite."  Giles pushed his glasses further up his nose.

"Bye Giles."  Willow reached up onto her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
 Xander hung around behind her, and she turned to him and gave him a hug.
"I'll see you too?"  She whispered into his ear.

"Sure.  I'll be here tomorrow."  Xander returned the hug before slowly
relinquishing her. -------------------------------------
"Well, tonight was a barrel of laughs."  Willow tightened her grip on Angel's hand
as the door closed behind them.

"It was certainly surprising."  Angel conceded, as he spotted Spike and
Cordelia up ahead.

"When you're on a Hellmouth, surprises usually aren't a good thing."  Willow
informed him with a little shudder as she remembered the various 'surprises'
they had faced.

"Nevermind that, then."  Angel pulled her closer.  "At least I'm not dust."

"That's a positive."  Willow reached up and pulled him down to her.  "If
you were dust, we couldn't do this."   She proceeded to kiss him passionately.

"And I do enjoy doing that."  Angel whispered into her ear, as they resumed
