Title: Braving Buffy (6/?)

Author: Katie

Disclaimer: The BtVS and Angel characters don't belong to me, but to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc.

Rating: 12 - British System

Feedback: Oh Yeah!  I need it - I can't write if I don't know that someone is reading!

Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.

Dedication: To Krys for betaing this.  To all those who wanted it.

Notes: A sequal to 'It Shouldn't Happen to a Vampire'.

Angel and Willow lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling.  It was 4:30 AM, and
neither of them had slept yet.

"Oh, Spike!"  They heard Cordelia squeal from the next room.

"I hate Spike."  Willow announced as she clasped her hands over her ears.

"Imagine what it's like with vampire hearing."  Angel pulled a face as he
heard Spike join in the groaning.

"Do you have a stake?"  Willow asked as the couple next door became even

"I was thinking of using it on myself."  Angel added his own groan to those
of Spike and Cordelia.

"Do you think that's it?"  Willow cautiously removed her hands from her ears
as a particularly loud groan from Spike was followed by blessed silence.

"Should be."  Angel smiled in relief and hugged Willow to him, burying his
face in her hair as they settled down to sleep.

"Oooh Spike."  Cordelia sighed happily.

"What's happening?"  Willow's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly.

"Round two."  Angel pulled the pillow over his head.

"Already?"  Willow arched her eyebrow in surprise.

Angel popped out from behind the pillow.  "Advantage of being a vampire."

"You mean you can...I mean...we can...like straight...you know, after?"
Willow eyed him incredulously.

"You always fall asleep."  Angel commented with a sly smile.  "I guess Spike
wasn't vampire enough for Cordelia the first time."

"What is it with you two?"  Willow folded her arms across her chest.  "You
must have liked him at some point."

"I turned him for Drusilla."  Angel said simply.

"And you don't like him at all?"  Willow prodded a little more.

"He did have me tortured."  Angel protested.

"He's got the chip now."  Willow reminded him.

"He's still the same underneath."  Angel held up a hand to silence her
protests.  "It's gone quiet again."  He commented.

"Yeah.  Let's get some sleep."  Willow plumped up her pillow.

"I've got a better idea."  Angel reached over and tugged Willow's t-shirt up
and over her head.

"That's a good idea."  Willow smiled as she pulled him down on top of her.

"Keep the noise down in there!"  Spike shouted through the wall.  "Some of us
are trying to sleep, you know!"  He added with a thump on the wall for good

"I hate him."  Willow sighed.

"Told you so."  Angel smirked as he focussed his attention back on Willow.

Next morning, Willow ambled down the stairs at approximately 10 AM to find
Cordelia sitting in the kitchen nibbling toast and sipping orange juice.

"Sleep well?"  Cordelia smiled as she took in Willow's somewhat disheveled

"Did you?"  Willow sat down next to Cordelia.  "A certain couple kept us
awake most of the night."

"Sorry."  Cordelia's smile told Willow that she was anything but sorry.  "You
should have told me what vampires are like."

"Cordy!"  Willow blushed.  "Are you coming to Giles' apartment later?"

"Smooth change of subject."  Cordelia commented drily.

"Are you?"  Willow persisted.

"Sure."  Cordelia shrugged.  "Spike's sleeping like the dead."

"Spike is the dead."  Willow giggled.  "Or rather, the undead."

"Don't remind me."  Cordelia shuddered.  "I try not to think about that bit
of information."

"I don't know."  Willow smiled.  "It has its compensations."


"The stamina."  Willow whispered into Cordelia's ear.

"Oh yeah, that's a definite compensation."  Cordelia smirked.
