Title: Braving Buffy (7/?)

                Author: Katie

                Disclaimer: The BtVS and Angel characters don't belong to me, but to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc.

                Rating: PG - British System

                Feedback: Oh Yeah!  I need it - I can't write if I don't know that someone is reading!

                Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.

                Dedication: To Krys for betaing this.  To all those who wanted it.

                Notes: A sequal to 'It Shouldn't Happen to a Vampire'.

                "Come on,"  Willow called out, as Cordelia ambled along behind her.

                "I'm coming, I'm coming,"  Cordelia muttered, speeding up slightly at the
                same time.

                "If you didn't let Spike tire you out, you might be able to walk faster,"
                Willow replied, smirking.

                "Oh, and you don't let Angel tire you out, do you?"  Cordelia shot back.

                "At least I can walk faster than a snail,"  Willow grinned as she picked up
                the pace.

                "I am walking,"  Cordelia protested.

                "I think you should stop now,"  Willow smiled at Cordelia's bewildered
                expression.  "We're here."

                "Oh,"  Cordelia stopped abruptly and looked up, realizing that they were
                indeed outside Giles' apartment.

                "You ready?"  Willow asked.

                "Sure.  Why wouldn't I be?"

                "Well,you know...Xander?"  Willow shifted awkwardly from foot to foot.

                "Xander?  I'm with Spike now."  Cordelia reminded Willow.

                "Exactly,"  Willow exclaimed, as if that explained everything.

                "Exactly?"  Cordelia inquired.  "It has nothing to do with Xander."

                "He might not see it that way,"  Willow explained, reaching up and
                knocking on the door.

                "Oh, I think Anya can keep him in line...hi Giles,"  Cordelia breezed past
                the ex-watcher into the apartment.

                "Hello Cordelia, Willow, do come in."  Giles stood back to allow Willow to

                "Hi Giles,"  Willow smiled up at him.  "Here I am.  Not exactly bright and
                early, but well, here."

                "I do appreciate you coming, Willow.  If you can fix that dread machine, I'll
                be very grateful."

                "What's the problem?"  Willow smiled at the ex-watcher.

                "It beeps at me,"  Giles pointed to the machine.

                "And what do you do before it beeps at you?"  Willow prodded, as if trying to
                get information from a child.

                "Nothing.  I just switched it on, and it started beeping,"  Giles protested
                his innocence.  "It's an evil beeping, if you ask me,"  he added.

                "Okay then,"  Willow smiled at Giles.  "Leave it to me.  Isn't Xander
                supposed to be here by now?"

                "Miss me already, Will?"  Xander came through the door with Anya hot on his

                "Like a hole in the head."  Cordelia supplied helpfully.

                "Oh, Xander's a lot more useful than a hole in the head,"  Anya broke into
                the conversation.

                "Where's Spike?"  Xander asked.  "Oh yeah, that's right, he's a vampire."

                "Hey!"  Willow protested from her seat at the computer.

                "No offense to you and dead boy,"  Xander clarified.

                "I don't really think you have any room to talk,"  Anya pulled Xander away
                from Cordelia.  "I used to be a demon, remember?"

                "I'll be quiet now,"  Xander flopped down onto the couch.  "What are we going
                to do about the Buffster?"

                "I thought you were being quiet,"  Giles frowned.

                "It's not my strong suit,"  Xander shrugged.

                "He does have a point,"  Willow moved from the computer.

                "I have a point?"  Xander asked, before squaring his shoulders.  "I have a
                point."  He affirmed.  "Will, what was my point?"

                "About Buffy,"  Willow reminded him.

                "Right.  Slayer girl is acting more like psycho girl,"  Cordelia offered her
                usual tactful insight.

                "Yeah.  That was the point,"  Willow yielded to Cordelia's superior ability
                to sum up a complex situation in a short sentence.

                "I have an idea, actually,"  Giles confessed.

                "Well, that's new,"  Xander couldn't resist making the comment.

                "Ignore him,"  Cordelia instructed, sitting down and getting comfortable.
                The rest of the assembled group followed suit, and Giles took the floor to
                explain his idea.


                Meanwhile, Buffy stood outside the apartment weighing her options.  After a
                short internal debate she spun on her heel and headed away from the
                apartment, a look of grim determination on her face as she marched towards
                her destination.
