Title: It shouldn't happen to a Vampire (10/?)

Author: Katie

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.  These characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy et al.

Rating: 12 - British System.

Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.

Feedback: If you want me to continue, you'll have to let me know.  Is anyone actually reading this?

Dedicated: To Nicole for posting the challenge.  It just made me type!

Notes: Answer to Nicole's challenge on the WillowandPartner list.  Had to include Count Dracula,  someone getting high, and five from a list.
Not saying which five - it might give away the story, if there was actually a plot!


When Xander stopped hyperventilating, he began spluttering out random sounds that Willow couldn't quite grasp.  She got the general idea,
though, and Xander's unhappiness was evident from the threatening gestures he made towards the room were Angelus was being held.
Anya pulled him away to the otherside of the room, and from the look on his face, Willow could tell she was berating him.

"How dense is he?  It was so obvious that you two love each other."  Cordelia stood next to Willow.

"I love him, I don't know how he feels about me."  Willow looked so sad and alone, and Cordelia took her hand and squeezed.

"He's crazy about you.  He's just been worried about the curse."

"He could never be that happy with me - I'm not Buffy."  Willow shook her head in resignation.

"That's the whole point.  You're not Buffy.  You're better than her - and he knows it."

"Buffy's still my friend.  It's just that she's...

"A bitch?"  Cordelia offered.

"Preoccupied."  Willow finished.

"Giles is back."  Cordelia nodded towards the door as Giles came through it, carrying a bag full of supplies.

"Good.  We need to get started.  I don't know how long that spell will hold, and we really don't want Angelus to get out of there."  Willow
shivered, partly from the cold, and partly from fear.

"I've got everything.  How are you holding up, Willow?  Do you have enough energy to do this?"  Giles put the bag down on the floor and
began to sort through the various supplies.

"I think so.  I'll cope.  I have to."  Willow squared her shoulders and removed her wig.  "Lets get started."
