Title: It shouldn't happen to a Vampire (11/?)
Author: Katie
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.  These characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy et al.
Rating: 12 - British System.
Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.
Feedback: If you want me to continue, you'll have to let me know.
Dedicated: To Nicole for posting the challenge.  It just made me type!  All those who sent feedback - guess you really were reading it!
Notes: Answer to Nicole's challenge on the WillowandPartner list.  Had to include Count Dracula,  someone getting high, and five from a list.  Not saying which five - it might give away the story, if there was actually a plot!


Giles went to fetch Buffy.  Cordelia perusaded Anya to bring Xander back
from exile in the corner of the gallery.  Willow was going to need support.

"What do you want us to do, Willow?"

"We need to hold hands.  I need your strength.  I can't do this alone."  Willow
looked at Xander, her eyes pleading with him.

"Okay.  Only for you, Will.  You know I'd do anything for you."  Xander's statement
gave Anya cause to squeeze Xander's hand, hard.   He was just about to ponder
the complexities of women when Cordelia grasped his other hand.

"Here, Buffy."  Giles reached out one hand for Buffy and the other for Willow.

Buffy sighed, and grasped Cordelia's other hand.  Cordelia gave her a look that
assured Buffy that breaking Cordelia's hand wouldn't be a good idea, so she
settled for a lose grip.

"Are the candles ready?"  Willow's voice was shaky as she worked hard to keep
a grip on her emotions.

"Yes.  Everything is quite ready, Willow.  Whenever you are."  Giles squeezed
the hand he was holding, and Anya completed the circle, taking Willow's other
hand. Willow began the chant.  Cordelia recognised it from the time Willow had
performed the Soul Restoration spell in the hospital.  At the point where Willow
had been possessed last time, the differences emerged.  Willow began to glow,
a golden mist settling around her, highlighting her features and dividing her from
the rest of the group.

"What the..."  Xander stared, open mouthed.  He attempted to remove his hand
from Anya's, but she held tight.  She could feel the power radiating from Willow.

Willow's chanting increased in volume and speed, until she was screaming the
words out without breathing in between.Suddenly, the light faded, and Willow
was silent.  Giles and Anya shared a look.  They had each felt the magick and
power fade from Willow along with the golden glow.  Giles removed his hand from
Buffy's, and moved to support Willow.  It was too late.  She fell to the ground, her
skin paler than any they had ever seen.  As they all crowed around her, Giles felt
for a pulse.

She didn't have one.
