Title: It shouldn't happen to a Vampire (17/?)

Author: Katie

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.  These characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy et al.

Rating: 12 - British System.

Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.

Feedback: If you want me to continue, you'll have to let me know.

Dedicated: To Nicole for posting the challenge.  It just made me type!  All those who sent feedback - guess you really were reading it!

Notes: Answer to Nicole's challenge on the WillowandPartner list.  Had to include Count Dracula,  someone getting high, and five from a list.
Not saying which five - it might give away the story, if there was actually a plot!


"Remember, she needs her rest."  The nurse opened the door and checked Willow's chart before leaving the three of them alone.

"Angel?  What's going on?  No-one will tell me anything."  Willow was close to tears as she spoke, her voice still raw from the tube.

"You nearly died.  To give me back my soul."  Angel sank into a chair at the side of her bed, and took her hand.

"Why are they talking about my sister?  I don't have a sister.  Do I?"  Willow was confused.

"No.  That was Cordelia.  She said that so they would tell her what was going on."  Angel looked around, surprised to find that Cordelia had
slipped out, unnoticed.

"I've been so worried.  I thought I was brain damaged or something."  Willow shifted, attempting to get comfortable.

"You should have heard her.  She's a better actress than I thought.  She told the doctor that she was married to Giles."  Angel smiled at the

"What?"  Willow spluttered, and then laughed.  A spasm of pain shot through her chest, and she sobered quickly.

"Are you in pain?  I'll get a doctor."  Angel stood, but Willow held onto his hand firmly.

"No.  It's okay.  It's only when I laugh...or move...or breathe."  Willow smiled.  "The nurse said it's because of the chest compressions.

"Oh Willow.  I'm so sorry.  You shouldn't have had to go through all this for me.  I don't deserve that kind of sacrifice..."

"I love you."  Willow interrupted him.

"You what?"  Angel stopped abruptly.

"You heard.  I love you."  Willow squeezed his hand and brought it to her lips.

"I don't deserve you.  You can't love me."  Angel shook his head, unwilling to believe her.

"Don't argue with the patient.  Just tell her you love her."  Willow teased Angel.

"Oh I do.  I love you Willow - even if you are stubborn!"
