
Author: Lady Myst

Rating: R

Summary: Willow made the ultimate sacrifice and now must live with the consequences. Willow's POV.

Disclaimer: They belong to Joss & Mutant Enemy and the WB. No copyright infingment intended.

Distribution: Anyone who wants it may take it just please e-mail me.

Feedback: Any would be appreciated.

Author's Notes: Story one in the To Hell and Back series.


I've never seen such not darkness, emptiness, a void. All I am capable of feeling is the bone chilling cold that has been a constant since I got here. I thought after awhile I would go numb, no longer feel, but that would be a release....a release from an eternity of emptiness and torment.

They come but I never see them. I feel though. Feel their whip as it slices through my skin, the fire as it burns me, these are the only times I'm free from the cold. I almost welcome it. They say I'm different. I'm pure of heart and soul. I made the ultimate sacrifice to save a friend. The added bonus for them being that not only was my pure soul sent to hell, but my body as well.

The physical torture is excruciating, but it's in those moments where I'm left alone and once more swallowed by the cold that I think of him....always him.

I knew I was to late, that the portal was open and Angel's soul restored. I couldn't let him suffer anymore than he already had. I knew he'd have to go to hell to close the portal. And I knew that I could save him with a few simple words, In the name of the Devil, I ask thee to take me instead, an innocent in place of evil. Those few words had saved him and dammed me.

Now I await my tormentors, anything to take away the cold despair that is eating away at my soul. Anything to take my mind off the man I love but will be forever lost to me.

The End
