
Author: Lady Myst

Rating: R

Summary: Angel repays Willow's sacrifice with one of his own. Angel's POV.

Disclaimer: They belong to Joss & Mutant Enemy and the WB. No copyright infingment intended.

Distribution: Anyone who wants it may take it just please e-mail me.

Feedback: Any would be appreciated.

Author's Notes: Story two in the To Hell and Back series.


This wasn't supposed to happen to her. None of this was supposed to happen. And now she's paying for my crimes, for my sins. God why? Why did you allow someone so good and pure sacrifice herself for a monster like me?

I look down at the drawing in my hand, her...always her. When I was Angelus I only saw her as a means to an end, Buffy's end. Now I see her for what she is, the most wonderful woman the world will ever know.

I know what I have to do. I've written a letter to Buffy explaining why, and while I'll always love her I'm not in love with her anymore. I look down at the drawing for the last time, at her angelic face, the face of my savior. I'm coming my love. I let the drawing slowly fall from my hand as I took one last look around me.

As I walk out of the mansion I know that I will soon be locked in an enternity of torment, the very thing I was saving her from. As the portal opened I took a last look at my surroundings, knowing I'd never see them again. The trees, the sky, people, wind, all would be lost to me, and I accepted it. I took a deep breath and stepped into enternity.

The End
