Disclaimer: the Charaters From the Tv series BtVS and A:TS belong to joss and not me and no copy right infringement intended.
Black Glass

by ladyfae

Part Nine:


Angel sighed and began to pace once more. He had been moving across the living room every few moments from the time he'd heard the door close. There was more then a small part of him that wanted to follow the young hacker, only he doubted very much that she would handle his presence with her in that room very well. He continued pacing his mind wondering to the woman in the other room, he sighed needlessly as he thought of her.

He looked up suddenly as he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening. Angel stared not sure what he should do, he stood up and walked toward his room. He paused in the door way and stared at Willow, she stood in the bath room doorway. A soft looking green robe belted loosely her hand posed to set her clothing on his dresser her eyes came up to meet him and she smiled uncertainly.

"Angel?" she whispered as the vampire came closer, he took the cloths from her hands and set them easily on the dresser. He turned back to her and reaching up gently caressed her cheek.

"Are you really that afraid of me?" He asked sensing her heart beat quicken.

"No," she said, her voice barely a whisper."I am not afraid of you." She said seriously as she looked up to meet his gaze. He stepped closer his eyes darkening slightly at the warm sent of her. He stepped closer, taking in the slight stiffening of her frame. "Willow what happened before I got there?" He asked gently. She had never reacted like this to him, even when he'd kissed her.

"I...I what do you mean?" She stammered softly.

"You've never been this jumpy around me before, I am not going to hurt you. I certainly am not going to force my attentions on you." Angel said. Her eyes were locked on his, she knew all that. It wasn't that she was really nervous of him it was she that was frightening her. She and Oz had broken up because of what happened with Xander.

She just wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. She wanted Angel to touch her to make her forget, and yet she wasn't sure that she had the guts to ask. She wanted it she did, it was just that she was scared.

She stepped toward the vampire slipping her arms around him pressing her head against his chest, her wet hair brushing against his chin. He wrapped his arms about her after a moment, holding her close against him.

"It's I just don't know what to do." She uttered into the fabric of his shirt. Angel slid his hand up her back and cupped the back of her head gently he raised her head to look at him.

"Don't know what to do?" he asked. She stood on her tip toes rubbing against him and pressed her lips uncertainly against his. He returned the kiss softly, pulling her even closer.

Slowly he parted his lips, feeling her do the same after a moment, he brushed his tongue ever so gently against her lips, before dipping it between. Willow gasped at the feel of his tongue brushing slowly against her own, she pressed herself closer to him feeling her nipples tingle as the brushed against his chest.

She slid her hands forward and pressed them against his chest before sliding them up around his neck, Angel bent his knees slightly and leaned down in order to wrap his arms lower on her waist. He lifted her up slightly pressing his hips into hers. She whimpered softly as she felt his growing arousal press into her. She trembled as he held her close, he lifted his mouth from hers after a long moment meeting her gaze."Angel." She whispered softly.

"It's all right Willow," Angel said allowing her too slid to the floor.

"What's all right?" she asked as he took a step back from her. She stared at him wondering what he thought was wrong with her. She just needed to breathe. She didn't want him to stop. She moved closer to him again. "Angel what?"she asked again. She pressed closer to him. Angel felt his control beginning to slip.

"Willow. Are you very sure about this?" Angel asked huskily. He leaned down his lips tenderly brushing over hers again.

"Yes," the word was spoken so softly that he almost didn't hear it. He swept her up close his mouth capturing hers with heated intensity. She gasped softly offering up the interior of her mouth to Angel. He tenderly explored her mouth with his tongue, skimming the roof of her mouth and dragging her even closer. When his mouth lifted from the hackers, she drew in a shaky breath.

Angel ran his fingers gently through her hair and drew her gently closer. He settled his hand low on her back and began to knead the flesh beneath his finger tips. He felt her relax into his touch after a moment. His lips drifted from hers and latched back onto the pulse point at her throat where he'd bitten her just the other day. He held her closely rubbing against her with purely carnal intent. Her mouth dropped open as she felt his pronounced arousal pressing insistently against her stomach. Angel's hand slid to the ties of the silken robe and slowly pulled them open, beneath she wore a simple silk night shirt that buttoned down the front. Angel's hand traced down the long column of buttons and then, slowly back up his hand slipping to one side to gently circle over one breast. She gasped pulling back slightly surprised at the sensations that ripped through her. Angel locked his eyes with hers. Slowly he began to unbutton the front of the shirt slowly, Willow's eyes followed the movement of his hands as he slowly uncovered her pale skin. As he reached the last button he gently skimmed upward and pushed the shirt to either side. Angel pushed the shirt and robe of her shoulders baring her to his gaze. He eyes feasted on the sight of her breast peeking from beneath the lacy outline of her white bra.

He reached forward and with care snapped the front clasp of her bra. He smiled as he heard her sharp in take of breath as the silk fell away leaving her bare to his gaze. He could feel the fine trembling that shook her form, as he kneaded the flesh he'd just uncovered. One hand worried the aureole of one breast while the other caress and kneaded the flesh on the underside and down her tapering stomach. "Angel." She moaned out his name as his hand slid lower pausing at the top of her panties. His hand slid gently beneath the edge of her undergarments causing the young hacker to stiffen, slowly he drew her closer, and she hid her face in his chest for a moment.

She raised her hands to touch his chest. Her fingers moving to the buttons and slowly clumsily undoing them.

He drew back again and smiled at the picture she painted. Cheeks flushed, lips swollen from his kiss. Leaning down he took her right breast into his mouth and began to slip his hand upward. He snagged the edge of her silken undergarments and without thought tore them away from her heated center.

She whimpered as she felt the material give way. As Angel held her skirt away from her form and slipped a hand low over her sex. She whimpered as she felt his fingers glided lightly over untouched flesh. She stiffened as Angel slowly delved into flesh parted only by her own hands. She moaned and ached caught between delicious rapture and fear. He smiled at her his mouth moving from it's laving on her breast to capture her lips once more.

His tongue gently traced the seem of her lips as his fingertips did much the same walk on Willow' virgin flesh.

Her hands locked on his shoulders as he slipped one finger into her heated depths. She moaned helplessly as Angel began to purr against her breast. Their eyes locked as he met her gaze again and any doubt she had that she wasn't dreaming died when he drew his hand away, and slowly lead her over to the bed. He pulled control he didn't know he had to at least give her something to remember.

She pulled her hand from his and began to explore the cool flesh she could reach. Angel moaned into her lips as her hand closed over his throbbing manhood. She caressed the steely flesh through his pants and slowly began to rub along the outline of his arousal. He moaned softly, wanting her hot little hands on his bare flesh Angel caught her hand and taking it in his own, unsnapped his buttons. She looked down as she felt the coolness of the flesh that had sprung free into her hands. Angel was large her fingers cover him gently as she tried to fathom how such softness could be so hard.

He moaned softly as her fingers encircled his flesh, with nothing between them, she moved her fingertips lightly from base to tip. He could feel the trembling of her hand as she slowly set a rhythm. Her touch was softer and varied from what he was used to, its cadence erratic. He growled low in the back of his throat as she tore the remaining buttons from his shirt. She leaned forward keeping and pressed a wet open-mouthed kiss to his chest before gliding her parted lips up and over the beaded point of his flat nipple. He groaned and clutched her closer as she suckled the small bud into her mouth drawing on it in much the same fashion he had her.

He gasped as she cupped his sack between her fingers gently. She kneaded the flesh and then slid her hand upward along the underside of his shaft causing the vampire to moan with pleasure. "Tell me what to do." She husked as she nibbled a path of kisses up to his ear. Angel's hand clutched at her shoulders. Tell her what to do? She had already completely unraveled him. He was closer to the edge, faster then he could remember. Gently gasping the hand that was doling all of this torture Angel lifted it to his lips and pressed a passionate kiss to it.

She smiled uncertainly as he pulled her across the room to the bed. He settled her onto the bed and smiled at the nervous wave that passed over her face. Her eyes took in his still half-clad form. His pants open and riding low on his hips his arousal jutting promisingly against his stomach. She swallowed hard he was . . . her thoughts trailed of as he leaned forward and gently urged her to lie back. She wiggled uncomfortably under his gaze.

She whimpered softly as he leaned down and captured the hand that had started to cover herself from his gaze. "No," he whispered, "Don't hide from me."

"Angel?" She whispered softly as he slowly pushed his pants down his legs and kicked off his shoes. He settled next to her on the mattress capturing her hand in his own again. He drew it to his lips. She leaned up to catch his lips again wanting the touch. Their lips met his mouth opened and his tongue swept out against her parted lips before slipping between to ravish the depths of her tender mouth. She moaned lowly wrapping her arms around him. She drew in a gasping breath when he at last freed her lips.

He smiled down at her slowly moving his hips against hers. She gasped softly losing her breath as he ground against her. He slid his fingers lightly down her sides causing her to squirm against him. A small smile to break on her lips. He settled a hand gently on her abdomen and slid it lower while holding her burning gaze with his own.

"Such fire." He husked softly against her neck as he began to kiss slowly lower. She arched and whimpered as fingers and lips slowly redefined her universe. She clutched at his hair as he continued lower pausing to worry her navel. Then lower placing soft kiss on her glistening curls. His fingers slipped slowly over her outer lips before delving between and slipping deeper. His tongue casually running over the small bundle of nerves above. She arched her hips against his hand seeking to deepen the contact between her flesh and his.

"Angel." She gasped shocked. She moaned as she felt his deep chuckle against her flesh. She squirmed again; causing Angel's hands to slid out and grasped her buttocks to quite her movements. "Angel," she screeched as he lapped at her soft flesh. She moved again before his moved his right hand back to her heat. He drew in a deep breath the air tinged with her arousal. Making the vampire groan in need. He rubbed himself against the sheets beneath them, slowly parting her outer folds to lick along her inner silken heat. She scaled his tongue with her heat.

He slid his tongue up and around her clit making the hacker's hands reach frantically for his hair and her cry turn to a keening moan of ecstasy. He had every intention of seeing her to the edge before he took her, and take her he would.

"Angel," she whimpered again as he continued to tease her flesh with his tongue and fingers. He slid one finger into her heated depths rubbing along the upper wall making her ache against him in pleasure before adding a second one. He forced himself to slow his movements and draw her back from the edge, He heard her moan softly disappointedly as he moved up her form.

He stared down into her bright green eyes. Offered her a warm smile gently settling a knee between her legs forcing them to part more. He settled over her, holding most of his wait on his arms, allowing their sexes to touch and brush. She moaned as he rubbed against her, arching her hips trying to intensify the contact. She wanted him, wanted him inside her deeply almost insanely so.

He settled more of his weight on her and lifted a hand to caress her cheek and then leaned down to kiss her lips. He teased her barely touching before feathering away and back again. After a moment she tired of his game reaching up with her hands pulled him down to her lips and captured his between. She licked at his lips her tongue running slowly along the seem of his lips before he parted them to invite her within. Willow warm tongue dipped into his mouth and he moaned as her hand slid from his hair down his back to rest on his buttocks. She felt the muscle tense at her touch and flex as he moved against her again. She gasped against his lips arching trying desperately to relieve the tension whispering though her answering to his name.

"Angel please," she gasped as he lifted himself away from her slightly. She felt his hand slid down her form again as he settled more deeply against her she could feel him pressing insistently against her silken heat moaning incoherently as he began to slip inside her. She reached up for him their lips met in a heated kiss as he slid deeper. She moaned wiggled against him, as she grew accustomed to the slow penetration. He was trembling she could feel it in the hard muscles beneath her fingers as he held himself in check giving her time too aquatinted with this intimacy drawing back to look deeply into her passion filled eyes. Angel groaned and leaned down once more captured her lips in a soul-searing kiss. He plunged forward as she arched up against him tearing though her innocents.

She bit down hard on his lip as pain washed over her; Angel gasped in return the pain only heightening his pleasure. She scolded him with her fiery warmth. As he drew back he looked down at her as he held himself still giving her a moment to adjust to his intrusion.

She moaned softly moving against him seeking a more comfortable position before settling again. He studied her face his eyes drawn to the small patch of blood on her lips from where she'd bitten him. Growling in the back of his throat Angel leaned down and licked the small pooling of blood from her mouth. She arched upward and captured his lips again. Angel groaned as she suckled on his bottom lip. He captured her hips between his hands completely unaware that his hands where leaving mark in his haste and passion. He held her hips in place as he thrust more deeply into her before retreating and returning again. Willow gasped as he moved releasing his lips and burying her face in his neck as each of his thrusts pulled a keening wail from her lips. She couldn't stop the high-pitched sounds she was making as Angel continued to move within her.

Slowly she caught the rhythm and began to meet him on each movement. Her inner muscles began to tighten around his shaft as he thrust harder. Her movements matching his rapidly raising pleasure. Her sounds coming faster and louder as he drew her closer to the edge. He pushed them resolutely till she was on the edge of her own release before backing down from it denying them both the release they craved. She was staring up at him with wide green eyes. He offered her a small self-satisfied smile as he began to move again drawing her faster, closer then ever before. He continued to move his thrusts and the nipping kissing he was placing all over her flesh. He settled on her pulse point as he began to feel her fall. She screamed as his fangs pierced her flesh. She arched up against him freezing even her breath stopping as her body shattered in his arms.

The first sip of her blood sent him following over the edge. He cried out against her neck as without a thought she returned the bite nipping the flesh of his neck and sucking it into her mouth. She fell back against the blankets and stared up into his eyes. They where demon yellow and his face still held the ridges of his demon. She took that moment to study the visage she had spent most of the last few months forgetting was beneath his handsome face. Oddly enough it didn't frighten her she had though it would, only it didn't. It wasn't that she didn't notice or it was a form a denial it was just Angel.

He leaned down resting his head in the crook of her neck and lapped at the last traces of blood that pooled there. He moved slowly pulling away from her to settle most of his weight on the bed beside the hacker. She turned slightly allowing him better accesses to the soft flesh of her neck. Neither spoke both too unsure of what to say. He nuzzled against her neck and began to make a soft rumbling sound in his chest. It took Willow a moment to realize that her vampire was purring she'd heard the sound once before when he'd been particularly pleased with something but she had never thought she would hear it in this context.

"Angel." She whispered turning in his arms and pressing close against his cool flesh. "I'm so tired." She whispered as her lids fluttered down.

Smiling softly at the woman in his arms Angel gathered her closer and reached down grasping the blanket the edge still lay on the end of the bed. Drawing it up around them, Angel told him self to let her rest.
