Title: To Reclaim A Mate (Part seven of The Surprise Series)
Author: Tequesta
Relationship: Angel/Willow
Overall Rating: NC-17
Rating:  NC-17 (This Part)
Email: teewalkertq@aol.com
Summary: The title explains it all.
Disclaimer: Willow, Angel, and the rest of them, are sole property of
Joss Whedon and Fox.
Feedback: Definitely
Distribution: Just ask and you shall receive.
Thanks: To Alexia and everyone else for the feedback to keep writing
this series

To Reclaim A Mate

"Angel are you alright?" Willow asked hoarsely. They had been
standing in each other's embrace for what seemed like hours, time
itself had ceased to exist. All that mattered at that moment was the
fact that they were holding each other.

"Yeah, just thinking love." he replied.

"Are you mad at me?" she whispered.

Angel gripped her shoulders and pushed her slightly away from his own
body, so that she could look into his eyes. "Of course I'm mad but
not at you Willow. If you think that I could ever be mad at you then
you really don't see the way I look at you, or the way I feel about
you. You haven't even been listening to what your own heart has been
telling you.

You tie me up in knots all the time, your smiles, your touches and I
drown every time I look into those beautiful eyes of yours," he took
an unneeded breath and continued, "Staying away from you and not
being able to be with you every night and morning is the hardest
thing I've ever had to do and then to come back and see another
vampire with his filthy mouth on your neck, drives me insane with
rage Willow."

Willow's heart pounded and threatened to leap from her chest. She
believed every word he had spoken to her and she knew that his
feelings for her were mirror images of what she felt every time she
saw him, or touched him, or held him. At that moment she knew, they
really were soulmates.

His lips crushed hers, hard and searching. He assaulted her mouth,
sending tiny heated jolts surging through her breasts, stomach and
her groin.

Willow slid her hands along his wide shoulders, marveling at the feel
of her body against his. Through the barrier of their clothing, her
nipples peaked into hard nubs, responding to his coldness. His
fingers journeyed over her back, her hips, then slipped beneath her
clothing, scorching her flesh in their sensuous quest.

She fought to breathe at the contact of his hand on her breasts,
moaned her pleasure at the feel of her fullness in his palm. Heat,
slow and sensual, licked its way through Willow's limbs as Angel
ravished her lips with fevered kisses, all the time stroking her
burning flesh, crushing her firmly against the hard evidence of his
desire. She slid one hand down between their excited bodies and
cupped him gently through the light material of his pants. She wound
her other hand in the soft tangle of his hair, matching every velvet
stroke of his tongue with her own.

Willow kissed him with enough fiery passion to bring forward his
demon face. He picked her up and laid her on the bed. He laid on top
of her and was drawn deeply into her eyes, as his own gaze softened
to a golden brown. He deftly worked the buttons loose on her shirt
and shifting to his side, he grabbed her skirt and ripped it off in
one swift motion.

A low growl issued from his throat as he saw the white lace teddy she
was wearing and had he been in more control he would have stopped to
appreciate the sight however he swiftly tore the material from her
flushed body. <He would buy her a new one and make her model it> he
vowed as  he kissed her deeply, lacing his hands through her silky
hair. She slid her tongue over his fangs making it bleed. Willow felt
him shudder as her blood filled his mouth.

He pulled back and looked into her eyes. His eyes were golden and
full of lust and desire. He turned her head, exposing her neck to
him. Angel bent down and ran his tongue over Dracula's bite and
growled, as he could still smell the other vampire's scent on the
mark. Willow immediately ran her fingers through Angel's hair and
just her gentle touch alone automatically calmed him down as he felt
Willow fingers pulling him back down to her neck urging him to take
her, to make her his again.

He bit into her neck lightly knowing that it was sore. But Willow
only moaned and pulled him closer retaliating by biting him right
back on his neck, drawing blood into her mouth. He pulled back
releasing her hold on him and smiled knowingly. This was where he
should be, with his mate in his arms and in bed. Together. They were

He kissed her again as she fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Her
hand tentatively on his chest. Her other hand glided over his hard
torso. He slid his pant-clad thigh along the top of hers. His cock
pressed into her hip. Responding to his seduction she arched her
back, gasping as her naked breasts brushed against his chest.

"Please," she moaned her delight when his large, cold palm covered
her breast and gently stroked, kneaded, and drove her nearly wild
wanting more. He dropped a kiss to her shoulder and then lowered his
lips around a nipple. Currents of fiery pleasure swept through her
limbs as he worshipped her with lavish wonderment, first one breast,
then the other. She clutched at his shoulders. His hand floated
featherlike over her nakedness, then along her hip over her thigh,
stopping at the juncture of her legs.  Tremors shook her stomach as
liquid heat moistened her core.

He released her nipples and ravished her lips. His mouth left hers
nipping at her skin drawing little beads of blood as he went. He
tasted and licked at her until she moaned from the pleasure.

Angel sat back and struggled out of his shirt, wrestled with his
pants, then turned and knelt before her.  Willow squirmed beneath him
that drove Angel to a passion filled frenzy that made him forget
about going slowly instead he wanted her. Now. Drawing in a deep
unneeded breath, he forced himself to think only of her need.
Languidly, he retraced his path along her body and claimed her breast
with his lips then bit gently with his fangs. He caressed her supple
curves with one hand and drew the other across her soft hair. Willow
arched herself to him, sending his fangs further into her breast,
which sent the blood pounding through his veins. His desire straining
for release.

Angel had never bitten her like that before, it was usually once and
mostly in the heat of passion, but she knew what he was doing. He
wanted to reclaim her and she wanted that more than anything.

He ran one finger lightly across her warm, heated entrance and found
her swollen, wet, ready for him. He pulled back from her breast
licking the blood from his lips as he moved up and once again kissed
her lips as two fingers slipped inside her slick, sweet core.

Willow groaned, relaxed, then convulsed tightly around him as he
stroked, in and out. He felt her pleasure build like wildfire in his
hands, racing full speed towards a high climax.

"That's it, Willow," he whispered in her ear. She bucked against him.
Her short nails dug into his shoulders drawing blood which only
heightened his pleasure. He felt Willow trying to hold back. "Don't
stop, baby. Let me feel your pleasure. Let me love you, Willow."
Angel reveled in her cries of passion as her liquid fire greeted his

"Yes, Angel," she screamed as the stars behind her eyes exploded into
a blinding white light, as waves of hot pleasure coursed gloriously
through her. Willow thought her heart would pound a hole through her
chest. She gasped for breath and slowly opened her eyes. Angel was
beside her, his face so close. His tantalizing smile sent a new surge
of excitement rippling under her skin.

She wondered why he was still in game face. She raised her hand and
touched the ridges as he closed his eyes and purred. He opened them
and looked at her, seeing all the love she had for him and he knew
that she could see his soul even though his eyes were golden.

He kissed her, running his fingers through her lower curls, and laid
his palm flat on her stomach. A delightful shiver raced though her,
overwhelming her with a craving so strong she was helpless against it.

He moved to cover her with his hard body, fitting every smooth
muscled part of him neatly into her smaller curves. Then gently, he
nudged her legs apart and pressed his cock to the wet folds of her
feminine core.

Angel pulled away from her lips and grabbed her hips, and entered her
with one strong thrust, burying himself deep within her. Willow cried
out, it hurt her a little but she knew Angel was the one in her bed
but the demon had mostly taken over. He caressed her with his hands
until she relaxed knowing that he must have hurt her.

Coming a bit to his senses he then took his time, wanting to please
her, loving the feel of her wild, passionate body squirming beneath
him, her hand sliding down his back, her long satiny legs locking
behind his hips, pulling him closer and urging him to continue.  He
lost himself in the intoxicating smell and warmth of her. Withdrawing
almost completely, he plunged inside her velvet tightness again.

Willow arched her hips wanting to reach for the sweet-hot-pleasure
hovering near the edge of her orgasm. Angel kept her there for
several moments before bending down to her ears and whispering, "You
can't cum yet Willow. You're being punished."

"Please, Angel," she begged.

"No begging Willow. You let another vampire taste you," he told her
coming to a complete stop, fighting his own release.

Willow tried to move against him only to have him grab her hips to
steady her.

"Gods, Angel I didn't mean too we talked about it. You said that you
weren't mad at me," she cried out trying to move again only to be
stopped once more.

"I'm not mad at you Willow. I'm just punishing you."

Willow was going out of her mind. She was on the edge of an orgasm
and Angel would not let her come or even move, so she did the next
best thing, she squeeze her vaginal muscles around his cock seeking
her release.

"Stop that," he growled out.

"I don't think so," she told him as she did it again.

Angel was calming down a little forcing his orgasm back but when she
gripped him, he was right back on the edge. Not being able to hold
back any longer, he let go of her hips and began to move inside of
her with inhuman speed.

The tremors began in her again; the fire reached its peak and
everything inside her exploded in that same glorious white haze.

Angel was stunned at the powerful release he felt, and growled his
pleasure as he spilled himself inside her as he bit into his mark
again. Not taking too much this time because he didn't want to make
her ill.

He pulled back changing to his handsome face and collapsed on top of
her. He stroked the damp tendrils of her hair and rained kisses along
her smooth jaw.

They looked into each other's eyes. She reached up and touched his
face with trembling fingers, "I love you. But that was not fair."

"I love you too and I don't play fair. Your mine. And I don't share."

"You will never have to worry about sharing me."

"I hope not," he told her as he bent down and kissed her hard. She
wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer.

Angel growled low in his chest as he felt himself harden again. He
began to move in and out of her in slow teasing strokes. Willow
moaned loving the feel of her mate inside her, loving the way he was
making her body tingle.

They were so lost in their passion they didn't hear the person that
had entered the house and was headed up to Willow's room.

"Willow girl I thought." Buffy's sentence was cut off by the identity
that were lost in their own love making haze.

The End
