TITLE: Break On Through (3/?)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss owns everyone you know from TV... I'm just playing in his sandbox...

RATING: R-ish for now... probably higher soon, though...

PAIRINGS: Aus/W; S/B (unfortunately fo Buffy...)

SPOILERS: Pretty much everything through 'Reunion' and 'Into the Trees'(?) for both shows... but not really so much for Buffy...

DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have it, of course... anyone I've said yes to before can take it too! If that's not you, and you want it, ask me... odds are I'll say yes...

FEEDBACK: gets you a dedication... (Bribery, I know, but... whatever works...*g*)

DEDICATIONS: To Kim, Silver, Vampie, Kermet, and Kimberley... glad you like it so far loves...

NOTES: After watching 'Reunion', I found myself wondering just why our favourite Brood-boy was acting so very close to Angelus-y... this is what my sick and twisted
mind came up with... Oh, and * *= emphasis!!!


He woke slowly, not even trying to open his eyes. His head was throbbing and pounding, the way it had that one time, almost a hundred and ten years earlier, when he'd let Spike talk him into feeding on a drunken woman in an opium den. He groaned, trying to raise a hand to his head, and was surprised when he couldn't.

His eyes cracked slowly open, and he was relieved to see that whatever else he'd done the night before, he'd at least had the good sense to opt for candle light instead of electric. His mind slowly swimming back towards rational thought, he gingerly turned his head, finally noticing that he was not only in an unfamiliar bed in an unknown room, but that he was also chained to that same bed... He took a deep breath, filtering the scents around him through his nose... he wasn't alone. "Darla..." he breathed out, "And Dru..." He cringed slightly at the delighted laughter he heard in response, and closed his eyes again, hoping it was just a dream.

"Yes, dear boy..." the blonde purred, approaching the bed and leaning down to whisper in his ear, "Darla, indeed..." She laughed again at the almost angry growl coming from behind her. "And Druscilla, of course..." She flicked her tongue against his earlobe, smiling in satisfaction when he tried to shift away from her. "I knew it," she murmured softly to him, "I knew you weren't as bad as you've been playing at being... The senior partners here seem to think that you've gone and lost that pesky soul of yours, but..." She giggled slightly, laying down beside him and moulding herself against his side, "I *know* better! We were together for over a hundred and fifty years, after all... I'd *know* it if my dearest, brightest boy had come back to us..."

"But, Grandmother..." came Druscilla's sing-song voice, "He *is* coming back... the stars speak of it... they weep for his absense, and rejoice that Daddy will soon be home to stay..."

The small blonde stood quickly, pulling the insane brunette to the other side of the room. "What did you see, Dru? How will it happen?" she hissed intently, her face shifting as the girl pressed a cool, long finger to her lips.

"Shhhh..." Druscilla said slyly, "Mustn't tell here, where the dead have ears, and hear..."

Darla sighed heavily. "Fine, Dru," she said, leading the girl to the large steel door of the room, "But this had better be good!" She opened the door, pushing Druscilla through before her. "Don't worry, lover," she said over her shoulder, her human features re-emerging, "I'll be back..."

He shuddered slightly in his chains, hoping that when she *did* come back, he'd have the strength to resist her. He was glad that it was Darla, and not Willow... there wasn't a chance, in hell or out of it, that he'd be able to resist the redhead he loved... Of course, his Willow was so very *good*... she'd never have been involved in anything like *this*...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"All right, Dru, honey... what did you see?" Darla demanded softly, pressing the much younger vampire against the cold cement wall. "How are we going to get my boy *back*?"

Druscilla giggled, grinding her ass against the cement behind her. "Mmmm, mmmm, there is a little red tree... and she is *not* what she seems... she has been waiting... lusting... *aching* for Daddy... and that one," she sighed, gesturing in the vague direction of their captive, "The not-Daddy has been aching in return..." She suddenly grabbed the blonde's head between her hands, forcing the older vampire's eyes to meet hers. "She will make him right again, never fear... and she will be the playmate he's longed for always... We are not to be with him, Grandmum..." She released her new childe, and slid down the wall, weeping piteously. "We are to be his... *family*... but *she* will make the earth weep tears of blood with him... *she* will be his little dog... barking, and yapping... and*biting* great big bites, and he will be hers... No more spankings for us!" she wailed, before suddenly stopping, a look of pure bliss on her face. "And she will bring my Spike back to me! Oh, Grandmother! *Spike* shall be *ours*!"

Darla rolled her eyes at the excitement in the younger vampire's face. "I thought you said Spike had a thing for the Slayer... that you could 'smell her stench' all over his heart..."

The insane brunette giggled softly, shaking her head. "He thought he felt, but now he... *doesn't*! He's found out what she *is*, you see... and he waits... He waits to break her heart into a thousand shiny, glossy bits that will sing songs of pain and loss throughout the universe forever! Let's bring him home, Grandmother... please, let's bring my Spike home... you'll like him now, I promise! And besides," she said, grinning slyly, "He is the one who will bring us the red tree... and set my Daddy free forever!"

Darla sighed, pulling Dru to her feet. "So what you're saying is that Spike knows where to find this 'red tree' that will bring my dear boy back to me... to *us*... but if she does, I... *we* lose him to *her*... And our big consolation prize is that we get Spike, who I couldn't stand to begin with, and don't like any better now!" She frowned, dragging the girl behind her down the hall. "Oh, *perfect*!" she muttered. But still, having Angelus back, even if he wasn't *her* Angelus anymore, was preferable to that bastard of a soul running around wearing her childe's face! And besides, if this 'red tree' was malevolent enough to become her boy's playmate, she *might* just *like* the girl... She grinned slightly, and continued on her way, Druscilla still babbling behind her. They had to talk to the senior partners.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Willow sat quietly at Giles' computer, listening to the stupid little Scooby gang talking about what they *thought* was a threat. She rolled her eyes, staring at the monitor. If any *one* of them had even bothered to actually *read* the books in front of them, they would have figured out by now that the Eve of Rascaritarian wasn't going to happen for another six hundred years! She couldn't believe that she'd been so much of a doormat, before losing her soul, that she'd actually done *all* of the research, *and* all of the net-searches, *and* most of the translations, as well... She smirked to herself, catching Spike's eye across the room. She raised an eyebrow at him, barely inclining her head towards the door. She saw his equally slight nod, and stood.

"Sorry, guys," she said, managing somehow to sound sincere, "But I have a paper due in the morning, so..." She grinned to herself as the Slayer protested, saying that she needed to stay and do still *more* research while the trashy blonde gossiped and joked with Xander and Anya. "Geez, I'm *sorry*, Buffy, but if I flunk out of school, whose notes are you gonna copy for class?" She lowered her eyes to the floor so that the Slayer wouldn't see the contempt there as the blonde suddenly couldn't see her gone soon enough. "O...OK... bye..." she said, trying to sound hesitant as she reached the door.

Spike sighed, and stood from his usual chair. "Oh, *fine*, Slayer, I'll walk the little witch home... after all, you and Xapper obviously have more important things to do than make sure the only *smart* one of you lot doesn't become a demon-snack!" He ignored their responses as he took the redhead's elbow and pulled her from the watcher's shop... after all, acknowledging the Slayer's muttered 'later' would have seemed out of character.

"So, Red, what's up?" he asked when they were finally away from the place.

Willow rolled her eyes, smirking almost evilly. "*Nothing's* up, Blondie... that's the*problem*! I don't know why I ever thought those boring, *stupid* people were my friends!" she replied, weaving her fingers through his. "And I *still* don't believe they bought that whole 'the chip in my head will last forever' line! I mean, really!... Of course, I *also* still wonder why Soldier-boy never told them that it was a big old *lie*, seeing as those damned things burn themselves *out* after a few months, but..." she shook her head slightly, "No matter..."

"C'mon, Red!" Spike said impatiently, "I know something's bothering you, even if those *fools* of yours don't! Now, what *is* it?"

Willow sighed. "I haven't heard from Angel since yesterday." She slowed her pace, gnawing on her lower lip. "I think something's... *wrong*... he hasn't missed a day since we started 'working' together... Even when he doesn't have anything *new* to tell me, he always calls..." She frowned slightly, unaware of the concern written on her face.

Spike could feel his eyes growing wide as he looked at the girl... She was the most evil being he'd ever met, aside from Angelus, and she was *worried*!... about the *Poof*! His fingers tightened painfully around hers as he dragged her forcibly into an alley and pushed her hard against the wall. "What the hell are you playing at, witch?" he growled, "First you want the bastard *gone*, and now you're all... *concerned* for him! I started helping you because I *thought* you were committed to getting my *Sire* back, but now it's sounding like you've gone and gotten a thing for the *poof*!" He pressed himself hard against her, grinding his crotch against her warm belly. "And if that's *true*," he said angrily, his actions causing him to harden against her, "Then I don't see any reason why I shouldn't just fuck you hard, right here, then drain you..." His un-needed breaths were coming in gasps now, as she began to thrust herself against him, "And leave your dead, cold body on the Slayer's doorstep..." He growled as he felt her teeth on his neck, and groaned out loud as he suddenly found himself flat on his back on the concrete of the dark alley, a small redhaired witch straddling him.

"Never," Willow hissed, staring furiously into his eyes, "Never *ever* doubt my commitment to Angelus!" She leaned down, speaking slowly and carefully into his ear. "I'm worried about *Poofy* because he wears your Sire's body! *That's* why I care if anything's happened to him! If circumstances were any different, I would have staked that big broody abomination long ago!... But if I'm going to bring Angelus back, Angel needs to stay in one piece!" She pushed herself up off his body, and stood, looking down at him for a moment before extending a hand to help him up. "So do you understand now, vampire?" she asked, leading him back out onto the street and turning them towards her home.

Spike sighed unhappily, fully aware of the fact that he'd just made an ass of himself in front of the woman he hoped to one day share with his Sire. "Yeah, Red," he said slowly, "I didn't mean to sound like I didn't trust you..." He could feel his cock twitch as she smiled at him, and wished more than anything that he *had* taken her in that alley, and damn the consequences.

Willow giggled. "I wouldn't expect anything else from you Spike... Besides, I'm sure that you trust me as much as you *can*, what with me still being human. After all," she said into his surprised eyes, "We're so very... *fickle*, at best..." She would have continued, but just then, Spike's duster started ringing.

Spike jumped a bit. He'd gotten the cell phone almost a year earlier, and this was the first time anyone had called him, other than Willow, and he *knew* it wasn't her, because she was right there with him. He pulled the compact bit of metal and plastic from his coat pocket and flipped it open. "What!" he said, that being his usual greeting, then, "Well, who the bloody hell is *this*?... Yeah... yeah, that's me... No... No, I don't... Oh, shut the fuck up for a minute, mate! I told you I don't know any red-fucking-tree! How'd you get this number, anyway?... Oh, really. Well, gosh! Colour *me* un-impressed!... Wait. You're with *who*?... Hold on." He covered the phone with his hand, and turned questioning eyes to Willow. "There's a... guy on the line from Wolfram and Hart... isn't that the law firm that's after the poof?"

Willow nodded, wide-eyed, as Spike uncovered the phone and began to talk again.

"Yeah, OK, I've heard of your firm, mate, but I *still* don't know any 'red tree'..." He growled loudly as the phone was snatched from his hand by the girl beside him.

"Sorry," Willow said softly before raising the phone to her ear. "I think I'm the one you're looking for," she said quietly into the phone. She could feel herself beginning to smile as the... *being* on the other end began to explain why it had been looking for her, her smile becoming wider and more wicked as the moments ticked by. "OK," she finally said, looking like a satanic version of the Mona Lisa, "We'll be there... Spike and me... Sorry," she said, shaking her head, even though the thing on the other end probably couldn't see her, "But we're a package deal. He's sacrificed just as much as I have, maybe more, even!... Well, he fucked the Slayer, for *one* thing!" Her eyes flew to Spike's and her grin became a smirk. "Yeah, I *thought* you'd see it my way... Umm... sometime tomorrow, after sunset... No, I know where the offices are." She rolled her eyes at the bleached blond who looked like he would have wet himself, if he hadn't been a vampire, from impatient curiousity alone. "Yeah. OK, we'll see you then. Oh, and... thanks!" She folded the phone closed and handed it back to its anxious owner.

"Well?" Spike demanded nervously.

Willow grinned up into his wicked blue eyes. "Well, it looks like we're going to LA!" She grabbed him in a tight hug, forcing him to spin around with her. Finally stopping, she took his hand and began leading him again towards her house as she explained. "Turns out, the reason I haven't heard from Broody today is because Wolfram and Hart kidnapped him last night! They think he's Angelus now, but one of their newer employees convinced them to put it to the test, so they need *me*!"

Spike's mind was in a whirl. "So, pet," he asked, sounding a bit dazed, "What, exactly, do they need you *for*?" he asked slowly.

The redhead's laughter could have been heard from a block away. Finally calming herself slightly, she managed to answer him. "Well, apparently, *Angel* has fallen in *love*... with sweet, kind, generous, unassuming, *good* little Willow!" She laughed again, seeing the answering amusement in his eyes. "So I'm going to go there and play *that* Willow for him... and he won't even know the difference until it's too late..."

The sleek blond vampire grinned wickedly down at the evil little redhead. "Oh, you're *bad*, luv..." he said, pulling the girl tightly against him and thrusting his still hard cock against her. "You want to be even *worse*?" he teased.

Willow laughed yet again, pulling away from him. "Angelus would *kill* you!" she told him, well aware of the fact that he already knew that. She glanced at him slyly from the corner of her eye. "Why don't you just get me home and then go back to your crypt? I'm sure that *someone* will come along to take care of *this*," she said teasingly, rubbing her hand lightly over the bulge in his jeans, "And probably before *too* much longer... in fact, it's only another block or so to my place... I can go it alone..." She pulled away from him, glancing over her shoulder to meet his eyes as she walked away. "Go home, Spike... and have fun with Slutty..." She continued on, ignoring his groan of both anticipation and disgust. Angelus would be back soon... and she almost couldn't *wait*!

End-- Pt 3

