TITLE: Break On Through (4/?)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss owns all as he is a God... I, being only a demi-god, am only playing in his yard....

SPOILERS: everything up to 'Reunion' for Angel, and loosely up to 'Into the Woods' for Buffy...

RATING: R-ish, maybe higher... Oh, OK, it's NC-17 now...*sigh* (Can't seem to get away from the porn... uh, I mean SMUT... yeah... smut... that's it...*teehee*)


DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have it, of course... if I said yes to you before, you can take this, too... otherwise, just ask and I'll say yes... I'm a great big HO like that!!!*teehee*

FEEDBACK: gets you a dedication, even though I'm not able to respond all the time... I DO read it, and appreciate it more than you know!!!

DEDICATIONS: To Vampie, Jesmin, Ali, Susie, Kim, and Maxine.... thanks so much, loves....

NOTES: So, after watching 'Reunion', I found myself wondering just what had gotten into my Angel... after all, he was definitely acting more Angelus-y than is his usual wont!!! So, my mind being as warped and twisted as it IS, this is the explanation I came up with...*giggle* Oh, and * *= emphasis...


The redhead strolled casually into the lobby of Wolfram and Hart's downtown LA office building, accompanied closely by the taller blond vampire. She grinned to herself as she approached the security desk, knowing that there were alarms going off somewhere due to Spike's presence. "Willow Rosenberg and William the Bloody, to see the senior partners." she said clearly to the suit-wearing guard behind the desk. Her grin became very external at the speed with which the guard picked up the phone, then swiftly directed her towards the left hand elevator banks after hanging up. "Oh, and please let your staff know that Spike here is the vampire they've been alerted to, and he's with *me*," she stared him directly in the eye, letting just a touch of her true personality shine through, "And I will *not* take it kindly if anything should... *happen* to him."

The security guard heaved an enormous sigh of relief as the tiny redhead walked away, the vampire attached to her side. He picked up the internal phone line again, running his finger nervously under the suddenly too tight collar of his shirt as he passed on that little bit of information. He hoped the security team was paying attention... that little girl was *scary*.

"Thanks, pet," Spike muttered, as they stepped into the elevator, accompanied by yet another security guard. "What are *you* looking at, mate?" he growled, seeing the appraising look the bloody ugly human was giving the little witch, "She's not a piece of tail, you bastard!" He let his face shift, forcing the human face-first into the elevator wall. "She's here," he hissed angrily, fangs lightly scraping the security man's neck, "At the *request* of the *Senior* *Partners* of this firm! Now, if you're a smart little happy-meal, you'll know what that means, and you'll keep your bloody filthy eyes *off* her, and you'll show her some *respect*!" He wrinkled his nose, taking a short breath through it. "And that's just *disgusting*, mate." He pushed away from the man, and rejoined the witch. "Imagine that, Red... A security guard at Wolfram and Hart, and he can't control his *bladder*." He smirked as the girl giggled. "Pathetic, isn't it, pet?"

"I quite agree," came the voice from the speaker hidden in the elevator roof, "And Mister Michaels will find that his employment has been terminated after he delivers you to my offices." There was an evil laugh before the voice continued. "However, if he can manage to do *that* properly, his termination will not necessarily be of a... *permanent* nature... Ah, and here you *are*... Bring my guests to my office, Michaels." The voice faded out as the elevator came to a stop.

Willow grinned up at the blond vampire. "Never would have had you pegged as the sort to defend my honour, Spike, but... thanks." She said softly, stepping out into the marble and wood entry of the thirty-third floor.

"Well, pet," he said, as they followed the damp former security guard down the hallway, "If *I* can't have you, I'm for damned sure not gonna let some walking dead man entertain thoughts about you!" He grinned, responding to her chuckle as they watched their 'escort' shudder at the 'dead man' comment. "Oh, no, after *you*!" He growled, shoving the man through the door he'd stopped at. He stepped through behind him, keeping a careful hold on the redhead's hand as she followed him.

Willow stared around the large, lushly furnished office, her eyes finally coming to rest on the human-seeming man behind the big mahogany desk. "Oh, you're *very* good," she purred, completely at ease in the malevolent atmosphere of the room. "I can barely even *feel* the seeming!" She grinned, crossing the room and jumping up, cross-legged, on the desk in front of him. "Of course..." she continued, feeling his surprise, "Of course, you're much more powerful than my little imp, but the principle's the same, so..." She giggled, leaning forward and kissing him lightly on the cheek. "What can I do for you... sir?"

The demon in human guise laughed, delighted. He hadn't been entirely sure that this girl would be capable of proving Angelus' re-emergence, but now that he'd met her... "I think the question, my dear," he said finally, "Is what can *I* do for *you*... to make your job easier, I mean..." His eyes began to sparkle with pure evil as he watched the wickedness swirling around the tiny little human. He hoped that Angelus would turn the girl before too long... it would be a shame to lose someone with her potential for true evil. His gaze shifted, as the girl lost herself in deep thought, to the blond vampire who was watching their interaction fixedly. "And Spike... I wish I could say that it's nice to meet you, but I've heard some rather... distressing?... yes, distressing... reports of your recent activities... You've been helping the *Slayer*, of all people..." he sighed disappointedly, "And we had such high hopes for you, William... You were off to such a good start..." He sighed
sadly. "So what happened?"

Spike hung his head for a moment before rallying himself and smirking directly into the demon's eyes. "Well, mate, first I got a bloody damned *chip* stuck in my head, and by the time it stopped working, well... Red, here, had managed to rope me into her little plot to bring my Sire back." He smirked a bit more wildly as he stepped up to the desk, resting his hands on Willow's shoulders. "I mean, *look* at her! Who could ever turn her down?"

The demon glanced again at the redhead before nodding slowly. He could definitely see the vampire's point. If the girl had been born a demon, she would have been ruling Hell within a century, Satan or no Satan. His gaze was arrested by the sudden look of excited realization in the little witch's eyes. "What is it, Willow? How can I help?" he asked eagerly, knowing that if he managed to pull this off, he might just be promoted.

Willow giggled softly, focusing on their demon host once more. "Well..." she said slowly, "If he's *not* Angelus yet, then we have to *make* him be, and the best way to do *that* is......"

Spike stared at her, amazed, as she began to explain what she would require. Damn, she was *wicked*! His admiration for the little redhead increased tenfold as she went on... Angel, if it *was* Angel, would never know what hit him!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He was worried. He'd been laying there, chained to the large bed, for almost twenty-four hours, and aside from those few minutes when he'd first woken up to his former Sire and Druscilla, he'd been more or less left alone. Oh, sure, Darla had come in again after a little while, but only to bring him blood. He'd been relieved, at first, that it was in a plastic container, but as he'd begun to drink, he'd realized that... it was *human* blood, not animal. He had thought, for a moment, about spitting it out, but... the poor human was probably already dead, and since he hadn't been the one to do the killing, where was the harm in taking what was offered? It was the most satisfying meal he'd had in a long while.

Then, of course, Darla had left, and he was alone again... until just an hour or so earlier, when some vamp he'd never seen before had entered the room with a large, sharp knife. He'd asked question after question of the unknown vampire, but hadn't gotten any answers as his clothes were cut from his body and a sheet was drawn up to his chest, covering his nakedness. He *knew* something was going on, but for the 'life' of him, he couldn't figure out what it was...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Willow stood shakily in the cold, cement corridor, her eyes fixed on the two vampires in front of her while her lips twisted into a vicious smile. "And he knows nothing..." she asked again, wanting to be sure.

"He knows that he's being held captive," Darla said, taking in the battered appearance of the little redhead, "Nothing more..." She found herself unwillingly admiring the tiny human girl's fortitude... she wasn't sure that even *she* could have put up with what the human girl had asked to have done... not even in order to get her 'dear boy' back, and especially not with a smile on her face! No, she decided finally, if the redhead wanted Angelus *that* badly, it was probably best to just let her *have* him. "Are you ready?" she said softly, lightly stroking the girl's hair.

Willow grinned, sucking in a hissing breath as the split in her lip broke open again. "Of course." She pulled away from the blonde woman and began removing her clothes, dropping them in a pile beside her. When she was finally naked, she looked again at the two of them, the blonde and the brunette, before holding her arms out to them. "Let's *do* this!" Her smile became wider as they grabbed her arms and began to drag he down the corridor, and she began screaming "No!... No!... Please, no!..." The manufactured terror in her voice was virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He had been dozing fitfully when he was dragged from his sleep by the last thing he had ever wanted to hear... the voice of the woman he loved, crying out in terror. He growled, face shifting, as the cries came closer and closer, and pulled with all his might against the chains binding his wrists and ankles to the wrought iron bed. He didn't know how they had managed to bring her here, but one thing he knew for certain... when he got out of here, and he *would* get out... they were all *dead*... even if it meant letting the demon free, they would *die*... His eyes flew wide, and he shouted in protest, as the door to his prison was flung wide, and Druscilla and Darla entered, holding between then the struggling form of a very naked Willow! He watched, speechless, as they flung her at the bed. "What?" he finally managed to say, cursing the fact that his restrained position, and the lack of anything more than a sheet covering him, made his sudden arousal completely

Druscilla grinned hugely at the sight of the massively tented sheet covering his lap. "We've brought you a *gift*, Daddy..." She rolled her eyes up to the ceiling. "If you don't like it, we can take it back, you know... I've kept the receipt, you see... and the earth would weep with love to have it back as well..."

Darla rolled her eyes at the brunette girl's words. "What Dru is saying, *Angelus*," she stressed, "Is that the girl is your *test*. If you've really lost the filthy soul, you won't have any problem with fucking her... and then, we can let you loose, and paint this town... *red*." She sighed, staring at the angry vampire and the cowering redhead. "It'll be just like old times, dear boy..." She deliberately ignored his mumbled protests and grabbed Druscilla's hand, dragging her from the room before shutting and barring the door. "And I'll be looking forward to seeing my boy again in the morning..." she muttered, as she took her... Sire?... in search of Spike. After all, Dru *had* said that Spike would be *theirs*... and Druscilla was *never* *wrong*!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Angel stared unhappily at the tiny redhead sobbing at the foot of the bed. "Willow... Willow, love, it'll be OK..." he said softly, wishing that he could gather her to him and hold her in his arms, protecting her from all harm. He tugged again at the chains binding him, hissing slightly as he felt his wrists begin to bleed. "Will..." he tried again, "Won't you even *look* at me?" His breath caught in his chest as her head slowly rose from the covers she'd been crying against and turned towards him. Her eyes were red and swollen, especially the right one, which was, even as he watched, turning into a lovely rainbow of bruised-ness... her lip was slightly split, and there was a small trickle of blood dripping from her nose. His eyes devoured her torso, lingering on the scrape across her ribs before continuing on to the large bite-shaped bruise on her shoulder... he could *see* the marks from the human teeth that had done that. He growled loudly, angry and ashamed that *he* had been
the one to cause her that pain, as indirectly as it might have been. "Stand up!" he ordered, needing to catalogue her injuries in his mind.

Willow stood, hiding the satisfaction she was garnering from his attitude, and moved a few feet away from the bed. She fluttered her hands around a bit, as though she was embarrassed.

"Turn around... slowly." he commanded, his fury increasing when he saw more bruises on her legs, stomach, and ass... the only part of her that hadn't been abused, it seemed, was her neck... and maybe her ankles. But no, he realized, as she took a tentative step towards him, apparently one of her ankles was hurt, too. "Oh, love..." he murmured softly, not wanting to scare her with his rage, "What have they *done* to you?" He tried, with everything he had in him, to will his erection away, but he just couldn't do it... he'd never seen her look so enticing... He finally gave it up as a lost cause when she haltingly crossed the floor and flung herself down on top of him. "Willow..." he moaned, forcing himself not to move against her warmth, "What... what are you *doing*?"

"Shhh..." she whispered into his chest. "They want me to... to... *screw* the soul out of you, if... if you still have one..." She schooled her expression into that of the Willow he knew and loved before looking up into his eyes. "I tried to tell them 'No!', Angel! I really *did*..." She forced a sob, allowing a few tears to trickle from her glassy green eyes, "But they... and then..." She sobbed again, more false tears falling. "I don't want to *die*, Angel!... Not yet! I've barely even begun to... to *live*!" She wrapped her arms around his broad, firm chest, and buried her head in the crook of his neck. "I... I d-don't...w-want to...d-d-die!"

Angel wished for nothing more than to be able to rip the chains from his wrists, if only so that he could hold this girl who so badly needed his comfort. "Hush..." he said softly, "Hush, my love... you *aren't* going to die!" He lifted his head up, straining towards her until he finally managed to place a quick kiss on the top of her tousled red hair. "We'll find some way out of this, love..."

Willow grinned to herself. He was making this easier than she'd ever thought possible. "There *is* no way out, Angel," she said mournfully, "If I don't turn you evil, they *kill* me!... But I don't *want* you to be evil again..." She sighed sadly, raising her head and looking into his eyes. "So I guess this is it... at least I got to see you again." She sniffled a little, while what passed for her heart jumped with glee at the look in his eyes. "I wanted to tell you, Angel. I..." She closed her eyes, afraid that they'd give her away. "I love you..."

He could feel his heart swelling with joy... she *loved* him! He stared at her for a moment, knowing that he couldn't let her die. "Maybe... Willow, maybe there *is* a way..." He hesitated then, afraid that what he was about to say would disgust her, but then he saw the look of hope in her eyes, and *that*, combined with the love she'd just professed for him, not to mention how... *hot* he was, seeing her all beat up and everything... made him continue. "What if," he murmured softly, his cock hardening even more as she moved up his body to catch his words in her ear, "What if we *do* do it, only, you stop before I... achieve that... perfect happiness?... I mean," he rushed on as she started to pull away, "I could... make all the right sounds... and *act* like I'd... well, you know... but you'd stop before that, and then..." He smiled softly back at her innocent, inquisitive grin.

"Do... do you think that would... *work*?" she breathed against his lips, laughing so hard inside that she was amazed he couldn't feel it.

"Yeah..." he sighed, the sigh becoming a moan as she moved off him and began pulling the sheet from his *more* than ready body... he didn't think he'd ever been so hard in his life! "*Oh*, yeah..."

Her eyes took in each revealed span of flesh, her soul-less body demanding the completion that could only be found with his. "Gods..." she muttered softly, "You're *beautiful*..." She gasped slightly when she finally saw his rock hard cock straining up into the air, and inwardly delighted at his amused chuckle. "Angel..." she sighed wantonly, hating the fact that she had to act this way with the souled bastard, "I... I want to... *taste* you..." She smiled a bit at his lack of objection, and thanked Hell that soon she'd be with Angelus instead of the poofy prick... *he'd* be more than happy to tell her what he wanted... and he'd *force* her if she wasn't willing... not that *that* would ever happen... Her tongue swept out of her mouth, flicking lightly over the head of his penis. She heard him groan, felt his hips rise up
towards her hot mouth, and grinned as she took his tip into her mouth.

Angel was in heaven... regardless of the fact that he was chained naked to a bed, and the people who were holding him captive wanted him to be all evil again, he was... in heaven. He couldn't believe this was happening... The girl he'd been dreaming about... the girl he'd wanted for years, now... the girl he loved more than anything, including his own life... She loved him! And-- he gasped, taking yet another unnecessary breath-- she had her lips wrapped firmly around his aching cock! He moaned repeatedly as her lips made their way, ever so slowly, towards the base of him... she was such a tiny girl... he was amazed that she could take all of him in her mouth! He growled then, feeling her throat muscles contract and release repeatedly around his still weeping head. "Oh... oh, *god*!..." he finally managed to grind out, "Willow... Will... *stop*!" He could feel the demon inside him berating him for being such a wuss, but he didn't care... he couldn't let this go too far. She
would ride him for just long enough that his fake orgasm would be convincing, then the damned law firm would let both him and his love leave... anything beyond that was still up for debate. He smiled softly down into her wounded eyes. "That was almost... *too* good, love... It would have been over too soon..."

Willow smiled, allowing him to misinterpret her relief... she was so glad to have the fucking soul out of her mouth... She slid up his body in a deliberately awkward fashion. "So, I... it wasn't *too* bad, then?" she said, trying to sound hopeful, "Because *Oz*... Oz said I was just... awful at that..." She looked away from him, knowing he'd feel the need to be the 'white knight', and she wasn't disappointed.

He growled harshly, wishing again that he could touch her. "Well, the dog-boy was a fucking *idiot*, love... You're *amazing*!" He sighed softly, tipping his head so that he could reach her lips. "He didn't *deserve* you, Willow... Not that I do, but..." He sighed happily against her lips as she moved higher and wound her tongue around his. "Come on, love," he finally said, pulling his head to the side, and away from her mouth, "We... we *have* to do this!" He smiled softly, hoping that he'd kept the anticipation from his voice, and decided that he had when she slid slowly down his torso, her hot core finally coming to rest just below his navel.

Willow looked deep into his eyes as her hand reached down between her legs and grasped his enormous hard-on. She smiled, and slid herself slowly back against his cock, guiding his seeping head to her dripping entrance. It was a good thing that Soul-boy wore Angelus' body, because otherwise... she'd have been dry as the Sahara. But all she had to do was think about her vampire-lover-to-be, and she was gushing moisture like Old Faithful! Her eyes went wide as she slid herself back onto him, a small moan escaping her lips from his size... she'd known that he was huge; after all, she'd *seen* him... had taken him in her mouth, even, but... it felt different... bigger, when he was in her cunt... and she hadn't even taken all of him in yet! "Oh, *gods*!" she moaned, in her 'good' Willow voice... she couldn't wait until Angelus came out to play... *he'd* fuck her long and hard, like there was no tomorrow!

Angel could swear his eyes were going to cross! He'd never felt anything like this! He had known for a while that Willow wasn't a virgin, and he really couldn't understand how she, having had more than one lover, was *still* tighter and hotter than the virginal Buffy had been when he'd taken her for the first time... He stopped thinking quickly, however, as his redheaded witch began moving on him... Her hands were *everywhere*, touching him, stroking him, finding spots that no one, in almost two and a half centuries, had found... spots on his body that even *he* hadn't known were sensitive... the small stretch of skin behind his ears... that simple spot, just inside the back of his hairline where his skull met his spine... the fold at the top of his armpit... And her *mouth*... her mouth was traveling, timidly at first, over his broad chest, her lips lingering over his nipples before she brought her teeth and tongue in to play... And all the while, she was moving herself up and down on his throbbing erection, rocking against him and uttering small, enticing moans... He could feel himself beginning to tense, and almost yelped as he felt her blunt teeth latch on to the skin at the crook of his neck while her hips moved in fast, tight circles upon him... he could feel the head of his cock circling her cervix, and knew that it was time to stop their little... escapade, but as he opened his mouth to say 'no more', entirely different words flew from his mouth. "God, Will..." he heard himself saying, "Faster... yes!...harder!" His eyes rolled back in his head as she complied, and he felt his balls drawing up, tightening for an instant before he shouted out her name with his release, hearing her own follow right behind. He felt every moment of the ecstatic pleasure she had brought him, felt his cold, dead seed explode into her slick, tight warmth, and hoped against hope that the demon wouldn't hurt her... That was, of course, the last thought Angel had, as everything went black.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Darla looked up as the pre-arranged knock sounded on the steel door. She stood and slowly pulled the bar from its housing before pulling the door open a crack. "Yes?" she said simply, her eyes meeting those of the redhead, "What news?"

Willow giggled softly, "I'm pretty sure it worked... won't know for sure until he wakes up, but..." She giggled again. "Just wanted to let you guys know that you shouldn't disturb us for the next twenty-four hours or so... After all," she said, sounding amused, "If it *didn't* work, I'll need to try again, won't I?"

Darla looked at the girl, confused. "But if it *did* work, my boy will be needing to *feed*!"

The redhead looked patronizingly at the small blonde woman. "You didn't think that I was going to walk out of this room *human*, did you?... Oh, you *did*... that's so...*stupid*!" She laughed at the look of outrage on the much older woman's face. "If Angelus needs to feed, I'll see to it that he *does*, Darla. So why don't you stop worrying about it?... He's no longer your concern."

The blonde bristled at the witch's tone of voice. "He's my *childe*! He will *always* be my concern!" she cried, wishing the girl was a vampire, seeing as she had a stake on her and everything...

Willow smiled soothingly. "Actually, Darla... he's *not*." She grinned at the woman, and began to push the heavy steel door closed. "Technically, he's your *Grand Sire*, not your *childe*, so... see you tomorrow..." She giggled as she heard the bar being thrust back through the brackets, and returned to the bed, curling herself against her lover, and pulling the sheet over them both as she fell into slumber, wondering just *who* it was she'd be waking up to...

End-- Pt 4

