TITLE: Knightsfall (7/7)

SERIES: Nobility (#1)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss owns everyone you know from TV. All others are either mine or their own.


PAIRINGS: Dawn/Spike; W/A; Anya/Ben...

DISTRIBUTION: Jen:), also anyone who asked that I said yes to for anything!!!

FEEDBACK: would be the whole purpose of this little exercise.

DEDICATIONS: Di, Nat, Myst, and Salice-- for making me think about it in the first place... also: Nutmeg, Angel N, Angel S, Ali, Jerri, and Whitewolf Alpha... thanks for the feedback!!!*G*

NOTES: Future fic. Buffy's dead, the Hellmouth's closed for good, and Dawn lives in New Orleans with Giles and his wife Gabriella. She hunts vampires, too. Oh, and Spike's there!!! * *= emphasis!!!


Dawn leaned against the bar, slowly sipping her beer as she watched Spike talking with the DJ. It still amazed her that he was so... comfortable to be around for her... mostly because she'd always kind of assumed that if she ever saw him again, she'd be plagued with thoughts of her sister, but... she wasn't. Or at least, not unhappily so. No, when she was with him, she *did* remember Buffy, but... only the good things. And that was not only surprising, but very welcome, too. Of course, that was only *part* of why she enjoyed the formerly blond vampire's company so much; the rest of it was just... sheer *Spike*!

He was still-- when he forgot to dwell on the past-- an incredibly interesting person, and... she could still *feel* him, still tell what he was feeling, and... Her heart beat just a bit faster when he glanced at her and smiled. He wanted her. She forced herself to look away from him, draining the bottle in her hand and ordering another.

She didn't know what she was supposed to do, because the *logical* thing would be to keep him at arm's length, not let herself get involved any more than she already was. That's what her brain was screaming at her, but her heart? Her heart and body were crying out for an entirely different course of action, begging for his cool, strong touch, and... she didn't know which part of herself to listen to. Hell, she didn't even know which part she *wanted* to listen to!

She'd been ignoring the tiny voice at the back of her head for what seemed like an eternity, but... she didn't know if she could do it any more, because... every time she looked at him, every time she sensed his emotions, she felt like she was being pulled farther into him, into the essential Spikey-ness that surrounded him, and... Gods help her, she so wanted to let that essence suffuse her entire being-- body, mind and spirit. Of course, the only problem with that was... if she allowed that to happen, she might lose herself in him, and... if she did, she wasn't sure that she'd be able to find her way back out. She sighed and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose as she'd seen Giles do countless times before, sighing again when it didn't help.

The black-haired vampire snuck yet another look at the girl he was trying to resist, frowning slightly when her eyes closed. She looked like she was in some kind of pain, but... she'd been fine just a few minutes earlier. His frown deepened when she gripped the top of her nose between her fingers, and he waved quickly at the DJ he'd been trying to cajole into playing some Sex Pistols for him as he walked away. "Headache, pet?" he said softly as he reached her side, not noticing that he'd slid his arm around her shoulders until she leaned hard against it. "I'll take you... that is, do you want to go home, Dawny? Maybe it's too loud in here..." His eyes closed for just a brief instant when she pulled away from him, and he felt... bereft.

She'd almost let herself wrap her arms around him. She couldn't believe it! He just... put an arm around her, and she wanted to be pressed hard against him! She could picture everything that would happen after that in her mind, and... she wasn't sure of what was happening to her, because... she *wanted* him! She almost thought that it was a sudden thing, but she actually knew better. Some part of her had *always* wanted him, and for some reason... *now* was when she was realizing it, and she cringed slightly as she realized that... Giles had been right. Oh, not about her being in *love* with Spike, because she knew she wasn't, but... Her relationship with the vampire was going to change drastically, and *soon*! And when it did... she had a feeling that it wouldn't be too long before want turned in to love, and then love to *in* love, and... she didn't know that she could handle that. How could she, when he'd loved Buffy so much? How could she ever trust that he wasn't looking at her and thinking of the dead Slayer whom she somewhat resembled? No, if they were going to be anything more than what they already were, they needed to talk about it first, and it was with that thought in mind that she finally responded. "No..." she said slowly, staring at his hard, pale chest through the sheer black shirt he wore, "But I *do* want to get out of *here*." She glanced quickly up at his face, a small breath catching in her throat at the look in his eyes. "We could... we could go down by the river, maybe, and... talk..." she offered tentatively.

Spike could feel the relieved smile spreading across his lips, and he chuckled softly, his amusement growing just a touch when she pulled her eyes from his once more. It was fine, he decided, since he'd already seen what he'd wanted to know. "So, lead on, pet," he almost purred, taking her small, warm hand in his own cooler, larger one. He continued to grin as she pulled him across the small dance floor, and down the stairs to the first story, nodding to the doorman as they passed out into the night.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Angel groaned happily as he sank deep into his mate's tight, hot body. It had been almost five years since they'd first given in to the fiery attraction between them, and so far? He didn't see any sign of it lessening even slightly; in fact, he was entirely sure that he loved her more with each passing moment of each day they were together. And he wouldn't change that for anything. A small laugh escaped him as the redhead beneath him suddenly rolled them on the enormous bed, and he smiled just a bit wickedly into her eyes when she sat up, still firmly impaled on his enormous cock. "So the little witch wants to *drive*, huh?" he purred, his fingers grasping tightly at her hips, "Go to it, baby..."

Willow giggled slightly, staring into his hot brown eyes as she began to shift against him, and chuckled even more at his deep, needy groan. "You *like* it when I drive," she reminded him, sliding her hot, tight core up his turgid flesh before reversing her motion and taking him fully inside her once more. Her grin faded when he arched up into her, and her eyes closed for a moment in sheer delight as his true face slipped out from its hiding place. "Angel..." she moaned, moving faster and harder upon him, her fingers digging deep into his strong, solid chest.

He growled, low and deep in his throat, and arched against her again, loving the almost pained whimpers she was making. "Willow..." he ground out in reply, his fangs causing a slight hiss in his usually clear voice, "My love..." He could feel her tightening around him, feel her heartbeat, even in the place where they were joined, and... he never grew tired of it. She was his, just as he was hers, and... Nothing could ever be better. His fingers clenched even harder on her soft, sweet flesh, and he sat up beneath her, his lips finding their way to one tender, peaked nipple, and he smiled against her breast when she groaned and moved faster on him in time with the rhythmic clutching of his hands.

His lips, his tongue, his teeth even, were driving her crazy, just as they always did, and she moaned again, more deeply, when the broad head of his cock began battering at her cervix... This was going to be one of those times, she knew, when she'd be sore for *hours* once they were finished, and she thanked the Gods, yet again, for the accelerated healing that was part and parcel of being his Mate. "Angel...!" she cried, her hand wrapping tightly around the back of his head, pressing his sharp teeth more tightly to her small fleshy breast, "Angel, *please*!"

She wouldn't have to ask him twice, he told himself, laughing silently, and he quickly slipped his tongue up her smooth, pale skin, stopping at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He slid her tight, hot little body up his rampant maleness once more, and as he pulled her down again, hard, he slipped his yearning fangs deep into her sweet, warm flesh. He felt her body starting to shudder as he sipped almost delicately at the perfect fount of his mate, and growled his satisfaction when he felt her clench tightly around him as she cried out her release. His hands kept moving her upon him, although now it was just a steady rocking motion instead of the fast up and down of a moment earlier, and he groaned as his turgid shaft shifted within her.

Willow caught her breath again quickly, and began moving more rapidly against him, her breath catching slightly when her over-sensitized clit rubbed fiercely against his thick, coarse curls. She loved it when she had him like this, and he knew it. Of course, *he* loved it, too. This was how all their times with her on top ended... with him deep inside her while she rocked... back and forth, back and forth... upon him, his broad, long cock firmly implanted in her willing heat, shifting inside her over and over again, until neither of them could take any more, and they... "Aaahhhh..." she cried softly, her second orgasm not quite as intense as the first, but welcome none the less, and she stared into his golden eyes as he pulled his lips and teeth from her skin and shouted his release to the heavens as he filled her with his soothingly cool seed.

He rested his forehead against her chest, the unnecessary breaths coming fast and hard as his features re-assumed his human visage. "Gods, Will," he finally sighed, still holding her tightly upon him, "You're..." He sighed again, despairing of ever finding the words that had eluded him since their first time together. "I love you..." he finally whispered against her flushed skin.

"I know, baby," she murmured, resting her cheek on the top of his head as her fingers stroked through the hair at his nape, "I love you, too..."

He smiled against her warmth, knowing that he'd never get tired of hearing those particular words, and he gently manoeuvered them down onto the bed, wrapping her in his strong, gentle embrace and lightly stroking her back until they slipped peacefully into sleep, still connected.

Angel, of course, wasn't thinking about the fact that his childe was nearby and would be receiving the overflow of his time with his witch, but then again, Spike wasn't either, seeing as he didn't even know the great poof was *in* New Orleans.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They sat on the steps overlooking the river behind Jax Brewery, sharing the bottle of VSOP they'd picked up at the A&P on Royal Street. It was a beautiful, clear night, and the stars were shining brightly in the heavens, visible even with the lights of the city behind them, and the glow of the full silvery moon, and... Spike didn't think he'd ever seen anything as lovely as the girl beside him, bathed in the light of that same moon. But she'd brought him here to talk, and while there were a great many other things he'd rather be doing with her, he'd meant what he'd said at the bar. He *didn't* want to lose her... lose her friendship, regardless of the arousal singing through his long-dead body, so... He took one more deep draught of the brandy, and pasted a 'friendly' smile on his face as he turned to her, extending the bottle. "So, pet, what did you want to..." he began, only to stop, eyes wide, when her inattentive hand closed over his on the glass.

She didn't know what was happening to her. In fact, she *hadn't* known for quite some time... not since the God had bound her to the vampire beside her, and... she almost groaned. That was it, she told herself. It was the God. It had made her feel things she didn't want to feel for the black-haired man sitting next to her, but... she *was* feeling them, and Gods help her if she could remember why she shouldn't! She saw him extending the brandy towards her from the corner of her eye, and reached for it distractedly, a loud gasp coming from her lips when her hand trapped his around the bottle. She turned slowly, her ability to think completely destroyed by the sensation of his cool skin beneath her almost sweaty palm. "Spike?" she whispered, unable to tear her eyes from his, "What's happening to us?"

He shook his head slowly, completely mesmerized by her. "Don't know," he finally murmured, dropping the bottle when he turned his hand in hers and grasped gently at her fingers, pulling her towards him. "Don't care... Only..."

"Want..." Dawn moaned, feeling the desire flowing through the bond she had with him, and she leaned closer, a small whimper escaping her throat when his cool, firm lips were suddenly hard on her warmer, softer ones.

His head was spinning, and he actually felt... *warm*. He thought that might have been because of the blonde in his arms; in fact, he was *sure* of it. His tongue swept into her mouth, darting about as he sought out every hidden part of it he could reach, and he groaned deeply when hers did the same to him. He'd apparently released her hand at some point, because his own hands were roving wildly on her back, under the leather coat she wore, and he could feel the warmth of her fingers trailing up and down his sides through his almost transparent shirt, and suddenly the velvet jeans were much too tight. "Dawn..." he groaned, as much a warning as an indication of desire, "Are we..." His words were cut off by her lips and tongue as she pressed herself harder against him, and... he didn't really have anything to say, anyway, as he pressed her back against the broad wooden steps, his hands sliding to her soft, strong thighs, over her dress. "Dawn..." he almost whispered, his eyes meeting hers searchingly.

Dawn would have moaned at the look she saw in his eyes, but she didn't have the breath to spare. Not when he was above her, his body just inches away, and not when his cool, strong, elegant hands were resting tentatively on her thighs. She nodded slightly-- in answer to what, she didn't know-- and moved her hands to his shoulders, pushing the leather duster she'd given him down his arms. She smiled a bit shakily when he pulled away to remove it, and when he returned to her, her fingers slid quickly down his chest to the button on his pants. She ignored his half-hearted protest, and worked the button through its hole before slowly sliding the zipper down, and gasping at the sight of his long, hard manhood. "Spike..." she forced out, sliding the velvet down over his hips, almost laughing at the growl he released when she wrapped the fingers of one hand around his cool, pulsating member.

He'd tried to give her an out; he really *had*, but... it was too late for that now. Her warm, strong fingers were firmly encircling his throbbing cock, and she smelled just... delicious... and aroused, and... Dawn. He growled again, his hands slipping down to the hem of her dress, and he quickly pulled it up around her waist, groaning loudly when he saw the garter belt she wore to hold up her nylons. For some reason, he'd assumed that she was wearing hose, but he was glad that he'd been wrong. He licked his lips and swallowed hard as his fingers lightly drifted across the silk-covered mound of her sex. "Dawn..." he said softly, his voice begging her forgiveness even as he ripped the black panties from her hot flesh. He stared down at her for just a moment, his eyes widening when she sat up and pulled him hard against her.

"*Now*, Spike!" she cried, unable to go even another moment without having him inside her, "*Now*!" Her legs spread wide around him, and she groaned her satisfaction when she felt the seeping head of his long cock probing tentatively at her dripping entry, and when he hesitated, she locked her ankles at the small of his back and pulled him deep into her, a small shriek slipping past her lips as she was filled like she'd never been filled before. "Spike...!"

His breath left him in a small explosion when he felt the perfect wet heat that was Dawn Summers surrounding his achingly throbbing shaft, and for a moment he froze, unable to even process what they were doing. That passed quickly, though, when her small whimpers penetrated the daze he was in, and he braced his hands on either side of her taut form as he began to move within her in long, smooth strokes. "Dawn," he groaned when she ached up against him, meeting each of his thrusts with one of her own, "Dawn... pet..." He followed the direction of her eyes, and found himself watching his long cock disappearing repeatedly into her tight, wet core, and groaned again, moving harder and faster upon her, until he had to tear his gaze away, afraid that the visual stimulation would prove to be too much for him when added to the physical. "Dawn... look at me, luv..." he demanded, pistoning harshly into her now, "Look at me, pet..."

Dawn was almost entirely sure that she was dying, because it just wasn't possible that she could feel this good and *live*. But, she realized-- as her eyes flew to his, and she started to shudder-- she just didn't care... If she was going to die, this was definitely the way she wanted to go. "Spike!" she almost screamed, her nails digging deep into his back as she felt the strong wave of pure pleasure cresting over her, and "Spike!" again, as it crashed down, tumbling her wildly.

He was breathing hard, just from trying to delay his own release until the smallish blonde beneath him achieved her own fulfillment, and he growled deeply when he heard her calling his name and felt her clench tighter around him than anything he'd ever felt. "Dawny..." he groaned, thrusting still faster and more furiously into her then, his entire body tensing like a taut bowstring as he spilled his dead seed deep into her still-pulsing hot channel. He collapsed upon her after a moment, his breath coming in pants, and his every muscle felt like jelly even as he sighed at the sensation of her small hands stroking his back. "You alright, luv?" he whispered against her neck, wondering what he'd do if she said no.

The blonde grinned, stretching beneath him, and chuckled softly. "I'm fine, Spike," she murmured, "Great, even... although we should probably get dressed before the cops show up..." She kissed him gently when he pulled his head back to look at her. "Trust me, New Orleans is the *last* place you ever want to go to jail..." She managed to hold in her wistful sigh when he pulled his half-soft cock from her tight center, and she sat up, tugging the skirt of her dress back down her thighs as she watched him tuck himself back into the velvet jeans and pull his duster back on. "So," she said quietly, "I... I guess we should head on home, then..." She stood, brushing off the back of her coat, and started up the steps, his hand on her arm stopping her.

He'd watched her start to walk away as though nothing had happened... as thought nothing had *changed*, and... he had to know. He took the few steps she'd managed in just two enormous strides, and lightly placed his hand on her. "Dawn... wait. What... what just happened here?" He smiled slightly when she raised an eyebrow in disbelief, and elaborated. "I mean, I *know* what *happened*, but..." He swallowed hard, nervous about what she would say.

Dawn sighed softly and stepped closer to him, her arms wrapping gently around his waist. "You mean," she said, her cheek resting lightly against his chest as his own arms encircled her, "What happens next, don't you?" She smiled against his sheer shirt, amazed by how cool his body was when she hadn't even really noticed it while he was inside her. "I don't know, Spike," she said when she felt him nod, "I mean, we're friends, and I don't want to ruin that, but... I can't say that that's *all* we are now. And I don't know if there's any potential here..." She pulled back and gazed up into his eyes, shrugging slightly. "But I think I'd like to find out."

Spike smiled, a good bit of wickedness in his eyes. "Oh, you're *gonna* find *out*, Cutie... Of course, it might *take* a while..."

The blonde smirked right back at him, her eyes glinting almost dangerously. "I really, really *hope* so, Spike... 'Cause I gotta tell ya, as first dates go?" she shook her head, feigning sadness, "Not what I'd call great... You didn't even *dance* with me!" She giggled then, at the dangerous look in his eye, and continued to grin even when her laughter was cut off by him pulling her hard against him.

"Oh, we *danced*, pet... We *danced* the *hell* out of each other..." He released her then, taking her hand and letting her lead him up the stairs, then down the other flight of steps and across the trolley tracks to Decatur Street. Whatever happened next, he thought, it was going to be *interesting*.

End-- Pt 7

End-- Knightsfall

read the Sequal 'Knight Takes Pawn'
