TITLE: Rewind? (3/?)

SERIES: Changes (#3)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss owns everyone but Nutmeg, and as far as *I* know, she owns herself...

RATING: NC-17 overall...

PAIRINGS: Aus/W; Aus/W/S; A/W; S/B (not really, but kinda); S/D/D...

DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have it, of course... if I've said yes to you before, you can take it, and List Archives are ALWAYS allowed... otherwise, just ask...

FEEDBACK: is my friend...

DEDICATIONS: to: Witchy (MIA, honey...), Azurdee, Kitty, Noreen, Kimberley, Nutmeg (duh!!!), and Susie... thanks for the feedback!!! And to the CO ... ALL of it!!!

NOTES: Third in my series that started at the end of Angel ep 'Reunion'... and * *= emphasis.


He woke up cold and alone, his unbeating heart almost breaking at the sensation. He'd grown used to her presence in the short time they'd been mates, and... he thought that he'd never been so miserable before in his life. It wasn't right, he knew, for him to be anywhere but by her side... she was his, just as he was hers, and if the hours he'd spent in fitful slumber had taught him anything, it was that there was somewhere he belonged, and that place... wasn't here, in this cold mansion, while the redhead he needed more than anything was all the way across town. He rolled swiftly from the bed, his mind made up. He would go to her, and if necessary, tie her up and make love to her until he was the vampire she loved again. It was the only thing he *could* do. He'd promised himself from the very beginning that he would make her happy, but... he couldn't. Angelus could. So he was going to *give* her Angelus. It would be his gift to her. He fastened the leather pants he'd worn so happily just the day before, and pulled the shirt over his head, not bothering to unbutton it. He would be with her soon, but first... first, he had to warn some people. He knew that they were the ones who had done this to him, but he supposed they thought they were doing him a favor, and... he needed to find out, for sure, if his soul *could* be lost again. He hoped so, because he didn't think that he'd be able to act the proper vampire for his mate if he was all soul-having... after all, it hadn't worked when he'd tried it with Darla. Of course, he'd never loved her the way he did his Willow. He sighed, and pulled on his coat, as he left the old mansion for what he truly hoped would be the last time ever.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nutmeg glanced around the main room of the magic shop, trying to hide her annoyance. She couldn't believe that *these* were the people who had averted more than one world-ending occurrence. It somehow just didn't seem *possible*, especially considering the way that none of them, with the exceptions of Mr. Giles and the LA crew, seemed to have any patience. Or, she sighed, faith in her abilities. It wasn't as though she'd been flying blind, after all. OK, granted, she hadn't done that *particular* spell before, but still... There was a *reason* that her services demanded a large payment, and if these... fools... kept it up, she was going to send them a bill once she got home!

Her gaze softened as her eyes came to rest on Gunn's long, strong form. He was the only reason she was still there, anyway, and... the night they'd spent in her suite was well worth the crap she'd been putting up with from the damned Scooby gang. She smiled at him then, blushing when he raised one eyebrow knowingly, and pulled her eyes away. She hadn't thought that being in a hotel would make a difference, but it *had*, and she'd been amazed by his...

She cut the thought off, not wanting to blush any more than she had to; she knew that she'd turn almost permanently red if she allowed herself to recall the details of the time they'd spent in the jacuzzi... and on the couch... and the coffee table, and, oh yeah, the *bed*. She groaned to herself and tried to think of something to say to break the heavy silence, and smiled when the sound of the door opening took the responsibility away from her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Slayer was moping, and she knew it. She couldn't help it, though. She'd woken up, alone and naked, face down on the bed in Spike's crypt. She almost hadn't been able to move, her torn and bloody asshole hurt so much, but finally... finally, she'd realized just how cold she was, and she'd rolled over, surprised to see the door to the crypt was wide open. She stuggled upright, hissing loudly when her weight came to rest on her sore ass, and pulled at the sheet, covering her nakedness.

She couldn't believe that Spike had left her there like that. He loved her, didn't he? But if he *did*, then... why had he left her unconscious with an open door? It was almost like he was trying to... No, she told herself quickly, he didn't want her dead, or being a snack for whatever demon-y type passed by first. She slowly moved to the very edge of the bed, and forced herself to stand despite the protesting of her sore muscles. As she stepped shakily away from the bed, her eyes were caught by the piece of paper that fluttered to the floor.

Slowly, she bent down, her eyes brightening as she picked it up and recognized Spike's wildly scrawled handwriting. They dimmed, however, when she actually read the words. She swallowed hard, holding back the tears, as she finally believed what she realized he'd been trying to tell her earlier. He didn't want her anymore. He had Dru back, and he didn't want a whiney, pathetically love-starved Slayer dogging his heels. She sank to the floor then, and ignored the tingling of her 'Slayer-sense' when it told her a vampire was nearby. It was only when the expected attack didn't come that she looked over her shoulder. She sighed deeply before speaking. "Darla." she said flatly, "I thought you were dead."

The blonde vampire giggled, taking a deep breath. The scent was heavily diluted by the outside air, but she could still make out... "I was," she purred, approaching the girl, "I got better." She held her hands out from her sides as she sat down on the floor across from her sworn enemy. "So Spike dumped you. She *said* he would, but I didn't believe her. I guess with her being a vampire now, and all, it was just a no brainer... I mean, being a vampire, she can take the abuse and be begging for more in minutes, so why would he want a Slayer who takes *hours* to heal, if not days?"

Buffy was confused, to say the least. Yes, Dru was a vampire, but for some reason, it sounded like Darla was saying it was a *recent* thing. "Huh?" she said brilliantly, her brows drawn together quizzically. "What do you *mean*? Druscilla's been a vamp for a long time!" Her eyes opened wide in amazement before narrowing in swiftly discovered hatred when the blonde woman answered her.

"Oh, no, dear!" Darla laughed, "Not sweet, simple *Dru*! I'm talking about Spike's *other* lover... Willow!" She giggled again, maniacally, as she began to embroider a tale for the Slayer about how Spike had been taken in by the deceptively sweet little redhead... after all, she wasn't sure that *she'd* be able to kill the little bitch, and it wouldn't hurt a bit to have a Slayer gunning for her, too, and judging from the look in Buffy's eyes, it was going to be one *hell* of a big *gun*!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Angel slapped an appropriately grim and guilt-ridden expression on his face as he entered the magic shop, shoulders slumped. He glanced quickly and furtively through his lashes, almost laughing at the sight of Xander Harris holding a stake while Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn tried to get in his way. He searched out Giles, agaony clear in his expression. "Oh..." he moaned, falling to his knees right there in the entry way, "Oh, God, Giles... I... I turned Willow! I... I made her a *demon*!" He covered his face with his hands and moaned pitifully some more.

Giles nodded decisively as Xander finally lowered his stake. "Yes, I... I know, Angel. I wish I could say that it was going to be all right, but... I can't. There's nothing we can do for her now. We can't make her human again, and we've all ready re-souled her, so..."

Angel's eyes grew wide, and he dropped his hands, staring at the former watcher in confusion. "You... you what? But... how? I thought... that is, Willow said the spell..."

Giles stepped back and motioned to a girl Angel vaguely remembered seeing with Gunn a few times. "Yes, the original spell was destroyed, but... Well, we came across something almost as good, so..." He sighed, wanting to be as far away from the just-resouled vampire as possible. "Nutmeg can explain it better than *I* could..." He waited until the girl stood up before going into the back room. The whole situation was making him think too much about Jenny.

Nutmeg watched the older man leave, sighing sadly. Cordelia had told her about Jenny Calendar, and it saddened her to see that Mr. Giles was still carrying a torch for the long-dead woman, but... "OK," she began, staring at the vampire, "It's like this..." She watched him kneeling there on the floor as she explained lengthily about the terms of the spell they'd done, and stared at him, expectantly, when she'd finished.

Angel was trying hard to wrap his mind around the information the girl had just provided, but... it was confusing. Plus, he'd never heard of a spell like the one she'd described. "So, um... where exactly did you guys find this spell?" His eyes widened in shock when Dawn answered him.

"Well..." the teenaged girl announced, "You probably won't believe this, but... we got it from *Darla*."

"Darla!" Angel almost shouted, "How!?" He'd known the blonde bitch was out to get Willow, but how would re-souling him accomplish that? Unless... "Darla?" he repeated, unaware that he'd said it out loud.

Dawn nodded her head emphatically. "Darla. And I know, Angel... we all thought she was dead, too. I mean, Buffy saw you dust her herself..." She sighed then, amazed by the anger in the vampire's eyes. "I don't know how it happened, but... Darla's back, and for some reason she wanted you to be all souled again."

"But Angel," Nutmeg chimed in, as Giles re-entered the main room, "The clause is still there... One moment of true happiness, and Angelus is back... for good, this time."

The vampire wiped the angst-ridden look from his face and stood, shoulders back, and head high. "Thanks, Nutmeg," he calmly purred, "I was actually wondering about that, but I wasn't sure of just how to ask."

Cordelia and Wesley clasped hands quickly, not sure of exactly what they were seeing, but knowing that they didn't like it. "Angel?" the former cheerleader said softly, hoping that she and her lover weren't about to die a horrible, bloody death.

"Yes, Cordelia," the vampire replied impatiently, "It's me... or it is until I find my Mate." His almost angry gaze swept over the entire group assembled before him, and he smirked slightly. "I know that you were only doing what you thought was right, and that's the *only* reason any of you merit a warning. I was happy, you know?" he announced rhetorically, as he paced slowly around the circumference of the room. "I had Willow, and the rest of our little family, and I was *happy*! But that didn't matter to you, did it? I wasn't what you thought I should be anymore, so you took the first chance you got to change me back. Well, guess what?" he demanded, fury in his voice. "It didn't work! Oh, I have a *soul*, but I'm nothing *like* what I was before, and do you know why?" He laughed angrily at them, his demon purring in his chest at the horrified looks on their faces. "Because of Willow... because of my *Mate*! You dragged me away from her, you assholes! Took away everything that made my existence worthwhile!" He growled and flew across the room, stopping just inside the door. "I'm going to get it all *back*, though. And if you're *smart*, which by the way I think you are-- with the notable exceptions of Moron-boy and Wussy-- you'll get the hell out of my town, because if you're still here this time tomorrow?" He chuckled wickedly, enjoying the fear permeating the air, "My Mate and I will kill you all. I don't care where you go, just get out of Sunnydale, and stay the hell away from Los Angeles, too. If I even *hear* about any of you again, it'll mean your lives." He turned then, his long black coat flapping in the air, and stalked off towards the Sunnydale Hilton, and the Mate he missed so much.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Spike groaned softly as he slipped wearily from the redhead's room. She'd kept him at it for almost twenty-four hours straight before she'd finally relaxed enough to sleep, and if he didn't get some sleep himself soon, he thought he just might collapse. His eyes were slipping in and out of focus, and it took him three tries to actually slip the key into the lock of his room. When he finally *did* get the door open, and stepped inside, he sighed deeply and dropped the boots he'd carried from across the hall. After all, he'd figured, there was no point in putting them on just to walk eight feet. He groaned and pushed the jeans down his legs as he approached the bed, and stepped out of them just before collapsing onto the mattress. His eyes rolled back in his head with relief, only to spring forward again at the sound of Druscilla's voice.

"Poor Spike," Dru cooed from the bathroom doorway, "Mummy's gone and made you all wonky... But you were a very good boy, so we shall have lots and lots of cakes, my sweet, sweet love..." She flowed silkily towards the bed, grinning when the blond groaned. "Now, now, my big, fierce dog, we'll have none of that! No growling at me, deary, after all, I've brought you a prezzie..." She smiled happily and pulled the large carafe of rich, red blood from behind her back. "A little birdie told me that you'd need some sweet punch, my love..." She sat down beside him on the bed, and placed his head in her lap as she tipped the carafe to his lips. "Eat up, my sweet," she purred happily, "You'll need your strength when our Daddy comes home..."

Spike blinked slowly, and drank quickly, his eyes rolling back again at the taste of what she'd brought him... Human, and less than thirteen, too... No nasty hormones to get him all confused and violent, just sweet, pure, young blood. He heard what Dru said about their Sire, but... he was so tired... and now he had a full belly, and... He'd think about it when he woke up, he decided, and smiled as his eyes closed and he felt his Dark Goddess, his ripe, wicked plum, move his head from her lap just before she curled up against him... He'd think about it tomorrow.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Angel smiled to himself as he tightened the straps around the redhead's wrist. He could smell his childe everywhere. His scent was in the air, covering the sheets, and all over every part of her body. A part of him understood her need to seek comfort in the next of his line, especially since she'd thought her Mate gone... forever, but... Once he was Angelus again, she was going to pay for that little transgression... After all, the demon *had* said 'only when I'm here, too', and she'd agreed! But that was something to worry about at another time. Right then... well, right then, he wanted nothing more than to sink deep into his redhead, and lose himself-- literally-- in the pleasures of her dead flesh.

He smirked as he moved to the foot of the bed and secured her ankles. He didn't particularly want her to be all tied up, but he knew what she thought of him all souled, and he couldn't take the chance that she'd leave him; run away. She was *his*... always *would* be! He backed away a few feet, and stared longingly at her bound form before shrugging out of his coat, and letting it lay where it fell.

He watched her face as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, and stepped closer to the side of the bed as it joined his coat, his pants following soon after. She looked so sweet, he thought, as he sat on the edge of the bed, his swelling cock beginning to jut proudly from his lap, and he reached out, running his fingers softly and gently down her cheek. "Willow," he sing-songed repeatedly, knowing that the annoyance would wake her faster than anything else would, "Willow, my love..."

Her eyes flew open when her attempt to slap at the irritating noise was halted by... leather? And she stared, disbelieveing, at the sight that met her gaze. He was there! Her *Mate*! And he was... naked... and hard... and touching her! But there was something... off. "Angelus?" she begged, wanting to believe, but knowing, deep inside, that it wasn't so.

"I'm afraid not, sweetling," Angel purred, stroking his hard cock as he stared deep into her eyes, "Or not *yet*, anyway." He sighed deeply when she began to struggle against the restraints. "That's not going to work, my love... You're tied good and tight."

The redhead stilled, knowing he spoke the truth. "Fine, *Angel*," she said, contempt clear in her voice as her true face replaced her human one, "What do you want?"

He sighed and leaned over her, his tongue running slowly across the ridges of her forhead, and he let himself take on his demon's features to match her. "I *want*," he growled, almost unable to resist plowing deep into her right then, "To come *home*!" He pulled back from her slightly, letting her see the truth of his words in his eyes. "Can I, my love?" he whispered, his desperation clear in his voice, "Can I come home?"

Willow stared at him for a moment, her mind whirling through all the possible answers to his entreaty, before finally she said what they'd both wanted to hear. "Come home, Angel," she sighed out, gasping as he moved over her and plunged, with one deep thrust, fully into her, "Come home, and bring me my love..."

End-- Pt 3
