TITLE: Rewind? (4/?)

SERIES: Changes #3

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss owns everyone. I am not Joss. Enough said!


PAIRINGS: W/A; W/A/S; S/B (sorta); S/Dru/Darla...

DISTRIBUTION: Charity of course... anyone I've said yes to before and list archives. Otherwise, just ask.

FEEDBACK: please. It gets you a dedi, y'know...

DEDICATIONS: to Mitch, Caroline, Kitti, and Nutmeg... thanks for the feedback!!!

NOTES: comes after 'The Other Side' in this series... my take on what happened after 'Reunion' on Angel... and * *= emphasis.


"Ohhh... God..." Angel moaned loudly as he finally, finally buried himself deeply inside his Mate. "God, Will, you're so... uhhhnnnghh..." He almost couldn't believe that this was actually happening... that he truly *wanted* to lose his soul again, but... he did. He wanted what he'd lost, wanted his Willow, his Mate, and... the only way that he could ever truly have her would be if he was once again his soul-less counterpart. A small part of him was truly anguished that the woman he loved hated his soul, but the rest... oh, the rest of him didn't care how he had her, as long as she was *his*. And she *would* be-- body, mind, and demon-- once he attained the complete and perfect happiness that he knew he would find, once again, in *her*.

She was so tight, and wet, and the way she felt, writhing against him, was... amazing... His cock was throbbing so hard inside her that he was shocked he hadn't cum yet... Shocked, but glad. He wanted this to be perfect, and as pleasurable for both of them as possible. Of course, she was tied up, but he remembered that she'd liked that when he'd been Angelus, almost as much as his own demon had, and he could hardly wait to feel her cum, hear her screaming his name. And with that goal in mind, he pulled back, leaving just the head of his turgid member inside her wetness. "Scream for me, my love," he murmured as he thrust himself back into her, harder than he'd done before.

She could feel her eyes opening wide as he slammed so deep into her, it almost felt like he was up in her chest, and her lips parted in an excited scream. Yes! He was doing it-- he was actually trying to become Angelus... to come *home*! She shrieked again when he repeated the motion, wishing that she could touch him... roll with him... tie him up and ride him until he begged her to stop... or begged for more, whichever. She almost felt like she was betraying her Mate, but... even with the soul, her Angelus was still inside him, and she knew it! "Please... Angel, please..." she whimpered desperately.

He wanted nothing more than to fill her to overflowing with his dead seed, but... first, he wanted to feel her cum. "Please, what, Willow?" he purred, pulling his hard cock from her dripping cunt. "Shhh..." he whispered when she moaned, and he slowly began sliding down her body, grazing her smooth, cool skin with his tongue, then his fangs. "I want to do this, my love... my Mate..." He slowed briefly at the bottom of her ribcage, gouging gently into her skin, and purring happily as he lapped at the slowly seeping blood that rose from the slight wound, before continuing on, giving the same treatment to her navel. His tongue delved deep into the indentation as she writhed and thrust against him, and he chuckled softly against her skin. "Do you like that, Will?' he asked her, laughing again when her reply came as a moan.

He sat back slightly then, ignoring the demands his cock was making, and gazed down at her pale, naked body. "*I* like it, love... but not," he continued, leaning down and licking quickly at her swollen clit, "As much as I like having you all spread-eagle like this..." He ignored the little whimpers she was making, and reached out, slowly sliding two thick fingers deep inside the channel his cock had so recently vacated, and he watched her face, completely infatuated with her expression, as he began to thrust them within her. "I love you, Willow," he sighed, meeting her amber eyes with his own, "Angel or Angelus; soul or not, I *love* you... More than I ever thought possible." He stopped talking then, and lowered his head to tease her beautiful twat with his mouth.

His tongue slid tenderly around and over the hard little nub at her center, and his fingers continued their rhythm within her, and... he wanted more, so much more. He wanted to taste every drop of her, drink her down like a fine wine, and he slipped his fingers from her, replacing them with the firm muscle of his tongue. She tasted amazing, and he could only envy himself for having had her this way more times than he could count, and... the memory surged within him, of the first time she'd been with Angelus, and his fingers slid, of their own accord, to the tightly clenched opening of her ass. His other hand came to rest on her tight stomach, and his tongue worked fast and furious at her clit while he forced the same two fingers that had been in her amazing pussy deep into her incredibly tight anus.

Willow moaned again, even louder, when his thick, capable fingers thrust into her again, this time taking the hole that was entirely his. She'd missed him so much, and while Spike had been lovely, he wasn't her Mate, but... apparently, Angel was! Or at least, he was close enough for her demon, and she thrust up against the restraining hand on her belly as his tongue drove deep into her sopping cunt, and his fingers thrust harshly in her ass.

He could barely control his own body as he felt her moving against his face and hand, and... he slid a third finger into her incredible tightness as he felt her starting to pulse around his tongue. He wanted this, he knew... wanted to feel her cum against his lips, feel her asshole slamming closed around his thrusting fingers, and... he was going to have it! He almost came when she started keening his name, but... not yet, he told himself; not until he was inside her again... He pulled himself from her, and slid slowly up her body, licking the dried blood from the already-healed bites he'd given her on his way down. "I love you, Willow," he said again, as he slid, once more, deep into her perfect wetness.

"Angel!" she screamed, as she felt the engorged head of his cock battering her cervix, "Angel!" She couldn't believe what was happening to her. The souled version of her Mate was fucking her hard, and she was loving it! It wasn't at all like it had been in LA, when she'd had to force herself to have him, but maybe... Maybe that was because *this* Angel was almost entirely different from the Angel he'd been then. She screamed again, her eyes slamming shut, when she felt his fangs slide deep into her neck. "Yes!" she hissed, arching hard against him, "Oh, yes!" She tugged desperately against the leather straps holding her, growling when she felt her skin splitting from the violence of her struggles. "Angel, please!" she begged, not caring anymore that he carried a soul... she just wanted to be free. She gasped in relief as his large hands rose and ripped through the leather as though it was a particularly thin brand of tissue, and groaned when he pulled himself from her once again. "An

gel?" she demanded, watching closely as he got up from the bed. If he thought he was going to leave her now...

He stared raptly into her hot yellow eyes, and moved around the foot of the bed, not saying a word in response to her increasingly shrill questions. He stared at her for a moment, and reached out, removing the restraints from her ankles before tensing his muscles and flinging himself back onto the bed, slamming down hard on top of her. "That's better," he purred, feeling her long legs wrapping around his hips as he thrust himself fully within her once more. And it *was* better... her slim little fingers digging into his cool, dead flesh, her legs pulling him harder and deeper into her tightness, her fangs slashing repeatedly at his chest; his neck; his nipples... it was perfect, and he never wanted it to stop... never.

She'd been almost ready to stake him for a moment there, but... then her legs were free, and he was in the air, then *on* her, and... If she'd had breath, it would have been knocked from her by the force of his landing, but as it was, she'd only shrieked happily, and welcomed him back with open arms, not to mention *legs*. She'd missed the feel of him, his skin beneath her fingernails, his blood on her lips. She'd missed the loud growling groans he released when he plowed into her, deep and hard, and Gods, she'd missed his throbbing cock! She almost couldn't believe that it had been only a day or so since he'd been souled again; it felt like so much longer! But he was back, or he would be soon, and... the eternity they'd have would pass by much too quickly. She groaned, straining up against him, every part of her clenching him tightly to her, within her; and she delighted in his answering moans.

He loved this... being inside her, feeling her wet, tight little pussy surrounding him, grasping him hard every time he pulled back from her. The way she sounded, the slap of skin on skin... but he wanted something more. "Uhnnngghhh... Willow..." he groaned, rolling and pulling her over him, still firmly planted within her. "Take me, love," he almost begged, his fingers digging deeply into her hips, his golden eyes locked onto hers. He sucked in a hissing breath as she began to move upon him, his eyes almost crossing when she clamped down, hard, on his turgid shaft. "Love... you... love.... you..." he grunted, in time with her motions, his eyes widening when she slid down him particularly hard. "Oh... oh, god!" he moaned, feeling the wicked tightening in his sac, "God, Will, god..." He stared at her, surprised, when she suddenly stopped moving. "Wha... what's wrong..."

Willow gazed deeply into his eyes, gauging the tenuous hold the soul had on her beloved's body. "I'm sorry, Angel," she finally said softly, meaning it. "I'm sorry I couldn't love you the way I do Angelus... and I'm sorry that finding my happiness means that you have to be gone." She leaned down from her position, still impaled on his pulsating dick, and kissed him gently, her tongue slipping between his lips for just a moment. "That's all," she said, sitting back up on him, "I just wanted to say that. That I'm sorry."

Angel smiled softly up into her eyes, still floored by the flawless beauty that was his Mate. "It doesn't matter, Will," he told her, meaning every word, "I *am* Angelus, for the most part, and Angelus is *me*. We're two parts of the same being, and... I know you love him. That he's the one you want, and need, and... It doesn't matter." His fingers tightened harshly on her hips, and he growled deeply, lifting her up and slamming her down hard on him, his eyes closing in delight as she moaned above him. He couldn't wait to explode deep inside her, couldn't wait to let the demon free forever, and he could feel that same demon panting deep inside him, ready and waiting for its chance.

Willow groaned out loud as she moved quickly up and down his rock-hard shaft, and she rocked hard against him every time he was fully within her. She loved the feel of him; the way he was letting her fuck him, and... if this was the last time Angel would have her, she wanted to make it... perfect. She pulled herself off him completely, stifling his protesting moan with her lips, and lowered herself upon him again, slowly, moaning herself as she felt the huge head of his cock beginning to penetrate her asshole. She took a deep unnecessary breath, and forced herself down until he was buried to the hilt in her smallest, tightest hole. She met his surprised, lust-glazed eyes with her own, smiling at the steady purring growl she could hear in his chest, and bracing her palms on his broad chest, she began to move on him.

He knew his eyes were wider than they'd ever been before, but he just didn't care. She was... his *Mate* was... her *ass* was... He arched up into her as she slid down him again, and moaned so loudly, he was sure it could be heard in the lobby, but... he couldn't help it! He could smell her blood, and feel the slickness it provided as she slammed herself onto him repeatedly. He knew, from the demon, that they'd never done this in this particular position, and his eyes clenched shut in amazement that she'd chosen to give him this... It would be his last memory, of course, but that did nothing to detract from the feeling. He slid his hands up her thighs again, one of them grasping at a beautifully-bruised hip while the other slipped between her legs. He moaned again, and thrust two thick, long fingers deep into her dripping cunt while his thumb rubbed fiercely at her clit. He wasn't going to last much longer, he knew, but he was for *damned* sure going to see to it that she came with h

im. He moved his hand faster against her, keeping time with her own movements, and the steady tightening of her sphincter was almost as painful as it was pleasurable, but... he still held out. He opened his eyes then, wanting to watch her when she reached her peak, and stared in amazement at the sight of his huge cock sliding in and out of her tight body as she rode him hard. He could feel his fulfillment approaching, and tightened his fingers on her hip, his other hand thrusting harder and deeper into her sopping twat, and when she clenched hard around him and screamed his name, he finally let go, his sac tightening and spilling his dead seed into her willing ass almost before he knew it, and he shouted his fulfillment, eyes rolled back.

She screamed her release to the heavens, her back arching in ecstasy, and she collapsed, exhausted, across his chest. She smiled slightly as she felt his huge hands roaming her back, and she licked quickly at his nipple, smiling more widely when he purred deep in his chest. "I really *am* sorry, you know," she said softly. "Oh, not for getting rid of you before, but..." She planted her elbows on his broad chest, and rested her chin in her hands. "The Angel you are,*now*," she explained, meeting his eyes, "I could have dealt with. I don't know how it happened, but... you're not really much like you were before, and..." She sighed deeply and shook her head slightly. "If I didn't love my Mate so much..."

Angel nodded his understanding. "It's all right, my love," he said softly, loving her more with each moment. "I wish... I wish I could be everything for you that *he* is... That *I* was the one who stole your heart. But I'm not, and... it's OK. Besides," he said then, smiling sadly, "It's just as well. If you *had* loved me, I would have lost the soul anyway, and you'd have been stuck with a monster who wore my face, so in a way, it's just as well that it's the demon that you love..."

The redhead sighed and pulled herself from him, grinning slightly at his groan of disappointment when his cock slipped from her ass. "If it matters at all," she told him quietly as she curled herself against his side, "I think I... I *could* have loved the Angel you've become..."

"Oh, it *matters*, my love," he sighed contentedly, his arm wrapping around her and pulling her more tightly to him, "It definitely matters." He turned his head, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "I don't think I've ever been happier..." His eyes locked with hers, and they stayed that way, staring, as they waited for the inevitable to occur-- for Angelus to finally come home... for *good*.

End-- pt 4
