The Good Fight

Author: Angelicgal82

Notes: Sequel to 'Denial'


Because I love her. Because how can I *not* look at our childrens faces and see her? Because she's mine. Because she's Cordy.

Ask me for a reason and this is what you'll get from me. I know I have to do this, I know *why* I have to do this. It's about time the Powers gave us a break and I'm damned well going to get it. They thought I was mad when Darla was turned? They don't know the half of it...

Axe. Check. Dagger. Check. Stakes. Check. I'm preparing for a war, one that I mightn't win. I know they'll test me on what I'm willing to give up and if it's something big, I'll be prepared because I'm not going to lose my only chance at happiness. I'll bring Cordelia back if it kills me...and I know it might...


"No smoking, no swearing, no drinking - no nothing, you understand me?" Asked Angel, looking suspiciously at Spike. "I don't want to come back to my children being chain smokers, listening to the Sex Pistols and wearing leather...leave them with some innocence, y'got me?"

Spike laughed, "You still are a bloody big pouf aren't ya?"

Buffy smiled, "Angel...I'm here too, the closest they'll get to smoke is IF there's a fire which, by the way is never going to happen. Swearing is a big no-no and as for the other stuff...please, like I'd let him listen to the Sex Pistols." She said with a wink in Spike's direction. "Go, save Cordelia...kick some ass." She smiled.

Angel nodded and smiled at her, "Buffy if I don't...if something happens promise me you'll..."

"Stop that sentence RIGHT there." She said sternly, "You're coming back, WITH Cordelia. Got me?"

Angel smiled and walked down the front steps, getting into his car. He didn't turn round to look at his children. He figured that if for some reason he felt himself giving up, his driving force could be his children, getting to see them again...


"What have you brought us, Lower Being?" Asked the woman of the Oracles, glaring at Angel.

"Nothing." He replied. Their eyebrows raised but they said nothing. "I've brought you nothing. And you'll get nothing from me until Cordelia Chase is back where she belongs."

"Ah, it is a love thing. Didn't you come to us with such a thing before, Warrior?"

Angel's eyes narrowed, "Perhaps I did but this time? The stakes are a little different." He said coldly. "This time, I walk out of here happy. This time I walk out of here knowing that my life will run smoothly. And this time, I'll walk out of here knowing that my children will be safe."

Angel smiled...a smile that could be considered very close to one Angelus had smiled a lot...sardonic, saccharine sweet...and laced with arsenic. "As we friends are rounding up some vampires..." He smiled, "I'm sure you don't want Angelus to...pop up any time soon in your little scheme, do you?" He asked with a raise of his eyebrows, "I'm sure he'd just *love* to come out and play..."

"You wouldn't..." Sputtered the man.

Angel looked at him, "Oh...I think I would..." He said carefully, "I've not got much else to live for without her. I can't bring OUR children up on my own. You're going to bring her back and you're going to make us happy."

"There are tests...that you must face..." Said the woman.

Angel smiled, "I'll take them."

"As you wish..."


"The Good fight, yeah?" Came a voice from behind Angel, making him turn. "Hey Man, looks like you and 'Delia finally got it together, huh? Even if I am a little miffed."

Angel smiled, "Doyle...what are you..."

"I came to tell ye it ain't gonna be all sweetness and roses. These tests they've issued ain't for the faint of gotta prove that yer worthy of the Gift."

Angel was puzzled, "Gift?" He asked.

"It's a test from the Powers That Be...Cordelia's test was giving up her life for her child..."

A low growl erupted in Angel's throat. "Back up there, man..." Said Doyle, "And yours is proving that what you feel for her and your children is very real...they wanna know what you're willing to sacrifice for your lady love, isn't it sweet?" He asked, dryly. Angel shook his head, "The Powers have a *strange* way of rewarding their Warriors..."

Doyle looked at Angel and smiled, repeating some of the first words he said to the en-souled vampire, "Are you game?"

Angel sighed, "I'm game."


"Liam! No..." Giggled the small child, "Stop ticklin' me...I'll tell Ma..."

When Angel looked down, in his arms lay a child, writhing about in his arms. "Kathy?" He whispered, his eyes settling on his first test. His sister.
