Double or Nothing

Author: Lysa Whitmore


Parts: 11 - 15


Part 11

 The strange sounds were coming from the kitchen, Buffy realized as she made her way across the foyer of the mansion, a combination of deep throaty laughter and someone choking to death. Moving a little faster, she soon came to the open door and found Cordelia in a bathrobe again— only this time it looked like the silky green robe belonged to her.

Both Angel and Angelus were seated at opposite ends of the table, one dressed in an open blue robe and dark boxers and the other in gray sweats and a white muscle shirt. Boxer Vamp had his dark head thrown back in laughter, grasping his chest as though it hurt from the effort.

Angelus? Buffy questioned her conclusion uncertainly. She had rarely seen Angel crack a smile, much less laugh his head off, but that meant Cordelia was standing next to Angel. What’s she doing touching him?

Still confused, Buffy decided there would be no hello kiss for Angel until he declared his identity to her.

“What was that?” Angel held a hand to his throat gasping hoarsely. He coughed yet again trying to force the liquid out of his normally unused lungs. The moment he had swallowed the first gulp of Cordelia’s spiced pig’s blood, his body reacted violently with laryngeal spasms he had never experienced in all of his years as a vampire.

Pounding Angel hard on the back, Cordelia huffed at his obvious attempt to convince her that she should lay off the experiments. “Don’t be such a weenie. It can’t be that bad.”

Angel gave her a strained look, barely holding back the feral growl that threatened at her continued ministrations.

Easing down on his laughter, Angelus picked up his own mug of doctored blood and took another gulp. “Tasty. Anything is better than straight pig’s blood.”

“Tabasco and a touch of cinnamon,” Cordelia explained with a smile.

“Would you put that in your own food?” Angel asked her, now sitting up straighter.

Cordelia reminded him, “I don’t cook.”

“Exactly,” he shuddered, still reeling from the taste.

Buffy wasn’t certain that she understood what was going on except that Cordelia was putting ingredients together in a very strange fashion. “Cooking what?”

“Vamp juice,” Cordy responded matter of factly. Still patting and rubbing Angel on the back, she pointed out to Buffy, “Angel can’t handle anything a little different. Big vampire baby.”

So it is Angel.

“That wasn’t juice,” the vampire countered with a gruff complaint. “It was a liquid firecracker.”

Buffy tried not to smile at the thought, but it was kind of funny. The fact that Cordy couldn’t cook was not a major surprise, but the fact that she had made some kind of effort for the two guys stunned her. Approaching, Buffy gave the brunette a look to indicate she would take over the conciliatory touching duties. Cordelia was no slouch and understood immediately, backing off toward her own boyfriend.

“Better?” Buffy asked Angel as she ran a small hand across his broad muscular back.

“Mmm.” Angel reacted with a noncommittal murmur. “Remind me never to let Cordy near my blood supply again.”

Pausing on her way to kiss him, Buffy straightened up so fast it looked like she was leaping away from him. “Eew! You’ve been eating blood.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “What else?”

With a harsh laugh, Angelus pointed out, “C’mon, Buff. Angel’s kissed you after he’s eaten…other things. What’s a little blood after that?”

Turning her gaze on the other vampire, Buffy gaped at him irately. “Did you just imply…? Yes, you did.”

Giving his double a barbed look, Angel ground out, “That was totally unnecessary, Angelus.”

Even Cordelia had to respond as she curled her fingers around Angelus’ shoulder and gave it a squeeze, “Crude much?”

“Well, I thought it was funny.” Angelus responded without a measure of guilt as he gulped down the last drop of his breakfast.

Buffy faced him now, her hands on her hips. She noted that he ignored her in favor of staring at the way the silk robe fell across the line of Cordelia’s hip. When Cordy suddenly let out a small yelp, Buffy knew that Angelus had moved his hand to the other girl’s bottom. A soft flush lit Cordelia’s face and neck, but she said nothing. It was all there to see in the mirthful look on Angelus’ face.

“Got something to say, Slayer?” He lifted his dark sparkling eyes to hers. There was a challenge there that Buffy wasn’t about to turn down.

“I didn’t come here for your games or insults, Angelus,” she told him firmly. “I had enough humiliation yesterday to last a lifetime. This is a brand new day and things are going to be different starting now.”

Placating her by listening to her little speech, Angelus attempted to appear as if he was interested, “Really? Do tell.”

The sardonic tone to Angelus voice gave him away, not that Buffy cared at this point. She was going to tell the vampire what needed telling.

“First off…get off my back. It’s not my choice that you’re here, but I’m going to put up with you for Angel and Cordelia’s sake. Second…when on patrol— I’m in charge. Stop second-guessing me. Third…I haven’t thought of a third thing yet, but when I do I’ll let you know.”

Cordelia stared from Buffy to Angelus and then over to Angel. The Slayer’s gaze was locked on Angelus and vice versa. Two enemies caught up in their endless conflict hashing out a negotiation. Only Angel met her eyes, his full of caution and a patience beyond Cordelia’s ability to stand. She was about to say something when Angelus responded to Buffy’s demands.

“My turn, Buff,” he told her without ever removing his hand from Cordelia’s rounded bottom. “First off…I want my own back Slayer-free. Stay out of my business. No more spying by sending the Scoobies to track me around town.”

Buffy glanced between Angel and Cordy wondering if they knew about that. From their expressions, they didn’t. A twinge of guilt crept up to lodge in her throat, but she swallowed it back down. There was a good reason to send Xander and Oz to follow Angelus. They hadn’t done it in a while, not since they were almost certain the vamp wasn’t causing trouble.

Acknowledging her guilty expression with a smirk, Angelus continued. “Second thing, Slayer, I have a helluva lot more experience than you at fighting demons, so you better listen to my advice when I give it even if you don’t want to hear it. Especially when Angel isn’t around to tell you what you need to know. Third…you get the idea.”

“Yeah.” Buffy returned his intent look with equal force. “Truce? For now.”

After a long pause, Angelus let out a low growl of reluctant acceptance. “Truce.”

Cordelia gave Angel a surprised smile. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. A truce between Angelus and Buffy. Elated, she spouted, “Terrific!”

Then her smile fell from its brilliance into a tentative line. Remembering her own part in yesterday’s conflict, Cordelia questioned the blonde, “What about us?”

Buffy lifted her eyes away from Angelus, still caught up by the fact that the vampire was touching Cordelia so intimately even as they settled their differences. “Uh, that’s why I came over so early, Cor. I didn’t realize these two would be up early. Thought we could talk about yesterday. Minus the cat fight.”

“But that was the fun part,” Angelus protested with a grin.

“Keep your girl-on-girl fantasies to yourself, Bad Boy!” Cordelia teased. Pursing her lips, she commented, “I haven’t sharpened my claws today, so Buffy should be safe enough.”

Next, turning to Buffy, she added, “I need to get dressed. Meet you outside in 20 minutes?”

Buffy gave her a short nod as she pulled out one of the chairs at the kitchen table and took a seat.

“Why outside?” Angel asked them.

“Sunshine,” answered Buffy simply.

Cordelia was more direct, “No vamp hearing.”

Buffy further explained, “Girl talk.”

Angel cringed reflexively at the thought. Girl talk. That could be dangerous.

Warningly, Angelus looked at the Slayer’s expression before sounding out, “Cordy—”

“Buffy isn’t gonna slug me,” Cordelia let out a laugh and then asked the blonde more seriously, “Are you?”

“Not today.” Buffy gave her a look of innocent generosity.

Cordelia placed a lingering kiss on Angelus’ forehead. “See. No problemo.”

Thirty minutes later, Buffy and Cordelia started their outing through the park behind the mansion.

Buffy was gaping at the scenery. Landscaped trees and bushes dotted the area and there were signs of flower beds currently overlaid with greenery. “I didn’t realize this was back here. It’s overgrown and wild, but gorgeous.”

“The park looks different in the sunshine,” Cordelia was a bit amazed herself.

“Did Angelus bring you out here on a moonlit walk?” Buffy found herself suddenly comparing it to her cemetery strolls with her own boyfriend where the mist rose up in wafting curls around the headstones. Though admittedly, their walks tended to be interrupted by fledgling vampires. “One of those romantic moments you mentioned?”

Answering honestly, “No, it was Angel.”

Stopping short, Buffy blinked as though she hadn’t heard correctly. “Angel?”

“And it was so not romantic,” Cordelia waved a hand in the air. “Lecture time.”

Understanding sunk in. Remembering now, “About Angelus.”

Looking surprised that Buffy knew anything about it, Cordelia acknowledged, “Yeah. Angel told you?”

“Only after the fact,” the blonde rushed to point out hoping that she hadn’t broken a confidence.

Cordelia seemed to shrug it off. Instead of being angry that Buffy knew about the brotherly lecture, she just seemed confused. In fact, that was exactly what Buffy heard her admit seconds later. “I’m still confused about this vampire possession business. It’s weird, dontcha think?”

“The vampire what?” A muddled look accompanied the query.

“Uh.” Cordelia wondered vaguely why the Slayer would be confused about anything to do with vampires. Surely Giles kept her up to speed on vampy stuff. “How much did Angel tell you?”

With a shrug, Buffy summarized the discussion, “Just that Angelus asked his opinion about dating you. That he told Angelus to forget about it, but decided you two would probably do what you wanted to do. Angel felt that he needed to talk to you about his concerns.”


When Cordelia’s sarcastic little sound turned into a series of soft giggles, Buffy was a little put out. “What?”

“Angelus didn’t ask for an opinion, Buffy. He asked for permission.” Since this was a real heart-to-heart conversation with the goal of settling the score between them, she saw no reason not to make certain that Buffy knew about the formal hand-off that had taken place.

Without the details about Angel kissing her, otherwise there would definitely be a cat fight and Cordelia wasn’t stupid enough to hope she stood a real chance against the Slayer in a physical scrap.

Listening to Cordelia’s explanation, Buffy was stunned, just totally shocked at the idea that Angel had lied to her about the brunette. While she wondered if this was not another attempt at protecting Cordelia by masking the whole truth, Buffy did not understand why she was included in the lie.

“So in vamp terms, the whole Scooby Gang technically belongs to Angel?”

Cordelia nodded, “Minus me.”

“Weird. I usually leave the reading and research up to Giles. It never occurred to me that Angel could be so…possessive about people,” Buffy admitted suddenly thinking about Angel in terms she never had before.

“He’s a vampire,” Cordy gave a shrug. “It’s what they do.”

Buffy squirmed at the use of the term vampire when referring to Angel. “I-I hardly ever think of Angel that way. As a vampire.”

“How else would you think of him? Hard to hide the fangs and the blood drinking.” Once Cordelia had discovered the truth, she had never thought about Angel in any other way.

The words came out as a near confession for Buffy as she lifted her gaze from the green grass to the hazel pools of Cordelia’s questioning eyes. “After I found out the truth, Angel…he doesn’t often vamp out. Even in a fight unless it’s some major battle. I don’t really think about it...mostly. Except during the day when he’s not around.”

Cordelia attempted to perk her up. “A girl has to have a little time to herself now and then. Unless you find other ways to occupy yourselves indoors.”


Rolling her eyes, “Oh, please! You can’t tell me that you don’t want to jump Angel’s bones every time you see him.”

Blushing, Buffy felt the fire light her cheeks aflame. “Mostly…I do.”

“That’s what I thought.” Laughing heartily, Cordelia’s eyes twinkled in complete understanding.

“Cordy, I just wanted to say that whatever you feel for Angelus…I’m sure it’s real for you. My own feelings about Angelus just got in the way and thinking about you two as a couple…I get the wiggins just thinking about it.”

“Get over it, Buff,” she suggested with a laugh not even realizing that she used Angelus’ name for the Slayer. Buffy noticed and was a little taken aback by the subconscious way Cordelia had connected with the vampire’s habits. “Wiggins will give you wrinkles.”

A burst of unexpected laughter sounded from Buffy’s throat. “Guess I’ll have to.”

Cordelia shared the fact that it seemed like her relationship with Angelus was a lot longer than it was in reality. “It has only been a couple of days. It’s new to me too.”

“You love him?” Buffy asked somehow knowing the answer. Considering the way that Cordelia had come to his defense yesterday, it was kind of obvious.

Sighing dreamily, Cordelia had to agree. “Yeah,” she freely admitted.

“Me too. Except…I mean Angel.”

“Duh! Forbidden love and all.”

Confused, Buffy had to ask, “What do you mean?”

“Oh. Just something Xander and I had a conversation about. You being a Slayer and him being a vampire. Opposites attracting.” Cordelia waved it off as old news. “Then there was the whole curse thing…not being able to be together. Willow and I—”

Buffy cut her off, “Is there anyone you haven’t talked to about my love life?”

Thinking hard, “No.”

Looking horrified at the thought, Buffy gasped, “Giles? You’ve talked to Giles about Angel and me?”

Snorting lightly, Cordelia revealed, “Everyone talked to Giles about Angel and you.”

“Might as well have written an article for the Sunnydale Gazette,” Buffy looked a bit dazed at the thought. “Slayer Loses Virginity to Vampire. Angelus Returns.”

Cordelia was snickering uncontrollably. She didn’t want to laugh, but the way Buffy talked about it was so funny considering all of the angst she went through afterward.

“It was embarrassing,” Buffy complained. “So was yesterday. Kissing Angelus that way. I-I can’t tell them apart. How do you do it?”

More seriously, Cordelia swallowed her laughter and gave a shrug. “I don’t know. Ever since they walked into the library together that first time, I just know. Seems obvious to me. Maybe it’s your Slayer senses getting in the way.”

“Maybe.” Disappointed that Cordy couldn’t give her any hints, Buffy sighed.

Thinking about that first day, Cordelia remembered that Angel had a conversation with Giles that she never found out about. “Did Giles ever tell you what Angel said to him that day?”

Buffy wasn’t even aware there had been a conversation. Although that might explain why Angel hadn’t been in the main part of the library when Angelus tricked her. “No. Why?”

Thinking about it, Cordelia commented, “Giles has just been preoccupied for the last month. Doing research we’re not involved in.”

The Slayer wondered, Since when does Cordy notice stuff like that about my Watcher? “He’s still mourning Ms. Calendar. Angelus’ return brought it all back to him again.”

“No,” Cordelia knew Giles’ moods. “This is not Jenny-depression. It’s something else. I think Angel told him something about this deal with the Fates that has Giles worried.”

“Angel told me that it could be dangerous,” Buffy remembered. “Deadly, in fact, but I thought that he was just talking about the split itself.”

“Deadly!” The word threw her for a loop. “We have some questions to ask.”

“Slyly of course,” Buffy figured it was the only way to get the information.
Cordelia returned firmly, “No. I’m gonna walk back in there and ask them.”

Countering her, Buffy suggested, “Let me talk to Giles first. Then we can interrogate Angel and Angelus.”

Confused at the reason for subterfuge, Cordelia asked, “Why wait?”

“Angel isn’t going to give up any information if he doesn’t want too. As for Angelus…I doubt that he would want to say anything that might worry you. He seems very protective.”

Smiling suddenly at the thought, Cordelia gave in and changed the subject. “I love Angelus and he does deserve a chance, Buffy. He and Angel struggle with each other because they’re like two opposites…different parts of the same person. We need to help them get along.”

Buffy realized that she hadn’t thought about the fact that Angel and Angelus might have a hard time living with each other. She had been focused more on herself and her own contrary feelings.

With growing enthusiasm, Cordelia continued. “Wouldn’t it be great if they did learn to treat each other like brothers instead of rivals or enemies?”

“This whole family idea is weird. I can’t get used to the idea that Angel and Angelus are two separate beings…after nearly two months.” Even as Buffy said that she had to admit to herself that she had always thought of them as separate beings. It helped her to differentiate what Angelus had said and done. Having them here in physical form at the same time merely cemented that thought in her head, but it was still disconcerting. “Maybe they are like brothers, but Angel’s comment about us being part of the family sounded strange.”

Cordelia was confused at why Buffy made it sound like a bad thing. “It just means that you’re special to him. That we’re both important. I don’t know all the vampire rules about what makes a family. Just accept it, Buffy.”

“Maybe it’s stupid, but I get the wiggins just thinking about it.”

“Wrinkles,” Cordelia sing-songed the word. “You just need to get comfortable with the idea that you’re dating a vampire. Except that you and Angel don’t really date. You just show up for mutual post-Slayage groping sessions.”


Shrugging off the protest, Cordelia stared back. “No offense. Just stating the facts.”

Buffy muttered under her breath realizing that she couldn’t really deny the fact. It seemed that Cordelia was more observant than she had given the cheerleader credit for.

“You had a great idea yesterday, although I think you were being sarcastic at the time,” Cordelia put forth suggestively as she stood with her hands behind her back, her head tilted and a winning smile on her face.

Silently wondering if that was the manipulative look Cordelia gave her father when asking for his credit card, Buffy realized the girl was serious. Recognizing exactly what Cordelia was suggesting, Buffy gave her a pleading look. “No…we can’t do that.”

“Double dates? Sure we can. Just think of them as bonding moments,” suggested Cordelia with a smile, her tongue peeking out between her teeth. Putting her arm around Buffy’s shoulder, she was so into the ideas popping into her head that she missed the look of discomfort that appeared as a result of the friendly move. “You and Angel get a little romance in your otherwise dreary existence while Angelus and I have lots of fun. Somewhere along the way, you and Angelus can learn to tolerate each other.”

“Bonding moments,” Buffy muttered somewhat unenthusiastically. “Great.”

Part 12

 Angel gave Cordelia a hard stare. “We’re going to what?”

“Double date,” she grinned at the vampire.

Turning to Buffy in a near panic at the idea, he asked her, “You agreed to this?”

Slowly, Buffy found herself saying, “It was my idea…sort of.”

The vampire let out a short sound of irritation. “You mean Cordy talked you into believing it was your idea.”

“I can accept that,” Angelus commented drolly.

“Did not,” Cordelia responded defensively. Inquiring, “What do you think?”

Angelus gave a wry smile. “Actually, if that’s what you want, I think it will be a hoot. ‘Bout time Sunnydale realizes they’re twice as lucky to have me around.”

That had Angel rolling his eyes in typical Cordy fashion.

“Egomaniac.” Cordelia made it sound like a caress, smiling at Angelus in a way that suggested he had a right to be. “What about you, Angel. Game?”

Shaking his head, Angel crossed his arms over his broad chest. “No way, Cordy.”

Protesting, Cordelia pleaded, “Don’t be a party pooper, Angel. You’re the one who wanted all of us to get along together. This is a great way to have some fun at the same time.”

Taking a solid stance despite the fact that the cheerleader was practically tugging at his arm, Angel countered with, “Depends on your idea of fun.”

Getting into the idea that Angel was uncomfortable with this plan, Angelus loved it even more. Suggesting, “How about the Bronze?”

There would be a crowd at the Bronze. It wouldn’t be quite so obvious that they were double dating in a crowd. Buffy perked up at the thought. “That’s a good idea.”

As soon as she said it, Buffy was hit by a strange realization. Every nerve zinged in protest. She had just agreed with one of Angelus’ ideas. Must be the power of the Hellmouth!

Cordelia responded with lightning speed. “No way, Angelus. That’s advanced dating, Bad Boy! Any activity that might involve total public humiliation should be avoided. So not on our list of things to do yet.”

“Humiliation?” Angelus didn’t see how he could possibly be connected with that word.

“Dancing,” Cordelia figured that single word should explain it all. Just in case it didn’t sink in, adding, “I’ve seen Angel attempt to dance. Slow is…good. Fast is…well, we won’t even go there right now. So I’m assuming that your dancing skills are of equal suckage.”

Angelus was standing apart from his double, but his defensive stance was just the same. Unwilling to admit it, the vampire merely held his tongue.

“Exactly.” Angel wasn’t going to bother denying it.

“So we’re all agreed,” Cordelia clapped her hands excitedly and hopped over to hug Angelus. “This is going to be so much fun.”

As Buffy and Angel exchanged questioning looks, both wondered exactly when everyone had agreed to the plan. Sending Angel an apologetic shrug, Buffy couldn’t help but feel that Cordelia had steamrolled all three of them.

And she’d done it with a smile.

Cordelia nibbled thoughtfully on the tip of her finger. “I suggest we start simple.”

“See,” Cordelia told the three silent statues sitting at the table with her. “This isn’t so bad. Just the four of us here at a quaint little sidewalk cafe.”

Buffy resisted the urge to point out that this was just the local Ice Cream Parlor. “Us and that gaggle of girls staring at our guys.”

“What?” Cordelia turned in her seat to glare at the freshmen girls who dared to make goo-goo eyes at Angelus. Who did they think they were dealing with?

At her haughty Queen C stare, the giggling teenagers fled the scene. Buffy decided that silence was golden. She shoved a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth to stop from laughing at Cordelia’s response. Not that she wouldn’t have done some glaring of her own if those vampire bait wannabes kept staring.

Angelus relaxed back into his chair, giving them all a look that suggested this was an everyday occurrence. “We can’t help it if we’re hot.”

Cordelia raised her eyebrows in response before looking over at Buffy. Commenting wryly, “Told you he was an egomaniac.”

Sitting stiffly in the small wrought iron chair, Angel smirked a bit at Cordelia’s words, but remained silent.

Digging into her scoop of ice cream, Cordelia twirled the spoon around the edge of the small bowl. She lifted the spoon to her mouth, turning it upside down so that the ice cream melted directly on her tongue. As she pulled out the spoon and licked at it with an expression akin to passion, Cordelia slowly realized that both vampires were staring at her.

“Mmm. Good stuff.” Cordelia spooned up another bite. Asking Angelus with a sparkle in her eyes, “Want some?”

Angelus stared down at the contents of the spoon. “No.”

“It’s ice cream,” Cordelia waved it in front of his face to tempt him. “Not the blood of a Tofu demon.”

While Angelus was busy avoiding the spoon, Angel corrected her, “That’s a Tofurani demon. It might be preferable to that stuff. Our taste buds are different than yours. That ice cream looks kind of bland.”

Setting the spoon back in the bowl, Cordelia looked at him as if he couldn’t make up his mind. “Complain, complain. The ice cream is too bland and my vamp juice is too spicy.”

Buffy finally piped up, “Bland? This is double mint chocolate chip.”
Scooping up the last bite and rolling her eyes in ecstasy, Buffy couldn’t understand how anyone could say that.

“Mine’s vanilla, but it is in no way bland.” Cordelia immediately thought about other non-bland vanilla things she had shared with Angelus and wondered if that had prompted her choice of dessert. “C’mon Angelus, just a taste.”

Adamant that he didn’t want to try the stuff, Angelus made a face. It was one thing to drink spiced blood, but this wasn’t blood at all. “No.”

Cordelia wasn’t going to give up so easily. Taking a spoonful and holding it up to her mouth, she told him impishly, “You just need a little incentive. C’mere, Bad Boy! A little vanilla kiss won’t hurt you. Taste me.”

Watching Cordelia scoop the vanilla ice cream into her mouth, Angelus followed the instant the spoon was removed. Leaning forward in his chair, the vampire cupped her face with his hand as his lips descended onto the moist slant of her mouth still covered by a hint of vanilla cream. Tentatively, he smooched at her lips taking them between his own one at a time only to find his tongue darting along her soft inner flesh tasting her and the sweet hint of vanilla.

With a moan, Cordelia forgot about the ice cream melting in her mouth and threw her arms around Angelus’ wide shoulders to curl her fingers into his hair. Eagerly, their mouths meshed together sliding across each other seeking far more than just a taste.

Staring at the couple rather awkwardly, Buffy gulped down her nervous reaction. She had never thought twice about kissing Angel when and where she wanted to, but it was a bit different seeing someone who looked like your boyfriend macking on your former rival. Glancing away from the mind-blowing kiss, she looked toward Angel who was also staring at his twin with a blank look on his face. It obviously didn’t bother him one bit.

“Coming up for air soon?” Buffy cleared her throat when it looked like things were going a little further than first intended. Angelus nearly had Cordelia on his lap.

Sitting back in her chair, Cordelia looked rather dazed. “Wow!”

Angelus thought the same thing. Damn, but that girl could kiss. “Vanilla ice cream is almost as good as—”

Snapping out of her reverie, Cordelia realized what the vampire was about to reveal. Kissing in public was one thing, but she didn’t want him describing their first night together with their sweet vanilla sex as Angelus had termed it. Especially to someone who didn’t want the details. Cutting in, “Hey, Angel…you wanna taste?”

Buffy nearly fell out of her chair at the question. “What? I don’t think so.”

“I don’t have cooties.”

Letting out a distinct growl, Angelus left them in no doubt that he didn’t want Angel to have a taste of anything. Rolling her eyes, Cordelia suddenly comprehended the misunderstanding. “Angelus, I have a spoon.”

Snatching it out of her hand, Angelus didn’t care if she had a whole set of silverware.


“Brothers need to learn to share.” Raising an eyebrow as if he issued a challenge, Cordelia dipped her finger into the ice cream and held it out to Angel.

The growling in the background lowered to a constant rumble.

In the second that it took Angel to lift her hand to his mouth, he realized that Cordy was clueless about the direction her words about sharing had taken him. Pausing just before her finger touched his lips, Angel considered the fact that he was about to do a dangerous thing.

Then Cordelia spurred him on. “Just a taste, silly vamp.”

Closing his mouth over her finger, Angel sucked down the ice cream. His lips opened a bit to take in more of her finger, his tongue swirling around to lap up all of the ice cream. Cordelia found herself staring into the ebony pools of Angel’s eyes as his gaze locked with hers. Realizing that she was holding her breath, Cordelia felt a hot buzz of electricity shoot down from her fingertip to her loins.

“Hello! That finger is mine,” she opted for sarcasm. “Liked it that much?”

Releasing her finger, Angel nodded, “Mmm. Delicious.”

Cordelia gave him a confused blink. The ice cream or her? “Next time, get Buffy to feed you. Double mint chocolate chip is to die for.”

“That’s why I carry a stake,” quipped Buffy. “No one gets near my ice cream.”

Laughing again, Cordelia gave the vampire a sad look. “Guess you’ll have to get one of your own Angel.”

“Good idea. Get one of your own,” Angelus repeated the suggestion. Then he found himself distracted by other thoughts. “Cordy, my sweet, I want another kiss.”

With a smile curling her lips, Cordelia held out her hand. “Then give me my spoon.”

Angelus tossed the spoon onto the table. “Who cares about the ice cream?”

“What happened yesterday?” Xander asked Buffy. “We didn’t see you all day.”

Willow inquired with a creased brow. “Things okay?”

“Fine,” Buffy decided to keep it simple. “Truce called. Peace made.”

The redhead’s eyes popped wide in surprise. “You made a truce with Cordelia.”

“With Angelus.”

Xander gaped in astonishment. “With Angelus?”

“Long story.”

“This is Angelus,” Xander’s tone was tight with an undercurrent of anger. “He’s got Cordelia under some sort of thrall.”

“Angelus doesn’t have a thrall,” Willow told him with a sharp stare.

“Then why is she so willing to throw herself at a vampire?”

Buffy gives him a meaningful look. “Ahem.”

“I meant an EVIL vampire,” Xander clarified for her sake even though he saw no real difference.

“You had the same reaction when I started going out with Angel.”

“Yeah. For good reason, too,” Xander told her. “He’s your mortal enemy, Buffy. Not Count Chocula.”

Cordelia stepped up to the group hearing the last part of the conversation. “Are we talking yummy goodness?”

“Angel,” volunteered Willow.

“So we are,” she confirmed her first impression. Then nudging at Xander’s shoulder,

“You’re blocking my locker.”

Cordelia noticed that the conversation died as she arrived. They waited until she put her purse away and pulled out her books. Even now there were times when Cordelia felt like an outsider with these three. Not that she ever wanted to be an insider. She was just sucked into it. Despite their differences, Cordy didn’t want to escape.

“Xander, if you’ll stop staring at my ass,” she said before turning around to face them again, “you might see that I am actually a happy person this morning.”

“Staring? Who me?”

“No, the other dork that goes by your name who used to date me.”

Willow had to admit, “You were staring, Xander.”

“Thanks for the defense, Will.” Xander muttered sarcastically.

“No problem.”

“So you’re happy?” Xander asked Cordy, wearing a frown.

The soft smile on her face erupted into a brilliant grin. “I am. Angelus makes me happy. Do I have to do your crazy Snoopy happy dance before you’ll believe me?”

Before her ex-boyfriend could react to her question, Cordelia heard someone calling out her name.

“There you are!” Harmony’s voice sounded down the hallway causing Cordelia to turn toward it with a sense of dread. She hadn’t spoken to her ditzy blond friend since last Friday and so much had happened since then.

Seeing the company Cordelia was keeping, Harmony tilted her nose a bit higher.

“Well if it isn’t Cordelia’s Geek Patrol.”

“Good morning to you too, Harmony,” Buffy crossed her arms over her chest and gave the girl a dangerous stare.


“Maybe you should get to class, Harm,” Xander suggested. “Your brain cells need the extra time to warm up.”

“Shoo! Run along. Be a good little puppy and play dead or something.”

Cordelia suggested, “Maybe I should talk with Harmony alone.”

“See you later,” Buffy shrugged and headed down the hall.

Willow started to follow, but had to grab Xander’s elbow to get him to come along.
“Run along and play dead at the same time? Who’s she kidding?”

Turning her gaze back to the other cheerleader, Cordelia gave her an expectant sigh,
“Let’s have it, Harmony.”

“Why do you say it like that?” Harmony was immediately whining in response. “Like you expect me not to be angry that you completely snatched my guy out from under me?”

“Angelus is not a rug.” Cordelia returned. “I did no snatching.”

“Huh. I totally had dibs on him. You walked away from him at the Bronze and he picked me.”

Cordelia couldn’t deny that Harmony actually had a prior claim, but she knew that it meant nothing to the vampire. “It’s been over a month. Angelus hasn’t touched you since then.”

“No,” Harmony admitted with a pout. “So he’s been with you?”

“He’s mine,” Cordelia confirmed. “Every tall, dark and sexy inch of him.”

“Beth saw you with him at the café last night. The other one was there with Buffy.”

“Angel,” reminded Cordy.


“Feel free to try and snag him, Harmony. Just keep in mind that you’ll have to go through Buffy to do it.”

“I don’t think so,” Harmony shook her head. Buffy scared her. Still, it was lots of fun to imagine herself in Cordelia or Buffy’s shoes. Her blue eyes sparkled as she started to giggle. “Two of them.”

“Yeah. I know,” Cordelia had to agree with the drool quotient. “Twice the eye candy.”

“So does Angelus have any more brothers?”

What was she hoping for? Triplets? “No. His only other relatives are out of town right now. I don’t think Spike is your type.”

“Guess I’ll have to settle for Devon. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Nah!” Cordelia responded as if she had never cared about the band singer. “What’s that they say about never letting a guy come between a girl and her friends?”

Harmony eagerly chimed in with, “So you’re saying if you and Angelus break up—”

“Forget it,” Cordelia responded so quickly her head was reeling at the thought.

“So…is it everything I told you it would be?” Harmony asked her with a knowing look on her face.

Cordelia admitted with soft smile, “Better.”

“What about—,” Harmony was cut off by the class bell as it sounded overhead.

Realizing that there was one more place she needed to stop, Cordelia jumped in before the blonde could ask any more questions. “See you at lunch, Harm?”

“Yeah, Cor. I’m there.”

Cordelia darted into the library finding Giles behind the counter sorting books. It was awkward seeing him, because in a way she had lit into him just as harshly as Buffy the other day.

Standing in front of him on the opposite side of the countertop, Cordelia simply asked him, “Are we okay?”

Rupert Giles had spent the past day trying to figure out how a teenager could use his flaws against him so effectively in an argument where he was trying to protect her. This sometimes self-centered and tactless girl had more depth than her friends and Giles himself gave her credit for. He hadn’t realized it until after Jenny’s death when she made an effort to check up on him.

He wondered if that was why he was so obdurate about his position on Angelus. He was in his own way jealous of the loss of attention. Now in her forthright manner, she barged into the library to ask him if he was going to hold a grudge. “We both made valid points, Cordelia. I am still concerned about your relationship with Angelus for more reasons that I can go into.”

“Angelus has really made an effort to change,” Cordelia stressed her point.

Giles nodded, finally admitting, “Yes, he has thanks to you. In hindsight, I agree that he has been doing everything we have asked of him. That still doesn’t make it right that he should start an affair with you.”

“Buffy and Angel—,” Cordelia began only to be cut off.

“I don’t approve of their relationship either,” Giles pointed out stiltedly. “Angel is a vampire and Angelus represents the darkest side of his nature. That he has been able to suppress his demonic tendencies in your presence amazes me.”

Cordelia was tempted to forget about Buffy’s plan and ask Giles herself about his talk with Angel. The second class bell rang indicating that Cordelia was already late. “Are we okay?”

As she repeated the question, Giles pursed his lips in a reluctant response. “Yes, we are fine, Cordelia. I won’t hold a grudge about your comments regarding my past if you can live with the fact that I still have concerns.”

Well it wasn’t the wholehearted change of perspective that Cordelia wanted, but at least it appeared Giles would not hold it against her for bringing up his colorful past.

As Cordelia left with the library doors swinging shut behind her, the Watcher knew that his concerns could not be easily assuaged. It wasn’t just apprehension over the soulless Angelus, but concern regarding Angel as well. Everything that Angel told him that day in his office suggested that this deal with the Moirae could quickly go sour.

There was nothing Giles could do except watch, research and wait. He tagged on softly as the doors closed completely, “So many concerns.”

Part 13

 “Geez, how long does it take to decide which movie we’re seeing?” Cordelia asked in an impatiently amused voice as the two vampires debated over the choices. “The movie will be over before we get inside.”

Buffy suggested too late, “We should have picked before coming.”

“Just trying to be spontaneous,” Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Mr. Obsessive-Compulsive boyfriend of yours has to hash over all of the critics’ reviews before choosing.”

“I can hear you, Cordy,” Angel nudged her with an elbow.

Standing in a tight group, it would have been impossible not to hear. “So make a decision, already.”

“Quit the distractions and maybe I’ll make one,” he countered while straightening the newspaper.

Glancing around Angel’s shoulder, Cordelia randomly pointed to the first movie on the list. “How about that one?”

Angel gave her a harsh stare as he named the movie. “You must be joking.”

“No way,” Angelus protested in complete agreement with his double. “That’s a sappy girly movie.”

“So what’s your point?” Cordelia asked the vampire. She liked sappy girly movies.

“Pick something else.”

Finally, they settled on a non-girly movie with rave artistic reviews. Angelus stood by as Angel forked over the amount for four tickets. He reminded the other vampire, “You’re in charge of the cash. If you’d sign over my share, we wouldn’t have to mess with this.”

Giving him a doubtful look, Angel told his double, “I’ll arrange an allowance.”

Buffy started giggling which only set Angelus off. “It’s not funny, Buff.”

“Yes it is,” she responded. “You having to ask Angel for an allowance. What do you have to do to earn it? Take out the trash?”

Angelus rumbled in displeasure at her mirth.

Inside, Angel shelled out money for one large tub of popcorn and a couple of sodas for Buffy and Cordelia. Heading into the theater, Buffy told them she wanted to sit in the back along the wall. The others agreed, thinking nothing of it and made their way up the rear section of the theater which was already dim. Movie previews were flittering across the screen.

“We’re lucky it hasn’t started yet,” Cordelia commented. Then urged them to get to their seats before it did. “Since Buffy and I need to share the popcorn, why don’t we sit in the middle? You two can sit on either side.”

Angelus moved in first, followed by Cordelia. As Angel waited for Buffy to walk down the row after the brunette, she gave him an anxious look. “What is it?”

“I want to sit on the aisle,” Buffy explained. “I always sit on the aisle just in case I need quick access.”

It was a Slayer thing, Cordelia realized with a sigh. Trust Buffy to be concerned about a demon attack in a movie theater. “C’mon, Angel. You can sit next to me, but you have to hold the popcorn.”

“Things have a way of happening to me,” Buffy defended her strategy with a visible pout. “I like to be prepared.”

Angelus attempted to watch the movie for Cordelia’s sake, but quickly found that critical acclaim did not automatically indicate viewer interest. The sappy girly movie might have been a better choice. His attention quickly wandered between Cordelia and the audience. Noticing that many of the couples were sitting with the guy’s arm around the girl, he decided cuddling Cordelia would be a helluva lot more fun than trying to keep up with the dreary plot.

As Angelus’ arm curled around her shoulder, Cordelia sent him one of those megawatt smiles suggesting he’d done something right. He wasn’t about to admit that he was in the dark just as much as Angel when it came to movie theater manners.

“Popcorn?” Cordelia offered him a handful.

“No. It’ll get caught in my teeth.”

Grinning, Cordelia explained, “That’s what popcorn does. Gives purpose to the dental floss designers of the world.”

A stranger in the next row turned his head, “Shhh!”

Irritated that someone had just told Cordelia to hush, Angelus let out a low growl and glared at the back of the man’s head. While the vampire was distracted, Cordy glanced over at Angel and Buffy who were sitting in their chairs with their eyes glued to the movie screen. Other than Buffy reaching over to grab a handful of popcorn you’d hardly know they were here together.

Leaning over, Cordelia whispered into Angel’s ear, “Put your arm around her, dork.”

Uncertain that he wanted advice from Cordelia Chase on any matter than involved Buffy, he hesitantly followed through with her suggestion. It wasn’t as though he had never put his arm around her before. Just never in a darkened movie theater. Buffy nearly jumped out of her seat at the unexpected move, giving Angel a shocked look.

“Is this okay?” Angel asked in concern after her startled reaction.

Settling down after a second or two, she nodded and smiled at him, turning back to stare at the movie screen.

Angel tried to keep his attention on the screen ahead, but he kept hearing Cordelia and Angelus who were now totally ignoring the movie. Turned toward each other, the couple was speaking in quiet whispers sharing little words of love and affection that had no place in a movie theater. Much to his dismay, Angel could hear every word.

He’d never really talked to Buffy that way or she to him. Most of their conversations involved Slaying. The rest seemed to be filled with long periods of silence, but the quiet between them normally spoke volumes. Did Buffy expect to hear such words from him? Even if she did, Angel decided he wasn’t gonna try it now. Have to think about it first. Plan what to say before he actually did it. Maybe he’d make a list.

Halfway through the movie, Angel figured if he turned to ask Angelus or Cordelia something about the plot neither one would have a clue. They’d been gazing into each other’s eyes and kissing in between their little talks. So Angel attempted to ignore them. Having his arm around Buffy’s shoulder seemed comfortable enough, especially as she snuggled into it a bit.

Taking the last sip of her large soda, Buffy whispered to him, “I hafta go to the little Slayer’s room. Back in a flash.”

So Angel was left alone with a tub of half-eaten popcorn and the necking couple beside him. Almost the instant Buffy left, the action seemed to get a little hotter…off screen. Angel couldn’t help but notice their soft and playful smooches were now turning into feverish wet kisses with Angelus petting Cordelia’s curvaceous body as she leaned over her seat to touch him too. There were soft keening moans coming from Cordelia’s throat urging Angelus on and Angel figured he was the only one to hear it. Not that he was the only one seeing it. Even being in the back row, several people on the other side of the theater found the live action kissing scene more interesting than the movie.

Angel was feeling claustrophobic despite the size of the large theater. Where the hell is Buffy?

Maybe it wouldn’t seem like those two had been kissing for hours if she was sitting beside him. He had no watch. Glancing over the shoulder of the large man sitting in front of him, Angel stole a look at his glow-in-the-dark watch.

He turned his gaze away from the digital timepiece and it fell on Cordelia as he noticed the way the ends of her silky brown hair curled along the edge of her shirt. It rode up high on her waist now that Angelus’ hands were roving everywhere. That was when he noticed a swatch of color brightening Cordelia’s skin peeking from the waistband of her pants along the small of her back.

Instant recognition hit as he saw the blazing sun tattoo, part of the Sign of Aurelius. Angel tightly gripped the armrests attempting to calm the heated flare of his anger. His bastard of a brother marked Cordelia the only way he could by arranging a tattoo. Did Cordelia understand and recognize the significance of her acceptance of that mark? Had Angelus bothered to explain that he had not only officially claimed her, but had surreptitiously linked her to the Order of Aurelius?

Attempting to calm himself, Angel focused on the fact that Angelus had equal rights to use the vampire sigils of the Order any way he wished. Using it to mark a claim on a human was simply not done. Then Angel realized few if any vampires had been in a position where they couldn’t use their fangs.

He kept telling himself over and over, It’s not my business. Not my business. Not my business.

The mantra wasn’t working.

Putting that mark on anyone was definitely his business and he intended to have a little chat with Angelus at the first opportunity. It just tied Cordelia even more tightly to Angelus, but it was a foregone conclusion that his double had no intention of ever letting her leave him and this was certain proof. Angel warned Cordelia as much that first day. Not that she had listened or even understood the extent to which she now belonged to Angelus.

Angel loved Buffy. He did, but there were parts of their relationship that could never be explored. Torn between being a vampire and controlling his remaining demonic tendencies, there were still times when Angel simply wanted to let loose. He had never been compelled to mark her. Unlike Angelus, he had no such limitations on using his fangs to ritualistically mark and claim his woman.

Even if he wanted it, Angel knew without asking that Buffy would never allow it. Never. The symbolism behind it was contrary to her entire being as a Slayer. He would sooner see the sharp end of Mr. Pointy.

He wondered what might have been if Cordelia had been his rather than Angelus’ in that ‘What If’ scenario his twin had described. If he wanted Cordelia enough to claim her, if she wanted him enough to acknowledge those desires, would she accept the mark? Would he even ask? Then Angel realized there would be no question of it, because there would be no conflict in his own mind about doing it. Just as Angelus had arranged the tattoo, Angel would have marked her using full vampiric rites with his fangs and her blood.

Where the hell is Buffy?

Angel glanced at the guy’s watch again. Barely more than a minute had passed. The scent of Cordelia’s arousal was wafting around him driving him crazy, overpowering everything else. With his body reacting to having her so near, it was enough to make the vampire grateful they were sitting in the dark and that he had a large popcorn bucket on his lap.

“You’re so fucking amazing,” Angelus murmured in Cordelia’s ear. “The way you kiss just makes me want your mouth on me everywhere else.”

There was only another needy moan from Cordelia as she returned her lips to his neck. One arm was around the vampire’s shoulder, but the other had dropped to the vicinity of his lap. It was impossible to tell from this angle if she was touching Angelus, but the low rumble from his chest suggested that possibility.

Then Angelus’ next whispered words confirmed it. “Damn clothes. Harder, baby.”

One large hand left its place at Cordelia’s breast and slid around to the small of her back, the fingers moving gently over the mark of the tattoo before dipping beneath the loose waistband of her pants. The fact that Angel was sitting there probably prevented anyone else from seeing the move, but it was all too apparent to him. Moving along the curve of her ass, those long fingers identical to his own were probably rimming her sensitive puckered hole before delving into those wet petaled folds.

A sound emerged from Cordelia’s throat that was far from a whisper. Neither she nor Angelus noticed that the couple immediately in front of them twitched their heads in response to the noise. Fortunately, the sounds from the movie quickly distracted them again.

The hand emerged with moist fingers, quickly moving to the front and disappearing between them. Angelus nibbled at Cordelia’s throat with his lips and told her, “When we get out of this place, I’m going to strip you naked and let you ride me as if we were still sitting here. Until then, I’m gonna make you come.”

As he heard Angelus’ voice in the darkness telling Cordelia exactly how he planned to take her, Angel lost it.

Leaning over, he sounded out a gruff demand, “Behave or get a room.”

Angelus wasn’t thrilled at being interrupted. As his hand slipped from its place at the front waistband of Cordy’s pants, he focused his gold-rimmed eyes on his double, but stayed silent. Cordelia turned toward Angel looking dazed, thoroughly kissed and obviously aroused. “Noisy, much?”

“Shhh!” Shushed the guy with the watch.

“What happened to Buffy?” Cordelia noticed the Slayer’s seat was empty. Despite the fact that she was practically squirming in her own seat from arousal, she managed to make the query.

Angel gave her a long hard stare. “The Tofu demon came and carried her off.”

“Too bad,” Cordelia whispered as she took the bucket out of Angel’s lap. Realizing that Angel had been sitting here all along as she was making out with Angelus, she was a little surprised that he had let them carry on as long as he did. Covering her frustration with a joke, she added, “More popcorn for me.”

Grabbing the popcorn away from her, Angelus set it on the floor beside him. Then standing up, the vampire scooted past them both and held a hand out to Cordelia. “Let’s find that room, baby.”

Cordelia knew what Angelus intended. He wanted her. Here. Now. If Angel hadn’t interrupted them, she was certain something more would have happened right there in the seat. It seemed shocking that she had allowed him to take it so far, but Cordy couldn’t lie to herself about wanting Angelus. At the moment, she didn’t care if Angel or anyone else in the theater realized what was going to happen.

Putting her hand in his, Cordelia got to her feet. She was about to follow Angelus to the aisle when she tripped nearly sprawling forward on top of the guy with the watch in the next row. Angel’s quick reflexes pulled Cordelia to safety only to find she was now in his lap.

“Eek! Next time keep your big vamp feet out of my way,” Cordelia mumbled. She was never clumsy.

Suppressing a groan at the contact of her bottom against his rapidly stiffening cock, Angel suggested that she should show a little gratitude. “Thanks will suffice.”

Lifting her off of his lap, Angel watched as Angelus led Cordelia down the theater steps toward the exit. Cordelia glanced back at him once, sending a concerned look as if she was worried about leaving him alone in the theater until Buffy returned. Then they ran into the Slayer as she entered giving her some excuse about their own departure no doubt.

Buffy approached Angel with a question as soon as she settled in her seat. “It takes two of them to go to the concession stand?”

Angel gives her noncommittal shrug. “Is that where they said they were going?”

“I assume so. Angelus told me he needed something sweet. After all it took to get you guys to try ice cream, I hate to think about what it would take to get Angelus to go for a box of Goobers.”

Even now, Buffy could be naive about some things. So much so that it surprised him. He needed to remember that more often. Putting his arm around her, Angel watched as she snuggled back into her place.

Angelus and Cordelia found their way into an empty theater, the vampire using his heightened senses to ensure that nobody was present. As Angelus pulled her into a shadowy corner, he offered, “Last chance to wait for our safe and secure bedroom.”

“You’re here. I’m here.” Cordelia pointed out with that impish grin that signaled she was letting go any last shreds of doubt. “Why wait? Here sounds good.”

“Up the steps,” Angelus nodded toward the back row. “Where we were in the other theater.”

Cordelia ran up the steps behind them, staggered at the idea. Just the thought of having sex with Angelus in this empty theater was naughty enough much less pretending they were back in the other one with the audience surrounding them. And with Angel sitting next to her watching their every move.

Omigod, Cordy was agape at the thought. Especially as she realized Angelus hadn’t mentioned pretending anything. That was all her idea.

By the time they reached the top row, frantic need welled up between them. Angelus pulled Cordelia into a scorching kiss that only fed the flames. Her fingers curled into the material of his shirt at his waist just holding on as she pressed her body as close as it could get to his hard frame. Cordelia rubbed her breasts up against his chest, her nipples hard and achingly sensitive.

Breaking away from their open-mouthed kiss for a second, she moaned against his mouth. “Touch me, Angelus.”

“Where, baby?”

Leading his hands to her breasts, Cordelia shuddered in pleasure just from the weight of his touch. “Here.”

Angelus grinned at the fact that she didn’t hesitate to tell him what she wanted. With each passing day, Cordelia was becoming more verbal and demonstrative in their sex play and lovemaking. The vampire liked her wild and wanton or sweetly submissive; he even enjoyed her sometimes greedy and demanding side. Frankly, Angelus had to conclude that he enjoyed being with Cordelia…period.

This wasn’t the time or place for sweet, slow lovemaking. Now Angelus’ large hands slipped under her shirt cupping her silk-covered breasts for a moment before tugging it off completely. Tossing the shirt onto one of the theater chairs, Angelus wasted no time in removing her bra. The scraps of silk covering her from his gaze were ripped away.

Cordelia gasped in surprise at the sudden move that left her breasts totally exposed to him. Her nipples were already distended and red against the paler skin. Not that she really cared, but she automatically responded, “Hey, I liked that bra.”

“I like it better on the floor.”

For an instant, they stared into each other’s eyes drawing deeply on their own inner emotions. Then they came together with a frantic cry soon smothered as their lips crashed onto each other. Angelus’ hands curved around the firm globes of her breasts, but soon wandered down to pull her hips closer. Her own hands were tucked tight between them unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants despite the fact that she was nearly shaking with a burst of adrenaline.

Still locked in the kiss, their tongues darting and tasting, Cordelia reached into the opening of his pants to caress his hard staff. Gripping him the way he liked, she moved down with a softer touch to his heavy balls. Angelus let out a lusty growl as she released him.

“On the chair,” he told her. “Get on your knees with your face to the wall.”

Cordelia’s eyes sparkled with arousal and excitement. “Need you now. Inside me.”

Instead of answering, Angelus stepped up behind her curling his hands around her hips to undo the button and zipper on her pants. Pushing both them and her thong panties down to her knees, he instructed her to spread her legs as far as possible and lean against the wall for support.

Taking his cock in hand, he rubbed the tip down the crease of her buttocks and into the moist folds of her heated center. The tip brushed against the sensitive clitoris as he slid his erection back and forth. Angelus felt as hard as granite. Their heavy petting in the other theater had been more than enough foreplay.

“Angelus,” she called out in a throaty tone. “Do it now. Don’t tease me.”

He entered her with one smooth stroke tilting her hips and bottom to provide an easier angle. Her vaginal muscles gripped him snuggly and Angelus held himself still for a minute as he enjoyed the sensation.

“Close your eyes,” he whispered into her ear. The same voice he had been using in the other theater. Complying, Cordelia’s eyelids shuddered closed.

As his hands moved back up to cup her bare breasts, Cordelia let out a moan at the contact. There was magic in his fingers everywhere he touched. Now she felt so full with Angelus deep inside her. If only he would start moving.

The vampire remained still, continuing to whisper into her ear. Putting thoughts into her head, echoing those of her own licentious imagination. “We’re back there now. In that other theater. Do you hear the noise of that dreary movie behind us?”

Cordelia nodded silently, picturing it in her head.

“They’re here too,” Angelus suggested as he began to thrust within her. “The crowd. They have no idea what’s going on being so engrossed in the film.”

“No idea,” she murmured while shifting her hips in rhythmic counter-movements.

“Do you smell the popcorn?”

Somehow, Cordelia would swear that she could. Hot and buttery. Juicy and finger-licking good. “Yes.”

Angelus gently squeezed her breasts, his fingers molding to her skin and releasing her to brush his fingers along her sensitive crests. One arm dropped to curl around her waist holding her in place as his thrusts came faster and harder than before. She was so hot, so tight surrounding him that Angelus knew it wouldn’t be long before he was coming.

Bracing herself against the wall, Cordelia felt Angelus nibbling with his rounded teeth against her neck and shoulder. He alternated soft wet kisses with hard nips. He was pounding into her now with a force just the right side of too much, moving in and out with short, deep strokes.

“What else?” She gasped the query as both of his large hands palmed her buttocks and curved around her hips to set her rhythm. “Who else is here?”

He could feel the increase of her heart rate from the inside. Angelus wasn’t certain if he wanted to be pissed off that she was thinking about Angel and Buffy right now or if he should be pleased that she was enjoying the little fantasy he put in her head.

“You know who’s watching, Cordelia,” he growled softly into her ear. “Tell me.”

Shaking her head in refusal, she bit down on her lower lip holding back the words. It didn’t matter. She felt so good, so close. Angelus was inside her bringing her closer to a state of mindless need. As always, he was in perfect control.

“It excites you,” Angelus revealed the thoughts she would not put to voice, “the idea of being watched.”

Wildly now, Cordelia shook her head again sending her silky hair flying in long waves across her bare back. There were continuous little moans and raspy sounds coming from her throat as she continued edging closer and closer to the pinnacle of ecstasy.

“Sweet liar,” he let out a lusty laugh.

“Yes,” Cordy gasped and then realized what she was admitting. “No. Grmph! Just touch me. So close. So close.”

“Touch you here?” Angelus brushed his fingers through the curls at the apex of her thighs sliding in to the moist crevasse to find the swollen nub of her clit.

“Oh, yessss!” Just a firm caress or two and Cordelia plummeted over the edge lost in the shuddering ecstasy of her orgasm. Letting himself go, Angelus quickly followed with a deep thrust as his muscles clenched in reaction to the fluttering response of Cordelia’s release around his cock.

Crying out her name, Angelus continued to thrust within her until they both collapsed forward against the wall. The vampire put out an arm to prevent his full weight from bearing down on Cordelia. Slipping out of her, Angelus lifted her back to her feet turning her to face him.

While her breath still came in heavy pants and her starry eyes gazed at him in contentment, Angelus gently redressed her. Pulling up her panties and the outer covering of her pants, he zipped and buttoned. Then he paused for a moment to run a finger across the curves of her breasts before reaching for the shirt draped over the neighboring theater seat.

As her bra was ripped, Cordelia didn’t bother with it. She slipped the top over her head and tried to straighten her hair. Angelus tucked himself back into his pants and closed up. Then they stood staring at each other, Cordelia looking flushed and almost shy as the reality of what they had done sunk in.

Angelus curled a finger under her chin, his thumb coming up to brush along her bottom lip. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss against her mouth. “We better leave before that movie lets out. There’s probably something scheduled in here sooner or later.”

“I-I’m surprised someone didn’t hear us,” Cordelia recalled the noise they had made. “These theaters must be soundproofed.”

“Lucky for us,” Angelus put his arm around her as he led them back down the steps. “Fantasizing about Angel and Buffy watching us is one thing—”

Cordelia started to protest when Angelus gave her a look that suggested it would be better to say nothing than attempt to lie to herself or him. It would have only been half a lie, Cordy admitted to herself. Buffy never came into the picture at all.

“—but I don’t want to share the sight of you with some pimple-faced adolescent popcorn sweeper.”

“Neither do I,” Cordelia agreed and then started to laugh at the picture forming in her head. She knew some of those theater employees. Not well of course since she did not usually associate with them, but having any of them walk in on her and Angelus would have been such a shock.

“What is it?”

“I feel like we’ve been bad,” she was smiling as she said it. “Geez, this was naughty. We could’ve been caught.”

“We weren’t,” Angelus pointed out sensing that Cordelia was anything but remorseful about it. Concluding, “It excites you.”

Cordelia paused on the last step. “I think so. It felt dangerous. Like that edgy feeling I get before I play bait-and-run, except this is about not being seen.”

“Sometimes,” Angelus commented cryptically.

She gave him a questioning look, which he chose to answer only with a knowing grin. Angelus led her out into the corridor and they made their way to the lobby. Checking the time on a huge wall clock, it indicated that the movie they were supposed to be watching had only ten minutes left.

By the time Angel and Buffy emerged from the theater, they were curled up on a bench near the exit lost in conversation. The souled vampire and the Slayer came up so silently that it startled the cuddling couple.

Buffy gave them a harsh stare. “What happened to you two? You missed the last part of the movie. I thought we were supposed to be having bonding moments.”
Letting out a deep laugh, Angelus wanted to tell the blonde that he and Cordelia had plenty of bonding moments. Figuring it would irritate Cordy to reveal the truth, he chose to say, “Movie was a bore, so we stepped out.”

“So how was it?” Cordelia asked them curiously. After the first part of the movie, she had no clue what direction the plot went.

Then Angel countered her question with, “I could ask you the same thing…but I won’t.”

With her brow slightly furrowed, Buffy knew there was a double meaning to that statement. Some private joke that wasn’t so funny. Whatever it was, Angel obviously knew about it. Something he knew and didn’t need a verbal answer to confirm. All he would need was…omigod!

Buffy’s eyes snapped wide open as she noticed Cordelia’s skin glowing more radiantly than usual. Her hair was mussed and that was something that never happened barring a vampire brawl.

“Tell me you haven’t been—,” Buffy couldn’t even say it. “Here? Right here in the theater? While Angel and I were watching that boring movie?”

“Did you want an invitation?” Angelus laughed at her irate expression.

The Slayer did not dignify his question with a response. She looked at Angel as if she expected him to do something about this.

The look on Buffy’s face indicated she would not be up for sex in a public place any time soon. Not that he was planning to suggest it. Angel thought back to Buffy’s initial reaction when he put his arm around her in the theater. Obviously, he needed to put more of an effort into their relationship instead of letting things move along at their own pace. They were way beyond the point where he was protecting Buffy’s innocence and shielding her from the truth.

Judging by Angelus’ example with the flowers and candy routine, maybe a little romance was in order. He could do that. If Angelus could manage to plagiarize poets and provide Cordelia with little gifts, he could certainly do the same for Buffy.
How hard could it be?

Part 14

 Angel pressed a finger to the Summers’ doorbell, holding one hand hidden behind his back. Bearing a bouquet of flowers and coming over for a spontaneous visit had to be up there on the list of romantic things to do. Even if Cordelia carefully scrutinized his choice of flowers before he left the mansion picking out the ones she didn’t like and rearranging them into a more pleasing array, Angel felt certain it was a good thing.

The door opened to reveal Xander Harris rather than Buffy or her mother. Eyeing him coolly, Angel gave a curt nod. “Xander.”

“Angel,” the teenager answered just as brusquely. It was their usual greeting, now almost habitual.

Noting that the dark-haired youth wasn’t moving out of the way, Angel asked, “Are you going to let me in?”

Xander shrugged, “As far as I know we haven’t cast any invitation revocation spells lately.”

Swinging the door open, Xander stepped out of the way.

“Where is Buffy?” Angel saw no sign of her in the living room.

“Upstairs changing her clothes,” Xander explained matter-of-factly as he headed back over to the couch where he plunked himself down. “Wrong outfit for patrol.”

Xander put his feet on the coffee table and picked up the box of chocolate candy lying on the seat cushion next to him. Seeing this, Angel reacted with a start. That pretentious little upstart had his hands on something that did not belong to him. It was out of the question that Buffy would treat his gift so carelessly. He’d left it on the porch last night with a romantic note.

Now Xander Harris sat there with his fingers dipping into the nearly empty box. The boy better not have read the note, too. Demanding furiously, “What are you doing?”

“Obvious, much?” Xander rolled his eyes at the vampire. “Eating candy. Chocolaty goodness.”

“Those are for Buffy.” The vampire’s jaw was fixed in a tight expression of anger. It was all he could do to restrain himself from snatching the box out of Xander’s hands.

Popping another candy into his mouth, Xander tried to cover up his sniggering. “So that’s what Buffy meant. You gave them to her.”

Angel found this response contrary his expectations. “You’re laughing.”

“Obvious again,” Xander continued to laugh just enough to aggravate the vampire.

The boy had always been a thorn in Angel’s side. Time hadn’t changed that. He was an irritant that wouldn’t go away. “Explain.”

Shaking his head solemnly, Xander responded, “Can’t tell you. Vow of silence.”

“Harris,” the name was spoken warningly.

Staring at the vampire’s dark and serious expression, Xander decided that the candy wasn’t worth his life. “The Buffster said the candy was just a bribe. Something about making up for somebody else’s bad behavior.”

In disbelief, Angel gaped at him in fury. “Buffy told you that.”

“Yep. Good listener, that’s me.” A little nervous, Xander rose from the couch and walked around to the other side of the coffee table.

Stalking up to him despite the teenager’s efforts to move away, Angel pulled out the bouquet of flowers from behind his back and shoved them at Xander’s chest. “Tell Buffy I stopped by.”

Wide-eyed and a little relieved that the vampire hadn’t taken out his anger with his fists, Xander glanced down at the flowers and quipped, “Does this mean we’re going steady?”

Angel sent him a death stare.

The vampire was in the process of opening the door when Buffy called out to him from the top of the stairs. “Angel. Are you here for patrol?”

Taking in a reflexive, but unnecessary deep breath, Angel let it out as a deep sigh before turning around to face her. Immediately, he found himself softening toward her. So this was her idea of changing for patrol? Her sexy, but sensible Slaying outfit was enough to make him take the bait.

Truthfully, he answered, “No, actually. I came for you. Thought we’d do something together.”

Descending the stairs, Buffy’s blond hair bounced on her shoulders. She gave him a sad-eyed stare, cringing at the fact that she would have to turn him down. “I can’t. Giles needs me to make an early patrol and head back to the library.”

“Something wrong?”

With a shrug, she commented, “Some prophesy date is coming up soon and Giles wants us to start in on the preliminary research. Willow is supposed to join us later. She’s out with Oz tonight.”

Angel considered telling Buffy her comments about the candy pissed him off. That wasn’t exactly the way to start a romantic evening. Even though it appeared that the romantic part was going to be cut off or severely delayed. “I see you got the candy.”


Probing a bit, “Liked it?”

Squirming, Buffy had to admit, “Actually, I haven’t had any yet.”

Xander piped up, “I left one or two pieces.”

Looking over at her friend, Buffy realized that he was holding a bouquet. “Flowers?”

Gripping onto them, Xander joked, “They’re mine. Angel and I are going steady now.”

“Congratulations,” Buffy responded with a wry quip.

Taking the flowers away from Xander who gave her a look of mock disappointment, the blonde immediately made the same connection with the flowers that she had with the candy. It was unlike Angel to give her random romantic tokens. This was so far removed from the very real feelings that surrounded his giving her the Claddagh ring on her birthday.

“Angel, they’re gorgeous,” she gave him a little smile.

“I thought so.” Then adding smoothly, “Just like the one I bought them for.”

Xander gagged at that line. He couldn’t resist saying, “I am kinda cute and lovable. Thanks, Angel honey.”

Laughing aloud, Buffy thwacked Xander on the arm with the bouquet sending a few petals flying.

“You going home anytime soon?” Angel asked him with a frown.

“On patrol with Buffy.”

Putting the flowers down on the coffee table, Buffy picked up her tote bag of Slayer supplies. Asking Angel, “You coming?”

“No. Seems like you have a sidekick for the evening.” Angel wasn’t about to put himself in a position of dealing with Xander Harris half the night.

Pouting, Buffy was torn between being irritated with Angel for his attempts at trying get her to forget about the movie theater and thinking that post-slayage activities with Xander were not in the same category. Not that she had ever gotten herself into a frantic state unless Angel was present. It seemed like this would be routine patrol with a chaser of research.

“See you at the library later?”

He was tempted to tell her to forget it. “Later. I’ll find out if Angelus and Cordelia want to stop by to help out.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Noting her lack of enthusiasm over the idea, Angel queried, “Is there a problem?”


Waiting a few seconds, Angel allowed Buffy time to rethink her quick response. It didn’t surprise him at all when she brought up yesterday evening.

Buffy crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him with a mixture of discomfort and annoyance. “It’s just that I can’t believe that they would do what they did.”

Xander was clueless. Curiously, he asked, “Do what?”

Both Slayer and vampire ignored the question. Buffy commented, “It was stupid and dangerous and gross.”

“Sounds like patrol,” Xander hazarded a guess.

Still looking straight at Angel, Buffy emphasized, “In the movie theater.”

Angel let her rant. In the meantime, Xander kept plugging in little queries trying to get more information. “Patrol in the movie theater?”

That doesn’t sound right. Got my wires crossed somewhere.

“Stop staring at me like I’m insane, Angel.” Buffy tagged on, “They might have been caught.”

Xander suddenly connected the dots. “I don’t want to ask anymore questions, do I?”

Angel turned to him, having heard every single query. Feeling a protective urge as he thought of his family, the vampire let out a soft growl. “No, you don’t. Cordy and Angelus are none of your business.”

“Can’t even be a little nosy about my own ex-girlfriend,” Xander muttered low under his breath.

“Emphasis on EX,” Angel responded sharply.

Xander glared at the vampire and muttered some more. “Superhuman hearing. That is so unfair.”

In a commanding tone, Angel issued an order and would brook no refusal. “Meet us outside, Xander.”

Turning obediently, Xander headed out the front door while still muttering under his breath. “Bossy vampires.”

Buffy waited until Angel had closed the door behind him. Sounding cross and more than a little confused, she demanded that he change his attitude. “Don’t be mean to Xander.”

“I wasn’t,” Angel pointed out. “Just trying to give us a minute or two of privacy.”

Thinking maybe it was a good thing after all, Buffy asked him, “What’s the problem? The fact that I am disgusted by Cordy’s behavior at the movie theater or just the fact that Xander ate your candy?”

Angel stiffened at her snippy tone. “Your disgust is a bit judgmental and hypocritical, Buffy.”

“What?!” She couldn’t believe he would say that to her. “I’m a hypocrite?”

“Can you count the times we’ve had to back off from our own primal urges? All those times in one of the cemeteries where I nearly had you up against a tombstone or a crypt?” Then Angel focused on her own lustful reactions. “How about the times you practically attacked me before your friends were out of sight? Tell me, Buffy, if my soul was bound back then can you honestly say we would have stopped?”

Buffy reeled at the questions. Even if Angel wasn’t yelling, there was an underlying fury that welled up to the surface noticeable in his expression and tone. Defensively, she countered, “There is a huge difference between an abandoned cemetery at 2am compared to a busy movie theater during the evening showing.”

He was standing close, towering above her, making her Slayer senses tingle madly as a result of his response. “Is it really the public location that disgusts you or is it just that fact that Cordelia is having sex with Angelus?”

Faltering without a quick comeback, Buffy answered shakily, “N-No.”

“So that’s it,” Angel’ s voice softened into a near gasp of surprise. Looking a little slack-jawed, he commented, “You’re jealous.”

“What? No! Am not!”

Angel heard her heart racing at the thought. “You’re jealous of the fact that Cordelia is with Angelus. He’s not me, Buffy.”

Answering quickly, “I know that.”

“Is it because he looks like me?” Angel wondered aloud. Could it be something else? “That you’re picturing Cordelia with me?”

Buffy shuffled her feet. “Maybe. I can’t help it. Angelus looks exactly like you and he’s all over her like frosting on a cinnamon bun.”

Melting, sweet, sticky and hot.

Raising a dark brow at her comparison, Angel was almost relieved that he wasn’t the only one imagining Cordelia draped across him. Though he doubted Buffy’s ideas were anywhere near as X-rated as his own. What was he supposed to do now? Lie? Tell her that he had never imagined Cordelia with himself?

“I can’t pretend that the sight of them together is disconcerting. I’m still getting used to the idea that Angelus is his own person, much less that he has claimed Cordelia,” he admitted without the graphic details.

“Claimed her?” Confused by the terminology, Buffy sought clarification. “You mean that because they’re dating. Or do you mean that he took over your claim?”

Angel reeled at the question. “I have no claim on Cordelia.”

Frowning, Buffy was certain that was what she was told. “You did. That’s what Cordy said.”

“Cordelia said that I claimed her?” If that was information she shared with Buffy, it was certain that the brunette didn’t know the true meaning of being claimed by a vampire. She’d know the difference if Angelus had told her what the tattoo meant. Still, he found himself curious. “What exactly did she say?"

Unable to remember the exact words, Buffy paraphrased from her memory. “I think it was something about vampires being naturally possessive and that technically we all belong to you. Except Cordelia, of course.”

“Of course.” A dark shadow passed across Angel’s face expressing his discontent at that last add on. “Something like that.”

Buffy found the concept disconcerting. “People don’t belong to other people. Not like that in an ownership kind of way. People certainly don’t belong to vampires.”

“It’s not necessarily about ownership, Buffy,” he attempted to explain. “It has just as much to do with protection as possession.”

“So she was right about it? That Angelus had to ask you for permission to have Cordelia?” After a short pause, Buffy added, “I thought it was just advice.”

Caught in his lie, Angel admitted, “It was both.”

Annoyed, Buffy couldn’t help but feel a little betrayed. “Permission, Angel? And you gave it? To Angelus.”

“I thought we covered this ground already.”

“We did.”

“Then move past it, Buffy,” he urged her to forget about the idea despite the fact that his own voice notched up with each sentence. “Yes, I gave my permission. Cordy and Angelus are together. He’s claimed her as his own and there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it even if I wanted too.”

Wide-eyed, Buffy realized that she was not the only one sounding a little jealous. “Ooookay. You never cuss, Angel. A little anger management might be a good thing right now. I made peace with Cordelia and Angelus. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Angel felt exasperated at Buffy’s continued reluctance to move on with their lives. “Can you give them a chance? The same chance I want for us.”

Sounding a little guilty, Buffy told him, “It’s different.”

“No, it’s not. Cordelia…has feelings for Angelus.”

“Loves him,” Buffy revealed with a grumble.

Standing as still as the grave, Angel felt gutted by those two simple words. Quietly, he inquired, “She told you that?”

Shrugging, Buffy said, “Yeah.”

“I suppose I knew that.” Why did he suddenly feel like screaming? Angel felt his chest burn as though he was holding his breath and forgot to let it go. In some far corner of his brain, Angel had known it all along.

Buffy gave him an odd look. “Why would you?”

It made sense. “Cordelia is the type to put everything she’s got into a relationship, whether that is love or friendship.”

Thinking it strange that Angel knows Cordelia well enough to make that judgment, Buffy realized that his words could also be a reflection on her. “Oh. So what are you saying? That I don’t?”

Angel dragged himself out of deeper thoughts. “No, Buffy. You have some other priorities, but I think we could have something more than what we do if you would give it a chance.”

“Sex in movie theaters?” Buffy queried sarcastically.

“I’m not just talking about sex, but that is a part of it,” Angel acknowledged.

Buffy couldn’t believe that Angel was taking this entire incident so casually. “How can you stand there and tell me you accept what they did? This is all Angelus’ influence. Even Cordelia isn’t that much of a slut.”

“Don’t call her that!” Angel snapped.

“I didn’t say she was one,” Buffy responded while thinking Angel was quick to leap to

Cordy’s defense. “I said she wasn’t.”

Pointing out with a harsh stare, “It didn’t sound that way.”

“Sheesh!” Buffy thought Angel should worry about something that really mattered. “What if Angelus talks her into something else? Something more dangerous. He is a demon, you know.”

“Oh, I know.”

Obviously forgetting for the moment that he was also part demon himself, Buffy was on a roll with her rant. “What if he hurts her?”

“Enough with the What If scenarios,” Angel demanded. “They have nothing to do with reality. Angelus has never touched Cordelia in any way that didn’t give her pleasure.”

She looked at him doubtfully. “You can’t be certain of that.”

“I know it for a fact.”


“I can hear them, Buffy. Their bedroom is almost directly above mine.”

Gasping, Buffy’s mouth fell open. “You hear them!”

Angel suddenly wished that he hadn’t taken the argument in this direction. “I’m not spying if that’s what you’re worried about. My hearing is sensitive. Especially when the rest of the mansion is quiet…and they’re not.”

“Omigod! Talk about embarrassing.”

Wondering if he should tell her that it worked both ways, Angel decided against it. If she was angry at Angelus and Cordelia about their spontaneous lovemaking in the movie theater, she would really throw a gasket if she knew Angelus joked about their own bedroom antics. “I usually stay down on the ground floor. It’s not quite as obvious with the two story difference.”

Blinking at him, Buffy found her curiosity suddenly overwhelming. “W-What do they do?”

Hardly believing that Buffy asked him that question, Angel told her, “I’m not sure you want to know, but if you do just tell me. I’d rather show you.”

Blushing, Buffy was almost certain that she did not want to take her curiosity that far. “Uh…I’m late for patrol.”

Angel was unsurprised by her attempt to escape. “Xander is waiting. Impatiently, I might add. He’s wearing a hole in your front lawn with the pacing.”

As they emerged from the house, closing and locking the door behind them, Xander greeted them with a look of irritation. “Took you long enough.”

Buffy hoped her face wasn’t too red. “I’m ready. Let’s start with Restfield and we’ll work our way over to Old Sunnydale Cemetery.”

Xander nodded his agreement with the plan. Not that he would ever question it.

Turning back to him, Buffy asked, “See you later, Angel?”


Watching Buffy and her irritating sidekick head down the street, Angel decided that wooing the Chosen One was going take more work than he originally thought. He obviously needed to change tactics. Buffy was apparently not the flowers and candy type of girl.

There had to be something else he could do to bring a little variety into their lives. Cordy and Angelus certainly were having a fun time with their relationship and that included the hours they didn’t spend in bed together. This Double Dating business was supposed to provide bonding moments according to Cordelia, but that didn’t mean every outing had to include the other couple.

In fact, Angel would be glad of some time apart from the overly-happy pair. He and Buffy needed to spend some time alone together. If they were ever to establish what seemed to come so naturally to Angelus and Cordelia, this was going to take more effort than he had ever had to drum out for a woman.

Part 15

 Xander and Willow walked with the rest of the crowd along the wide edges of the Sunnydale High Football Field. The school was too small to have a real stadium and their opponents tonight came from Palmdale, home of the Fighting Falcons. A night game, the field lights shone brightly over the grassy turf and the stands. As usual, the other team had bussed in their students to rally on the players. The green and white colors were easy to pick out in the sea of burgundy and gold Sunnydale fans.

“Tell me why we’re here again,” Willow asked curiously.

Xander was eyeing the crowd, but could not see the others. “Because Cordy told us to come.”

“Ah, yes. The all powerful Queen C has spoken.” The redhead was not impressed that Xander was so eager to fulfill any request made by his former girlfriend. Ever since Angelus and Cordelia started going out, he had been acting strangely. Well… more than usual kind of strange.

“We’re here for the game,” Xander told her with a grin. Letting out a loud whoop so the crowd milling about could hear, he shouted, “Go Razorbacks!”

“Since when do you care?” Being his best friend since their days in the sandbox, Willow knew Xander was not into football. Cheerleaders were another story, but with the single fluke exception of Cordelia they were not into him.

Xander stared at her for a few seconds trying to come up with a reasonable excuse. Finding none, he opted for the truth. “This is the first chance we have of seeing Fang Boy in public. I wanna see if he makes an ass of himself.”

“Are you referring to Angelus or Angel?”

“I meant Angelus,” Xander admitted, “but it could apply to Angel, too. I’ve never really seen him out in a crowd either except for the Bronze. He usually makes like a shadow and fades into the background.”

Willow knew what he meant. “Angelus isn’t the shadowy type. He’s a little more—”

“In your face?” Xander suggested.


“Yeah. It creeps me out to know Cordelia is in his clutches.”

“If Buffy says it’s okay—”

Xander cut her off, “Buffy did not say it was okay. She made a truce with the vamp. That doesn’t mean she trusts him.”

“Maybe Angelus is in Cordelia’s clutches,” Willow teased. “Ever think of that?”

While Willow and Xander stood in line at the concession stand, Angelus, Angel and Buffy were already seated near the home team 40-yard line just in front of the cheerleaders. Cordelia was down there in her cheerleader outfit issuing orders to her teammates.

Angelus stared down at the field where Cordelia and her group of nubile cheerleaders prepared to warm up the crowd with some opening cheers. “This could be fun.”

“Interesting view from these seats,” Angel commented wryly knowing exactly where his brother’s thoughts were directed.

Letting out an exaggerated blast of laughter, Buffy reminded them that she was still sitting there. Poking at his side with her elbow, she told Angel, “You’re not supposed to ogle the cheerleaders with your girlfriend sitting right next to you.”

“I wasn’t ogling,” Angel denied it. “Just pointing out that these are good seats. We’re near the— uh…middle.”

“Near the cheerleaders, you mean,” Buffy corrected with a wry twist of her lips. “You guys are such…guys.”

Angel was glad to see that Buffy was interacting with him in a less hostile manner than earlier in the week. When his flowers and candy routine came to an end, so did her seeming suspicion that Angel was attempting to make up for something that was not his fault in the first place. She had greeted Angelus and Cordelia coolly that night at the library, but not mentioned her feelings about their misbehavior in the theater.

“You were a cheerleader,” Angel commented having heard that at some point.

Nodding, Buffy told him. “In L.A. at Hemery High before I moved to Sunnydale. Slayer duties interfere too much these days and considering the tryouts, I don’t think it was ever a good idea.

Encouraging her to tell them about it, Angel got Buffy talking about the whole tryout fiasco. This was the first time she had ever dealt with a foe whose weapon was magic rather than a pair of fangs.

“Catherine Madison was a witch,” Buffy was explaining. “She did a Freaky Friday with her daughter Amy. Totally bodysnatched her so she could relive the good old days as Sunnydale’s champion cheerleader.”

Angel wasn’t certain why Friday was freaky in comparison to the other days of the week, but thought he understood the mystical possibilities of bodysnatching. Or what he assumed to be bodyswitching in this case.

“Nobody suspected— I mean who would? Next thing we know one of the candidates is going up in flames and Cordelia goes blind during Driver’s Ed.”

Having only been half-listening to the Slayer weave her little tale of woe, Angelus jumped out of his seat and turned his full attention on her. “Blind? This bitch made her go blind?”

“Sheesh! Calm down,” Buffy motioned for him to return to his seat on the bench next to Angel. “Obviously, she’s no longer blind. Though Cordy nearly bought it that time. She drove through a fence and then walked into the path of an oncoming truck.”

“You saved her,” Angel realized. “What happened to Amy and her mother?”

“Yeah. Where is the witch?” Angelus looked like he wanted to reap some revenge for Cordelia’s sake even though it happened two years ago.

Buffy told them. “Mrs. Madison ended up a victim of her own magic and disappeared. Amy is a rat.”

“A rat?” The twins parroted together drawing a blink or two from Buffy as the mirror images spoke in tandem.

“Long story. That’s one for Willow to tell you,” Buffy revealed with a shrug.

Angelus settled down once he knew that the witch was no longer a threat to Cordy in any way. He couldn’t get over the thought of what might have happened if the spells had been permanent. “Imagine Cordelia blind and helpless.”

With a snort, Buffy commented dryly, “Cordelia is never helpless. She’s armed with her tongue.”

“And she knows how to use it, too,” Angelus returned smoothly.

“Yeah, she’s a talker,” Buffy agreed and then stalled realizing that she had once again walked right into one of the vampire’s sexually-charged teases. “Oh. That wasn’t what you meant, was it?”


“Eew! Too much information,” Buffy gave him a harsh stare. Then she noticed the approaching figures of her best friends making their way through the crowd and her expression changed, her frown turning upside down into a welcoming smile. “Over here!”

Xander and Willow arrived with snacks and sodas, climbing over legs and feet of the other students to get to their saved seats next to Buffy.

“Is the game over yet?” Willow asked in a hopeful tone.

“Hasn’t started,” Buffy pointed out.

The redhead pouted looking downtrodden at the idea of sitting through an entire game of football. “I was hoping we missed it.”

After the game finally got underway, Angelus looked to the group questioningly as he concluded, “So this is basically a pansy-assed version of Rugby.”

Willow was the one to answer. She chipped in, “Basically.”

Wondering if that was just random trivia, Xander asked, “How would you know?”

“I heard Giles say the same thing when he was here with Ms Calendar,” Willow told him. Then her eyes opened wide as she stared toward Angelus as if the mere mention of the woman he killed would cause him to rip through the crowd in a fit of raging bloodlust.

Xander was obviously thinking the same thing. He could barely get out, “Oh.”

The vampire was leaning forward a bit, his gaze locked on Xander’s silently daring him to say something. When he didn’t, Angelus smirked and then turned his attention back to the field. Xander was not so quick to let go of the thoughts that resurfaced at the mention of Jenny Calendar’s name.

That bastard! Look at him sitting there with that smug expression. A killer in our midst. With Soul Boy sitting next to him treating him like he’s his long lost brother instead of his darker evil half. And Buffy— the Slayer— making truces and double dating with something she should have dusted long ago.

Xander didn’t care if the little voice in his head was starting to sound like Giles, Jr. He only knew that Angelus had no right to exist and certainly had no business dating Cordelia Chase.

Buffy was too distracted to notice Xander’s angry stare. She was trying her best not to react to the fact that Angel’s arm was around her shoulder again. Just like at the theater. It wasn’t that she didn’t like his touch. God, no. Normally, having his big, strong arms around her was wonderful.

Just lately it seemed like there was pressure coming at her. So much so that her inner senses seemed to reel in protest when Angel touched her— unless she was the one touching him. Weird. It was just weird. It gave her the wiggins and if it kept up, Cordelia would have the satisfaction of telling her that she had a whole face full of wiggins wrinkles.

This was all Cordelia’s fault. If Cordy wasn’t so touchy-feely with Angelus, then she wouldn’t feel she was doing something wrong by not being so publicly demonstrative with Angel either. This was peer pressure of the cheerleader kind.

Maybe it was Angelus’ fault instead. Obviously, Angel saw how Mister Double Trouble was acting around Cordelia. Mister Kissy-Smoochy, Touchy-Feely, Grabby-Gropey had to make Angel feel that he wasn’t giving her enough attention. Mister Flowers and Candy Vampire made Angel think he could buy her forgiveness. Huh. Mister Egomaniac couldn’t take his eyes off Cordelia…and neither could Angel.

At least, it seemed like he kept looking at the brunette. Buffy conceded that it might simply be the fact that from their position on the bench seating, Cordelia was directly in front of them. Stealing a glance at her boyfriend, Buffy found to her embarrassment that Angel was actually looking down at her instead.

It was a good think vampires did not read minds.

“Something bothering you?” Angel inquired thoughtfully.

“No,” she was quick to respond.

Angel frowned slightly. “It’s just that you have that look.”

“What look?”

“The look you get when you’re about to stake something.”

Buffy stared back with surprise on her face. “I don’t have a look like that.”

Sensing some tension, Xander swallowed his last bite of chili cheese dog and piped up with, “Speaking of looks…Cordy sure looks great out there.”

“Keep your eyeballs to yourself, Harris,” threatened Angelus almost pleasantly. “Otherwise, I might have to hand them to you so you can keep better track of them.”

“Did I say Cordy? I meant Harmony. Harm sure looks great out there,” Xander lifted a finger to point out the blonde who was blowing kisses to a passing football player from the other team.

Angelus barely noticed Xander’s response. He had gotten into the game and jumped to his feet so suddenly that the others reacted with surprise at the move.

“Hit him!” Angelus yelled so loudly that Angel felt his ears ring. The corner guard was face to face with his opponent attempting to block the oncoming blitz, but he merely held the other player off rather than tackling him to the ground. “Hit him harder than that. Shove him into the ground.”

Buffy exchanged a concerned look with Angel. “Next time, please talk Cordelia into picking something with less of a chance of bloodshed.”

“Angelus could turn Chinese Checkers into an act of bloodshed given half a chance.”

Not even noticing their exchange, Angelus turned his attention to the quarterback who seemed to be dancing uncertainly in the pocket. His receivers were all covered down field. There was a small opportunity to rush down the middle. Angelus saw it, but the quarterback failed to react.

“No! Don’t throw it away,” Angelus shouted toward the field. As the ball was tossed in the direction of the sideline, the vampire growled, “Wimp.”

A time out was called by the Razorbacks who were down 21-7 just before the half. The group of Falcons fans sitting in front of them were cheering and slapping each other with high-fives. One of them, having overheard Angelus yelling at the guy from the home team, decided a little heckling might be in order.

“Gotta agree with ya, bud,” the burly middle-aged man told Angelus. “The Razorback quarterback is a wimp. He can’t take a hit and he probably can’t keep track of his own balls much less the one made of pigskin.”

The others watched warily as Angelus responded to the man’s remarks. “Normally, I’d tie your tongue in a knot…bud. Ya see, it’s okay for me to call my player a wimp because he’s mine. You on the other hand have no freakin’ business coming to my territory and making derogatory remarks.”

Angel cleared his throat catching his double’s attention. Giving him a look that told the other vampire to shut up, he hoped Angelus would sit down without resorting to violence over a football game.

“You’re twins, huh?” The guy stared back and forth at the identical faces, although he was quick to note that one looked significantly angrier than the other. Getting the feeling that his friendly heckling had gone too far, he decided to change the topic to something any red-blooded male would enjoy. “Speaking of twins…my favorite part of the game is watching the way those cheerleaders bounce. Check out that one. The brunette. She can shake her pom poms at me anytime.”

The next five seconds passed in a flash. Angelus lunged at the human who had dared to make suggestive comments about Cordelia only to reel back in agonizing pain. His twin grabbed for the other vampire pulling him back to the bench and simultaneously latching on to the Falcon fan’s green and white jersey. Buffy launched herself to her feet thinking she was going to be stopping Angelus when now it looked like Angel was the one needing to maintain control. In their places further down the bench, Willow and Xander merely gaped openly at the scene before them.

Gazing down at the human with eyes rimmed with gold, Angel fought for control as he felt the urge to vamp out. “You have one minute to haul your ass to another part of this football field. Any longer than that and you will be sorry for opening your mouth.”

Angel released him, causing the man to stumble against the guy next to him spilling his half empty soda on the ground. Seeing that Angel was not going to kill the guy, Buffy moved over to see to Angelus who was still holding onto his head and moaning in pain.

“Angelus,” she began in a somewhat worried tone. “This is what happens? You didn’t even touch him. It was just the thought that triggered the pain.”

“Fucking Fates,” Angelus mumbled as he shook off the pain and straightened himself on the bench.

The Falcons fan and his buddies weren’t about to stick around for explanations or apologies. At Angel’s continued death glare, they grabbed their stuff and took off down the steps. As they disappeared, several Razorback fans cheered their departure. “Way to go, man! Teach them to fuck with Queen C’s boyfriend.”

Someone had obviously seen Angelus with Cordelia before, realized Angel. He scanned the crowd, but did not see who had made the comments. Then he turned his attention to his double.

“I didn’t realize the pain would be so severe,” he told Angelus.

“What did you expect?” The other vampire practically growled in response. “Just a tickle every time I get the urge to kill someone?”

Buffy switched places with Angel again. “I’d say the Fates’ leash was nicely intact.”

“What the hell is going on?” Cordelia’s voice came from the steps beside their row. Having kept an eye on the group from the sidelines, she saw the entire scuffle and the Falcons fans’ hasty departure. Closer now, Cordelia noticed the look of pain on her vampire’s face and her irate expression immediately softened into one of utter love and concern. “Angelus?”

Rising to his feet, Angelus swept her into his arms covering her mouth in a kiss of pure passion and possessiveness. He branded her mouth with his own sweeping across the slant of her lips with his tongue and encroaching into her warm and welcoming cavern. Crushed against his chest, Cordelia wound her arms around Angelus’ neck holding him just as tight and returning his kiss with equal passion.

Wolf-whistles sounded around them, ignored completely by the kissing couple. Eventually, Angelus let her up for air only to stare down at her with a gaze so intense that Cordelia was mesmerized by its power. She was about to lean in for more when Buffy’s voice cut through the warm haze surrounding her like an icy rain.

“Shouldn’t you be down on the field? Halftime cheerleader antics are coming up.” Buffy could care less about seeing Cordelia climb to the apex of the pyramid. She had to say something…anything to put an end to that tongue-dueling kiss.

Cordelia didn’t bother responding to Buffy. She was totally focused on Angelus. “Wow! What brought that on?”

“He was jealous,” Xander revealed feeling somewhat queasy after watching Angelus macking on his former girlfriend. Unless that was the chili cheese dog.

Asking, “Jealous of what?” Cordelia looked from Xander to Angelus who refused to reveal why he felt it so necessary to claim her in front of half of Sunnydale with that scorching kiss.

“Everyone,” Willow chimed in.

Glancing at up Angelus again, Cordy smiled in reaction. “Jealous of everyone? Why?”

“For staring,” the vampire told her with a growl. “All of ‘em watching you bounce around down there. I was doing fine until that prick from Palmdale made comments about you.”

Rolling her eyes, Cordelia pursed her lips. “Let me guess. It was something about my boobs, right? One of the trials of being a cheerleader.”

“As of right now, you can hang up your pom poms. No more cheerleading if I have to put up with guys leering at you”

“Pfft! Do I have to remind you that you like this outfit?” Cordelia was obviously amused and didn’t seem to take his demand to quit cheerleading very seriously.

Angelus did like the cheerleading outfit. Unfortunately, “So does everyone else, apparently.”

“Let ‘em look,” shrugged Cordy. “You’re the one who gets to take me home.”

With a smirk, Angelus had to agree he had the better deal. “There is that.”

“Careful,” Buffy warned the vamp. “Cordelia is known to twist minds like pretzels. Soon, you’ll think it was your idea to let her back on the field.”

Xander and Willow started laughing as they saw Cordelia’s smile widen into megawatt brilliance. She obviously knew the effect she could have and it didn’t take Buffy to point it out to anyone. “Would I do that?”

Her friends all answered, “Yes.”

Then Cordelia was laughing in response.

“It wasn’t funny,” Angelus pointed out to her. “That bastard was saying things about the way you bounced when you were doing your cheers. And then when you all did that dance…it really got out of hand.”

Leaning in to him again, Cordelia suggested, “How about if I dance just for you later on?”

Angelus thought he might go for this kind of deal. “How much later?”

“After the game, Bad Boy!” Still laughing softly, “When we get home.”

“I can deal with that,” Angelus responded as he closed the short distance between them to kiss her again.

Buffy rolled her eyes in reaction. Down the row, Xander was having more stomach trouble. Couldn’t be jealousy. It was really just indigestion. Blushing, Willow found herself wondering whether Oz might enjoy a private dance.

The redhead wasn’t the only one turning the suggestion into something personal. Angel couldn’t stop the rush of images that popped into his head of Cordelia stripping down to her skin. Just for him. The thought made him hard and Angel silently cursed himself for his traitorous imagination.

It should be Buffy dancing that sexy shimmy in his head, not Cordelia. He had no right to think of Cordelia getting naked for him. Certainly no right to think of all of the ways he would take her once her beautiful body was bare. So what if he’d never actually seen her unclothed body— his two hundred plus years of experience could fill in a few details for his overactive imagination.

Angel berated himself for having lustful thoughts about his brother’s lover. This was unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. Buffy knew how to dance and he had seen her put on her little show with Xander at the Bronze just to make him jealous. Where the hell had that gone? Now Buffy was more likely to demand sex than try to tease him into giving it to her. She seemed to prefer getting straight to business and taking care of her basic needs. He always had to make her come twice before she’d even think about letting go or trying something different.

They had been sitting through this game with her talking to Willow and Xander more than him. Almost to the point of ignoring him, which only pissed him off even more. Angelus was too into the violence of the game or keeping an eye on Cordelia to make any attempt at conversation.

Then again, Angel had done quite a bit of watching himself, so maybe he needed to keep his complaints to himself.

Cordelia seemed to sense his troubled thoughts. “Not enjoying the game?”

“No,” he admitted.

Grinning knowingly, Cordelia suggested, “Next time we’ll do something you want to do.”

“I get to pick?” He asked the question almost eagerly.

“Sure,” Cordelia answered with a shrug. She glanced at Angelus and Buffy pointing out, “Nobody said I had to make up all the rules and pick the places.”

Buffy let out an indelicate snort in response.

“You can pick, too,” she told the blonde.

“What about me?” Angelus asked. “I could suggest a few ideas.”

Raising an eyebrow, Cordelia suggested that some of his ideas might not be suitable for public discussion. “We’ll talk about it, Bad Boy.”

Xander let out a snigger as Cordelia called the vamp Bad Boy. It made Angelus sound like he was naughty Little Jack Horner about to be sent to his chair in the corner. Although, he had to admit, the inflection in Cordy’s voice gave it a different meaning altogether.

“Why do you call him that?” Xander wondered aloud, scratching his head. “If you’re so intent on us thinking he’s one of the good guys…why say that?”

Cordelia blushed. “I have to get back to the field.”

It wasn’t like Cordy to run out on a question. Xander watched her escape down the steps. Angel sat down on the bench trying to ignore his own Bad Boy while thinking he had put up with Cordelia calling his double that pet name long enough without adding Xander’s clueless questions to the mix.

Angelus merely smirked at the teenager. “You are as thickheaded as you look, Harris.”
