Double or Nothing

Author: Lysa Whitmore


Parts: 16 - 20


Part 16

 With his usual quiet moves, Angel entered the mansion closing the door behind him. He was almost relieved to be home after an evening of patrolling with Buffy through the cemeteries of Sunnydale. Their plans for the rest of the night had gone up in smoke and Angel was returning to the mansion physically frustrated.

Though it was a state he had often been in before and habitually tempered through his meditative training, over two months had passed since Angel was in the position to need those skills. Between his bound soul and Buffy’s almost predatory sexual urges, Angel had gotten used to getting some on a frequent if not daily basis.

“Sorry, Angel. Mom came home a day early from her business trip. Looks like we can’t stay here tonight after all,” Buffy had a legitimate excuse.

“Come back to the mansion,” Angel suggested. “I’ll wait for you.”

Buffy shook her head, “Can’t. Mom will expect to see me.”

The vampire didn’t verbalize his irritation nor tell Buffy that he didn’t care what her mother wanted. He expected to get laid. Buffy had withheld sex for nearly a week, ever since the movie theater business and his attempt at romancing her with candy and flowers. Now, after arousing him with her usual post-patrol teasing, Buffy was reneging on their plans.

Earlier tonight there was a moment where Buffy was practically shining with the rosy glow of mindless arousal. Angel figured he could convince her to try something a little different tonight. She’d told him that an abandoned cemetery was far different from a movie theater, so maybe she wouldn’t be opposed to doing it right there.

“Eew!” Buffy had immediately come out of her lusty haze at the suggestion. “I’m not getting naked in a cemetery. What happens if some demon strolls along?”

Holding onto her hips, Angel pressed her against his rigid erection. “You’ve got me so wound up, Buffy. I don’t want to wait until we go back to the mansion.”

“We could go to my house,” Buffy suggested quickly…anything to get out of the cemetery before something happened. “It’s closer and mom is out of town until tomorrow afternoon.”

Angel figured he would have to come right out and say it because Buffy wasn’t getting the hint. “Still too far. If you want to wait to come, that’s fine by me. I don’t.”

She let out a gasp of surprise at his demanding tone and felt his strong hands move from her hips to her shoulders pushing her down to her knees. “Angel!”

“Your choice, Buffy. Use your mouth or your hand. Just give me some relief before you force me to walk for miles just to give you pleasure.” Angel’s eyes glinted in the moonlight like stars in an ebony sky. Eternity echoed in their depths welling up with lust and determination.

“Forget it,” the Slayer went down on her knees to no one, especially a vampire who suddenly got it in his head to issue orders. “Gross much? You know I don’t like that. It’s…messy.”

He found himself growling in response, staring down at her in a way that made Buffy realize she had just consciously thought of Angel as a vampire. Now she threw off his hands from her shoulders and rose to her feet, facing him angrily.

“There’s a solution to that,” Angel sounded almost deadly calm, his voice a deep timber. “You swallow.”

Buffy’s facial expression was one of complete disgust and irritation. She was about to tell her vampire boyfriend he could head back to the mansion on his own.

Except that a new wave of lust hit her as Angel pressed her hand up against the hard bulge in his pants. He was never like this with her— forceful and demanding— and somehow her body was reacting.

Leaping into his strong embrace, Buffy wrapped her arms and legs around his waist proceeding to pepper his mouth and face with kisses. She breathed hot air into his ear pleading, “Take me home, Angel. I want you inside me. Beneath me.”

Peeling her torso away just enough to meet her gaze, Angel agreed to do so, but he made it clear that once they got there Buffy wasn’t going to be the one in charge. As she always seemed to need to be. “I’ll take you home to your frilly bed, Buffy. When we get there I plan to strip you naked and make you come six different ways before you ever get to ride my cock.”

Sliding down his hard frame, Buffy found her feet unsteady as she gazed at Angel’s back. He was already headed in the direction of Revello Drive. Stunned by his words and demeanor, Buffy found herself shuddering in lustful anticipation. The things he said…Buffy had never heard him speak that way to her. It sounded like something Angelus would say, not Angel.

Catching up to him, Buffy tried to regain a little control. “I don’t want the details, Angel. Just do it.”

“Oh, I will,” he promised darkly.

As they walked along at a brisk pace with only three more blocks to go, Buffy asked,

“Are you mad at me? For not…you know.”

Without missing a step, Angel made a sound of displeasure. “It has only been two months since we’ve been able to safely be together again, but we’ve already fallen into a rut.”

“No pun intended?” Buffy quipped with an attempt at lightening his mood.

Responding scornfully, Angel told her, “Rut is precisely what I meant. That’s all we’ve been doing. Rutting. Fucking. You don’t let me make love to you, Buffy. It has been weeks since we’ve done something new.”

Flaming red, Buffy thought back to the moment that Angelus told her she still had a lot to learn about men.

Angel went on, saying, “I’ve attempted to bring a little romance and variety into it, but you keep shying away from it. Refusing to let anything happen that’s out of your control.”

“I do not,” Buffy returned hotly.

“Yes, you do.” Then he stopped suddenly, taking her arm and turning her to face him. “I’m beginning to wonder if you need me there at all when a stiff dildo would provide you with the same ride.”

Buffy reeled back her free arm, curling her hand into a fist and slugged him. The vampire’s head snapped back, but Angel remained stock still looking almost dangerously calm. When he dropped her arm, saying nothing in response, Buffy curled that hand into a fist and tried it again.

Angel grasped her hand within his larger one, enveloping it and holding her at bay. The fact that he could do so proved she wasn’t giving it her all. “Save it for the bedroom, Buffy. We both know that’s where you really want it.”

Wresting her hand away, Buffy glared angrily at Angel. “Why does it have to be different? I liked it before when you were kind and only wanted to please me and didn’t bother with the stupid flowers. Why can’t we go back to the way it was before Angelus came back again?”

“We didn’t get to have sex before Angelus came back,” Angel reminded pointedly. “Is that what you want?”

“Oh.” Twisting her lips into a pout, Buffy muttered, “No, I didn’t mean that part.”

“Didn’t think so,” he responded with a confident smirk.

“Angelus isn’t the only egomaniac in the family,” Buffy huffed, turned on her heel and strode toward home.

Watching her, Angel moved at a slower pace knowing that his blond girlfriend had no intention of forgoing his presence in her bed tonight. Only they were both in for a shocking disappointment upon arriving at Buffy’s house. Joyce Summers was in the process of removing her suitcase from the trunk of her car as they stepped up to the sidewalk.

There was no time to turn around and head to the mansion, for Joyce observantly saw them both and waved. She was still wary of Angel, but greeted her daughter with a hug and a smile.

“Finished with patrol for the evening?” Joyce queried with motherly interest in her daughter’s work while at the same time eyeing her for injuries. “I’m glad you’re home. I could use some help unpacking. I have a box of artifacts for the studio I’d like to catalog before going to bed.”

“I’ll get that,” Angel offered.

“Thank you, Angel.” Joyce watched as the vampire picked up the heavy box from her trunk with one hand and grabbed her suitcase with the other. “My goodness. It looks like vampires are good for something. All that strength.”

Joyce was talking to Buffy and speaking softly, but the Slayer reacted with a protest, “Mom! Angel can hear you.”

“He’s all the way to the house,” Joyce commented doubtfully as she closed the trunk.

Buffy felt herself turn red. She stressed, “Vampire hearing.”

“So that’s not the only thing they’re good for,” Joyce shrugged. At Buffy’s continued embarrassment, she asked, “What did I say now?”

There were more intimate things on Buffy’s mind and Angel was certainly good for all of them. Except, apparently not tonight. “Nothing, Mom.”

Angel was waiting by the front door for one of them to open it. Joyce already had her keys out and thanked him again as Angel brought her things into the house. “Just set them down by the stairs. We’ll take them from there.”

Though her words were polite, Angel saw them for what they were. An invitation to leave. “It’s late. See me to the door, Buffy?”

It was two steps away, but Buffy took it as an excuse to walk out to the porch with him closing the door behind them. “This isn’t gonna happen tonight. Sorry, Angel. Mom came home a day early from her business trip. Looks like we can’t stay here tonight after all.”

Buffy had a legitimate excuse, but Angel knew she could find a way around it if she wanted too. “Come back to the mansion. I’ll wait for you.”

Shaking her head, Buffy explained, “Can’t. Mom will expect to see me.”

“Fine.” Angel ground out between his teeth. Frustration ate away at him. “I’ll just go home and meditate.”

“Does that work?”

“It will if it’s accompanied by some other more physical remedies,” Angel answered meaningfully drawing Buffy’s mouth into a circle of surprise, now finding a miniscule measure of amusement despite his frustration.

“Oh.” Buffy’s skin flamed red in the porchlight and Angel heard the fast tempo of her heart when she caught his meaning. “Guess I’ll be needing a few remedies myself.”

Palming her face with both hands, Angel leaned down to kiss her gently. “Get some rest. Tomorrow is the big day.”

“What day?”

“Your choice of activities, remember?”

Buffy looked like she had forgotten for a second or two, but realized he meant the movie marathon. Since Cordelia handed over the double dating decision duties to her, Buffy had decided to make it more of a group activity. Everyone was invited and there would be no possibility of public embarrassment. A day of video rentals and movie watching at the mansion sounded safe enough.

“Can’t wait,” Buffy tried to sound enthusiastic. She added a smile that didn’t quite make it to her eyes.

Sensing her lack of excitement at the idea, Angel had to admit, “I’m feeling the same way.”

Now back at the mansion, Angel shut the door behind him only to note that the foyer floor was strewn with Cordelia’s belongings. Not again, he thought. Rotten timing. This was especially a bad night to have to put up with the aftereffects of Angelus’ sexual escapades with Cordelia.

Out of habit, Angel started to pick up the discarded things intending to leave them at the bottom of the third floor steps. If he had actually given Angelus an allowance, Angel figured he would have to withhold it for acting as their live-in-maid. After the first few items it seemed like he was following a trail of breadcrumbs. Except that he quickly realized that this trail wasn’t leading to the stairs, but to the living room.

Angel snatched one pom pom from the floor. A few steps later, he picked up the other one. Then there was a shoe, the standard white athletic kind the cheerleaders wore. Further down the hall was the other one. Both burgundy socks lay in a little heap close to the living room door.

Instantly, it came to him that Cordelia promised his brother a dance upon returning from the football game. Was that what had happened? Considering the strewn pom poms, shoes and socks, it looked to be a striptease. No wonder they hadn’t made it to the third floor…again.

Angel found it all too easy to picture Cordelia’s sexy dance, except he was the lucky recipient rather than Angelus. He’d be sitting in that large leather chair while Cordy started to move; the only music needed was the steady beat of her heart. Her bare legs would seem even longer under than tiny skirt, its burgundy and gold pleats alternately hiding and hinting as she danced for him.

In his mind’s eye, her gold top with the burgundy trim was suddenly gone. Angel didn’t know how it had come off, but frankly he didn’t care. Even in her silky bra, Cordelia would be color coordinated; the silk and lace wrapped around her firm breasts would be burgundy as well. As Cordelia braced herself on the arms of the chair, leaning over to kiss him, Angel reached up to remove that barrier.

Soft strands of her wavy hair fell in long tendrils around her shoulders teasing at the edges of those mouth-watering curves. How many ways had he pictured himself teasing and torturing that one part of Cordelia’s sensuous anatomy? Too many ways.

They came to him in one rush of images that left him leaning against the wall outside the living room door. Caressing, tickling, lathing, sucking, nipping, fucking, biting, and a number of combinations danced their way through his sexually-charged brain.

Knowing the way her nipples poked up hard against her clothes, Angel could easily picture curling his tongue around them lathing them one at a time. Now his erection pressed uncomfortably into the zipper of his pants and Angel was glad that his arms were full of pom poms, shoes and socks because the temptation to wrap his hand around his tumescent penis seemed almost irresistible.

Cordelia turned her back to him, in that colorful display that was his mind’s eye, and with the stark sound of her zipper coming undone he watched as she let her skirt and panties fall to the floor. Rather than enjoying the view of her pert bottom, Angel found that he was staring at the mark of her blazing sun tattoo. It taunted him even in his own imagination.

At the movie theater, Angel had gotten more than enough of a glimpse at the small of her back now colored permanently with a distinct sign of the Order of Aurelius. Thinking about it now, with his mind caught up in this lustful sidetrip, Angel realized that Angelus had made a mistake in choosing to claim Cordelia with such a mark. It might have been the only way he could do it, but marking a human with a sign from the Order technically wiped out their agreement. Nullifying it completely, this placed Cordelia under the purview of the Order’s master.

While Angelus might think of himself that way, Angel had news for him. The deal with the Fates laid out a few guidelines prior to their separation. Since Angel was the primary being existing before the split, Angelus would be linked to him in a way that would allow the souled vampire to oversee his darker half. That put Angel in charge of his double and as far as he was concerned also put him in charge of the Order of Aurelius. Anything that belonged to the vampires of the Order also belonged to the master. Meaning, that Cordelia also belonged to him.

Angel suddenly realized he could enter that room and claim Cordelia in the only way a vampire’s mate should be claimed. He felt his face shift and fangs extend at the mere thought of it. His tongue rasped across the sharp edges sending a wave of pleasure straight to his loins.

At that point he didn’t care what he found when entering the room. If Cordelia was on her knees pleasuring him or being impaled by Angelus’ cock, he had every right to go in there and lay claim to what he wanted. To take Cordelia into his arms, bare her neck and sink his fangs into her salty flesh to get at the sweet blood inside.

Turning his body so that it rolled against the doorframe, Angel prepared to stride into the room only to stop short at the sight in front of him. Only now that he saw them did Angel realize his detailed fantasy had caused him to ignore his senses. The air was not permeated with the scent of arousal as one would expect. Cordelia’s heartbeat was steady, her breathing rhythmic. There was another sound, a low rumble imperceptible to anyone without a vampire’s sensitive hearing, this coming from Angelus himself.

Cordelia lay across Angelus’ lap, sleeping peacefully in the safe harbor of his arms. One hand resting on his chest, her head snuggled into the crook of his shoulder. With the exception of Cordelia’s discarded shoes and socks, both were fully dressed. Angelus was simply watching her sleep, his arms wrapped around her tiny waist and gazing down at her beautiful face, purring quietly.

A sharp sting of envy blazed through Angel as he looked at them, his expression set in stone. All irrational thoughts of claiming Cordelia vanished as he looked at them replaced by stabbing guilt. He longed for such simplicity in his own relationship and knew that he was transferring his frustration and envy to Cordelia. Knowing didn’t make him want her any less. A small sound of longing escaped his throat, causing Angelus to snap his attention to his twin.

The soulless vampire didn't care if it was Angel standing there, as far as he was concerned it was the same as any other vampire intruding on this moment. Angelus eyes flashed a very real, very serious warning, his contented purr turning into a low growl.

Sharing memories of the other vampire for so long, Angel knew exactly what Angelus would and could do if he stepped any further into the room. He knew that right now, in this moment, he was intruding on a very intimate moment and Angelus saw him only as a threat, especially as Angel had appeared around the corner in full game face.

When the growl got a little louder, Cordelia stirred and looked through sleepy eyes at Angelus. "Hmm?" she mumbled.

"Nothing baby, just go back to sleep" Angelus whispered, watching Angel back out of the room.

Angel's presence hadn't even registered to Cordelia who only had eyes for her lover. "Okay,” she murmured contentedly, “no arguments from me."

Part 17

 Angel sank down into the leather chair staring at Cordelia’s determined face with intense dismay. “Do we have to do this?”

“Geez! You’d think you were being asked to walk a tightrope over a pit of stakes.” Cordy rolled her eyes toward the ceiling and then answered his question. “Yes, we’re going to do this. It’s mandatory Scooby bonding.”

Honestly, the thought was not pleasant. “Don’t we bond enough already?”

“Pfft! That’s all about demon research, patrols and slaying. This is about having a little fun.”

“We had fun at the football game yesterday,” reminded the vampire. “I think that was enough for one weekend.”

The football game had not really been Angel’s cup of tea, though that surprised her. Angelus’ vehement enjoyment of the game showed up even during his attendance with her at the Razorback’s victory party. Only the upset over the Palmdale fan’s suggestive comments cast a dark shadow over the experience. Angel had quickly volunteered to patrol with Buffy in order to escape the party scene.

The vampire brooded darkly, stubbornly crossing his arms over his chest. “What if I don’t want more fun?”

Laughing at him, Cordelia playfully stuck out her tongue, “Too bad. You’re gonna get it if I have to tie you to that chair.”

From his position in the doorway, Angelus chuckled in response. Suggesting, “Don’t give him ideas, babe. He has enough of his own already.”

Angel’s eyes darted to the other vampire realizing there was a double meaning to his words. Their gazes locked and held for some moments of silence until Cordelia broke through with a protest. Facing Angelus, she let out a sigh of discontent.

“Your brother is a stuffy old muggly-wuggly,” Cordy threw her hands in the air in a gesture of frustration. “When he’s not brooding about something, he’s planning to brood about it.”

Glowering, Angel countered defensively, “Do not.”

“Yes you do,” Cordy fisted her hands on her hips taking a firm stance.

“I am not stuffy.”

To that, she gave a droll comeback, “Like the air in a musty old coffin.”

Offended, a hurt puppy-dog expression appeared on Angel’s handsome face. Cordelia was not going to let it get to her. “Don’t give me that look, Mr. Distance. You’ve been avoiding me all morning. Afraid I might force you to have fun?”

“I’d like to see you try,” Angel answered and instantly regretted the sensual twist to his challenging tone.

Angel exchanged another look with Angelus, this time thinking they were probably overdue for a talk. It was true that Angel had purposefully avoided Cordelia this morning. First by taking his time getting out of bed and then spending time in the training room where she had yet to venture. By default, avoiding Cordy also meant that he had not found time to confront Angelus alone, although Angel was a little surprised that the vampire had not barged into his room last night demanding an explanation for disturbing them.

“Depends on the fun,” Angelus smirked as he observed the exchange between them both.

Pointing out the obvious, Cordy explained, “This fun involves movie marathons and watching Xander when he’s on a sugar high.”

“That doesn’t sound like fun,” Angel grumbled, his thoughts returning to the long day ahead. “It sounds painful.”

Sitting down on the padded arm of the leather chair, Cordelia patted his shoulder in false commiseration. “It’ll give you more to brood about later. Besides, this wasn’t my idea. Buffy gets all the credit. Your girlfriend personally picked hours of torture just for you.”

“A little Tai Chi might be in order.” Angelus tried to put on a serious face, but failed to hide the twinkle in his dark eyes. “Prepare for the torture to come.”

“Good idea,” Angel was all seriousness, figuring that it couldn’t hurt.

“You have five minutes,” Cordelia told him as she glanced at her watch. Almost on cue, the doorbell rang. With a sympathetic shrug, she corrected herself, “Make that five seconds.”

Rising from her perch, Cordelia headed for the foyer. Buffy, Willow and Xander were all arriving together. As usual on a weekend day, Oz was on the road with Dingoes Ate My Baby.

“You don’t need to ring the doorbell, Willow. I’m shocked it still works,” Buffy let out a surprised laugh as she opened the door.

Willow pointed out that was a rather rude thing to do. “I wouldn’t just walk into your house without knocking or ringing the doorbell.”

Snarking at the idea, Xander took Buffy’s point of view. “They’re vamps, Will.”

“So?” Willow didn’t think that automatically provided a license to be rude. “Besides, Cordy lives here too…part of the time.”

Xander wasn’t happy with that reminder and quickly changed the subject. “This place is a lot less spooky than I imagined.”

“Hey, guys!” Cordelia called out to them as she emerged from the living room.

Her ex-boyfriend grinned widely upon seeing her and hugged her close with his free arm. “Cor! I brought supplies.”

He held up two plastic shopping bags full of goodies. Playing hostess, Cordelia asked him, “Anything for the fridge?

“Just the Yoohoo.”

Cordelia held out a hand. “I’ll take it. Put the rest in the living room over there.”

“Hiya Cor. Where are...oh!” Willow started to inquire after the two vampires, but they appeared suddenly with their usual stealthy steps. “Hi, you two.”

“Hello, Willow,” greeted Angel with a small upward curve of his lips. Then he moved past her toward Buffy. Vampire and Slayer merely stood together in silence staring at each other.

Willow thought for a moment that there was a conversation going on between them. It just didn’t involve words. Seeing the two of them, she wished that Oz was here. It was hard to do coupley things without the other half of the couple. Having Xander as a substitute merely brought back thoughts she had already put past her.

Noticing the silent exchange, Cordelia read a little more into it than Willow. There was an obvious undercurrent between Buffy and Angel. One that suggested their get together after patrol last night had not been completely satisfactory. Since Cordy was tired after their come-from-behind victory over the Fighting Falcons and the after party, she and Angelus had skipped out on joining them for late-night patrol activities and come straight home to the mansion. She had no idea when Angel finally arrived home last night or if it was just before dawn this morning.

“What’s in the bag, Willow?” Angelus inquired stepping up to the redhead.

Gasping at the sudden attention, Willow found that she couldn’t move under that piercing gaze. Since Buffy was staring into the other vampire’s eyes and vice versa, that was almost certain to be Angel, meaning the twin who was talking to her had to be the soulless version. A powerful wave of irrational fear zinged through Willow’s body, an automatic response to his closeness.


The vampire nodded, immediately realizing that Willow Rosenberg was afraid of him. Still. After two months. Though he hadn’t done anything to encourage her fear, neither had Angelus done anything to assuage it. Until now, he hoped.

Willow pulled out a small rounded glass bowl from the plastic bag. “I brought it like you said.”

“Good,” Angelus noted it with satisfaction. Reaching out, the vampire grabbed the bowl with one hand and wrapped the other around Willow’s delicate wrist.

“Hey!” Xander protested the move, but was ignored by Angelus.

Uncertain what was happening as Angelus suddenly started to pull her down the hall, Willow stammered, “C-Cordy?”

Glancing over her shoulder, Cordelia calmly commented, “Be there in a sec, Willow. I have to stop in the kitchen.”


Buffy frowned at the sight of her friend being physically dragged toward another area of the mansion. Asking Angel in a demanding tone, “Where is he taking her?”

“The living room.”


Sending her a questioning glance, Angel had to ask, “Where did you think— the bedroom or our resident torture chamber?”

“There’s a difference?” quipped Xander.

Glaring at the boy, Angel realized that he had not yet acknowledged his presence in his home. With a cool stare, the vampire met his gaze. “Xander.”

“Angel,” responded Xander as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. Was it just his imagination or did the vampire seem different today? There was an undercurrent to his tone, even with that one word, that sounded almost dangerous.

Buffy didn’t notice any difference, but then she was focused on where Angelus had taken Willow. She was already halfway down the hallway before Xander and Angel started to follow. Entering the room, Buffy stopped short as she realized it had undergone a complete transformation since the last time she was there. Obviously, Cordelia had been on a shop-til-you-drop redecorating rampage.

The large room was divided into two functional parts. The right side held a pool table and a dartboard. A comfortable couch divided the two halves. On the other side, a wall-to-wall entertainment center was hooked up including a large-screen television, VCR and stereo. A large leather chair was angled near the empty fireplace and next to it was a huge fish tank.

It was this that had drawn Willow’s attention. Dozens of brightly colored fish darted around in the clear water.

“Take your pick Willow,” Angelus was telling her. “To replace the ones I…you know.”

Staring up at the vampire, Willow could hardly believe the offer. Tears stung her eyes at the memory of finding her little fish strung up knowing that evil Angelus had been in her bedroom to accomplish the deed. Now he freely made a peace offering.

At her lack of response, Angelus frowned worriedly. He’d been certain this would be the right move to reach the little witch. Cordelia didn’t like the fact that Willow was still afraid of him and frankly, Angelus was tired of the instant fear that lit her face whenever he walked in the door. The time where he would have gloated over the fact and played on that fear was over. He’d save it for someone more amusing, like Xander.

“It was this or a mummified hand down at the magic shop,” Angelus joked adding the most. “Fish or a fist. I took a chance.”

Willow felt a rush of warmth flush her skin. “Fish are good. I like fish. Obviously, since I had some. Which you killed and I haven’t wanted any since. Until right now. C-Cordy was can be really sweet when you want to be.”

At the conclusion of her babbling session, Willow closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging tightly. Angelus stared down at her with a panicked look on his face. He wasn’t certain what to do. The evil vampire had never been in a situation that involved spontaneous hugging, except from Cordelia.

Angelus put the glass bowl down on the top of the fish tank and gave Willow a quick hug. The brief squeeze was noted with amusement by Cordelia as she entered the room. “Hands off, girl,” she joked. “That’s my manpire. Stick to your werewolf and we won’t have to wrestle on the floor like the Tweedles do.”

Instantly letting go, Willow stood red-faced as if she had done something wrong despite the fact that she realized Cordelia was joking.

Rolling her eyes, Buffy commented, “I thought you weren’t going to call them that in public.”

“Geez! This isn’t public.” Cordy looked around the room. “It’s just us. Besides, it’s too fun to resist.”

Angelus narrowed his gaze at Cordelia with predatory precision. “I’ll show you what Tweedles do.”

Suddenly, the vampire let out a short playful growl and began to chase Cordelia around the couch. Shrieking, Cordy called out for help as she went along barely avoiding capture as she darted around the stock-still occupants of the room. They looked on with a measure of amusement and shock.

“No you won’t,” Cordelia hid behind Xander, peeking out over his shoulder.

The vampire glared hostilely at the boy. Coming between a vampire and his mate was a dangerous thing even during a spontaneous game. Demanding with a serious tone that belied the fun of the chase, “Move out of the way.”

Diving for the couch, Xander called out, “Sorry Cordy.”

Having seen what was coming, Cordelia had already abandoned Xander for the next person over. “Buffy?”

“You got yourself into this,” Buffy pointed out with a bored sigh as she started to look through the stack of movies piled up on the coffee table.

Another shriek sounded as Cordelia felt Angelus’ fingertips brush against her hip as she rounded the couch. She was still looking behind her when her path carried her directly into Angel connecting hard with his steely torso. “Oof!”

Catching her, the vampire held her against him for an instant to prevent her from falling. Soft laughter welled from his chest as Angel asked, “Problems?”

Gasping, Cordelia pointed her thumb over her shoulder. “There’s a maniacal Tweedle right behind me.”

Angel glanced up to where his double was now leaning against the back of the couch waiting to see which way this little game was going to go. “Lost something?”

“Brunette. About yea tall,” Angelus described using his hands to mold the air. “Curvy in all the right places.”

“I think that’s you, sweetheart.” Angel’s dark eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Traitor,” Cordy returned a mock glare as Angel handed her over to his brother.

Angelus curled his fingers around her waist pulling her close. “C’mere you.”

Placing her arms around his neck, Cordy grinned at his ability to be a little silly in front of her friends. Now if only she could get Angel to loosen up a bit. As the fingers of one hand teased the outer shell of Angelus’ ear, she gave him a challenging look.

“Tell me again, Bad Boy. What do Tweedles do?”

The vampire’s response was not a verbal one. Xander watched in fascination and horror as Angelus kissed Cordelia. Though he had to give the vampire credit for the technique that appeared to have Cordy melting in his arms, Xander couldn’t deny the wave of jealousy that hit him at the same time as the observation.

“Ugh!” Xander tossed a couch pillow at their heads, “Let’s start the movie.”

“I wanna pick out my fish.” Willow told Xander he was being impatient. She pushed the leather chair over so she could stand on its arm to get to the top of the tank. Taking off her shoes, she climbed up, grabbed the scoop and started to fill her glass bowl with water. Then using the net started to select the colorful fish. “I think I’ll call them the Scoobies. There will be one named after each of us.”

Xander snorted, “Got any Angelfish in there?”

Not even hearing Xander in her excitement, Willow let out a little gasp and turned to face Angelus. “Can I have that many? Maybe I’m being greedy.”

“Take as many as you want, Will.” Angelus told her with a grin. “They’re for you.”

Willow trailed the small net after one particularly colorful fish. Lifting the net, it passed close under her face as she tried to maneuver it toward the fishbowl. The fish suddenly leapt out of the next diving back toward the tank only to hit Willow on the nose with its tiny tail.

She spluttered at the accompanying splash of water. “Gah! Get back here, you pretty fish. Think you can escape? Do what you want? Hey…I think I’ll call you Cordelia.”

“At least it’s the pretty one,” Cordelia mumbled when the others started laughing. “I’ve wanted to slap you in the face a time or two, Willow, but I never thought it would be with a wet fish.”

Getting organized, the movie marathon finally began. Willow curled up in the large leather chair. On the floor, Xander had sprawled out on the floor on a pile of throw pillows; small bowls of snack food in a convenient semi-circle in front of him. Buffy, Angel, Cordelia and Angelus were lined up on the long couch.

The first movie was Xander’s choice, a mindless comedy that was almost as funny as it was crude. Cordelia had seen it once before and found Angelus far more distracting than the dialog. The vampire seemed to enjoy the humor and found himself laughing in some of the same parts as Xander. That was disconcerting to everyone at first.

Cordelia’s bare toes rubbed along the side of Angelus’ foot. She’d convinced him to get comfortable by taking off his shoes. Now she was starting in on his socks playing footsie with Angelus during the movie. He kept trying to concentrate on the show, but quickly found Cordelia too persistent to ignore.

Noticing the footsie game, Buffy let out a groan of complaint. Remembering that she thought it impossible for Angelus and Cordy to cause trouble away from the public eye, the blond figured location didn’t matter to those two. Mumbling, Buffy pointed toward the television, “We’re supposed to be watching the movie. Or will you two be heading off for some fun like you did at the theater?”

“Buffy,” censured Angel as he sent her an angry stare of disbelief. Was she ever going to drop the subject? Now she was starting to sound like a petulant child and Angel was getting more annoyed than ever.

Cordelia dropped both feet to the carpeted floor, her face flushing at the surprising accusatory tone in Buffy’s voice. A glance at Angelus showed a smirk on his face as if he found the Slayer’s discomfort amusing. Now Willow was staring at her with a look of complete shock on her little pixie face, obviously working her imagination hard to come up with the scenario Buffy described. As for Xander…he didn’t even bother to turn around to face her.

“It was fun,” Cordelia confirmed, staring Buffy in the eye as she rose from the couch.

Xander finally glanced over his shoulder connecting dots he doesn’t want connected. There had obviously been some major gropage in the theater the other night. That is, assuming they stopped at just groping. After the Tweedle game earlier, he wasn’t certain what to think. Xander figured Angelus was capable of just about anything at this point.

The vamp seemed to have a sense of humor— unlike tall, dark and broody. Angelus obviously felt protective of Cordy considering the way he attempted to kill the Palmdale fan at the game. Maybe Cordy was right. Maybe Angelus wasn’t quite so bad— for a vampire. Still, Xander felt a bit jealous. Angel had Buffy. Angelus had Cordelia. Oz had Willow. All his girls were claimed by other guys and maybe they were just his friends now, but Xander couldn’t help but feel a little left out.

Sounded to him like Buffy was feeling left out of something. Xander eyed Angel from the edge of his peripheral vision. The Slayer’s mood swings usually had something to do with the souled vamp. He made a mental note to get nosey.

“Anyone want something from the kitchen?” Cordelia asked the group, interrupting Xander’s plotting. Hands went up and Cordy informed them she would be back with lunch.

“Does that mean she’s cooking?” Willow asked nervously as soon as Cordelia was out of the room.

Angelus sounded serious as he said, “Whatever it is, you’ll eat it all.”

“Eep! Okay.”

“Cordy opens things,” Xander commented. “She’s chips and dip girl, not Julia Childe or Betty Crocker. How about ordering pizza?”

Glaring at Xander, the soulless vampire repeated himself, “You’ll eat what she brings you. Now shut up. I’m watching the movie.”

Willow glanced up at her fish, reminding herself that Angelus could be sweet when he wanted to be. It was just more of a challenge for a vampire to be sweet more than once on the same day, she reasoned.

Buffy sat cross-armed and staring at the television. She felt Angel’s piercing gaze upon her. Then the couch cushions shifted and Buffy found the vampire now blocking her view. “I’m going to help Cordy.”

A snort of laughter sounded from Xander. He didn’t know what was funnier: the idea of Cordelia cooking or a vampire whose idea of lunch was more along the lines of Cordelia herself helping her to do it. At Angel’s piercing gaze, Xander swallowed his laughter, deciding he better concentrate on the movie.

Cordelia had the refrigerator door open, pulling out items from the shelves and filling her arms up so she’d only have to make one trip to the counter. Straightening, she turned around only to hear Angel’s voice right beside her. “I’ll help you with that.”

“Eyaaah!” Letting out a surprised cry, Cordy dropped the jar of Miracle Whip that had been precariously resting on top of the other items. Angel’s superhuman reflexes saved the jar from hitting the floor. “Geez, Angel. Will you please hum a tune as you enter the room to give me a little warning?”

Angel badly hummed a few bars of a song Cordelia thought she recognized. “Is that supposed to be Barry Manilow? On second thought... buy some squeaky shoes.”

Putting the jar down, Angel proceeded to take the other things out of her arms and lay them on the countertop. “I’m sorry if Buffy upset you.”

Cordelia didn’t think it was so obvious. Did Angel think she was going to stay mad at his girlfriend just because she lacked any imagination whatsoever? Was it against the law to think Buffy needed to stop pretending to be such a prude, especially when she conducted her own chandelier-shaking events? Angel was playing peacemaker again and Cordy found that more irritating than the Slayer.

“Pfft! Upset me about what?”

“You know what.” The undercurrent in Angel’s voice stressed that he didn’t want any games between them. “Buffy is still riled up about you and Angelus having sex at the theater.”

“I never admitted that.” Cordelia ignored the fact that she might not have used the word sex when saying she had fun at the theater, but her meaning had been all too clear. Grabbing the loaf of bread from the counter, Cordelia twisted the yellow tie in one direction and then the other, so distracted that she couldn’t focus on properly unwinding it.

“Give me that.” Angel took the bread, calmly untwisted the tie and then set the opened loaf on the counter.

Cordelia grabbed the nearest pack of luncheon meat while complaining, “Buffy just took a wild guess and now she won’t shut up about it.”

“Her instincts are often on-target. Remember who you’re talking to, Cordelia.” Waiting until she glanced up at him, Angel revealed, “Even if I hadn’t been there to witness the warm up, I know what followed. My own senses confirmed it.”

He watched as the blood rushed through the capillaries of her throat and down to the hint of cleavage showing at the vee of her shirt. Angel resisted the urge to trail his finger down to those shadowed curves.

Turning slightly so that she faced him, Cordelia put one hand on her hip while the other gripped the countertop. Almost defiantly, she told him, “I meant what I said to Buffy. I did have fun. Maybe it was naughty and a little dangerous, but Angel it was so…so…”

“Good?” Angel didn’t doubt it.


It must’ve been, because Angel could tell that the memory alone was arousing her. “It’s none of Buffy’s business what you two do. We agreed not to nose into each other’s affairs.”

Cordelia realized suddenly that Angel was not here to defend Buffy from her possible anger. He was taking her side in this? “Buffy might like to think I’m a slut, but I’m not.”

The fact that Cordelia used the same description Buffy had come up with in her non-description of the brunette angered him. Angel felt a protective surge and didn’t care that Cordelia belonged to Angelus at that moment. He had to make certain she knew he didn’t think of her that way.

“You’re no slut, sweetheart, and I’ve known a few,” Angel watched her roll her eyes at that comment.

“Liam really was a perv, wasn’t he?” Cordelia had been told about his pre-vampire days as a carousing, wenching tavern patron.

Angel’s mouth twisted into a wry smirk. “I was referring to Darla for the most part.”

“Oops.” She knew that Angel didn’t like to talk about his sire.

Curling his fingers around the nape of her neck, Angel brushed his thumb along the curve of her jaw. “Don’t be afraid or ashamed of what happened between you and Angelus. Being spontaneous and adventurous in your lovemaking is exactly what he’d want. You’re beautiful and sensual and everything a vampire could want in a human mate.”

Momentarily speechless, Cordelia could only stare up at him, her breath catching in her throat.

“Angelus is lucky to have you,” the vampire added with complete sincerity despite the hidden layer of jealousy coating his words.

“I am Cordelia Chase. What’d you expect?” Smiling brilliantly, she threw her arms around the vampire spontaneously kissing him on the cheek. “Angel, you are so sweet to check up on me and give me a pep talk. Just like a big brother, not that I’ve ever had one.”

Reeling at the touch of her warm lips on his cheek and her luscious curves pressed against him, Angel suddenly felt punch-drunk. A slow stirring heat curled up inside making his loins ache. His hands hovered close, but did not encroach upon her curves until Cordelia added, “Sometimes, I imagine Angelus and you being more like my family than my real one.”

Angel held her to him gently, “Cordy, imaginings have nothing to do with it. You are officially part of this family. Part of my family— the Order of Aurelius.”

“The vampire clan,” she recognized the name from Giles ramblings. “How am I a part of that? Don’t you have to have fangs to be a member?”

“You have Angelus’ mark.”

Unwinding her arms, Cordelia stepped back to lean against the countertop unaware that Angel only reluctantly let her go. Confused at the reference he made to a mark, she slowly admitted, “Angelus doesn’t bite me.”

“But he wants too,” Angel countered veering off-subject as her words conjured up images of fangs settling over Cordelia’s smooth throat.

“Duh! Hello, vampire.” Cordelia had no doubts that Angelus wanted to bite. There were times when that was quite apparent, usually at the moment of climax. They tried it once, but the Fate’s little safety clause had kicked in. Talk about a frustrating night.

Angel reached up again touching Cordelia’s neck with the cool tips of his fingers. He wondered aloud, “How can he stand it? Being so close and not tasting what’s his?”

“We tried,” Cordelia found herself comfortable enough to share that with him despite the fact that his hand was on her throat. Staring up at Angel’s mouth, she imagined him shifting into game face and baring those fangs. The thought made her tingle.

Angel caught the telltale signs of her arousal. Those tempting nipples called for his attention, begging to be tweaked. Her scent filled his nostrils with its heady perfume. The vampire’s voice dropped an octave as he asked, “You want to be bitten?”

“Angelus wanted it,” Cordelia told him as if that was they only important thing. Then she added, “I’m curious. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me more than necessary.”

Jealousy ate at him with every word spoken. “Do you have any idea how unique you are?”

There was a marked intensity to Angel’s words that startled her, but Cordelia latched on to an idea and her curiosity took over. Once the thought was in her head, it came pouring forth in the form of a question. “Do you bite Buffy?”

“No.” The answer came hard and fast.

Assuming that was another Slayer thing, Cordelia wasn’t totally surprised. Her curiosity didn’t end there. Even though a dark cloud shrouded Angel’s eyes in a mist of deep thought, she asked quietly, “Do you want to bite her?”

Only when we argue. During sex? “No.”

Cordelia was a little surprised. Though there were no obvious signs of biting, Cordy knew that the neck was only one of many locations vampires favored. Angelus had given her a detailed account while substituting kisses for bites.

Flipping back to Angel’s original comments, “So if it’s not a vampire bite, what mark are you talking about? Oh. My tattoo.”

Angel confirmed her conclusion with a nod.

“How’d you know about it?”

“I caught a glimpse of it,” he admitted.

“When?” Cordelia tried to think about how it was possible for Angel to see that area of her body without her knowing about it.

Seeing her perplexed expression, Angel cleared things up for her, “Movie theater.”

Instead of grumbling that the theater had been brought up again, Cordelia decided to focus on the tattoo. “Isn’t it fabulous?”

Should he admit that night vision allowed close inspection in the darkened theater? “I’ve only seen it in the dark.”

Turning to bend over the counter, Cordelia glanced over her shoulder. “Take a look. Angelus drew a picture of it for the guy in the tattoo parlor.”

It took Angel a moment to get over the fact that Cordelia had turned her pert bottom in his direction. She obviously had no clue about the tempting picture she presented, especially in allowing him to put his hands on her. Her shirt was riding up a bit and he could already see a glimpse of the sun tattoo rising above the waistband of her pants.

One hand left the curve of her hip to raise Cordelia’s shirt a little higher on her waist. “Hold it there,” he sounded distracted.

Angel’s hand dropped to curl a finger into the waistband tugging down just a tad too far. Accidentally taking the elastic band of her panties with it, the move was enough to see the shadowed cleft of her buttocks. Lifting his free hand, Angel circled his thumb over the tattoo eliciting a throaty cry from Cordelia as her hips jerked in automatic response to his unexpected touch. The sudden move brought her into temporary contact with his groin, causing Angel to bite back a moan.

“It’s permanent,” Cordelia commented noting only that he seemed to be trying to find out if it would rub off.

“More permanent than you know,” Angel quickly removed his hands after putting her clothes in order.

Cordelia straightened up and turned to face him, still only inches apart. “Stop it with the cryptic, Angel.”

“Think of that tattoo as part of the family crest,” he explained. “Angelus marked you with a sign of the Order of Aurelius.”

“A sun is part of a vampire crest?” Cordelia sent him an odd look though it seemed that she was neither surprised by the fact the tattoo meant something, nor it having to do with Angelus himself. “Moons and stars seem more appropriate.”

Angel felt a twinge of admiration at her open-mindedness. The Scoobies would freak out if they suspected what that tattoo represented. “The sun is a powerful sign to a vampire. There are legends and prophesies about daywalkers in our lineage, but I’ve never seen one.”

“So the sun sign…,” Cordelia started to ask another question, but was caught up by the memory of something Angel said before. “Wait a second. Earlier…you said that I was everything Angelus could want in a mate. Did you mean girlfriend and lover kind of mate or something else?”

“Marking you with that sign officially makes you one of us despite your humanity.” Angel told her. “Being a vampire’s mate means far more than sharing a bed. In addition to offering you protection, the claim gives you authority over the minions of the order…if there were any.”

“Officially,” Cordelia repeated the word as though a heavy hand strangled her throat.

Angel realized that he might have said too much. “Don’t look so scared.” Maybe he’d been too quick in thinking the Scoobies were going to be the only ones freaking out over this.

Cordelia held a hand to her stomach, suddenly feeling queasy over the fact that she had not been told about this by Angelus prior to the tattooing. “I can’t help it, Angel. It’s like I just found out that I’m married, but didn’t know it.”

“I told you there were things to learn and adjustments to make,” Angel pointed out to her. “The moment you agreed to accept that mark, it sealed the bargain between you in Angelus’ eyes. I warned you that he would never let you go.”

“Not that I’m going anywhere, but there’s a huge difference between being just a girlfriend and a mate,” Cordelia countered, her hazel eyes wide as she stared up at the vampire.

Angel watched silently allowing her thoughts to settle. He realized Cordy looked more surprised than opposed to the idea. Then she threw him for a loop asking, “When was Angelus gonna tell me about this?”

All he could do was shrug.

“I’m thinking I hafta kick vampire butt tonight,” Cordelia joked. There had to be a reason Angelus didn’t tell her about the meaning behind the sun sign. She’d ask him about it after the Scoobies left. “So...uh, this means you really are my brother.”

Angel decided to squash that line of thinking right away. “As the leader of the Order, it means I’m your master.”

A laugh immediately followed. Rolling her eyes at the hilarity of the idea, Cordelia . “Pfft! Like you could ever master me.”

That sounded almost like a challenge. A low rumble sounded from his throat at her comeback causing Cordelia to raise an eyebrow at its ineffectualness. “Is that a growl? That won’t work. The intimidation factor doesn’t work on someone who knows you’re really just a cuddly Care Bear with fangs.”

The rumble continued despite Cordelia’s response. In fact, the snarl changed pitch and seemed to surround her. Coming at her like a sonic wave, the throaty growl felt like a caress across her skin. She tingled in response, feeling a little breathless at the sensation.

“You think I’m trying to scare you, sweetheart?” Angel stepped infinitesimally closer moving his hand around her hips to rest atop her clothing just over the location of her tattoo. “What if I told you this mark also made you mine?”

After a long pause, Cordelia managed to convince herself that Angel had to be joking. She actually started laughing at him. “C’mon! Like I’m supposed to believe that? Vampires don’t share. Possessive, remember? This from the vamp who won’t even let Angelus borrow the Plymouth.”

Angel’s mind kept going back to last night when he found her asleep in Angelus’ arms. It was obvious to him even through his frustration, lust and Cordelia-obsessed mind that while he may have found a loophole to his agreement with Angelus, trying to act upon his feelings would be the wrong thing to do. Even now, with his arm around her, Angel acknowledged that he had no business touching Cordelia, but he couldn’t seem to move away.

“Believe what you want, Cordy,” Angel’s eyes smoldered with dark fire.

“Pfft! And you call me a tease.” Cordelia slapped playfully at the hard muscle of his chest. “Just for that you get to help me with the sandwiches.”

Realizing that Cordy no longer wanted to talk about it, Angel decided to drop the subject. For now. Glancing down at the items she had carted from the refrigerator, he asked, “You do sandwiches? What do you put on them…Tabasco-flavored Miracle Whip?”

Cordelia grumbled jovially, “You are never going to let me forget that are you?”

“No.” Angel smiled as the tension left her shoulders and suddenly he was laughing over the incident.

Together, they made the sandwiches and piled them up on a platter. While Angel carried it in to the living room, Cordelia stayed behind to prepare some blood for the two vampires. They deserved a mid-marathon snack too. As the microwave beeped, she found herself staring at the spice rack in contemplation.

“Here you go, vamps.” Cordelia walked up behind the couch where Angelus was still lounging with his feet up on the coffee table laughing at the scene in the movie.

“Thanks, baby,” Angelus winked at her. Taking a sip, he commented, “Mmm. Just the way I like it— considering that it’s still pig’s blood.”

Xander looked sick to his stomach and dropped his half-eaten sandwich onto his plate. “Gack! I think just I lost my appetite.”

“Rude, much?” Cordelia gaped at her ex-boyfriend. “The vamps need to eat, too, Xander. Think they don’t gag seeing you eat?”

Angelus agreed, “It is disgusting now that you mention it. Take one bite at a time, Harris.”

Then Cordelia handed over the other mug of blood to Angel. “Just for you. All special and mixed up just right.”

Realizing that Cordy handed Angelus blood with something extra, he realized that was is revenge for teasing her about her cooking again. This time, it might do more than choke him. “Cordy?”

“Yes, Angel?” Innocence flashed in her eyes.

That look scared him. He sniffed at the blood, but there was nothing obvious about it.

Cordelia pushed at his shoulder, encouraging him to get on with it. “Drink up, silly vamp. It’ll get cold.”

Taking a tentative sip, Angel immediately realized that it was just regular pig blood.

With Angelus laughing next to them, Cordelia leaned close to Angel’s ear. “You’re so easy, Care Bear.”

Angelus laughed even harder. Just when he started to feel a stitch in his side, Cordy commented, “Angel told me something interesting about my tattoo.”

Happy that he didn’t splatter the blood he was drinking all over Xander and Buffy, Angel sent cautiously glanced in his brother’s direction. He supposed that his little discussion with Cordelia wasn’t really a secret, but Angel wondered just how much of it Cordelia planned to tell.

Just as Angelus flashed Angel a questioning look, Xander asked Cordelia, “You have a tattoo?”

“Yeah. It’s fabulous. Wanna see it?”

Angelus reacted with a seriousness that completely countered his amusement from moments earlier. Leaping off the couch, he stared down at Xander who was still reclining on the floor. “What’s your answer, Harris?”

Xander glanced at Buffy who seemed to be awaiting his response with just as much interest as the vampire. Angel glared at him with an equally dark expression as if he had any right to be upset if Xander did want to look. Willow looked a bit startled, but kind of curious. He wasn’t certain if it was curiosity about his answer or the tattoo itself.

“Do I wanna see it?” Xander repeated the question. Heck, yeah! “Nope.”

Part 18

 “I can’t believe you were going to show your tattoo to that little weasel,” Angelus paced behind her as Cordelia brushed her hair at the vanity in their bedroom.

“Xander’s not a weasel,” Cordelia defended her friend. “What’s so wrong about showing off my tattoo?”

“It’s private,” Angelus snarled with leonine tones. “I don’t care if you think the mark is fabulous. That little— Xander has no business putting his hands on you. As your ex-lover, he’s lucky to be allowed in the house.”

“Ex-boyfriend.” Cordelia stressed the difference. “I told you we didn’t get much past groping.”


“Yeah.” Cordy put the brush down on the vanity and swung around on the stool to watch him pace back and forth. She was wearing a short silk nightie and its matching blue robe and Cordelia found herself fiddling with the end of the unbelted tie. “So is it really Xander you’re mad about…or someone else?”

Angelus stopped pacing and whipped around to face her. “I’m not mad at you.”


He released a short growl. “Jealous of Wonder Boy, the Slayer’s sidekick? Not likely.”

“Then what is it that has you acting all Snarly Bear?”

“Is that one of your Care Bears?” Angelus barked.

Finally the vampire was getting around to talking about what was really bothering him— Angel. “So you’re pissed at your brother.”

“Don’t play coy, baby,” Angelus raked a hand through his short hair. “I have a right to be pissed. Angel opened his big mouth when he should have kept it shut.”

Raking her eyes over his half-dressed form, Cordelia allowed herself to enjoy the view while dealing with Angelus’ little tantrum. While Angel tended to get broody and hunker down as he had in the living room prior to the Scoobies’ arrival, Angelus got growly and paced like a caged tiger whenever things didn’t go his way.

Then Angelus asked her, “And how the hell does Angel know about your tattoo in the first place?”

Cordelia thought about teasing him and saying something along the lines of her being in the shower, but the vampire was a little too close to the edge to take it right now. The truth sounded like a safer option. “He saw it at the movie theater.”

Now that Angelus was stirred up, he was actually enjoying the anger. It had been a while since those emotions gripped him. “What was he doing staring at your ass?”

“Probably the fact that you had your hand down my pants.”

“Oh.” That did explain it.

Cordelia walked over to stand in front of him, a smile curling her lips. Lightly scraping her fingernails down his bare chest, she settled them at the button of his leather pants. Then her other hand came up to join the other in unbuttoning it.

“Satistfied?” Cordelia asked distractedly as she contemplated whether she really wanted to have this discussion or to continue removing his pants.

“No,” Angelus was quick to say. “Blabber mouth obviously told you something. What did he say about the tattoo?”

Now it was Cordelia’s turn to be a little irritated. Dropping her hands to her hips, she told Angelus, “Nothing that you shouldn’t have already explained.”


“You said it, Bad Boy.”

“Let’s go,” Angelus said while grabbing her hand and pulling her along behind him. Cordy didn’t bother to ask where as he led her down the stairs to the second level of the mansion.

“I’m not allowed in there,” Cordy reminded him that Angel’s rooms were off-limits to her baring a specific invitation.

“Fuck that!” Angelus snarled. “I deserve an explanation and you’re gonna be there to stop me from ripping his head off.”

“First I’m bait girl, now I’m a referee. Are there any safer jobs in this little vampire family?” Cordelia was joking, but she saw that Angelus maintained his pace toward Angel’s bedroom.

Before Angelus’ raised fist could pound on the door, it swung open. Angel stood on the other side of the threshold dressed only in his black boxers as if they had come right when he was getting ready for bed. Cordelia gaped at the sight of his hard body marveling at the fact that it was indeed identical to his twin’s. As far as she could tell considering the fact that she hadn’t inspected every inch of him.

Hello, Salty Goodness.

The thought kept her heart racing at a faster pace for a few seconds and Cordelia was a little relieved that Angelus had run down the stairs so quickly forcing her to keep up the pace. It seemed a bit extreme that her own hunk-o-vamp had to come down here to growl at Angel about something he should have told her about in the first place. Cordelia knew better than to try to stop him and was frankly curious to find out what her— uh, mate— was going to say to his brother.

Without casting a glance in her direction, Angel met his double’s angry gaze. “I told you not to bring Cordelia here.”

“We came to talk,” Angelus barely controlled a snarl, “not borrow the bed.”

Angel practically bared his teeth. “Good thing considering I plan to be in it shortly. We can talk in the morning— or go downstairs.”

“Now and here.”

That was good enough for Cordelia. She wanted to get this little confrontation over with and move on. “I promise not to contaminate your room with my scent.”

Too late for that. Angel’s senses had been focused on Cordelia before they even arrived at the door. Now his eyes soaked up the sight of her baby blue robe as it lay open to reveal the lace-trimmed gown that skimmed the top of her supple sun-kissed thighs. Carrying his glance back in an upward direction, Angel noticed her breathing came slightly faster causing her nipples to rasp across the front of the thin silk gown.

Cursing his fascination with the way her body reacted to his attention, Angel pushed the door open wider to admit them into his bedroom. “Come in.”

Following Angelus into the center of the room, Cordelia extracted herself from his handhold. She plopped down on the bed to await the outcome of the aforementioned pissing contest— er, talk. Realizing both vampires were staring at her, Cordy nervously twirled the end of her belt.

“Go on,” she encouraged. “Don’t mind me. Have your little testosterone challenge. I’m just here as the referee.”

Angel’s jaw tightened at the sight of Cordelia on his bed. “Sorry that there’s no other place to sit.”

“Pfft!” Cordelia waved a careless hand in the air. “This is comfy.”

“Guess you’d know that.”

The forceful reminder brought back the memories of what happened between her and Angelus in this bed. Blushing at the thought of having sweet vanilla sex in the same bed that Angel slept in, Cordelia found herself dreamily nibbling at the tip of her finger. Then she remembered that this was also the bed of the wild chandelier sex with Buffy Summers and suddenly Cordelia wasn’t feeling so comfortable.

“Can we get this started?”

Angelus wondered what was going through her head. “This won’t take long, baby.”

“I can’t believe that you’re putting Cordy in the middle of this,” Angel commented somewhat angrily.

“In the middle?” Angelus raised a dark brow. You wish, Soul Boy. “Is there something you have to say that Cordelia shouldn’t hear.”

“Not from my perspective.”

His eyes narrowed at that answer, but Angelus responded, “Mine either.”

Cordelia let out a loud sigh. “Good, because I’m not leaving now that you’ve dragged me down here.”

“Referees don’t interfere in the game, sweetheart,” Angel pointed out motioning for her to stay out it by miming a closing zipper across his mouth.

Angelus barely waited for Angel to look in his direction. “You’re the one who needs to zip it. Where’s the family loyalty? Since when did Mr. Stoic Guy turn into Big Blabber Mouth Vamp?”

“You’re starting to sound like Cordelia,” a laugh sounded from Angel. Then he turned serious again. “Family loyalty? Don’t go there right now, Angelus. You won’t like my point of view.”

“Just tell me exactly what you told Cordelia,” Angelus stuck to the plan. Though he had a sneaking suspicion there was a good reason to kick his brother’s ass instead of talking to him.

Nodding his head in her direction, Angel asked, “Cordy can’t tell you?”

“Love to.” Cordelia piped up. Angelus’ little tirade had bypassed her own question and answer session. Or was it the distraction of unbuttoning his pants that did that?

That top button was still undone, she noticed, while Angelus slowly enunciated, “I want to hear it from you, Angel.”

“I just gave Cordelia a little history lesson,” Angel explained. “Told her the tattoo is a sign of the Order of Aurelius. That in effect, you made it your mark— your claim.”

Cordelia nodded in agreement. It was all true in a very basic cut-out-the-details kind of way. She summarized, “It’s a vampire thing.”

“It’s a vampire thing,” repeated Angel with a casual shrug as if his conversation with hadn’t been serious.

“Too easy. I know you, Angel. Once you get started on your little historical mindtrips, you don’t stop with semantics. You lay it all on the line.” The soulless vampire was getting impatient with his double.

Angel was close to telling the other vampire exactly what he’d told Cordelia, but felt that he needed to restrain that urge. In the back of his mind, the souled vampire knew it was necessary to acknowledge Angelus’ claim before he could ever override it. Not that he would, Angel assured himself. After all, despite their recent problems, he still loved Buffy, didn’t he?

“We had a conversation about the differences between being a lover and a mate,” he broached the subject vaguely. Then he added for his own satisfaction, “And some of the rules about Claiming within the vampire hierarchy.”

A long silence fell between them as Angelus accepted the news that Angel had told Cordelia everything he suspected about the tattoo. In his eyes, Cordy was his mate. He’d intended to tell her soon, but there was something he wanted to give her at the time and it wasn’t ready yet. Now Angel had left him to deal with the fallout of one brassed off May Queen.

Except that Cordelia didn’t seem to be taking the news the way he expected. Soft laughter sounded from the direction of the bed and Angelus turned in time to see the mischievous light in her eyes disappear. They closed behind the lids as her head tilted back and her breathy laughs became hearty chuckles.

“You find it funny?” Angelus stared at Cordelia with disbelief. He had expected any reaction other than that. A gut punch couldn’t have had greater impact.

Cordelia grinned openly, thinking about Angel’s stupid jest that he was at the top of that vampire hierarchy. Calling Angel master was so not on her list of things to do. All she could manage through her chuckles was a resounding, “Duh!”

Angelus reacted instantly, believing that Cordelia was rejecting his claim upon her. He snarled loudly at them both and swept out the door. After reacting in shock at his sudden fury, Cordelia jumped off the bed running over to Angel for an explanation of whatever it was she missed.

“What’d I say?” Cordy gripped his bare bicep as she pleaded for an answer. “It was funny! In a stupid joke kind of way.”

If there was ever an opening to drive a wedge between Angelus and Cordelia, it had just showed itself. Angel stared down at the confused brunette, taking her by the shoulders. “Angelus doesn’t know about my— joke. He thinks you were laughing over the idea of being his mate.”

“No!” Cordelia gasped in horror. No wonder Angelus reacted the way he did.

Angel felt the hurt reach his own heart as he saw the depth of love shining from Cordelia’s eyes. She felt so much for Angelus that it was obvious despite the fact that Angel didn’t want to see it. Concentrating for a moment during the silence that followed, Angel determined the path his double was taking out of the house.

“He’s headed for the park,” Angel gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze and stepped back. “Just go after him, Cordy…before I change my mind.”

She didn’t think to ask about what. Cordelia simply ran out the door and down the steps to the ground floor. Barefoot, in her short nightie and open robe, Cordelia followed Angelus into the night careless of her attire knowing only that she had to set him straight.

In his room, Angel flipped off the light and climbed into bed once again surrounded by the temptation of Cordelia’s lingering scent. This time he lay back, staring toward the ceiling overhead, brooding in the darkness.

Part 19

 The open door swung on its hinges slamming shut under the force of the wind alone. Cordelia ran down the drive careless of the tiny pebbles caught up in the grooves of the old brick. Like a warning against treading off the beaten path, the pebbles dug into her bare feet, but the pain they wrought went ignored. So too did the autumn winds blustering with a sharp sting against her exposed skin, the silk robe providing little protection as it billowed out behind her running figure.

“Angelus!” She called out to the vampire knowing he would hear her cry though still doubting that the sound of her voice alone would stop his own escape into the night.

Reacting instinctively on raw emotion, Angelus mistakenly believed Cordelia rejected his claim upon her. Scorned it. Laughed at the very idea that he would want her as his mate rather than his lover. Such betrayal could garner disdain from any man. From a vampire…Cordelia only hoped she could repair the damage before Angelus unleashed the fullness of his fury upon her or any unlucky creature crossing his path.

The brick gave way to the lawn edging the mansion. With the thick grass beneath her feet, Cordelia followed its course letting the clouded moonlight guide her toward the park. Her dark hair whipped around her, long strands acting as a blindfold. With a cry of frustration, Cordelia swept it out of her face continuing to run at full speed until she reached the bushy overgrowth of the formerly sculpted garden and the park beyond.

Stopping suddenly, Cordelia bent over gripping her knees with her hands, breathing hard. Only for a moment. Just to catch her breath again. Then her eyes were roving across the garden looking for the dark silhouette of the vampire. Seeking fruitlessly, for she knew if he chose to remain hidden from her Angelus would not be seen.

Just ahead, a scallop-edged marble bench shone white against the darkened garden. Focused in a spotlight of moonbeams that filtered through the surrounding trees, the bench provided Cordelia with a better vantage point. The marble felt cold beneath her feet though the mansion provided protection at this angle from the biting wind. Cordelia barely noticed the impact of the elements. Though the trees whispered their secrets with the rustling of their leaves, her ears listened to other tunes.

The sounds of the night echoed around her, but Cordelia found the loudest to be the soft sobs gathering at the back of her throat. Crying? That is so not going to happen. Refusing to let them take over, she swallowed them away, determined to get through to Angelus.

If the vampire wouldn’t show himself, then he would damn well hear what she had to say. The bench made a perfect spot for her oratory.

“I know you’re out there, Angelus,” she called out into the darkness and waited for a few seconds before continuing. Maybe it was just her imagination, but Cordelia could sense his presence. Her body tingled with the knowledge that he was near.

Unless it’s just the wind blowing up my gown.

“Maybe you think it’s your turn to brood in the dark, but I’m here to tell you that you have no reason for it,” Cordelia promised. “My timing sucks. I laughed at the wrong moment remembering one of Angel’s stupid jokes.”

It was closer to an apology than Cordelia normally issued, especially in a case where she considered herself virtually faultless. This was all a misunderstanding followed up by Angelus’ hot-headed reaction. Only the trees rustled their protests to her words. There was no sound or movement from the shadows to prove Angelus was there. No response except her own recognition that the knot in the pit of her stomach was pure fear.

Cordelia decided the silence was killing her. “Stop licking your wounded pride and get your ass over here where I can see you.”

A deep growl sounded from the shadows, a snarl of pure anger.

That got a response. A sigh of relief left her throat with the confirmation that he was still here. She clutched a hand to her stomach feeling the tension inside her. Telling Angelus what you wanted was one thing, but issuing demands to the vampire was quite another.

Still no appearance, but it was progress.

“C’mon,” she peered into the copse of thick bushes, “this is hardly the reaction I’d expect from the Scourge of Europe. If I hurted your widdle feewings, then come tell me to my face.”

Opposite of his location moments earlier, one of the marble statues on the other side of the garden hurtled off its pedestal. With powerful force, it landed against another bench breaking it in two, sending the marble head of the statue onto the grassy turf with a heavy thud. Loudly, the irate vampire gnashed his teeth against her caustic challenge. Cordy whirled in that direction, but again there was nothing to be seen except the results of his fury.

Above in the mansion though a shroud of darkness filled Angel’s room, the vampire did not even attempt to sleep. Not now. Not knowing Cordelia had gone to Angelus with every intention of formalizing his claim.

Hearing the commotion outside, Angel leapt out of bed striding over to the window that overlooked the garden. It hadn't occurred to him that Angelus might act out his obvious pain over this misunderstanding. While the other vampire was certainly pissed off, the idea that he might be might be violent toward Cordelia never even registered.

Thrusting aside the thick blackout drapes covering his window, Angel stared down into the garden. Cordelia immediately drew his gaze as she stood bathed in a wash of moonbeams, the wind blowing tendrils of her hair about her shoulders, catching the edges of her robe.

So beautiful, he felt mesmerized by the sight of her, a part of him longing to be the one she called to. Remembering his concerns, Angel tracked his double from one area to another as he slowly circled Cordelia’s position. Focusing on her voice, Angel could hear her now as she defiantly withstood the elements and demanded that her lover make his presence known.

“Angelus, you can’t just mark me and expect me to play happy families.” Cordelia was still upset that he hadn’t said anything to her. She didn’t blame Angel for telling her, but the news should have come from Angelus and not his brother.

She added vehemently, “Maybe it’s not a vampire thing, but in the Cordelia Chase rulebook claiming works both ways. I want your claim, Angelus, but I want to see your eyes when you tell me that I’m yours.”

They were back to the silence again. Gripping the edges of her robe, Cordelia started to close it around her as she waited for some indication that her words had any kind of impact. Cordy had no intention of going back inside the mansion until this was resolved one way or the other.

Apparently, it was time for something drastic. “Here’s your chance.”

Pulling at her robe, Cordelia shrugged out of it. The wind caught it as she held it aloft like a flag of truce only to carry it away as her hands moved to the lacy edge of her silk gown. She whipped it over her head, dropping it to the ground beside the bench. Her panties followed.

From his vantage point above, Angel’s jaw dropped open. Firstly at her bold move to get Angelus to show and secondly at the stunning beauty of her nude form. He could not have moved from that spot at the window if the mansion was on fire.

“See something you want, Bad Boy?” Cordelia turned around full circle in the beams of moonlight trying to ignore the cold air.

You have no idea, sweetheart, Angel answered that question for himself.

Fast and ferocious, Angelus approached out of the shadows directly behind her. “Get your clothes back on. Are you trying to catch your death? This may be California, but it’s November.”

“I can tell. My goosebumps have goosebumps.” Cordelia shivered. “But I’m not going to get dressed until you claim what’s yours.”

Circling the bench, there was no mistaking Angelus was a predator. Bare-chested and wearing only his black leather pants still unbuttoned, the vampire’s hard body accentuated his feral nature. White hot passion sparked within Angelus’ amber eyes setting her instantly aflame with its heat. His passion was a melting pot of emotions, lust and anger amongst them, as he stalked toward her.

Vulnerable in her unclothed state, Cordelia stood defiantly and matched his gaze with fierce determination. The small victory she’d won at bringing Angelus into the open meant nothing now. Whatever happened next, the ball was definitely in his court and he had home advantage.

Angelus rounded the marble bench as if inspecting the wares laid out before him. A flash of anger rose within Cordelia, but she tamped it down refusing to move under the weight of his stare. As he stood behind her, Cordelia realized that it was the sun tattoo that had captured the vampire’s attention.

Unseen, one large hand circled her left ankle with the repeated action following immediately on the right. Cordelia drew in a deep breath of air, surprise at Angelus’ sudden touch causing her to wonder what he planned. His hands moved upward with slow surety along the course of her long legs, over the angle of her hips and forward to curl around the lush curve of her breasts. They paused there long enough for Cordelia to release a soft moan and lift her own hands to cover his.

Just as her fingers brushed against his skin, Angelus pulled his hands back to her hips, his thumbs moving over the firm curves of her bottom. Then his mouth came down on her skin just over the tattoo, pressing across its surface followed quickly by the hoarse rumble of his voice, “Mine.”

Cordelia shuddered under the sound of that word, its impact felt so deep inside that she thought it might be her soul crying out in joy…or madness. If it was insanity to give yourself freely to a vampire’s claim, then Cordelia accepted it as part and parcel of the deal.

Then his hands and mouth were gone from her skin and silence echoed its weighty call into the night. Cordelia spun around to reassure herself that the vampire was still there and found him watching her. Barely restrained, Angelus’ muscles tensed at the stinging pinpricks that acted as a precursor of intense pain should he not heed its warning.

Just the thought of claiming Cordelia the way he wanted too set off the damned mystical reaction. Focusing, Angelus willed away the primal urge to sink his fangs into Cordelia’s neck. Shaking his head, he shifted back to his human visage.

“A-Angelus?” Concern and more than a hint of fear sounded in her voice as Cordelia inched toward the edge of the bench, as close as she could get without leaving her perch.

A trace of amber remained in his stare hinting at the tight control over his emotions. Sensing her reaction, Angelus bit back his fury. Fear had no business between them and the vampire felt like howling in protest that it had reared its ugly head.

“You’re mine, Cordelia,” he stressed with soft, dangerous tones. “In my mind, that has been true since the moment I laid eyes on you. As for being my mate, that takes more than just the word, more than just the mark. It takes your consent and that’s what I planned to ask you.”

Before Soul Boy opened his big mouth.

“Was I a sure thing? Tattoo first and ask questions later?” That hint of defiance was back again as Cordelia placed her hands on her hips and posed with an arched brow. The fact that she did so without a second thought to her nude state only aroused him further.

Angelus leapt onto the bench in one smooth motion, raising his hand to her cheek. Admitting, “Beyond the tint of the paint, the mark is a sign of protection, possession and belonging. The protection it offers exists for the rest of your life no matter your decision. It shows that you are beloved by a vampire of the Order of Aurelius. Should you allow it, the mark will be the proof of my claim and you will officially be mine.”

There was that word again, Cordelia thought. Officially.

She needed to know what he thought that meant. Applying her question with the only reference she had, Cordelia asked him , “So tell me, Angelus, is this a better or worse, sickness and health, richer or poorer, forsaking all others, until death do you part kind of thing?”

Out of breath by the time she finished, Cordelia waited for his answer, but Angelus looked surprised by her query. Finally, he explained, “There is no ceremony other than the one we make for ourselves, Cor. Here and now. In this moment.”

“And the rest of it?”

“Vampires don’t cling to the same human principles,” Angelus told her honestly. “Being a mate has many implications, but it all boils down to two things: family and forever.”

Cordelia frowned, hesitating before she reminded him, “I can’t give you forever.”

Angelus didn’t want to think that far ahead. “We’ll improvise. Since when did you always follow the damn rules, Cordelia Chase? Bend them a little.”

No sooner had that impish light appeared in her eyes than Cordelia clasped his shoulders, pulling herself into his hard frame. Angelus wound his arms around her, meeting her chilled lips kiss for kiss. They bloomed with heat beneath his own. Her fingers tangled in his hair, gripping tight.

Holding her to him as Cordelia nipped at his lower lip with her teeth, Angelus let out a lustful moan of surprise, opening his mouth to admit her demanding tongue. It swept inside for a taste and then disappeared back into its warm cavern leading him to follow. Clutching her bottom, he squeezed the taut flesh cupping her close to him. The heavy length of his arousal tucked tight against her lower belly with the barrier of his pants between them.

Feeling him, Cordelia let out a moan that sounded suspiciously like a soft growl. Wrapping one leg around his, raising herself up just enough to grind against him, the answering rumble in his chest encouraged her to go on. “Want you now,” she panted against his mouth.

Angelus lifted Cordelia up, her arms and legs gripping him tight. His face buried in the crook of her shoulder as he drank in the scent of wind-kissed skin and strawberry shampoo. “Got to taste you, baby.” Licking her neck, Angelus sucked her tender skin into his mouth pulling hard against the soft flesh. Cordelia cried out at the sensation as a spark seemed to shoot straight to her aching core.

Her nails dug into his shoulders, leaving scratches and half-moon shapes behind as her need quickly built to a frantic level. “Angelus, Angelus!”

Reaching between them, Cordelia lowered the zipper of his leather pants freeing his straining erection into her hand. Angelus grunted instructions, “Harder.”

She gripped him tighter eliciting a moan, watching his eyes shift into deeper shades of amber. Cordelia pressed her face against his ear, murmuring, “Love you,” just as she guided him inside her. The cool air made him feel like a bar of ice sliding into her sudden inferno, melting them together . A gutteral cry left her throat as he stretched her, Angelus controlling her descent until he penetrated to the hilt, the dark curls of their sex curling together.

He held her there long enough to give her time to adjust to the intrusion of his sex, but the inner muscles that gloved him contracted around his cock stripping his resolve. Cordelia held tightly to him, her hips in motion, but unable to more than move an inch or two as she held herself up on his shoulders. A little cry of frustration sounded, “Ngnh!”

Bracing himself on the long part of the bench, Angelus used his strength to aid Cordelia’s movements, giving her leverage and thrusting his own hips to meet hers. “Better, baby?”

She didn’t answer, simply stared into his eyes with a hunger that held him captive. Cordelia marveled at his strength as he held her aloft, balancing their bodies as he fucked her. So hard, filling her. So wet, surrounding him. So close, so close. Tucking her head against Angelus’ shoulder, Cordelia’s fingers curled along his back, the nails digging deeper into his skin with each hard thrust.

Though his hands were occupied by necessity, Angelus used his mouth to kiss every inch of skin he could reach, using his rounded teeth to bite gently where his fangs could not. Then Cordelia shuddered against him, edging close to her orgasm. Feeling the nip of his teeth, Cordelia possessed a sudden clarity of mind. Locking her gaze upon Angelus, her voice intense with purpose, she claimed what was hers. “Mine.”

Before Angelus could respond with the words of love that fell upon his lips, Cordelia opened her mouth over the skin where his neck and shoulder met biting down on his flesh. Angelus howled with combined pain and ecstasy at the sensation. Her hard chomp actually drew blood. Thrusting to the hilt, he came powerfully pouring himself into the font of her womb. Cordelia shuddered around him, screaming his name as she flew apart in his arms.

Riding out the waves, Cordelia felt draw to his eyes again. Needing to see that she had done the right thing. Angelus was back in his true face, the rigged brow sloping over now dark ochre eyes. Held safely in his arms, with her legs still entwined around his waist, Cordelia cupped his face, her thumbs moving across the sharper cheek bones.

“Don’t jump to crazy conclusions again,” she admonished him softly.

Angelus’ mouth curled into a grin. “Don’t listen to Angel’s dumb jokes and maybe I won’t.”

“It was dumb,” Cordelia agreed, not bothering with details. Master? Pfft! “You should’ve heard the one about the Tabasco sauce.”

That was enough talk about Angel, the vampire decided as he covered her mouth with his own. Finally, reluctantly, he lifted her off of his shaft despite the fact that he was still hard within her. Cordelia murmured a protest, but settled her feet back on the bench while still holding onto Angelus until she was certain of her balance.

“My legs feel like jello,” Cordy laughed at her wobbly state. “See what you’ve done to me?”

Despite the fact that his own body protested its removal from Cordelia’s tight heat, Angelus carefully tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up. Stepping off of the bench he was about to swing her down beside him when he noticed the red tint of color against the white marble. “What happened to your feet?”

For a moment, Cordelia was unsure. Then she recalled the sharp stones scattered across the brick driveway. “Pebbles. Must’ve cut me. I didn’t even notice.”

A low growl of discontent sounded from Angelus’ chest as he examined the scrapes. Cordelia’s hand weaved through his hair as his head bent over unable to resist the urge to keep touching him. Then her fingers wandered down to the spot on his shoulder that she’d bitten. Already, it showed signs of healing, which made her frown for some unknown reason.

Noticing, Angelus smirked at her expression. “You want to mark me, baby?”

“It doesn’t seem fair,” Cordelia pouted holding her crossed arms closer into her chest as the cool wind breached the barrier of warmth that had generated inside her. “It’s already fading.”

“Design a tattoo,” he suggested, adding after a pause, “or you can keep biting me.”

Wryly, “Liked it that much, did you?”

“Hello, vampire,” he responded in true Cordy fashion eliciting a laugh of delight. He joined in her amusement for a moment before his voice dropped low. “Hell, yeah, I liked it. When I get you upstairs, we’ll talk about the other places I like to be bitten.”

“Oh, really?” Cordelia could imagine a few already and her curiosity left her flushed and anxious to get inside.

Angelus stepped away to pick up her robe from its spot on the grass, returning to wrap her up in its thin layer of protection against the cold. After tossing her the discarded nightie and panties, Angelus swept her up in his strong arms and headed toward the front of the mansion.

On the second floor, Angel watched until the pair disappeared from view. He let the curtains drop into place once again suspending the room in darkness. Strangely, the fact that he had watched their interlude in its entirety didn’t bother the vampire at all. It was the fact that in his mind he had taken those visuals and been the one claiming Cordelia. Just more fodder for the fantasies that plagued him day and night.

“You know that you can put me down anytime,” Cordelia told Angelus as he kicked the door shut behind them. “My feet are fine. I’m not exactly an invalid.”

Angelus only seemed to hold her closer, “I like you in my arms.”

“Mmm.” Cordelia liked being there. Effortlessly, he carried her up the stairs, turning as they reached the landing. Angelus was about to head up the steps to their floor when she asked, “Should we stop and tell Angel everything is okay?”

Pausing, Angelus pointed out, “He already knows.”

Cordy frowned. “How’s that…vampire telepathy?”

“I’m certain he heard us,” Angelus explained with a chuckle. “You’re not exactly quiet when you come, baby.”

Blushing, Cordelia cupped a hand over his mouth. “Shh!”

He continued laughing until Cordelia squirmed her way out of his arms and slid to the carpeted floor of the landing. She started to stalk down Angel’s hallway only to have Angelus latch onto her wrist holding her back. Chuckling at the look of red-cheeked fury on her face, he asked, “Where the hell are you going?”

“To tell Angel to keep his ears to himself. To say…I don’t know…that it wasn’t us. It was…stray cats.”

Laughing, the vampire revealed, “Those cats can pronounce my name rather well.”

Blinking in surprise, Cordelia honestly couldn’t remember. “I said your name?”

“At the top of your lungs,” Angelus’ smirk reappeared. “Several times, in fact.”


Reeling her back into the sphere of his embrace, Angelus settled his arms around her waist. “There’s a hot shower upstairs with your name on it. After you’re properly dried and fluffed, I’m going to toss and tumble you into that huge bed of ours.”

“And then what?” Cordelia’s eyes sparkled at the idea.

He stepped back toward the steps waggling a finger in her direction. “You’ll have to come upstairs to find out.”

“Toss and tumble,” murmured Cordelia under her breath as she followed him up the staircase. “You just wait, vampire. We’ll see who gets tumbled first.”

Part 20

 Cordelia shrieked with false outrage as Angelus swung her over his shoulder carting her toward the bed. Not two seconds after she had put the blowdryer down on the countertop, the vampire snatched her out of the bathroom. She hadn’t expected his move so soon, especially when Angelus seemed to be so patient after insisting that she completely dry her hair so as not to catch cold.

As Cordy hit the mattress with a bounce, her bathrobe flapped open exposing her long legs to Angelus’ hungry view. A thrill passed through her just at the look in his dark eyes. The rest of him isn’t so bad, either, Cordy let her own eyes take a little trip down the course of his tall naked frame with all that smooth skin and the hard angles of his body.

He can hold the world up on those shoulders, Cordelia decided dreamily as her hazel eyes took in their breadth and the bulk of his arms. So very strong. So very gentle with that strength, touching me.

That torso…drool...with those dark nipples that responded with such sensitivity to her mouth. His belly was another place she liked to play, rasping her nails across its flat surface with those rippled muscles beneath. Mmm. And that little line of hair that trailed with such temptation from his navel down to the dark bush of curls surrounding his sex…she loved to follow that line. Cordelia did so now, with her eyes heavy-lidded with stirring passion as she took in the sight of Angelus’ already semi-erect state. Even now, he looked big. Cordelia marveled at the way her body could stretch to accommodate him leaving them gloved together so tight.

“A little impatient, are we?” Cordelia watched with fascination as the vampire stroked himself under the heady weight of her gaze. Her fingers itched to touch him.

Diving onto the bed next to her, Angelus admitted with a playful smirk, “I don’t like waiting.”

Stretching out beside her, Angelus lay on his side supporting his head in his hand. Using the other hand to run his fingers along the overlapping edge of her robe and teasing at her soft skin. Delving beneath the covering of the robe, his hand curled around one plump breast, the pad of his thumb brushing close to the underside of her nipple causing it to harden into a peak.

“Then why did you wait, silly vamp?” Cordelia questioned just as she nibbled at her lower lip trying to ignore the growing ache in her sensitive breast. “You had a perfect opportunity when we were in the shower, but nooooo.”

“You were cold,” Angelus reminded her while keeping up with his teasing caress, obviously concerned about the fact that she had been exposed to the night air for too long.

Cordelia loved it that he was so attentive and concerned about her health, but the goosebump factor was nothing in comparison to the way she wanted him. Cold? “Not with you in there. So now that we’re all clean and dry and fluffy, what are we gonna do the rest of the night?”

With a twist of his lips, Angelus suggested, “Play Parcheesi?”

Moving fast, Cordy rolled over pushing the vampire onto his back and straddling his lap. “I don’t think so.”

“Neither do I.” Angelus dropped the playful leer, reaching up to pull her down for a deep kiss that left her breathless, his hand tangling in the waves of her hair.

When she came up for air, Cordelia rasped her nails across his chest as she stared down at him. She could feel the rigid length of his penis beneath the silk covered robe pressing against her bottom. Close, but not close enough to her aching center. Almost to herself, Cordy mumbled, “My turn. You tossed, I’ll tumble.”

With a swift move, Angelus rolled her beneath him. “Not tonight, babe. On any other night, I’d give you anything. Let you do anything. Not tonight.”

There was a predatory look in his eyes again, that branding stare that left Cordelia in no doubt that he was going to have his way. With anyone else, she was certain such words would make her balk. Not with Angelus. She felt a rush of excitement burning her straight to the core.

“Trust me, baby. I need you to trust me tonight,” Angelus’ voice carried a weight of importance.

Cordelia released a shaky sigh, caught somewhere between anticipation and fear of the unknown. The amber tint to his eyes hinted at what lay ahead as she realized that while Angelus could not use his fangs during his ritual claiming, there might be other things the vampire wanted.

“This isn’t going to be a vanilla sex night,” Cordelia’s husky tones revealed her own curiosity with what might happen.


“Not of you.”

Angelus sensed that something was bugging her. “Then what is it, Cor?”

In hushed tones, she shared her worries. “I’m gonna scream, aren’t I?”

“Only in pleasure,” the vampire reassured her. The things he wanted from her tonight might shock Cordelia’s senses a bit, but there was nothing he would do to her that wouldn’t leave her begging for more. Assuming she could even move when he was through with her tonight. Not that he was ever through. Angelus wanted her constantly.

“I know,” she shuddered in anticipation. Except the thought of it came with an odd sensation of not being alone with Angelus. “You shouldn’t have told me Angel can hear us. Ewww! What if he’s down there in his room…listening to us?”

Until recently, Cordelia had never imagined Angel as being anything except Buffy’s lapdog. He seemed too straight-laced, even for a vampire, to do anything beyond what was expected respectable behavior. Over the last couple of months of getting to know him better Cordelia realized that there was a lot more going on in Angel’s head than she ever imagined. Even Angelus had warned her that was the case. His friendship meant a lot to her in ways that Cordelia couldn’t even describe, but the thought of him listening in on what happened in their bedroom…even accidentally overhearing them…made her shudder at the thought.

“C-Can he hear us now?” Cordelia asked a little breathlessly.

Angleus gazed down at Cordelia picking up the little signs her body sent out. Bated breath, a heartbeat that tripped just a little faster than the norm, and the flush of her skin all clued him in to the fact that while her words suggested she was upset at the idea, the rest of her wasn’t. That realization both irritated and amused him.

“Not unless we’re making more noise than this. The floors and ceilings aren’t that thin. Later…I’m sure he will. It’s no big deal, Cordy.”

“Yes it is.”

He had to know. “Why are you so hung up on Angel overhearing us? You imagined him watching at the theater. In fact he did watch at the theater— the preliminaries anyway. The idea excites you. Your heart is beating faster. Tell me, Cordy, is it the idea of being watched? Being overheard? Or is it that it’s Angel doing those things?”

Cordelia gasped at the questions, panicking a little at his ability to cut through her nervous reaction to get at the heart of it. Her response was immediate. “Neither. Eewww!”

Resting his weight on his elbows, Angelus chuckled as her eyes darted everywhere to avoid looking straight into his. “Little liar. Just the thought of him listening in has you all hot and bothered. I should be pissed, but if it’s a turn on to think he’ll know how many different ways I can make you come, be as loud as you want, babe. Scream all you want.”

Shaking her head, Cordelia pressed her lips together.

Angelus grinned knowingly. “You’ll scream. You always do. Besides, I’m certain Angel could use the inspiration. The Slayer hasn’t been putting out lately.”

“Gross! Don’t put it that way. No details.” Then Cordelia realized that it had been quite a while since Buffy has stayed at the mansion for any length of time. Not even for her post-slayage romps with Angel. In fact, not since Cordelia moved in. The idea disturbed her for some reason, but Cordelia didn’t want thoughts of the blond Slayer creeping into their bed. “I don’t wanna think about Buffy.”

Angelus agreed completely. “There’s way too much thinking going on here.”

Lowering his head, Angelus covered her mouth as she opened it to say something else. The hard press of his lips against her own caused Cordelia to moan aloud, the needy sound echoing into the vampire’s mouth. Cordelia clutched at his head, her fingers winding through his short hair holding him close feeling that she could drown in his kisses.

The soft whisper of silk sounded in her ears as Angelus pulled against the knotted tie at her waist. Then his hand was on her skin, cool against the warmth of her flat belly, his fingers stretched out across her. Shifting onto his knees, Angelus broke the kiss as he rose above her and Cordelia let out a tiny moue of protest at the loss.

“The robe goes now or it will be ribbons,” Angelus pulled her up into a sitting position and proceeded to strip the silk robe from her shoulders.

Cordelia helped him along, eager to feel him against her skin. “Touch me.”

His nostrils flared at her demand and Angelus felt the answering call of his demon nature. Though determined to control it where he could, the vampire needed to let lose tonight. To claim Cordelia’s body in ways he knew she had never been taken. To make her scream in ecstasy as she came just for him.

Fisting his hand in her hair, tugging softly so that her head tilted back so he could gaze directly into her eyes, Angelus sounded a dark promise, “You’ll be touched, Cor. Every luscious inch of you.”

“Ngah!” A little sound of anticipation burst forth and Cordelia reached for her mate wanting him close. Needing him to be near her, covering her. Only Angelus pushed her down to the bed, holding her wrists above her head in one large hand. Touching her cheek with the other, the vampire smirked at the surprised look on her face.

Two fingers pressed against her lips, circling their outline before following the soft line of her throat down to her chest. Those fingers trailed across her skin teasing her breasts as they created patterns over their sensitive surface. Angelus cupped one ripe mound giving its firmness a soft squeeze.

“Keep your hands where they are,” Angelus told her as his own moved to claim the same territory as its pair.

Cordelia pouted prettily to no avail. The vampire knew how much she enjoyed touching him, but for some reason was determined that she keep her hands to herself. Muttering, “Not fair,” while at the same time watching every move he made with growing anticipation.

His fingers and lips moved over her breasts with expert ease teasing and tasting until her nipples were hard knobs. Other than blowing cool air across their surface, he had not touched her nipples. Cordelia was determined not to resort to begging, but it was getting to that point.

“Angelus,” his name was on her lips before she could stop it and Cordelia cringed at the pleading tone.

If it was her needy plea or his own plan, Cordelia could not tell, but Angelus changed tactics. His open mouth came over her left breast, the tongue rasping along her dark pink areola just before his teeth scraped the surface of her erect nipple.

“Ah!” Cordelia let out a cry of surprise not having expected the teeth, but he followed the nip and tug with the flicking of his tongue. Whatever he was doing, Cordy felt her eyes rolling closed as she concentrated on the sensations.

Angelus turned his attention to the opposite breast lavishing equal treatment, but now having to cope with Cordelia’s undulating body. She was slowly grinding her hips into the mattress, her legs rubbing together trying to create friction. Slipping his hand down the length of her torso, Angelus curled his fingers through her soft muff until he reached the swollen crevasse of her sex.

“Yessss,” Cordelia hissed as he rubbed his fingers along the hard nub of her clitoris, her eyes snapping open to watch. She opened her thighs giving his hand better access and shoved herself up on her elbows despite Angelus’ warning not to move just so she could get a better view. Panting at him, “Fingers. More fingers.”

“Wanna come, baby?”

“Stupid question,” she growled at him thrusting her hips back toward the fingers that had penetrated her core.

Chuckling at her response, Angelus twisted his fingers to find the right spot inside her and used his thumb against her clitoris. Cordelia rocketed to a swift climax.

“Liked that, did you?” Angelus watched the ecstasy play out over her face. “You’re beautiful when you come.”

“I get all hot and flustered,” Cordy pointed out.

He nodded, “That’s right. So full of life. Your whole body reacts. Flushing skin. Beating heart. Those whispers of erotic sounds that turn into screams of pleasure.”

Just the way he phrased things made her want him. His fascination with watching her climax made Cordelia want the same opportunity. “I want to watch you. Let me do it.”

“You can watch, baby,” Angelus told her, “but I’m taking what I want tonight and you’re invited along for the ride.”

Hazel eyes sparkled at the thought. “Be greedy if you want, Bad Boy. Just plan on making it up to me later.”

“Absolutely,” Angelus moved swiftly straddling her torso. “Later.”

Cordelia looked on with an expression of complete surprise as Angelus fisted his huge erection not far from her gasping lips. It confused her because she thought he didn’t want her to take care of it. Then her eyes grew wide as the vampire rubbed the broad tip of his cock across her breasts teasing at her nipples.

Releasing his hard staff, Angelus’ hands moved to cup Cordelia’s lush breasts around it as he dropped it into the ripe valley of her cleavage. She let out an impish giggle at the sight it created, but quickly saw the intense gleam in Angelus’ amber-tinged eyes. Obviously, this was a turn-on for the vampire.

“Guess you really are a boob man,” Cordelia couldn’t stop herself from clutching at his powerful thighs. “You feel so cool and hard. Do what you want, Angelus.”

He held her snuggly against his tumescent flesh, thrusting with slow surety back and forth through the tight wedge created by his hands. Angelus felt the warmth of her body tucked between his thighs, surrounding his cock, under his balls as they moved across her skin. Cordelia kept muttering encouragements and if he hadn’t been so caught up in what he was doing, Angelus would have told her she had learned that particular lesson well.

Cordelia dug her nails into his thighs, knowing her vampire liked the added sensation of their sharp sting. The stimulation was…interesting, but not something that was going to have her screaming his name at the top of her lungs. This was definitely all for him and Cordelia couldn’t wait to watch his face as he exploded.

Some minutes later, Cordelia was moaning aloud at the stimulation and her hands were cupped over the vampire’s holding him in place. Then Angelus was screaming her name, his hands releasing her breasts as he caught his cock in his fist finishing himself of with firm strokes. Cordelia felt the cool spurts of fluid on her breasts and her hands moved to rub it into her burning nipples. She let out a little moan at the sensation and stared up at Angelus who met her gaze with amber fire in his eyes.

With his free hand, Angelus curled his fingers into her hair holding her steady. Giving in to what she’d wanted in the first place, he held himself up to her mouth. “Do me, baby.”

“You’re not done?” Cordelia licked her lips as she wrapped her hand around him. “Good. Cos while that may have been really fun for you, Bad Boy, you’ve got me all hot and bothered again.”

“Cor…now’s not the time for lectures,” Angelus suggested with a low rumble in his chest. “Those luscious lips have other uses.”

He was sticky and tasted like nothing Cordelia could ever describe, but couldn’t seem to get enough of since it was something purely him. This was the only time she could take him in her mouth this way, when he was not completely hard. Even then it was still a challenge and something Cordelia had determinedly been working on over the last few weeks as she knew it gave him pleasure.

“You’re getting so good at that, baby,” Angelus acknowledged her improvement with a lusty growl. He forced himself to stay still and let her do the work, not wanting to gag or frighten her by shoving his cock down her throat despite the urge to do so.

“Mmm.” She murmured her agreement and the vibration it caused across the tip of his penis caused had him reaching a fully erect state again. Cordelia pulled him out of her mouth with a popping sound, but continued to pump him with her hand and tease him with her lips and tongue.

“Enough,” Angelus commanded she stop her ministrations. Any more and he would be coming again and that was not the plan. Not this soon again, anyway.

Reluctantly, Cordelia released him. With a playful pout, she reminded him, “Practice makes perfect.”

Angelus shifted down so that his body lay across hers, leaning in to cover her mouth in a drugging kiss. “You can practice all you want later. Right now, you’re gonna get fucked.”

“Oh, goodie.”

The vampire chuckled. “Goodie?”

“Instant stupidity factor,” Cordelia explained as she nibbled at his ear. “Works on us females too.”

In seconds, Angelus had moved down to kneel between her legs, pulling her hips up off the bed and sliding into her wet center with one persistent stroke. “You’re so wet and tight. Can’t get over the way you feel around me.”

Cordelia thought he felt pretty damn good, too. She was just too mystified by this new position to comment. Her lower body was completely off the bed giving Angelus complete control over his thrusts and her movements. She clutched at the sheets as her mate penetrated her body again and again, her lusty cries getting louder with each thrust.

“So good,” she panted at him. “Harder, baby, please. God, yes! Angelus.”

“Want you all the time, Cor. Sunrise and sunset and every hour in between,” he told her as he felt her contract around him.

“Anytime,” Cordelia answered with a thrill. “I’m yours, remember? Need you too.”

“Mine,” Angelus sounded out the word so possessively that Cordelia knew it was far more than a ritualistic intonation.

Cordelia flexed her legs a little more tightly around his back, gripping him closer with her supple thighs. “Mine. All mine. Yummy. Salty. Goodness. Mine.”

“All yours, baby,” the vampire was beyond mere amusement at Cordelia’s response to his own possessiveness. She gave it right back to him with equal measure. Damn, but he was one lucky vampire.

Then Cordelia found herself hurtling over the sudden peak of another orgasm. She barely had time to realize that Angelus left her body before she was tossed higher along the bed, with her head on the pillows and with the vampire’s dark head between her legs. He wasn’t gentle as usual, Cordelia gripped his hair in he fists holding on as he used his fingers and tongue to extend her climax with little micro-bursts of pleasure.

Angelus seemed voracious as he pressed his tongue inside her using that muscle with a skill only a vampire could develop. Not having to breathe combined with the additional stamina provided an advantage that no human could duplicate. He pressed her thighs open with his hands as they kept instinctively flexing closed around his head.

“Omigod! Angelus…don’t stop.” Finally, Cordelia got the hint and grabbed her knees freeing up those thick fingers to move inside her. She thrashed her head against the pillow feeling the build up of yet another climax and trying to hold back.

The vampire ignored the throbbing of his own erection which strained heavily against his thigh as he lay on the bed. It seemed to be complaining that he had not taken his own pleasure while inside Cordelia, but Angelus needed something else first. He was not going to be satisfied until he claimed every single part of his mate, although he knew she might be shocked by his need to do so.

Gathering up the tangy fluid between her thighs, Angelus continued to lap at her petaled folds eliciting a long stream of needy moans from Cordelia. Latching onto her clitoris with his mouth, Angelus sucked and released just as he slipped a finger into the puckered rim between her buttocks.

Cordelia let out a choked gasp as her body convulsed in response. He’d touched her there before, but never penetrated. Omigod! This is what he meant. Trust him. Trust him.

Part of her reeled in protest. This was so not the normal kind of thing to do. Cordelia forced herself to beat down those thoughts. This was Angelus and he wouldn’t hurt her. As promised, she was certain he would only give her pleasure. In fact, she could not deny the sensation was already adding another blissful layer onto her building climax.

The nerve endings along her spine tingled as his lubricated fingers moved in and out of both openings. Cordelia dropped her knees, pulling them back hard toward her sides reaching down to touch him. She needed to touch him, to watch him as his mouth moved over her.

Angelus added another finger below, stretching her gently, preparing her for what he wanted next.

When she was close to the edge, Angelus pulled up to lift Cordelia onto her knees facing him. He recognized a hint of fear in her eyes and tried to convey his love for her despite his obvious lust. Angelus’ hand curled around her waist rubbing against the mark of her sun tattoo.

“Just one more thing, baby,” Angelus kissed her throat and shoulder in a trail of soft tender smooches. “One more thing and you can come again. Do you know what I want?”

“Y-Yes,” she admitted with her hazel irises surrounded by a sea of white. Cordelia had to tell him she wasn’t certain this was going to be fun. “You’re so big. I-I think it’ll hurt.”

Angelus wouldn’t lie to her. “It will at first, but this isn’t an option, Cor. I will have you there. Everywhere. Just remember, baby. I promised you an orgasm.”

“Better get one,” she muttered. Cordelia reached down between them to run her fingers along his erect penis. “What do I do?”

“Just trust me,” Angelus pressed a kiss across her mouth. “I’ll take care of the rest.”

He lifted her arms around his neck, surprising her again by simply kissing her until her head was in a spin. Geez! The vamp could knock her socks off if she was wearing any just with the touch of his mouth alone. And his hands. Omigod, he knew exactly how and where to touch her so that her entire body tingled with wanting him.

Cordelia took advantage of the first real opportunity since they had left the bathroom to touch him. Her hands splayed out across his muscular back running down the stretch of his spine. She let out a soft grunt of satisfaction as her hands connected with the taut globes of his buttocks, pulling his hips close so that his hard cock rubbed against her core.

Turning her on their bed, Angelus positioned Cordelia so that her head, shoulders and lower torso were flat against the mattress with her pert bottom tuned up to his gaze. Dipping his cock into her warm pussy, he lubricated himself on her own juices before pulling out. Cordelia’s throaty cry nearly had him plunging back in just to satisfy her, but Angelus was determined to see this through. He had wanted her this way before, but felt the timing was not yet right to claim her body in all the ways he wanted.

Of course, even this was no substitute for the one thing he really wanted. The one thing he couldn’t have. His fangs. Her throat. His bite. Her blood. The fucking Moraie really screwed him over. Lucky for them that they were omnipotent higher beings, because denying him bloodrights from his own mate was not a healthy thing to do.

Cordelia took in a deep breath and let it loose as instructed by Angelus. She didn’t know if it was some technique or just a distraction, but it acted that way as the vampire spread her cheeks and pressed himself into her winking opening. He was stretching her. She felt so full and yet something told her that this was just the tip of him. Only the beginning.

As he moved in further, Cordelia let out a cry of discomfort. Not quite pain, but not anything remotely related to pleasure.

“Reach between your legs,” Angelus told her as he thrust forward slowly. “Touch yourself, baby.”

Now that is a distraction, Cordelia readily complied with that directive. She rubbed her fingers along her clitoris and the moist folds of her sex. The combined stimulation made her gasp in surprise at the strength of her reaction.

The tightness surrounding him was incredible. It took all of Angelus’ concentration to go slowly. Finally, after what seemed like eons of patience, he was inside her to the hilt. He felt his balls brush up against the moist heat emanating from her core. Then Cordelia’s touch was there exploring him as she kept fingering her sopping pussy.

“You okay, baby?” Angelus asked her almost surprised by his own restraint.

“Mmm.” Cordelia was busily bringing herself closer to orgasm. “Better fuck me soon, Bad Boy, cos I’m gonna get there first. Then you’ll still owe me one.”

Cordelia never ceased to amaze him, but Angelus found that his ability to think clearly was rapidly heading south. Her little challenge quickly overrode his plan to take her slowly and carefully. His demon nature simply wouldn’t let that go without a response.

“Ow!” Was the first thing that came out of Cordelia’s mouth as he began the see-saw thrust of his hips. He had warned her that it would hurt at first.

“Push back with your hips.”

She did so, but kept up the tweaking of her clit and felt the heavy slap of his balls on her swollen folds driving her closer to a climax. Soon, the sensation of Angelus’ thickness inside her spread out along her spine and curled down to her womb. “Oh, that feels—.”

Angelus hands curled around her hips pulling her back into him with each hard thrust of his cock. He growled out, “Incredible.”

“Gonna come.”

Cordelia shuddered beneath him, coming apart under the sudden spark that set off her climax. She screamed out Angelus’ name and there was an answering response in her ear as he followed thrusting his pleasure into her depths. Angelus maneuvered them onto their sides while he was still inside her. Slowly, he slipped out and pulling Cordelia into his arms and spooned her close to him.

As he wrapped his arm around her waist, Cordelia pulled his hand up to hold it between her breasts. They lay there in silence for long moments, with Angelus listening to her breathing and Cordelia simply soaking in the reality of the last couple of hours. Not only had he taken her body in some incredible, orgasm-inducing ways, she was now Angelus’ mate…officially.

Her heart thudded a little faster at the thought of it. Cordelia wondered if this was necessary to announce to everyone or if it was just a family matter. Curiosity won out. “Do we tell Giles and the gang? About us? Or is this just a family thing between you and me…and Angel.”

“It’s no secret, baby. I’d shout it to all of Sunnydale if I could. Your parents are the ones who may take some convincing.” Angelus realized that it was doubtful Mr. and Mrs. Chase would recognize his bond with their daughter. It might take patience to wait until Cordelia officially graduated and could leave the sphere of their influence, but he had all the time in the world.

“My parents!” Cordelia let out a horrified gasp. “They’re coming back into town next week. I don’t know for how long. Angelus, I’ll have to stay with them.”

A growl of discontent sounded, but he countered its weight with a soft statement of understanding, “We knew they’d be back, baby. It’ll take a little more ingenuity, but we can be together as much as we can.”

“Would you—,” Cordy began only to falter. “I mean— do you want to meet them?”

“Yes.” He said it so casually that Cordelia thought she must have misunderstood.

“Yes? Omigod!”

Angelus realized that the idea scared her. “You’re terrified.”

“What if you don’t like them? What if you think they’re too—.”

Cutting her off, Angelus chuckled in her ear. “Relax, baby. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions. That’s one lesson I’ve already learned tonight.”

Lessons learned? There were lots of them today. No conclusion jumping. Never let Xander pick the movie rentals. No listening to Angel jokes. Trust your manpire. Soundproof all bedrooms.

A naughty thought popped into her head and Cordelia just had to ask, “Do you think we were noisy enough to be inspiring?”

Angelus chuckled into her ear as he snatched Cordelia into his arms heading for the bathroom. “I think someone needs a piping hot bubble bath. You’ll be sore in the morning. When you’re all dried and fluffed again, we can talk about making more noise. Just for the inspiration, of course.”
