Title:  All They Do (Companion piece to All She / He Does)
Author: Alrisha
Rating:  PG-13
Angel's POV

Notes:  Sorry if this part sucks.  And sorry to all the people I
promised this next part to ages ago.  I wrote it some time ago, but
I've never really been happy with it.  But, I figured I would just
post it and move on.  As with the first one, if you hate it, stop


I stagger from the attack, more out of surprise than out of any real
pain.  As I reach around and yank the small dagger out of the back of
my arm, I turn my eyes towards my attacker.  She seems to take no
further notice of me.  Neither does my childe for that matter.  It is
as if I have suddenly ceased to exist.  I take a step towards them,
but they do not notice me.  All they do is stare at each other.

I am surprised to see her here.  I had expected her to be dead, along
with all the others.  I wonder why my childe has kept her alive.  As
my eyes rake over her nude form and the bite marks covering her face
and breasts, a low growl escapes my throat.  I am filled with renewed
anger at my childe for having abused the redhead in such a way.

My growling seems to cut through the fog of their minds, and two sets
of eyes turn towards me.  In my childe's blue eyes, I see a sadness I
have not seen in a very long time.  The depth of emotion there stops
me in my tracks.  I turn my attention towards the redhead.  In the
emerald pools of her eyes, I see great pain and guilt.  It is how I
often imagined my own eyes would look if I could see them myself.

I am confused by the redhead's guilty look.  Indeed, she stares at me
for only a moment before dropping her chin sadly.  In a rush, the
realization dawns on me.  She is not an entirely unwilling partner.  A
wave of anger passes through me at the thought that she might have
been involved in her friends' deaths.  But a quick look at her
tear-stained face reassures me that it is not the case.  Why then
would she stay here with him?  Why would she allow herself to become
lovers with her friends' killer?

I continue to stare at them, wondering what to do now.  Confusion
clouds my mind.  I glance towards them, hoping for some sign of how to
proceed.  But their attention has been focused back on each other.  I
see a glimmer of hope in my childe's eyes, a slight turning up of the
corners of his mouth.  He extends his hand towards the redhead, and
she slips her small hand into his and allows him to pull her close.

Only when she is safely tucked in his arms does my childe return his
attention to me.  His eyes plead with me to leave them alone.  In my
confusion, I can think of nothing else to do.  I cannot imagine what
has happened here today or what has happened between them in the past.
I back out of the room slowly, vowing silently to myself to return
when I can once again think clearly.
