Fic: Needs (4/5) NC-17
Author: Alrisha
Please see part one for disclaimer, etc.

Distribution: Bite me...Please?, Soulmates to the End
of Time, and Willow's Lil Secret. (Look, Jen! I


The phone rang several times before Willow heard it.
She sat up and groaned, her back aching from the hard
floor. A small smile of surprise grew into a grin
when she realized that Spike had come back. He didn’t
move as she stood and made her way towards the still
ringing phone. “Hello?”

“Willow, how are you? I was worried.”

“Angel,” the redhead said tightly.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you care, Angel? Want to make sure I’m
keeping your dirty little secret?”

“Willow, you know that’s not it. I’m worried about

Willow was about to respond when the phone was
snatched out of her hand. “Don’t worry about her,
mate. From now on, you keep your fucking soul and
demon far away from her.”

“Spike,” Angel hissed. “What are you doing there?”

“I’m cleaning up the fucking mess you made of the
chit’s life. And nobody here needs your stinking
help. Oh, but I do appreciate the cash.” Spike
slammed down the phone before Angel could say anything
else. A smile of genuine satisfaction crossed Spike’s
face as he turned to stare at the redhead.

“He’s going to be furious,” Willow whispered.

“Does it matter?”

“No, not really. You came back.”

“Gotten used to waking up with a warm body,” Spike
said gruffly, but Willow’s heart jumped all the same.
“Looks like you need a new bed,” Spike said, raising
an eyebrow at the shredded mattress.

“I guess so. I’ll make a few phone calls. I should
be able to get one delivered today.”

Spike nodded. “Good. Because once it arrives I don’t
plan to let you out of it for at least 24 hours,” he
said. He had come to a decision last night. He might
not be able to change the past, but he certainly
intended to wipe Angelus’ memory from the redhead’s
mind and body. Spike heard Willow’s heart speed up
and detected the faint scent of her arousal. “Better
make those calls, Red,” he ordered.

Willow nodded and left the bedroom in search of a
phone book. Spike sat in the chair and stared at the
bed. He began to chuckle at the idea of the little
redhead attacking the mattress. Somehow, the idea of
erasing Angelus’ memory seemed easier than he’d
originally thought.

The phone calls made, Willow went to the kitchen to
warm some blood for Spike. She brought it up to the
bedroom, offering it to him shyly. “Thanks, pet,”
Spike replied. He stared at the redhead for a moment,
his brow creased in thought. “Go get in the shower,”
he said simply.

>From the tone of his voice, Willow knew better than to
ask questions. She went to the bathroom and stripped
quickly. She adjusted the water temperature to just
short of scalding and stepped in. And waited.

A few moments later, Spike stepped in. He admired the
redhead’s lean, womanly form, the hot water cascading
over her body. He wondered briefly if Angelus had
realized what a beautiful woman she would grow into
when he’d taken her back in high school. Shaking his
head to rid his thoughts of Angelus, Spike reached out
and cupped her breasts in his hands. Willow sighed
softly as Spike worried her nipples into erect peaks.
He kissed her forcefully, plundering her mouth with
his tongue until she pushed him away and gasped for
air. Spike pulled the redhead close to him and held
her tightly under the hot water, enjoying the feel of
her naked body pressed against him.

Spike’s hands slid down to her ass and cupped her
cheeks, pulling her against his erection. Willow
moaned softly as Spike squeezed her ass. “Lean back,”
he whispered. Willow leaned back against the tile
wall, watching the blonde with wide eyes. Spike knelt
between her legs and began to kiss his way up her
thighs. He placed a soft kiss on her mound of wet
curls, smiling as the redhead moaned again. Spike
lifted one of her legs to rest her foot on the side of
the tub as he slid beneath her. He lapped at the
redhead’s folds for a moment before finding her clit
with his teeth and biting down softly on the sensitive
nub. Willow gasped and Spike was rewarded with a
flood of moisture from her core. He continued to suck
at her clit as he slid two long fingers into her tight
heat and began to stroke her. As Willow groaned above
him, Spike sped up his thrusts. In moments, his face
was drenched with her release as she screamed his name
in pleasure.

Spike stood up slowly and kissed the redhead, letting
her taste herself on him. He reached around and
turned off the water, not wanting it to become cold
but not wanting to leave the shower. “Turn around,”
he said releasing her. Spike moved her hands to the
wall and pushed on her back so that her ass was
sticking out towards him.

“Did he ever take you here?” Spike asked huskily,
running his finger between her ass cheeks and over her
puckered hole. He felt Willow tense immediately.

“Yes,” she admitted quietly. “I hated it.”

Spike smiled at that admission. “He did it solely for
his pleasure, didn’t he?” Willow nodded. “You’ll
love it when I do it, pet. I’ll have you begging and
pleading me for it by the time I’m done with you.”

“Spike, please don’t. It hurt so much and…”

“Shhh, luv. Trust me. Just try to relax.” Spike let
his hands glide up the redhead’s back, massaging her
shoulders as she leaned against the tile wall of the
shower. His hands slid around in front of her,
teasing her nipples before dipping between her legs.
His talented fingers found her slippery clit once
more, massaging the sensitive nub between his fingers.
Long fingers slid into her hot channel, stroking her
in long even strokes.

“Harder, please,” the redhead begged.

“I want to do this slow, pet. Just relax.”

“No, please. I, I can’t come unless it’s rough.
Please, Spike.”

Spike filed that bit of information away for future
reference as he sped up his thrusts. He finger fucked
her quickly, his hand a blur as he shoved his fingers
further into her pussy.

Willow threw her head back and groaned loudly as Spike
felt his fingers drenched with her release for a
second time. He drew his hand back and slid in
between her ass cheeks, rubbing her puckered hole with
her juices. “Relax, pet. Trust me,” Spike said as he
felt the redhead begin to tense. He slowly worked his
finger inside her, hissing at how tight and hot she
was. As he felt the redhead begin to relax, Spike
added another finger. He began to thrust into her
slowly, working his fingers in her ass to stretch her
for his cock. Slowly, he withdrew his fingers and
positioned himself at her hole. He pushed into her
slowly, making soft soothing sounds as she cried out
at his entry. Spike eased into her, growling softly
as he felt her relax around him. He moved one hand to
her clit, worrying the nub with his fingers as he slid
deeper into her ass. With one final thrust, he buried
himself to the hilt and groaned loudly.

Willow moaned softly. She was in so much pain, but it
felt so good at the same time. It was nothing like
the one time Angelus had done it. He had been
particularly rough, leaving the redhead bleeding and
bruised for days. Spike, however, was being gentle.
And in spite of the pain, Willow found herself
savoring the feeling of being so filled by the blonde.
She felt him pull back slightly and slide back in and
she groaned in response.

“Does it feel good?” Spike asked softly, his lips
close to her ear. Willow could only nod and moan in
response as he slide out and back in once more. She
felt Spike’s hands on her hips, pulling her backwards
slightly. Her feet slid sideways on the wet tub
floor, spreading herself wider for him. Spike groaned
as he pushed his aching cock even deeper into her
until his balls rested against her ass. “Bloody
hell,” he hissed softly. Spike desperately wanted to
make the redhead come again, but at the moment he was
having trouble maintaining control. He remained
buried within her for a moment, his fingers continuing
their assault on her clit.

“Fuck me,” Willow pleaded breathlessly. She was going
insane with lust. She never could have imagined that
it would feel so good, but she was going to pass out
if he didn’t fuck her soon.

“Want you to come,” Spike hissed as he felt her clench
her muscles around him. “Bloody hell,” he groaned.

“Then fuck me, please, Spike.”

Spike slide out of the redhead’s incredible tightness
and shoved himself back in. Willow cried out in pain
and pleasure. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” she
babbled. Spike set up a slow rhythm at first. The
sounds of wet flesh slapping against wet flesh echoed
through the bathroom amid moans and groans that
escalated in volume as Spike increased the speed of
his thrusts. Willow screamed his name as her muscles
spasmed around him, sending the blonde crashing into
his own orgasm. Spike sank his fangs into the back of
her neck and growled as she milked the seed from his
cock. Willow collapsed against the wall in a
quivering mass of flesh as Spike withdrew from her.
He turned her around and held her tightly in his arms.

Willow whimpered softly and buried her face in his
chest. “Easy, pet,” Spike said, stroking her hair
gently. Tears trickled down the redhead’s face as she
continued to shake from the intensity of her orgasm.

“Spike,” she breathed.

“Shhh, luv,” Spike said softly. He held the redhead
tenderly as he lowered them both to the floor of the
tub and cradled her against his chest. They remained
in that position in silence for several minutes.
“Red, as much as I’d love to stay like this all day,
eventually those delivery men are going to show up
with our bed. And since you won’t be leaving it after
it arrives, we should probably get you something to

Willow looked up at the blonde with a smile on her
face. <Our bed.> She definitely liked the sound of
that. She sat back as Spike stood and helped her to
her feet. A few minutes later, they were dressed and
in the kitchen searching for anything Spike could
consider food for strength.

The delivery men arrived a few hours later. The old
bed was removed with many raised eyebrows, but no
snide comments, and the new bed was put into place.
Spike dragged some white sheets out of the closet, in
spite of Willow’s protests, to make the bed. “They’ll
show the blood,” Willow said softly.

“I know,” Spike replied simply, and Willow had given
up. Once the bed was made, Spike stripped and crawled
into it languidly. “Come here,” he beckoned to the

Willow removed her clothes, letting them join Spike’s
on the floor. She crawled into bed beside him and
kissed him softly on the lips. She glanced at him
shyly before sliding back down the bed to wrap her
lips around his cock. Spike groaned and began to
harden instantly. He closed his eyes, savoring the
feel of her hot mouth on his cool shaft. He felt her
tongue flick out across the weeping head of his shaft
and groaned louder. One hot hand moved to cup his
balls and began massaging them gently. “Bloody hell,”
Spike hissed as she scraped her teeth against his
sensitive flesh. “Come up here, pet,” he said

Willow stopped and looked at the blonde nervously.
“Didn’t you like it?” she asked softly. “I, I wanted
it to feel good.”

“It feels bloody incredible. I’m not asking you to
stop. I’m asking you to swing your sexy ass up her.”
Willow blushed as she realized what the blonde was
asking. He raised an eyebrow at her and smirked.
“Never done that before?” he asked. Willow shook her
head. Spike smiled. “Now’s the perfect time to

Willow moved up on the blonde’s body, nervously
positioning her sex over his mouth. She gasped as his
tongue found her clit and began to worry the sensitive
flesh. Spike thrust his hips gently upwards, and
Willow wrapped her mouth around his long cock once

She found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on
what she was doing since Spike’s incredibly talented
tongue was driving her slowly crazy. Willow moaned
low in her throat, the vibrations causing Spike to let
out a muffled groan of his own. Willow gasped as
Spike began to thrust his tongue into her hot core.
She continued to suck on his cock erratically, gasping
and moaning as Spike began to fuck her mouth in
earnest. He roared as he came, filling the redhead’s
mouth with his seed. Spike turned his head and bit
into her thigh harshly, sending the redhead into her
own orgasm. She lay on top of him, gasping for air
for several moments before Spike lifted his head.
“You alright, pet?” he asked.

“Uh, huh,” Willow replied. “Did you like it?” she
asked nervously.

“You couldn’t tell?” Spike said with a smirk. He
disentangled himself from the redhead long enough to
get her turned so that she was facing him.

Spike kissed her, savoring the taste of his seed on
the redhead’s mouth. He moaned as he felt his cock
spring to life again.

“You don’t ever get tired, do you?” Willow asked.

“How could I get tired when you’re here?” Spike
replied. “I’m sure I’ll want some sleep eventually,
but it’s not at the top of my list at the moment.”

“What is at the top of your list?”

“Shagging you some more.”

“I might be kind of tired,” Willow admitted.

“Then just lie there and enjoy it.” Spike rolled them
until the redhead was beneath him. He slid his semi
hard cock into her and smiled as she sighed
contentedly. “Or join in if you want,” he joked,
nipping at her neck.

Spike began to love the redhead with long, slow, even
strokes. “Close your eyes and relax, pet,” he coaxed.

Willow laid her head back and sighed again. He felt
so good inside of her. She loved the feel of his hard
body pressed against her, his cool hands skimming
across her flesh as he placed soft kisses across her
neck. Spike licked his bite mark lovingly as the
redhead moaned softly beneath him. He felt her start
to move against him and pinned her firmly to the bed.
“I want you to relax,” he said, resuming his slow
torturous movements.

Willow moaned, frustrated at the blonde’s leisurely
pace. “Spike,” she protested.

“Quiet, luv,” Spike whispered, capturing her mouth in
a gentle kiss. He could feel the tension building in
the hot, sweaty body beneath him, but Spike was
determined to show her that he could give her pleasure
at any pace.

“Please, Spike,” the redhead whimpered.

Spike pinned the redhead’s arms to the mattress as she
reached around to grip his ass firmly. “Let me do
this, Red,” he whispered softly, never stopping his
slow deliberate motion.

Willow nodded, her body trembling with anticipation.
She fought the urge to thrust against him roughly, to
force him to speed up his thrusts. Spike kissed her
tenderly, exploring her mouth with long sweeps of his

Willow panted for air beneath him, feeling her tension
build to an impossible point. Spike held her there,
just at the edge of release for what seemed like an
eternity. Her whole body felt like it was a single
tightened nerve. She was almost on the verge of tears
when Spike began to deepen his thrusts. He would
slide into her until his balls rested against her ass,
then withdraw with agonizing slowness before repeating
the process. As he slid into her and held himself
still within her, Willow suddenly felt herself snap.
An orgasm wracked her body, sending her spiraling into
a long, trembling release. Spike came as her muscles
constricted around him, sinking his fangs into her
neck. Willow was shaking as Spike rolled off her and
cradled her to his chest.

“I, I never…Not like that,” Willow babbled softly.

“Sleep now, pet,” Spike said softly. Willow sighed
and snuggled closer to the blonde vampire as a slow
smile crept over his face. He closed his eyes and
drifted off to sleep, his thoughts filled with his
redheaded witch.
