Title:  The Incredible Darkness of Being
Author name:  Alrisha
Rating:  up to NC-17
Pairing:  Willow/Spike, maybe other couples later
Summary:  Willow becomes Spike's pet and something more.
Disclaimer:  I don't own the characters.  Joss does.
Feedback:  Makes me happy.  It really does.  C'mon, please! Don't make me beg.
Author notes:  This story is set after "The Harsh Light of Day" (BtVS season 4).  Parts of the story will follow the season 4 story line,
other parts will occur in my own little universe.  Hopefully it will all be clear in the story, but if not please let me now so that I can fix it!!!!!

~Part 1~

(Friday night)

Spike watched the redhead glance around nervously.  She wasn't a
bad-looking girl although her clothes left something to be desired.
<Pity she doesn't wear more clothes like that Halloween outfit.>
His thoughts were interrupted by a shrill voice from behind him.

"That's Willow.  So are you going to kill her for me,
baby?" Harmony asked.

Spike growled softly to himself.  <The bloody bint is really becoming
a pain in the ass.  Should have staked her again after I took the Gem
of Amara off her.>  He glanced towards Harmony, noting her tight
top.  <But she does have some uses.>  "Don't you worry, Harm.
I'll take care of her.  You run on back to the lair."  Harmony turned,
missing the evil smirk that crossed Spike's face.  <I'll
definitely take care of her.>

"The slayer is awfully careless with her little friends,"
Spike said as he stepped in front of the redhead.

"Spike!" Willow blurted.  "What are you doing here?  You
know, uh, Buffy is going to be here in any minute.  So, you better get lost
before she shows up."

Spike laughed.  "You're a terrible liar, pet.  I just hope
you're better at other things."

"Other things?" she squeaked.

"Like, say, screaming," Spike said casually just before his
fist collided with her head and darkness enveloped her.

"What are you doing, Spike?  I thought you were going to kill
her," Harmony whined as Spike entered the lair with the redhead slung over
his shoulder.

"Shut up, Harm," Spike growled.  "Find me some
shackles," he barked at one of the minions.  And bring some human food," he called to
the retreating form."

"Spiiike," Harmony whined.

"I said shut up," Spike bellowed.  Harmony pouted.  Spike
glanced around the lair, his forehead creased in thought.  Suddenly, he
turned and walked towards his bedroom.

"Spike, you can't kill her in there."  Harmony tugged at
his sleeve.  "I don't want to have to put up with her dead body.
And I don't want you getting blood on the sheets."

"Harm, I don't give a damn what you want.  Until I say
otherwise, my bedroom is off limits."  The minion returned with a set of
shackles in one hand and a key in the other.  "Good job, mate.
Where's the food?"

"I brought these first.  What kind of food should I get?" the
minion asked.

Spike shrugged.  "Anything that won't spoil.  This may take a
while."  The minion nodded eagerly as Harmony stormed off in a

Spike deposited the witch on the bed and stepped back to stare at
her.  <Not bad looking at all.>  He whistled to himself as he chained
her spread-eagled on the bed.  Spike considered stripping  her, but
decided against it for the moment.  He sat back and lit a cigarette
while he waited for her to awaken.

"Bloody hell!"  Spike was getting impatient.  It had been
almost 30 minutes, and he was tired of waiting for the redhead to regain
consciousness.  Just then, he heard a tentative knock on the door.

"Master," the minion called.  "I brought food."

Spike walked to the door and took the bag.  "What's your
name, mate?"

"Kevin, sir," was the reply.

"Well, Kevin, I've got one last order for you.  Make sure
everyone knows that no one, and I mean no one, is allowed in my room.  Got
it?"  The minion nodded and Spike slammed the door.

The noise roused Willow somewhat from her haze.  Spike smiled and sat
next to her on the bed, dropping the bag of food on the floor.  He
trailed a hand lightly along her inner thigh and listened to her
heart speed up with an evil grin.  "Oz," she murmured.

"Not quite, pet."

Willow's eyes flew open and she struggled vainly against the
chains.  "Spike, what, what are you doing?  Let me go!"

"Hmmm, let me think about it.  No."

"Do you need another spell?  Because I'd be happy to do one
for you if you just let me go," Willow said hopefully.

"No spell, pet."

"Then why did you kidnap me again?"

"I was bored.  Actually, Harm wanted me to just kill you.  But I
thought we could have so much more fun some other way."

"Some other way?" Willow said shakily.

"Well, several other ways to be exact."  Spike grinned.  He
could smell her fear.  "Don't worry, pet.  By the time I'm
done, you'll enjoy it as much as I do.  Or not, we'll see."

Willow closed her eyes in a silent prayer to her Goddess as Spike
began to laugh.

"Now, now, pet.  Don't close your eyes.  How will you see
what's coming?"  Willow's eyes flew open again.  Spike chuckled.  He
pulled off the neon green bandaid and ran his fingers across the healing
bite marks.  Willow shuddered under his caress, and Spike caught the
faintest scent of her arousal.  He raised his eyebrow
quizzically.  "Nice to know my touch affects you so much,
pet," Spike murmured.

"Willow," she said shakily.


"M-my name is Willow."

Spike looked thought for a moment.  "Yeah, that's what Harm
said.  I suppose your friends call you Willow."

"Or Will for short."

"Well, pet, I'm not your friend."  Spike grinned
wickedly.  "So I'll just call you whatever I want to.  Although Red seems to suit
you." He turned his back to Willow and began to rummage noisily through a
box of some kind.

"Um, Spike?"

Spike turned around angrily.  "Look, Red.  I'm not interested
in any more small talk."

"I was just going to give you one last chance to let me go,"
Willow said defiantly.  "Before Buffy finds you and stakes you."

Spike laughed.  "And how is Slutty going to find me?  Assuming
she isn't too torn up over that Parker bloke, of course."

"Actually, Oz will find me."

"The wolf?  It'll be hard for him to track you all the way
from LA, won't it?"  Spike turned around in time to watch the
redhead's face fall.  "Did I forget to mention that I saw him while I was up
there? Silly me."

"It doesn't matter.  When he gets back he'll find me.  So
you'd better just let me go now."

"Tell you what I'll do instead.  I'll take some
precautionary steps."  Spike looked the figure on the bed up and down.  With
one swift motion, he bent down and ripped her shirt open.  Willow gasped
and began to struggle again.  Spike closed his eyes and inhaled the
scent of her fear.  "I love that smell!" he said as he felt
himself harden.  "I do enjoy your struggling, pet.  I hope you won't
stop anytime soon."  Spike ripped her shirt again, pulling the
shredded material from her body.

"Spike," Willow pleaded, "please let me go."

"Now, now, pet.  There will be plenty of time for begging
later." Willow bit her lip to fight back tears as Spike ripped her skirt from
her body.  He stood back and examined her trembling form.  Her chest
heaved with panting breaths, her satin encased breasts rising and
falling delightfully.  The dark green material contrasted sharply
with her pale skin.  "Such pretty little underthings, pet.  Did
you wear them just for me?"

"No," she said angrily.

"Well, then I'm afraid they have to go," Spike said,
enjoying the look of dismay that crossed the redhead's face.  A moment later,
Spike held the shredded remains of her bra and panties in his hand.
Willow tugged at the chains as she tried desperately to squeeze her
thighs closed.  Spike gathered up Willow's clothes and strode to
the door.  He cracked it slightly and tossed them out.  "Have someone
dispose of those someplace away from the lair," he barked before
closing the door again.

Without looking at the redhead, Spike returned to the box through
which he'd been searching earlier.  Willow heard him muttering
quietly as she waited anxiously to see what would happen next.
"You know, pet, you're lucky that I'm not as sadistic as my bloody
sire. I do enjoy a nice spot of torture, but I've got other interests
as well."  Willow heard metal clinking as Spike removed several
items from the box.  He moved towards the bed, an unreadable expression on
his face.  Willow gazed up at him fearfully.

Spike was taken in by the beauty of the redhead.  It was the first
time he'd really looked at her.  He brushed a cold hand across
her cheek and traced a line down her neck and between her
breasts.  "Beautiful," he murmured softly.  Then his face
hardened suddenly.  He didn't want to get distracted from his task, no
matter how pretty the chit was.  "You're not struggling anymore,
pet?  How can I change that?"

Spike looked thoughtful for a moment.  Then he smiled and bent his
head to capture one of her pert breasts in his mouth.  Willow gasped
involuntarily and began to squirm.  Spike smiled against her breast
as his talented tongue worked her nipple into a hard nub.  A whimper
slipped past Willow's lips as Spike's mouth left her breast.
The whimper quickly turned to a gasp of pain as Spike clamped a metal
alligator clip around her erect nipple.  Spike grinned as he noticed
tears forming in her emerald eyes.  He repeated the same procedure
with her other nipple as the redhead squirmed and whimpered under his

Willow moaned as Spike flicked at the clips idly.  "I think I
like this look for you, pet."  He stopped and inhaled deeply.  "I
can smell the blood, too.  Must have broken the skin a bit.  Bonus,"
he grinned.  "How does it feel?"

"H-hurts," Willow whimpered.

"I'm sure it does, pet.  Would you prefer my mouth?"


"Here's your first lesson then, pet.  Are you paying
attention?  I can bring you pain, but I can also take it away if I am motivated to
do so.  Do you understand?"  Willow nodded.  Spike removed one of
the clips, licking at the tiny droplets of blood.  He pulled his head
back and was pleased to see that she would be bruised.  He then
removed the other clip and worried her nipple with his cool tongue.

"You're enjoying this, pet."  Spike looked at her
knowingly.  "No need to answer.  I can smell your arousal."  Spike moved down the
bed and placed himself between her legs.  He closed his eyes and leaned
towards her sex, breathing deeply of her scent.  "You want me,
Red," he said softly.  Willow shook her head.  "Oh no?" Spike said.
He slipped a finger into her hot channel and found her dripping.
"Sure feels like you do."

Willow groaned and thrashed against the shackles.  Spike drew his
nails across her inner thigh, raising red welts.  Willow bit back her
cry of pain.  "Don't hold it in, pet.  I'd enjoy your
screaming." Spike retraced the welts with his nails, drawing droplets of blood
this time.  Willow wailed.

"That's it, pet.  Let it all out."  Spike licked at the
droplets of blood, his cool tongue soothing the angry marks.  He felt her begin
to relax underneath him, then stiffen as his tongue neared her sex.
Spike smiled as the scent of her arousal washed over him again.  He
blew a cool breath across her hot core, hearing her moan softly.  He
licked her slit slowly, savoring her unique taste.
"Delicious." Willow blushed furiously.  "Tell me, Red, has your wolf ever told
you that you taste bloody marvelous?"  Willow blushed deeper.  Spike
raised a questioning eyebrow.  "He's never tasted you, has
he?" Spike laughed.  "You're not a virgin, though.  Why hasn't
he ever tasted you?"

"I, I didn't want to," Willow whispered softly.

"Oh, pet!  You don't know what you're missing.  Or maybe
it's him that doesn't know what he's missing.  Doesn't matter.  He
couldn't give you the kind of pleasure I can.  I'll bet you've never
been this hot for him, have you?"  Willow remained silent.  Spike leaned
his head down and began to lick and suck at her slit, coaxing her juices
from her core.  He flicked at her clit with his tongue, eliciting a
groan from her.

The redhead's hips bucked underneath him and he placed his hands
on her hips to hold her in place.  Willow thrashed against him
wildly.  "Oh, oh Goddess," she gasped.

Spike grinned and nipped at her clit with blunt teeth.  He could
sense that she was getting close.  Just as he felt her about to reach
her release, Spike pulled away.  He licked his lips, savoring her
taste.  Willow growled, her body shaking with unreleased tension.

"Do you want more, pet?" Spike asked.

Willow stared at him with lust glazed eyes.  She nodded.

"What's that, pet?  I didn't hear you.  Do you want

"Y-yes," Willow said, her voice ragged.

"Convince me that you really want it."  Spike licked his
finger clean of her juices.

"Please, Spike."

"Please what, pet?"

Willow looked confused.  Spike was sure she'd never had to say
the words he was waiting for.  "I'm getting tired of waiting,
pet," he lied.

"Please make me cum, Spike," Willow whispered.

"Again, pet.  And this time say it like you mean it."

"Please, Spike.  Please make me cum."

"No."  Willow's face crumbled at his response.  "It
seems to me, pet, that I've already given you more pleasure than I've gotten in
return.  Of course, I enjoy hearing you beg, but it's not the
same. So if you want to cum, I suggest that you make me an offer."
Spike could hear the redhead's heart begin to race.

"I've never done anything but sex," she said softly.

"Don't worry, pet.  I'll teach you everything you need to
know," Spike said smoothly.  Willow stared at him in fascination as he began
to strip.  Spike cast her a knowing glance as her eyes widened at the
sight of his large cock.  Willow bit her lip, and Spike felt himself
harden even more at the sight.

He moved to the bed and straddled her face.  She stared up at him
fearfully.  Spike grabbed his cock and brushed it across her lips.
Willow's tongue flicked out experimentally, licking off a drop of
precum.  Spike groaned and pressed his engorged cock against her lips,
nudging them open.  He grunted as he felt himself surrounded in her
warmth.  He cradled her head with one hand and began to thrust into
her mouth, drawing back slightly when she gagged.  Spike smiled when
the redhead began to suck him in earnest.  The smell of her arousal
made him chuckle.  He could hardly believe the slayer's little
friend was getting off on this.  Willow moaned around his cock, the
sensation causing Spike to grunt in pleasure.  He sped up his
thrusts, emptying into her with a roar.  Willow swallowed as much as
she could and gasped for air as Spike slowly withdrew from her.  He
captured her mouth in a fierce kiss, tasting himself in her hot
mouth.  "You're quite a natural at that, luv," he
grinned.  "And you did seem to enjoy it so."

Willow blushed again.  "I think you've earned yourself a
reward, pet.  Would you like that?"

"Yes," she breathed.  "Oh, Goddess, please."

Spike slid between her legs and slipped a finger into her hot
channel.  Spike drew her clit into his mouth and sucked and nipped as
he added another finger.  He continued to thrust in and out of her
tight warmth as she writhed beneath him, moaning and gasping.  Spike
lifted his head to stare at her sweat-covered body.

"What's my name, pet?" he demanded as he thrust his
fingers into her forcefully.

"Sp-Spike," she moaned.

"Again, pet," he commanded as his thumb slid between her
slick ass cheeks and brushed across her tight hole.

"Unhh, Spike!" she screamed.


"Spike," Willow moaned loudly.  She began to repeat his name
 over and  over, her whole being focused on the incredible pleasure she was
 feeling.  Spike sucked on her clit hard as Willow exploded into
 orgasm.  Quickly, Spike pulled himself on top of her and slammed his
 full length into her.  Willow screamed in a combination of pain and
 pleasure as Spike began to pound into her sex.  The walls of her
 channel clamped down on him as Spike drew out her orgasm.  Her mouth
 babbled his name as her eyelids fluttered.  Spike thrust into her
 completely and bit her breast as he emptied his cold seed inside her.

Willow trembled violently underneath him as Spike lapped at the bite
marks.  He lifted himself off of her and staggered towards a chair.
He dropped into it and reached for his cigarettes with shaky hands.
Spike couldn't believe how incredible the little witch was.  As
he inhaled a lungful of smoke to calm down, Spike glanced at the redhead
who lay quivering on the bed still mumbling his name.  Spike
grinned.  He suddenly remembered Harmony's request to have the
girl killed and chuckled softly.  He wasn't going to kill his little
Red. In fact, Spike intended to keep her around for quite some time.

Spike heard the redhead's heartbeat begin to slow and slip into
the rhythmic beat that indicated she was asleep.  She shivered slightly,
and Spike moved to the bed.  He unchained her feet and one of her
hands and moved her underneath the covers.  He stubbed out his
cigarette and crawled into bed beside her, smiling as she
instinctively snuggled up to him.  Spike wrapped one arm around her
and drifted into sleep himself.


~Part 2~

Spike was awake the moment Willow moved away from him, her gasp of
surprise seeming loud in the small room.  He remained motionless,
wondering what she would do.  Spike felt the bed shift as she tried
to get up, only to be stopped by the one wrist he had left
chained.  "Going somewhere, pet?" Spike asked without opening

"I have to go to the bathroom," Willow whispered.

Spike opened his eyes to see the redhead squirming uncomfortably.  He
chuckled at her obvious discomfort.  "If I unchain you, you have
to promise not to try and escape.  Not that you'd make it anyway,
but I can't be bothered to chase after you at the moment."

Willow mumbled a response.  "What was that, pet?"

"I said I promise, Spike.  Now please let me go."

Spike unlocked the chains and pointed towards a doorway.  Willow
bolted through it as soon as she was free.  When she returned to the
room, she tried desperately to cover her nakedness.

Spike laughed.  "I've seen it all already, pet.  You
weren't this shy last night."  Willow blushed.  "Come sit down."  Spike
slid out of the bed and pulled on his jeans as Willow scampered to the bed and dove
under the covers.

Willow looked at Spike expectantly.  "Will you let me go now,

"No chance of that, pet.  You're much more fun than I thought
you'd be, and I'm not ready to give you up.  But I am wondering just
what to do with you."  Willow didn't say anything.  "See, pet,
you're pretty outstanding in the sack.  But I'm not necessarily in the
market for just another shag at the moment.  What else can you offer
a bloke like me?"

"Offer you?"

"What else are you good at, pet?"

Willow considered his question carefully.  "Well, I'm really
good with computers.  And I can do some spells.  I'm still learning,
of course, but I'm getting better.  And I guess I'm pretty

"Smart is good."  Spike lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply.
"Most of the bloody minions around here are completely stupid.  And, of
course, there's Harm who hasn't got any brains in her whole
bloody body."  Spike looked at her thoughtfully.  "How about
obedient?  Are you obedient?"

Willow wasn't sure how to answer that question.  "Obedient
like what?  Like being able to follow orders?"  Spike nodded.  "I
guess I can be," she said finally.

"That's a start.  You'll learn.  Now, here are the rules,
pet.  You obey everything I say around other vamps.  You submit to me
completely.  But keep your eyes and ears open.  I doubt the minions
are smart enough to plot against me, but I want to know if you find
out anything.  When you're just around me, you can be a bit more
yourself.  I like your fire.  But I still expect you to do as
you're told.  Of course, if you screw up, I get to punish you.  Either way
it's a win-win situation for me."

"What do I get in return for abiding by your little rules?"
Willow asked.

Spike was surprised to see her taking this so well.  Of course, she
was smart enough to realize that she wasn't exactly in the
position to make demands.  Still, he'd expected crying and begging.
<Maybe the chit is tougher than I thought.>  "My protection.  That and
your life."

"Gee, thanks," Willow muttered.

Spike was across the room in an instant, pinning her beneath him on
the bed.  "If you don't value your life," he left the
threat dangling.

"I'm sorry," Willow whimpered, frightened by his sudden

Spike inhaled deeply.  "I like the smell of your fear, pet,"
he murmured, ripping back the covers.  "I do hope you never stop
being afraid of me."

Willow blushed as Spike raked his eyes over her lustily.  "Is
this going to be part of the deal too?" she asked, her voice shaking
with a combination of fear and anger.

"When I want it to be, yes."  Spike pinned her arms over her
head with one hand as the other began to stroke her flat stomach.  "I
can make it very pleasurable for you if I want to."  Spike smiled as
he heard the witch's heart begin to race.  "Or I can make it
very painful for you.  I like it both ways, so it doesn't matter to
me. What do you want, pet?  Pleasure?" he cupped her breast gently.
"Or pain?" he pinched her nipple harshly and Willow gasped.

"Both," she whispered, then blushed when she realized
she'd said it aloud.

Spike chuckled softly.  "You and I are going to get along just
fine," he said as he captured her mouth with his. Willow moaned.

Just then, a knock at the door interrupted them.  "Bloody
hell," Spike grumbled.  "You stay right there, pet."  Willow nodded,
remaining still as Spike cracked the door.  "What?" he barked.

"Baby, are you having sex with Willow?  She's just a little
geek, and I'm you're girlfriend," Harmony whined.  "Besides,
aren't you just going to kill her anyway?"

"Fuck off, Harm.  She's my new pet, and I'm not going to
bloody kill her.  And what or who I do is no longer any of your bloody
business."  Spike slammed the door and walked back to the
bed.  "Bloody stupid bint," he muttered.

"What exactly is a pet?" Willow asked angrily.

Spike grinned.  "Haven't you ever had a puppy, Red?"

Willow smiled back.  "I had Angel as a puppy, if that counts."

Spike looked at her in surprise.  "You'll have to explain
that one, pet.  As for what it means," Spike shrugged.  "You belong to
me now. You're mine."

"I'm not a piece of property!" Willow said indignantly.

"Didn't say you were, Red.  But you are my pet whether you
like it or not."

"I'm getting out of here," Willow said as she started to

Spike grabbed her and flung her back onto the bed.  "I don't
think so, pet.  You're not going anywhere until I say so."  He
straddled her waist and pinned her arms once more.  "I will chain you back
up if you insist on trying to escape."

Willow pouted.  "You can't keep me here forever, Spike.
Buffy is going to figure out that I'm missing, and she'll come looking
for me."

"Then you'll call her and explain how you've taken ill
and won't be around for a few days."

"What to keep me from telling her the truth when I see her

Spike laughed.  He got up from the bed and pulled a tape recorder out
from under the bed.  He withdrew a tape and twirled it in his
fingers.  "I'd bet the slayer's never heard you in the
throes of passion before, but I still think she'd be able to recognize your
voice as you beg me to make you cum."

"You're a bastard," Willow spat.

"Demon, luv.  There's a difference.  Although, come to think
of it, I was a bastard too."  Spike laughed.  "Come on, Red.
Don't be so bloody miserable.  You didn't seem so eager to get rid of me last
night."  Willow blushed but continued to glare.  "Look, pet,
if you don't change your attitude I will change it for you."

Willow's shoulders slumped in defeat.  "Fine," she

"Cheer up, pet.  There are certain perks to being a master
vampire's pet."

"Such as?"

"Well, you've already enjoyed some of them.  But there's
also this."

Spike waved a gold card he'd gotten off one of his meals.
"How would you like to go shopping with me?"

Willow smirked at him.  "Does that mean I can get some clothes to
replace the ones you threw away?"

"Only if I get to pick them out, pet," Spike chuckled.  He
grabbed the bag of food and tossed it to her.  "Here, eat something.  I
can hear your stomach growling and it's bloody annoying."

Willow tore open a bag of chips and began to devour them
hungrily.  "Do you have anything to drink?" she asked.  Spike
raised his eyebrow.  "Besides blood," she clarified.

"I doubt it, pet.  But if you're good I'll have someone
run out and fetch something for you once it's dark."  Willow nodded.

"I'd like to take a shower, if that's okay."  Spike
smiled to himself.  <She's already learning the rules.>

"Sure, pet.  We can shower as soon as you're done
eating."  Willow blushed at the obvious suggestion, but didn't protest.  Spike
smiled more widely.  <She's definitely learning.>


~Part 3~

The remainder of the weekend passed quickly.  Spike found that Willow
was an eager learner, and she seemed to bend to his will naturally.
Of course, the harder lessons would come later, but she was shaping
up to be a good pet.  In addition, she was smart, smarter than Spike had
originally thought.  He found himself enjoying her conversation,
particularly since she often seemed to forget that she was talking to
a vampire who was holding her prisoner.

As Sunday night rolled around, Willow sat on the bed and sighed.
Spike had sent someone out for some clothes for her, so at least she
hadn't had to sit around naked all the time.  "Spike, I really should
go back to the dorms.  Buffy is probably worried about me, and I have
classes tomorrow."

"You called Slutty already.  Why would she be worried?"

"She knows I'd have to be really sick to miss classes.  So if I'm not
there, she'll try to check up on me.  And she won't find me at my
parents house like she thinks she would."

Spike scowled.  He wasn't sure if he was ready to let the redhead go
yet.  After all, he wasn't finished with her training yet.

"Please, Spike," Willow said softly.

"You'll meet me after sunset tomorrow where I caught you on Friday."
It was a command.

Willow nodded.  "Yes, Spike."

"You can go then.  But from now on you wear this."  Spike produced a
silver choker chain with a small padlock on the front.

"What is it?" Willow asked.

"Your collar, pet.  It shows that you belong to me."  Willow wrinkled
her nose in disgust.  "Attitude, pet," Spike warned.  Willow frowned
slightly, but allowed him to place the choker around her neck.

"Go on back to the dorms then, pet.  I'll see you tomorrow.  And
don't be late."

Willow nodded as she pulled on her shoes and ran out of the lair.


"Hey Wills!" Buffy called as the redhead walked into the room.  "I
had a great time at the Bronze this weekend.  You should have been

Buffy glanced at the clock.  "Oh, I've got to run.  Met someone
new," she said with a smile.

"Okay, well, I guess I'll see you later," Willow called as her friend
left.  She sat down on her bed and glanced at Amy's cage.  "Well, at
least she didn't interrogate me about my weekend," Willow muttered.
"But it would have been nice if she'd at least asked if I was okay.
I mean I was supposedly sick all weekend."  Willow sighed.  She settled
in to check her email and get ready for the next day's classes.  It
was well after dark when she finally decided to go to sleep, and
Buffy still wasn't back yet.  "Oh well," Willow thought.  "At least she's
not still moping around about Parker anymore."

Buffy was asleep when Willow left for classes that day.  She finally
met up with the blonde in psych.  "Hey, Will," Buffy called.  "Do you
think Riley is cute?" she asked.

"I guess so," Willow replied.  <She sure is moving on in a hurry.>

"I want to keep my options open in case this thing with Bryan doesn't
work out, you know," Buffy said.  "Oh, by the way, Giles and I are
going to try and figure out where Spike's lair is tonight.  If he
hasn't gone all chicken and run out of town again.  Do you want to
help research?"

Willow found herself biting the inside of her cheek to keep from
telling Buffy just how not out of town Spike was.  <Oh, no, she's
going to try and find his lair.>  "Um, Buffy, I'm going to be kind of
busy this afternoon.  In fact, uh, I might be busy a lot this
semester.  With classes and stuff, you know?"

Buffy shrugged.  "Whatever, Will.  Just try to be available when we
need you for research, okay?  After all, I'm busy patrolling."

<Or finding a new bed to hop into.  Oh, bad Willow.  Buffy is your
friend.>  But Willow couldn't contain the frown that crept over her
face at her friend's comments.  Then another thought occurred to her.
<Buffy's going to try and find the lair.  Which has the tape in it.
Got to get Spike to move.>


Spike laid on the bed smoking a cigarette and breathing in the scent
of his new pet.  He hardened to think about the games he would play
with her.  Although he had started her off easily, she seemed to
accept and enjoy the pain as much as the pleasure.  He decided that
it was time to move things forward a bit.  A tingle went through his
body, indicating that it was almost sunset.  <Time to meet my witch.>


Spike was furious.  It was almost an hour past sunset.  He'd killed a
couple of stray coeds to ease his frustration, but it hadn't helped.
<I'll beat the chit senseless for disobeying me.  Where the bloody
hell is she?>  For a moment, Spike worried that he'd misjudged the
redhead and that she had told the slayer anyway.  He turned around to
see Willow racing towards him.  "You're late," he said icily as he
balled one hand up into a fist.

"I know, Spike, and I'm sorry.  But we have a problem."  Willow
didn't notice Spike's fist uncurling as she continued breathlessly.
"Buffy and Giles are trying to find your lair.  So I was thinking, you've
got to move.  Then I thought, a house would be much nicer than an
underground lair.  So I got online and found a great mansion that's
on the opposite side of campus, and it's available for immediate
occupancy.  Then I called a realtor, and she said she could meet us
there in," Willow glanced at her watch, "forty minutes.  I figured
you can go ahead and move in, then we could set up a mortgage and stuff
later.  But for now it's just important that you get out of the lair."

Spike laughed at the redhead's enthusiasm.  "How about I just kill
the realtor and take the keys?" he offered.

"No!  That would be way too suspicious.  I figure the best way to
keep your location secret is to not draw attention to it.  You know, buy a
house like a regular human."

"I'm not human, pet."

"You know what I mean!"

"There's only one problem with that plan, pet.  I don't have any
money for a house or anything else."

"Nothing?  You don't have any big bank accounts stashed away like
Angel does?"

Spike growled.  "My bloody sire took possession of my accounts after
the slayer brought him back.  I don't even know where the money is

Willow looked thoughtful.  "Probably in his name.  That's easy
enough. Come on."  She grabbed Spike's hand and ran towards the library.

Thirty minutes later, Willow had hacked into Angelus' accounts and
transferred an enormously large sum of money (but not all of it) into
an account for one William Ramsey.  She printed out a mortgage
application and snatched it off the printer as Spike stared at her in
quiet amusement.  "Come on, Spike.  You're about to be a homeowner,"
she grinned.


Spike glanced around the mansion as the gray-haired realtor babbled
about its many features, but he couldn't bring himself to express any
real interest.  To him, it was just a house.  Besides, Spike was far
too intrigued by the redhead's behavior to be concerned about a mere
building.  So far, she had been full of surprises, and Spike had a
feeling that she wasn't finished yet.  He couldn't quite understand
what possessed the witch to take it upon herself to find him a new
lair.  Perhaps it was an interest in saving her own pride, but Spike
suspected that it was more than that.  After all, the box containing
his blackmail could be easily broken into and the tape destroyed.
Maybe it was just part of her nature to help others.  Either way,
Spike was realizing that she would be a much more useful asset to
have around than he'd originally thought.  <And she's an incredible little
spitfire in bed.>

"I'll take it," Spike said curtly, interrupting the realtor's speech.
Willow beamed happily, handing Spike the mortgage paper and a pen.
He signed in an illegible scrawl and handed it over.  "We'd like to
move in right away."

The realtor smiled happily, calculating her commission mentally.
"Well, I'll have to pull some strings, but I could probably arrange
for the house to be available tomorrow."

Spike nodded.  "Do you know a decorator?  Someone discreet." he said,
noting Willow's amused smile.

The realtor looked thoughtful for a moment.  "I know just the person.
I'll get you the number in a second."  Spike watched as the older
woman flipped through her organizer and produced a business card.
"He's very good and very understanding about individual tastes."

Spike and Willow bid goodbye to the realtor and made arrangements to
meet her the next day.  "So, Spike, did you really like it?  I can
get online and set up power and phone and stuff."

"I'm pleased, Red.  You are quite impressive."

"Really?  Thanks, Spike.  Nobody seems to appreciate my hacking
abilities.  Well, sometimes but most of the time they don't.  Of
course, I've never hacked into anyone's accounts before.  Of course,
Angel won't care if he even finds out.  He doesn't want to touch the
money he acquired as Angelus.  Too many bad memories or something."

"Pet, stop talking about my bloody sire," Spike growled as his eyes
flashed yellow.

"Sorry."  Her bright mood was instantly squashed.  She frowned to

"C'mon, pet.  I believe we've got some shopping to do.  If you're
good, I'll even let you pick out some furniture for your room."
Spike began to walk away.

"My room?  Spike, I'm not going to be living with you." Willow said,

Her laughter died as Spike grabbed her roughly by the hair and pulled
her to face him.  "Listen to me, Red.  I am being generous by
offering you your own room in my new home.  I don't expect you to live there
permanently since we wouldn't want Slutty to get suspicious.  But you
will be there whenever I say so.  And if you don't want a room of
your own then I can certainly take that privilege away."

"My own room would be great.  Thank you, Spike," Willow said shakily.

Spike kissed her roughly, enjoying her small whimper when he pulled
away.  "You're still learning, pet.  Now come on.  I promised you
benefits to being a master vampire's pet, and I intend to show you
some of them."


Spike glanced at Willow as she sat wearily on the mall bench.  He had
enjoyed picking out clothes for the redhead.  Since her wardrobe
already contained too many fluffy outfits, he had stuck mostly to
denim and leather.  "Feet hurt," Willow said as she noticed him
staring at her.

"We should get you some better shoes, pet.  Those little sneakers of
yours probably don't offer any real support.  Come on."  Spike
dragged her into a shoe store and selected a pair of heavy boots.

"Spike, I am not wearing combat boots," Willow said, frustration in
her voice.  Spike glared at her warningly, and her defiant stance
softened somewhat.

"We do have something a bit more feminine that still offers the same
basic look and support," a short, dark-haired woman offered.

"That would be great," Willow said, avoiding Spike's eyes.  She moved
away with the saleswoman as Spike contemplated just how much he
should break Willow's spirit.

"Spike, can we go now?  I'm tired of the mall." Willow said as Spike
paid for the boots.

"Sure, pet.  But there is one last store we have to hit after the
mall."  Spike gave no other information, and Willow found herself
shocked to be standing outside of an adult novelty store.

"Spike," she hissed.  "What are we doing here?"

"As a reward for setting up the whole house thing, I'm going to let
you pick your own instrument of punishment."  Willow stared at him
incredulously.  "Pet, I'm not going to be all sweet and lovey like
your wolf.  But I will allow you to determine just what you'd like me
to use to mar that smooth flesh of yours."  Willow shivered at the
feel of his cool breath against her neck.  "After all, I do have to
punish you for being late.  But like I promised, you'll learn to
enjoy it as much as I do."  Willow nodded obediently and allowed herself to
be led into the store.


Spike allowed Willow to return to the dorms that night, but only
after he'd promised her that she would make up for the lost time over the
weekend.  He played with the newly acquired cat-o-nine tails idly,
smiling as he remembered her decision.  The store owner had assured
her that used properly, the instrument could be very sensual or very
painful.  Spike had assured her that he knew how to use it.

He smiled to himself.  He'd speak to the minions later in the
afternoon and get everyone ready to move into the mansion.  And
although Willow would not be moving with them tonight, Spike was
determined that she would soon call his lair her home.
