FIC: TIDOB (10&11/?)
Author: Alrisha
Please see previous parts for disclaimer, etc.  This fic is rated up
to NC-17!!!


"Spike, are you sure you're ready for this?  We're still
not sure
what if any other effects getting struck by lightning might have on
you."  Willow watched as the vampire slipped on his trademark

"I'm sure, pet.  It's time to teach that bloody bastard a
lesson for
hurting you and daring to take over as master.  Are you sure
willing to come with me?" he asked.

Willow nodded.  "We belong together, Spike," she said softly
as she
caressed the healing bite marks on her neck.

"That we do, pet.  Come on, then."  Spike opened the door to
Xander standing outside with a small wooden box in his hands.

"Uh, hi, guys.  Um, I know you're going to take back
Spike's place
tonight.  And, uh, well, I got these for you."  Xander handed the
to Spike.

The vampire took it cautiously and peered inside.  His lips curled
back in a feral grin that made Xander's blood suddenly run
cold.  "It's for the vamp who beat up Willow," Xander
nervously.  "I want him to pay."

"Thanks, mate.  I'll make sure that he does."

Willow shivered slightly at railroad spikes that the vampire tucked
into his deep pockets.  Spike turned and looked at her
intently.  "You're sure about this, pet?  There's no
turning back
once we're there."

Willow straightened her shoulders.  "I'm sure, Spike.
Let's go home."

The blonde vampire smiled.  "We'll call you tomorrow,
mate," he
called over his shoulder to Xander.

Spike burst through the front door to his mansion, dragging Willow
behind him.  "Who's the bastard who touched you, pet?"
Spike asked.

"There," Willow said, pointing a finger at the new master.

"Spike.  Come crawling back with your little whore?"

Spike growled.  "I'll give you one chance to stake yourself,

The vampire laughed.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Spike grinned.
"I've been looking for
a chance to show my pet how I got my nickname."  Spike withdrew a
handful of spikes from his pocket and grinned evilly.  A quick glance
around the room told Spike that he would meet little resistance.  The
minions weren't the smartest of creatures, but they could sense
power in the bleached blonde vampire.

The new master attacked wildly, but Spike dodged his blows easily.
Within moments, Spike had the other vampire pinned to the
floor.  "Now what was it he called me, pet?"

"Pathetic," Willow said softly.

"Ah yes."  Spike selected a railroad spike and drove it deep
into the
vampire's shoulder.  He screamed in response.  "Lucky for me
my pet
has such a good memory."  The beaten vampire snarled.  "Hmm,
not so
lucky for you, though."  Spike twirled another spike in his
before driving it into the other shoulder.  "Speaking of my pet,
shouldn't have touched her.  See, mate, I've always been the
type.  Can't stand others touching what's mine."

Spike glanced at Willow who was staring in a combination of fear and
horror.  Spike grinned at her maniacally before returning his
attention to the bloody vampire who lay on the floor.  He stood and
kicked the vampire viciously in the stomach before driving a spike
deep into his gut.  The vampire groaned softly.  "Buck up there,
mate.  Only a few more hours until I kill you."

Willow watched the whole thing with morbid fascination.  Some part of
her screamed that she should be disgusted or at the very least
scared.  But she wasn't.  Something inside her was oddly
intrigued by
the deliberate dance of torture and bloodshed her lover and master
displayed.  And deep inside, some part of her truly reveled in it.

Spike finally broke the vampire's neck several hours later.  An
eerily silence settled over the house.  Many of the minions had fled
in fear of Spike's rage, leaving only a few stragglers inside.
noted with satisfaction that Greg was still present and nodded
slightly towards the vampire who'd helped him.

Spike sat down in the pile of dust that had been the former master
and brought bloodied hands to his mouth to light a cigarette.  Willow
stared at him intently, mesmerized by the dark blood on his pale
skin.  Spike grinned around his cigarette and reached a sticky hand
towards the redhead.  She accepted it without reservation and allowed
herself to be drawn into a savage kiss.

"I'll give you blokes an hour to clean the place up while my
pet and
I take a shower.  Somebody buy me some new bed linens.  I'm not
sleeping on whatever that bastard used.  And I prefer black
There was a flurry of activity as the minions began to scramble
around the mansion.  Spike grinned and led his witch up the stairs.


Spike was pleased to have his position as master back, but he was
also determined to keep it.  And that meant dealing with the latest
Hellmouth threat that had emerged in the form of the Initiative.
Spike had called a meeting to warn the minions about the military
group and had even gone so far as to send out a warning to the
general demon population.  But Spike had never been the type to hide,
and he knew that just avoiding the Initiative members wouldn't
the problem.  The organization needed to be brought down.

Surprisingly, the watcher had agreed to help.  Giles had swallowed
his pride and contacted the Council, and they had been appalled by
the Initiative's actions.  They didn't share Giles sentiment
the fact that some demons didn't deserve to die, and he certainly
hadn't told them about his current deal with Sunnydale's
vampire.  But the Council had unanimously agreed that what the
Initiative was doing was not only reckless, but dangerous.  They had
declined to offer any direct assistance, but they had given their
blessing for Giles to attempt to destroy the Initiative.  With a
minimum of human losses, of course.

Spike had scoffed at Giles request that as few humans as possible be
hurt.  The vampire wanted nothing more than to drain every last
person involved.  But in exchange for Giles help, Spike agreed to at
least offer the humans the opportunity to flee in safety.

And so the mansion became a strange meeting place of humans and
demons alike, with Spike holding court over them all.  Reports came
in daily of Initiative activity as demons and vampires gathered as
much information about the group as possible.  Weapons, tactics,
strategies, patterns were all examined and analyzed.  And as
information poured in, it became apparent that Spike had been the
only demon known to have escaped from the Initiative's base.
fact earned him further respect and helped cement his position of

Unfortunately, the human presence in his lair had the opposite
effect.  As a result, Spike had taken some additional precautions as
far as Willow was concerned.  She no longer roamed the mansion
freely, instead spending most of her time either in her own room or
Spike's bedroom.  If she did leave those rooms, it was almost
with Spike or some other vampire as an escort.  And on occasions such
as today when Spike held meetings, Willow sat chained to Spike's
chair obediently.

Willow sat on the floor, waiting for Spike to return to the main
hall.  He had gone off to speak to Giles briefly, who was still
uncomfortable with the sight of the redhead in a chain, despite her
assurances that it was only to maintain certain appearances.
Suddenly, Willow heard Harmony's voice and concentrated on the

"So anyway, I can't believe he dumped me for stupid Willow.
course, he was with that psycho Dorkus forever too.  I think he just
has really bad judgment.  Or he's just dumb, I don't know
Harmony rambled haughtily to one of the minions.

Spike returned to the room just in time to see Willow rip her chain
from the chair, breaking one of its arms in the process.  She raced
with almost vampiric speed to Harmony and threw the girl to the
floor.  Willow straddled the girls chest and withdrew the silver
dagger Spike had given her and held it to Harmony's throat.
whimpered pitifully.  "You do not ever speak badly of my
Willow screamed.  "Never question his judgment again!"
pressed the blade into the vampire's throat, drawing blood before
was hauled off by Spike.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" Spike roared.
dropped to the floor instantly when she realized who had grabbed
her.  She knelt with her head bent as she spoke softly.  "I'm
Master.  I heard her saying disrespectful things about you, and I
couldn't control my anger.  Please forgive me."

Spike was amazed.  He pointed at the nearest minion.  "You, is
true?  Was the blond bitch talking about me?"

Harmony whimpered from the floor.  The minion glanced at the female,
blood still oozing from her throat, and nodded.  "She was
your pet as well," the minion offered, hoping to save himself
the master's rage.

Spike jerked Harmony to her feet.  "You never learn to keep your
fucking mouth shut, do you?" he spat.  "If I ever hear of you
disrespectful to me or my pet again, I will cut your tongue out and
feed it to you in little pieces.  Do you understand?"  Harmony
nodded.  "Actually, maybe I'll do it anyway.  Spike turned to
minion who stood closest.  "Or maybe you'd do it for me as a
favor to
your master."  The minion nodded as Spike shoved Harmony towards
him.  "Whatever you and the boys do to her before or after is up
you.  I just expect her to be permanently quiet by the time
done."  The minion grabbed one of Harmony's arms and began to
her away, a lecherous grin on his face.

"As for you, my pet," Spike said softly, lifting Willow's
chin.  "It's nice to know that you are so faithful to your
It will not go unrewarded.  But you did break my chair, so you will
have to be punished for that as well."  Spike shared a small
with the witch to let her know that the punishment would be just as
much a reward as the reward itself.

End Part 10


Spike growled softly at Willow as she drank from him hungrily.  She
pulled her head up to smile at him, his blood on her lips.  "I
you like this, pet," he murmured tasting himself in her mouth.

Willow giggled.  "Who knew drinking bloody could be so

"I did, pet.  If you'd have asked, I'd have told you."

"Mmmm.  Why didn't you initiate a blood bond before?"

"Didn't think you'd go for it.  And I didn't want to
force you."

"You did though."

"I wasn't exactly in my right mind, pet.  Just kind of let
take over there for a while."

"I was scared at the time.  But now I'm glad you did."

"Me too, pet.  You've got a darker side than anyone ever
I'm glad I found it."  Spike smirked at her.

"Do you think part of it is the blood bond?  You know, your
on me?"

"Part of it, yes.  But it only reveals what was already there.
it, pet.  Deep down inside of you, there is evil that screams to be
let out."

"Maybe."  Willow flashed him a wicked smile.  "Speaking
of evil
inside me," she whispered as she slid her warm fingers down to
squeeze Spike's erection.


Spike was getting frustrated.  Of all the information that had been
gathered about the Initiative, the most vital information – that
about the interior of the complex was still missing.  Without a good
idea of the layout of the base, Spike knew that any attack would be
like running into a maze blindfolded.  He knew it had been partially
luck that he had been able to escape.  And he wasn't interested
pushing his luck with an unorganized attack.


Willow sat on the bed chatting happily with a young girl of about
16.  At least, that's how old Kayla thought she was when
she'd been
turned.  She was the childe of Spike's second-in-command, an
from Boston named Jonathon.  "So do you think Spike is ever going
turn you or what?" Kayla asked.

"I don't really know.  He's never mentioned anything
about it to me.
I'm not even sure if he wants to turn me."  Willow looked
down at her
hands and picked at her nail polish.  "To be honest, Kayla, Spike
not want me as anything more than his pet."

Kayla was genuinely shocked.  "Are you kidding me?  Why?"

Willow shrugged.  "I don't know.  Maybe he doesn't want
to spend
eternity with me."

"Red, you're not as smart as I thought you were if you
believe that.
You're already blood bonded.  Maybe he's just waiting for the

"Maybe," Willow replied, but she couldn't control the
doubt that
clouded her voice.

Just then, Jonathon's voice echoed through the mansion.
get down here now!  The Master has called a meeting in the main

Willow made her way downstairs, her mind still buzzing with
innocent question.  <Does Spike want to turn me?  He's never said
anything to me about it before.  Maybe he's not really that
interested in me.>

"WILLOW!" a voice boomed from the main hall.

Willow glanced up with a start.  Lost in her doubts, she had
forgotten Spike's rule about coming directly to him for all
meetings.  She glanced around and realized that she had wandered into
the kitchen where Greg was staring at her quizzically.  She noticed
his look and looked down suddenly.  She had forgotten to get dressed
and wore only some underwear and one of Spike's trademark red

"I guess I'd better get in there," she said to no one in

Willow snuck through the throng of bodies towards Spike's chair
positioned herself at his feet.  She laid her head in his lap, not
daring to meet his eyes.  She knew he was mad because he only called
her `Willow' if he was upset.

Spike refused to acknowledge her throughout the meeting, although he
didn't push her away.  Willow listened halfheartedly as Spike
through the business of the day and made various assignments.
Finally, Jonathon announced that there was nothing further.

"There is one last matter," Spike said, as he rested his hand
Willow's head.  She trembled slightly at the sudden touch.
"Red here
belongs to me.  She is my pet, and no one is to touch her or harm her
in any way.  She is also to be considered my right hand.  If she
gives you an order, I expect it to be obeyed as if it came directly
from me since it probably did.  Is that understood?"  The room
murmured its consent.  "Good.  Now I want everyone out."

Spike remained motionless until the room was empty.  Willow continued
to sit with her head in his lap, his hand holding her firmly in place
as the room cleared.

"What are you wearing, pet?" Spike asked icily as he ran his
through her hair.

"I don't know.  I was thinking and just came downstairs
without even
realizing what I had on."

"What were you doing in the kitchen?"

"Just wandered in there out of habit.  I think I was going to get

"You know I've given you explicit orders to come straight to
me when
I have a meeting.  Why were you wandering around here like that?
Every bloke here was staring at you.  Why didn't you cover

"I'm sorry, Spike," she whispered.  "I won't let
it happen again."

"You're damn right you won't.  Now get up and follow me

Willow stood slowly and followed her master, her eyes never leaving
the floor.  Once they reached his bedroom, Spike locked the door
behind him.  "Strip," he ordered.  Willow complied quickly.
motioned Willow towards the bed.  She sat and he shook his head.
all fours, pet," he said sharply.  Willow swallowed nervously.
had been a long time since she'd really been punished, but she
sure she was in for it now.  Spike was clearly angry.

"Why were you really wearing that, Red?" he asked, tracing a
from the back of her neck, down her spine to her ass.

"It was an accident, Spike," Willow sighed.  "I was
thinking about
something and just kind of forgot everything else."

"What were you thinking about that could cause such a
Spike asked coldly.  When Willow didn't answer immediately, he
smacked her across the ass, leaving a red handprint.  "Answer me,

"I'm sorry, Spike.  I, I was talking to Kayla and she asked
if you
were ever going to turn me and I said I didn't know and then I
thinking that you've never mentioned it and I didn't know if
you even
wanted me that way," Willow babbled.

"Stay there."  Spike walked to the doorway and bellowed for
Jonathon.  "Your childe is putting ideas into my pet's head,
and I
don't appreciate it.  I trust you will see to her discipline
yourself."  Jonathon nodded soberly.

"Spike, it's really not her…"

"That's twice you've overstepped your bounds tonight,
Red," Spike
bellowed.  "You will regret it if you say another word without
permission."  Spike slammed the door in Jonathon's face and
to the bed.  "Now why would you be worried about whether or not
going to turn you?" Spike asked seriously.

"I didn't know if you still wanted me, Spike," Willow
softly.  "I just wanted some way to be sure."

"What the hell do you think we're doing every night if you
think I want you anymore?  Do you honestly think I'd keep you in
bed if I didn't want you there?"  Spike slapped her hard
across the
ass, his anger bubbling up.  "We've both been through hell
because of
the other and you don't think I'd want to keep you around.
What the
hell were you thinking?"  Spike slapped her again.

"I'm sorry, Spike," Willow whimpered.  He hadn't hit
her just to
cause her pain in a long time, and her ass stung from his hard
blows.  "I just don't know what to think."

Spike's anger softened somewhat at the sound of her shaky voice.
sighed and lay on the bed, pulling her down to him.  "Red,"
he said
seriously, "If you have doubts or concerns about this
then you come to me.  Have I ever lied to you about what I expected
from you?"  Willow shook her head silently.  "I won't
have you second-
guessing my intentions, and I won't have you letting your
run away with you.  I want you, Red."

Spike stroked her hair softly.  "You know, it scared the hell out
me when I found you out in the woods that night.  I thought I'd
you.  And I don't intend to ever feel that way again.  But you
to trust me to know what I'm doing.  I have every intention of
turning you, but right now I'm trying to figure out a way to pay
the bloody Initiative for what they're doing."

Willow shook her head and sniffed back her tears.  "I'm
Spike.  I should have trusted you.  It's just…"

"What is it, luv?  Just tell me."

"I've fallen in love with you, Spike.  I know I'm just
your pet and
that you don't feel the same way about me, but I love you.  And
scares me."

"Why does loving me scare you?"

"Because I'm afraid you won't love me back."  Willow
lifted her head
and looked at him with sad green eyes.

"Well, maybe you should let me make up my own mind instead of
me how I feel about you.  Because the fact is that I care about you,
Red.  Did you miss the part where I was telling you that before?"

"But caring isn't the same thing."

"I know it's not, pet.  But for now you just have to accept
that I
care about you more than I bloody well should as a demon."

Willow nodded.  "I'm sorry for my behavior, Spike.  Let me
make it up
to you?" she asked eagerly.

Spike groaned.  He'd be a fool to turn down an offer like that.
nodded slowly and allowed the redhead to undress him.  He closed his
eyes as Willow's warm mouth encircled his erection, expertly
and sucking him as she massaged his balls with one hand.

"I'm not ready to turn you just yet, Red," Spike mumbled.
"Right now
I'm enjoying your warmth too much for that."

Willow smiled as she scooted up his body to kiss him hungrily.  She
lowered herself onto his hard shaft, moaning into his mouth as she
felt herself stretched by him.  Willow rode him slowly, cupping her
hands around his as he massaged her breasts tenderly.

"I want you, Red," Spike whispered as he caught the
eyes.  "Forever."

"Forever, Spike," Willow murmured as she lowered her neck to
hungry mouth.  She trembled with release as he sank his fangs into
her warm flesh and felt his answering shudder beneath her.
