Title: TIDOB (12&13/17)
Author: Alrisha  [alrisha_3@yahoo.com]

Please see previous parts for disclaimer, etc.  This fic is rated up
to NC-17 in parts!!!!


Cordelia collapsed to the floor, clutching her head.  Wesley was at
her side instantly.  "What did you see, Cordelia?" he asked
cradling the brunette in his arms.  Angel hurried from the kitchen
with aspirin and a glass of water.

"Spike, Willow, pain." Cordelia mumbled.  "Sunnydale, go
now."  Angel
took one last glance at the pair before running to his car and
beginning the trip to Sunnydale.  He was grateful it was late enough
in the day that it would be night by the time he arrived.


Angel pounded on the door to Giles apartment frantically.  Giles
opened the door and stepped back in surprise.  "Angel, what is
the Englishman asked.

"Where's Willow?" Angel asked hurriedly.  "Cordelia
had a vision."

"Why is everyone so concerned about Willow lately?" Buffy
whined.  "I'm the chosen one.  She's not anything.
Except a bitch.
Coming here was waste of time, Giles.  I'm so gone."

Angel stared at his ex-girlfriend in horror.  He couldn't believe
had actually said something like that about her friend.

Giles stepped out the door and pulled it closed behind him.  "I
sorry, Angel.  Buffy and Willow have had something of a falling out
lately.  I don't know where Willow is at the moment, but Xander
probably know."

Angel nodded and left as Giles shook his head over his slayer's
behavior and walked back inside.

"What do you want, Deadboy?" Xander asked suspiciously.

"I need to find Willow.  Cordelia had a vision.  Willow is in
danger."  Xander's face paled.  He remembered Willow's
recent trip to
the hospital.

"I know where she is.  You drive.  I'll give you

The two drove in relative silence.  "What happened between Buffy
Willow?" Angel asked.

"It's a long story.  Tell you later.  Right now I want to
make sure
that Willow is okay.  What kind of danger do you think she's in?
this is the house."

Angel got out of the car and ran towards the house.  "I think
may be after her," he called over his shoulder.

Xander stood stunned for a moment until Angel broke down the door and
ran inside.  "Yeah, you could say that," he said shaking his
head and
following the vampire inside.

Angel was surprised to find himself in what was clearly a vampire
lair.  He didn't have time to think about it before a scream
through the house.  Angel ran towards the stairs and the source of
the sound.

Xander ran to catch up to Angel, but he didn't reach the vampire
before Angel had kicked down another door.  "Shit," Xander

Angel stood in shock and horror at the scene in front of him.  A
redheaded woman stood with her hands chained above her head.  Tiny
droplets of blood oozed from several welts on her back.  Spike stood
next to her with a cat-o-nine tails in his hand.  His blood stained
mouth was wide open in surprise at the sudden intrusion.  Willow
twisted her head to see what was happening and saw Angel in full game
face.  "Fuck," she and Spike said in unison.

"You bastard," Angel roared, launching himself at his childe.

"Angel, no, stop it!  Angel, stop!" Willow screamed.  Xander
ran into
the room and tried to separate the two vampires, but he was thrown
aside by Angel.

"I should stake your sorry ass right here," Angel growled.

"No!" Willow screamed.  "Angel, I will kill you myself if
you hurt
him!"  She thrashed against the chains desperately.  Angel
towards her and stared in amazement at the silver nipple rings and
the pet collar she wore.  The momentary distraction gave Spike the
opportunity to throw the older vampire off him.

Angel moved to attack again, but Xander stood over him with a
stake.  "It's not what you think, Angel," the dark-haired
youth said

Spike moved to where Willow stood and released the clasps holding her
in place.  Willow collapsed into him clutching at him
frantically.  "Spike, are you okay?"

"Shhh, I'm all right, pet.  It's okay."  Spike
cradled the redhead in
his arms.  "I'm fine, luv."  Spike kissed her softly and
began to
move her towards the bed.

"For a second there I thought I was going to lose you,"
Willow said

"I'm not going anywhere, pet.  We've had too much of that
Spike turned to face the minions now assembled outside the
doorway.  "We're fine.  Call somebody to fix the bloody
door," he

"What is going on here?" Angel asked softly.

"Xander, take Peaches into Willow's room.  We'll be there
in a

"Sure, Spike," Xander said.  "Come on, Angel," he
said, offering his

Angel stood and followed the youth, still utterly confused by what
was happening.

Angel found himself in a small library.  Xander sat in one of the
chairs and motioned Angel to do the same.

"Willow's room?" Angel asked.

"Yep," Xander replied.

"There's no bed."


"Are you going to explain what's going on?"


Angel sighed.

Spike held Willow gently until her shaking subsided.  It wasn't
surprising that she reacted so strongly considering everything that
had happened lately.  But Spike knew his sire wasn't going to
long for an explanation.  "Are you okay, pet?" he asked

"Yeah.  Sorry.  It's just been a rough couple of weeks."
straightened her shoulders and sat upright.

"That it has, pet."  Spike turned her back to him and
licked up the remaining droplets of blood.  He groaned softly at the
taste of her but pushed aside the desire to start back where
been interrupted.  "We'd better go explain to the great pouf
and find
out why he's here."

"Maybe he was out of his Nancyboy hair gel and wanted to borrow
of yours," Willow giggled.

"Just because I dye my hair doesn't make me a Nancyboy, pet.
do well to remember that," Spike said threateningly.

"Yes, Master," Willow breathed.

"Bloody hell, pet.  Get dressed before I decide to shag you right
here and let Xander and the pouf listen."

Willow giggled and threw on a t-shirt and some jeans.  Spike just
threw on jeans and grabbed his cigarettes.

"What the hell are you doing in Sunnydale, Peaches?" Spike
asked the
dark-haired vampire as he sank into a chair.

"Uh, Cordelia had a vision.  All she told me was both of you were
it, and that there was pain."

"Was there pain, pet?" Spike asked the redhead, who was
sitting at
his feet.

"Just enough, Spike," the redhead answered softly.

"Willow, what is going on here?" Angel asked.  He wondered
why the
redhead was acting so strangely.  Then he remembered the choker
around her neck.  "Willow, why are you wearing that?"

Willow looked up at Spike expectantly.  The blonde vampire smiled
warmly at her.  Even in all the excitement, she hadn't forgotten
rules of behavior.  And even though she knew that Angel was
sire and therefore higher authority, she still looked to Spike for

"It's all right, Red.  It's just Peaches, after all.
Come sit down."

Willow allowed herself to be pulled into Spike's lap as Angel
in disbelief.  "As old as you are, Angel, I'm sure you've
seen a
pet's collar before.  "As for what was going on, Spike was
going to
whip me until I begged him to stop then shag me till I passed

Angel came completely unglued.  He tried to ask a question, but his
mouth refused to produce any kind of coherent sound.

"Will, that's just mean.  You at least let me know
gently." Xander

"That's because you're bloody heart would have stopped if
she'd said
that to you then," Spike chuckled.  "Since Peaches heart is
stopped, it doesn't matter so much."

"What?" Angel finally managed to sputter.

"Look, Peaches, it's like this.  About, oh, four months ago I
kidnapped Red here.  I shagged her like hell and made her an offer to
be my pet.  She accepted, and we've been together ever since."

"Well, except for the whole Initiative thing," Willow said.

"And Wills in the hospital and you in jail," Xander added.

"And you getting struck by lightning.  Well, we were technically
together then, but you didn't know it."

"Right.  So, anything else you wanted to know?"

Angel was sure he had gone completely and utterly crazy.  He closed
his eyes for a moment and silently prayed for it all to have been a
dream.  He opened his eyes and groaned when he still saw Xander,
Willow, and Spike in the same positions.

"I think he's going to need some time to adjust," Willow
said.  "Can
he stay here?"

Spike face hardened.  "No."

"He's not staying with me.  Anya would kill me."

"Please, Master," Willow whispered silkily.  She trailed one
across Spike's bare chest.  Xander looked away, shaking his head.

Angel couldn't seem to stop staring.

"I'm starting to be convinced," Spike said softly.  He
stared at the
redhead intently, making sure she understood that there was still
more convincing that would need to be done.  She smiled in
response.  "Peaches, if you're going to be a guest in my
home, I'd
appreciate it if you wouldn't break any more doors.  And try not
piss me off."

Angel nodded, still in shock.  "I'll have someone show you to
room," Spike said, pushing Willow off his lap.  Spike disappeared
into the hallway for a moment and returned with a minion in tow.  The
minion stood just beyond the doorway and waited for Angel.

"We need to talk," Angel said in a domineering voice, having
regained his composure.

"Later.  But right now, I'm going to finish what I started
Spike glanced at Willow.

"Uh, Angel," Xander said as they followed the minion down the
hallway.  "I hope you brought ear plugs or something."  With
comment, Xander smiled and left.

"Now where were we, pet?" Spike asked softly as he watched
strip and stand underneath the shackles.

"I don't remember, Spike," Willow said teasingly.
"I'm afraid I lost

"Did you?  Perhaps I'll have to start over."

"Yes, Master," Willow breathed.  She screamed as the
cat-o-nine tails
connected with her back.  She found that it didn't really hurt as
much as her screams would suggest, but she also knew that a few
bloodcurdling screams went a long way towards Spike's enjoyment.
Besides, Willow enjoyed letting it all out in their little sessions
anyway.  She screamed again as she felt the instrument raise new
welts on her tender flesh.

Spike smiled as he watched the blood ooze up from the welts on her
back.  He suspected that she wasn't in as much pain as she let
but Spike wasn't about to tell her to stop screaming.  Especially
that Peaches was around.  <Let the pouf have a taste of how it feels
to sit alone when someone else is having all the fun.>  Spike leaned
down to clean up the blood from Willow's warm flesh.  He groaned
the taste of her.  No many how many times he drank from her, it was
always a glorious experience.  He'd never tasted anyone so sweet
delicious.  The redhead's blood was pure ambrosia.

Spike smiled as Willow moaned under his tongue's attentions.  He
decided to skip the rest of the beating and move on to other
diversions.  He stripped off his jeans and moved to stand behind the
redhead, his erection pressing firmly against her sore ass.  He
reached around and cupped her breasts in his hands, pinching and
teasing her nipples.  Willow groaned and ground her ass backwards
against him.

"You know Peaches will be able to hear everything we do,"
whispered softly in her ear.

"Don't care," Willow said breathlessly.

Spike chuckled.  He moved in front of her and captured her mouth in a
fierce kiss.  Without releasing her lips, Spike unclasped the
shackles.  Willow's hands fell to his shoulders and gripped them
tightly.  Spike dropped to his knees and buried his face in her
slit.  He nipped at her clit, causing her to gasp and groan.  He
lapped at her dripping core before inserting first one, then two
fingers into her tight warmth.  Willow's moans became louder as
gripped his shoulders desperately for support.

"Oh, Goddess.  Spike, oh, that feels so good."

Spike thrust his fingers into her slowly, teasing her.  His free hand
gripped her ass, holding her to him as her legs began to give way.
He slid a finger between her ass cheeks and began to massage her
puckered hole.  Spike felt her knees tremble as her whole body swayed.

"Don't fall down on me, pet," Spike commanded.

Willow nodded, desperately trying to keep herself upright as Spike
drove her slowly crazy with lust.

"Do you like this, pet?" Spike asked, drawing his fingers out
of her
channel slowly before easing them back in with deliberate control.

"Yes, Spike.  You're driving me crazy, baby.  Oh, Goddess, I
you, Spike.  Please fuck me.  I need you so bad."

Spike stood and gathered the wobbly redhead in his arms.  He laid her
on the bed and slowly slid between her legs.  He rubbed the head of
his cock across her aching slit, smiling when she arched up to
increase the contact.

"Say it again, pet.  I like to hear you beg me."

Willow smiled.  She knew all about her master's games, and she
more than happy to play along.  "Please fuck me, Spike.  I need
feel you inside me.  Fuck me, Master."

Spike slammed into her as Willow screamed as the sudden intrusion.
Spike didn't give her any time to adjust to him before he began
pump her sex furiously.  Willow writhed beneath him, bucking her hips
to increase the friction on her clit.  "Yes, Spike!" she
screamed.  "Oh, Goddess, yes!"

Spike pounded into her sex.  "Come for me, pet," he growled

"Spiiikke!" Willow screamed as her muscles spasmed around
him.  Spike
bit into her neck and drank.  He thrust into her twice more before he
pulled his head away from her neck to roar his own release.  He
supported himself on one arm as he drew a small cut on his neck.
Willow lapped at the wound contentedly, her soft sighs tickling his
cool flesh.

Spike rolled them both to their sides, pulling Willow's slight
into a firm embrace.  "I love you, Spike," she whispered

"I know, pet," Spike said, brushing a gentle kiss to her
forehead.  "Get some sleep now."

End Part 12


Angel paced angrily as he waited to talk to Spike.  He'd been
to get any sleep at all.  Even after the sounds of Willow's
of pain and pleasure had died away, Angel had heard them echoing
inside his head.  And he was determined to put a stop to it.

"What the hell do you want, Peaches?" Spike growled.  He had
feeling that he knew what his sire wanted to talk about, and Spike
knew he wasn't going to enjoy the discussion.

"What do you think you're doing with Willow?" Angel

"Honestly, mate, there's not much thinking.  Red and I are
too busy doing each other to think," Spike smirked.

Angel responded by throwing the blonde vampire to the floor and
pinning him down.  "Well it stops now."

"Fuck you, Angelus," Spike growled.

"No, fuck you, Spike.  I won't let you corrupt Willow any
more than
you obviously already have.  I am ordering you to put an end to this

"It's none of your bloody business what I do with Red."

"It is because I'm your sire, Spike.  And.
You.Will.End.This."  Angel
punctuated his statement by beating his childe's head against the
floor.  "Now," Angel growled as he dragged Spike to his feet
thrust him towards the door.

Spike stormed back into his bedroom and found Willow asleep on top of
the covers.  He stared at her, mesmerized by her beauty and growled
angrily to himself.  <Leave it to my bloody sire to ruin
everything.>  Spike strode towards the bed and withdrew the tiny key
from his pocket.  As his hands moved to unlock Willow's collar,
eyes blinked open.

"Spike, what happened?" Willow asked, noting his bloodied
face.  She
gasped as he removed her collar and clutched at her throat, feeling
lost without it.

"Go home, Red," Spike muttered and turned away.

"I am home," she retorted angrily.

"Not anymore, pet.  I'm giving up my claim on you."

"Giving it up?  What the hell for?  Are you throwing me out?"

"Just go, pet," Spike said softly.

Suddenly, realization dawned on Willow.  "Angel!" she
angrily and ran out of the room.  Spike followed her.  Willow
barreled into the dark haired vampire in the hallway just outside of
Spike's room.  "You fucking bastard," she spat at him.
"How dare you
interfere in our lives!"

"Willow, Spike isn't good for you.  He doesn't deserve
you.  You
deserve someone better.  And I have every right to interfere in
Spike's life as his sire."

"Who the fuck are you to decide who is or isn't good for me?
I don't
care whether or not Spike `deserves' me because he's
going to have me

"Willow, I have ordered him to stay away from you.  He'll do
as I
tell him."

"Well, I won't.  You may be able to use your right of sire to
around your childe, but you're not the only one with influence.
If I
have to tie his blonde ass up and torture him into submission, I will
keep him in my life.  And you aren't going to stop me."

Angel was furious that this little slip of a girl would dare to
challenge his authority.  "Willow, you may not realize this, but
his sire, I have the right to everything that belongs to Spike.  That
gives me control over not only over my childe, but you as well."

"Not really, Angel.  See, by forcing Spike to give up his claim
me, you just gave up any `right of sire' authority you had
over me.
Maybe if you had thought about that before sticking your bloody nose
in our affairs, you'd have a leg to stand on.  But, no.  You had
come down here with your soulful ideals and tell us how to live our
lives.  We'll I've got news for you, Angel, we were doing
just fine
without you."

Spike smiled at his little witch.  She was everything he could have
ever hoped for and more.  She was smart, strong, gorgeous, and
totally obedient to him.  And right now, she was raking his sire over
the coals in a manner that would have made Darla proud.

"Willow, I don't understand…"

"You're right, Angel, you don't understand!"  Willow
yelled.  "Did
you really expect to show up here and in the course of less than a
day understand everything about the relationship Spike and I have
built over the last several months?  Did you think about how he felt
to find me in the woods bloody and beaten and begging him to let me
go so the pain would stop?  Did you ever for a second consider how it
affected me to hold Spike in my arms, not knowing if he would ever
wake up again?  Did you ever think that maybe I'm here with Spike
because he's forced me to be, but because I want to be?  Did it
occur to you that I just might love the heartless, evil, blood-
sucking bastard?"

"That's enough, pet," Spike ordered softly.  Angel
watched in
amazement as Willow's expression switched instantly from one of
to one of quiet obedience.

"Yes, Spike," she whispered softly.  She walked to the blonde
and allowed him to hold her tenderly in his arms.

Angel stared in shocked silence.  "I-I'm sorry.  I didn't
have any

"Didn't bother to find out either, did you?" Spike

Angel stared at his childe and saw the love reflected in those blue
eyes.  He shook his head in disbelief.  "I was wrong, Spike.
just, I don't know.  It's all so confusing.  Let me stay
here.  Let
me try to understand what you two have together."

"And after that, will you leave us alone?"

"If that's what you want, then yes," Angel replied.

"Spike," Willow murmured.  "Drink me."

Spike smiled evilly at his sire as his pet pleaded with him.  Spike
sank his fangs into her throat, noting his sire's rigid posture
as he
struggled not to interfere.  Spike withdrew his fangs and held the
redhead to his own throat where she suckled greedily until Spike drew
a small cut across his pale skin.

Angel couldn't believe that the two shared a blood bond.
He'd never
have imagined that sweet little Willow would willingly, even eagerly,
exchange blood with a vampire.  He watched as Spike kissed Willow
with bloodied lips, licking the stray drops from her face as she did
the same to him.  He heard the contended sigh as Spike replaced the
collar around the redhead's neck and watched her bury her face in
childe's chest.  Whatever had happened between the two, it was
that nothing could ever separate them now.

Spike couldn't resist one last chance to show Angel just how
the redhead was to him.  "Red, although my bloody meddling sire
deserved everything you said to him, it's not appropriate for a
master's pet to yell at said master's sire.  You need to

Willow looked at him in surprise.  Spike chuckled.  "Not like
he whispered.  "That's only how you apologize to me.  Just
tell him
you're sorry for telling him off even though he deserved it."

Willow sighed heavily.  "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Angel.
if you deserved it for being such a wanker."

"Uh, it's okay, I guess."  Angel was still stunned at the
control Spike seemed to wield over the redhead, especially after her
fiery outburst mere moments before.

As Spike and Willow started to walk back into the bedroom, Angel
stopped them.  "Wait a minute.  If Cordelia's vision
wasn't about
getting Willow away from you, then why would the PTB send me to

Willow and Spike exchanged a thoughtful look.  "Peaches,"
began, "there are some things happening in Sunnydale these days
probably have even the PTB's running scared.  We need to

Willow pouted beside him.  "Later," Spike quickly amended,
the door to the bedroom.
