Above & Beyond

Author: Angel S.

Email: angels_1970@yahoo.com

Rating: PG-13 (cussing, and adult content)

Pairing: S/W, A/Fa (like you didn't know!)

Disclaimer: Trust me, if I owned them, Spike would've never thought he was in love with Buffy. I think it's disgusting and goes against the character completely. In other words: NOT MINE.

Summary: Guess who decides to go to LA to make sure Team Angel doesn't get too jaded by the evilness that is Wolfram & Hart.

Spoilers: Everything Buffy & Angel, even some future Angel guesses.

AN: This is a long one, I think..

Dedication: to Inell for cheering me up and for being my platonic soul mate! :P


~Part: 1~

"This should be loads and loads of fun." The brunette slayer said sarcastically as they continued to drive into the City of Angels.

"Well, the Powers That Be wouldn't have sent us here if we weren't needed." Willow told her friend.

"Fine," Faith replied. "But Angel running Wolfram and Hart is just too unreal. I know this law firm. Evil. With a capital evil."

"I got that feeling, too, hearing Cordy and Angel talk about it over the years." Willow agreed. "Why would they all of a sudden take over the law firm if there was any chance of them getting sucked in?"

"Doesn't make sense, does it, Red?"

"Not at all, Slayer." Willow answered with a smirk.

"Two words." The beautiful brunette said. "Day-yum."

"What?" Willow asked.

"Look at that building, Will!" Faith replied as she pointed to the Wolfram & Hart Los Angeles branch.

"Oh, wow." Willow said. "Okay, I can see where they might be tempted."

"Yeah, I'm gonna second that." Faith agreed.

"Okay, we know where the building is, so let's check into the hotel." The hacker suggested.

"You're the one driving."


One hour later, the two women were getting ready to head over to offices of Wolfram and Hart. Faith knocked on the door to Willow's room.

"You ready?" She asked after the redhead let her in.

"Nope." Willow answered, although she was fully dressed and just sitting there. "We could go to the beach." Faith arched an eyebrow. "Oh! Or, we could, you know, stalk a couple of hottie actors."

"We're going to have get over there sooner or later, Red." Faith said with an understanding smile.

"So, later then?" The redhead asked expectantly.

"Not. Even." The slayer replied. "Since when did *I* become the responsible one?"

"I know," Willow admitted. "It's just, after finding out about Wolfram and Hart. And then Spike." She sighed.

"Wait a minute." Faith said, putting two and two together. "You got the hots for bleached vamp?"


"Don't try to deny it, Red. I know lust when I see it. I don't blame you, he's a definite muffin."

"It's not like that, Faith." Willow tried to explain. "I mean, don't get me wrong, you'd be blind to not notice the hotness that is *him*. But, him coming back from the dead is a big thing. I mean, think about it, he saved the world. And then came back as a sort of ghost. Poor guy. He's been through so much. "

"Yeah, and him falling for your best friend was another big thing." Faith added. "Which, by the way makes no sense to me whatsoever. They've always disliked, but respected one another. That, I can understand. From what I've read about him, he was too devoted to that Drusilla chick to be 'in love' with Buffy and try to kill the vampire. I think it was more wanting what he thought he couldn't have."

"It's still a moot point, isn't it?" Willow asked.

"Not if you're still into him, and he gets into you." Faith replied with a smirk. "Now, c'mon. We've got a couple of vamps to see. Besides, the last time I saw Angel, I spent more time with Angelus."

"Speaking of having the hots for a certain vamp." Willow stated.

"Don't even start, witch!" Faith interrupted, but still had a playful smile on her face. "Let's go."

Meanwhile, at Wolfram & Hart.

"What is the purpose for you being in my office?"

"I'm the boss, Spike. I can do things like that." Angel replied.

"Like hell!" Spike answered angrily. "This is MY office, you ponce. I expect some privacy, since I'm an equal partner is saving the world and all."

"Equal partner my."

"Angel." The two vampires turned towards the door. Gunn stood there with a smirk. He loved watching those two argue. They were a laugh riot. "I thought you'd both want to know that our sources say a slayer and a witch just arrived in town."

"Slayer?" Angel asked.

"Oh, you really are a poufter, aren't you?" Spike asked his grand sire with disgust. He turned back to Gunn. "Any descriptions?"

"Yeah," Gunn said still trying to keep from smirking. "Redhead and brunette."

"Redhead?" Spike asked.

"What was that you said about being a poufter?" Angel teased.

"Sod off, Paingel." Spike replied. "At least I'm past the whole insanity of thinking I was in love with a slayer. Can you say the same thing?"

"Look, ummm, I'll let you guys discuss this and figure out what you want to do." Gunn said before they took to actually throwing punches again. "I'm due in court in half an hour. Later." Gunn walked out of the office and shut the door just in time to see Wesley.

"Are they at it again?" The ex-watcher asked.

"When are they NOT at it?" Gunn replied.

"Point taken."

~Part: 2~

"You ready?" Willow asked.

"Let's do it." Faith replied.

The redhead was dressed in a long sleek black leather skirt with a slit up the side to the top of her thigh. She also had on a hunter green peasant shirt with long sleeves, and long black boots. She still hadn't cut her hair. Faith was wearing wine colored leather pants with a black halter-top and a wine colored leather jacket to complete her outfit. She chose black leather boots as well. The two walked up to the elevator confidently and stood there as the elevator doors closed.


"Listen to me, you ponce." Spike yelled at his grand sire. "If Red and Faith are here, it's for a good reason, not to fill you in on the latest day by day occurrences of what Buffy is doing."


"Oh, shut the hell up." Spike replied without letting Angel finish. "Get it through your think caveman skull that the bloody world does NOT revolve around the two of you!"

"Don't test me, boy." Angel replied with barely restrained anger. "I am not in the mood for your crap."

Neither Angel nor Spike noticed the audience at Spike's office door.

"Is this an everyday thing?" Willow asked Wesley.

"Try every hour." The ex-watcher said with a sigh.

"They DO realize that they're almost 400 years old combined, right?" Faith asked.

"You wouldn't know it most of the time." Gunn told the slayer.

"You guys done yet?" Faith interrupted the argument between the two vampires. "You see, Red and I have never been out in LA before and we'd like to do that."

"But, if you two are going to waste our time by yelling at one another like a couple of 5 year old siblings, then we'll leave and come back tomorrow." Willow finished.

"Red." Spike said as he looked at the witch with a genuine smile. He walked over to her and hugged her. "It's good to see you, Luv."

Willow, in her surprised state over the vampire's attitude towards her hesitantly hugged him back. "It's nice to see you, too Spike. I-I mean, all put together and not dust or anything."

"Noticed that, did you?" He asked with a smirk as he stepped away from the redhead.

"Kinda hard not to." She replied smiling sweetly.

Spike melted just a little bit more. Willow then turned to face Angel. "Hey there. I see you've gone from Brood Boy to Argue Boy." Angel hugged her. "Not necessarily a step up, Angel."

"Sorry you had to see that, Willow." Angel said as he pulled away from the redhead.

"Oh, but it's okay for ME to see it?"

"Faith, you've seen more than even *I* have." Angel told the slayer.

"True." Faith said and smiled. "I think it's okay if we hug now."

"Yeah, the trying to be cool thing is over rated." Angel said as he enveloped the slayer in a bear hug.

"I may be a slayer, but I still need to breathe, Angel." Faith said, while trying to catch her breath. The vampire released her.

"So, what brings you ladies here?" Wesley asked.

"We were hoping you could tell us." Willow responded.

"Is there a prophecy or something?" Gunn inquired.

"Not exactly." Faith replied. "You see, the Powers That Be-"

"Why can't they just leave well enough alone?" Spike shouted to no one in particular.

"Anyway, the Powers sent both me and Willow dreams of you guys running this place, and the imminent danger that will most definitely happen." Willow finished. She then turned to Spike. "What's your problem with the Powers That Be?"

"They sent me to Captain Forehead, Red. Do the math." Spike answered dryly.

Faith laughed out loud. "Sorry Angel." She said trying to stop the giggles.

"What's with new look, Will?" Gunn asked.

"Just felt like it." She replied with a smile.

Spike glared at Gunn, who smiled at him and mentally begged him to make a move.  He knew that if what Angel said were true about Spike liking the redhead, this would be lots of fun.

"What's so funny, big guy?" Faith asked.

"I'm sure you already know." He said with a mischievous smile.

"So, do we get to hear what the hell happened here and why you're running the evil law firm?" Willow asked.

"Have a seat, Red." Spike told the hacker. "You'll love this story."

~Part: 3~

"It's simple, really." Wesley began. "We were approached by Lilah Morgan."

"I remember her." Faith said. "She raises the term 'super bitch' to new heights."

"Well, she's dead." Angel said.

"Oops." Faith said and made the motion to zip her lip.

"Yes, well," Wesley continued. "She said Wolfram and Hart had rebuilt their offices and conceded the Los Angeles office to Angel Investigations. Angel, Gunn, Fred, Lorne, and myself took the tour and decided that we could do a lot of good if we had the resources that Wolfram and Hart offered."

"You do realize your clients are evil, right?" Willow asked hesitantly.

"Not all of our clients are evil, Cuteness." Lorne told the redhead as he walked in. "Some are just demons who can't go to the Joe Schmo lawyers in the human world."

"Lorne!" Willow said as she and Faith went to hug the Pylean. "It's so good to see you."

"It's good to see both of you, too, Precious." He answered. "What's the what?"

"The Powers That Be sent us here to make sure that our good friends who are running the evil law firm don't turn evil." Faith summed up.

"I can see where that would be a problem." Wesley stated. "But I can assure you both that everything is fine here."

"So far." Spike said with a chuckle.

Just then, Harmony walked in.

"Angel, your four o'clock is here. And why is SHE here?" The ditzy blonde asked, referring to Willow.

"Careful, you twit." Spike told Harmony. "Red here is the most powerful witch on the planet and can turn you to dust just by glancing your way." He then turned to Willow. "Please do it. It'll put us all out of our misery." He begged the redhead.

"Well, I'm a slayer.  And she does seem really annoying. Couldn't I just stake her and get it over with?" Faith asked.

"Hey!" Harmony whined.

"Harmony, we'll be right out." Angel said. When she didn't move he added, "That would be your cue to run like hell in case either of the two women in this office do decide to dust you."

"Right." The blonde said as she scurried out of the office.

"Why?" Willow asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Spike said as he rolled his eyes.

"Didn't Cordy say Harmony tried to kill you guys?" Willow asked again. Angel nodded.

"She was working here when we inherited the place, and you really shouldn't say anything Spike, considering the fact that YOU used to date her." Angel replied trying to defend himself.

"Damn Spike." Faith said in an appalled voice. "I used to have respect for you."

"I'm back." Gunn said as he entered Spike's office. "What'd I miss?"

"Gunn, you look hot!" Willow told the new lawyer.

"Yeah, I guess I do clean up nice." He said.

"Not that you weren't a total hottie before." Faith added.

"You ladies are way too good for my ego." Gunn said as he hugged the witch and the slayer.

"Well, it's the truth." The hacker said smiling.

"What brings you two lovely ladies here, anyway?" Gunn inquired.

"The Powers That Be sent them a vision of sorts concerning us." Wesley stated. "And the fact that we may fall into evil with this company."

"Well, it's already started." Spike said. They visitors looked at the former poet. "Oh, come on! Your golden boy here got zapped in the head with all knowledge of the law. That'd be clue one, people."

"It's not like that, and you know it, peroxide head." Gunn answered.

"Okay, enough." Angel said before things could get heated. "Now, I have a four o'clock meeting. It shouldn't take too long. Gunn, could you come with me, please?" He then faced his grand childe. "Spike, take Lorne and the two of you show the girls around. We'll be back in my office in an hour. Lorne, explain to them about Gunn while you're showing them around."

"Why your office, you ponce?"

"Because, Spike," Angel answered as he and Gunn left the office. "Mine is bigger."

"Wanker." Spike responded irritably.

"Come on, Spike," Willow said, trying to lighten his mood. "Let's get going." She put her arm through his, which the vampire did not protest, and Faith did the same to Lorne.

"Yeah," the brunette said. "Show us around this tower of power."

~Part: 4~

"This place is wicked sweet!" Faith exclaimed as they neared the end of their tour.

"I'm gonna have to agree." Willow stated.

"It's an evil law firm, Will." Spike told the redhead, speaking to her as if she were a child of years old.

"Spike, would you hate this place any less if Angel weren't the CEO?" Faith asked.

"Well, yeah." Spike replied honestly and matter-of-factly. Willow giggled, and then tried to stop herself. "Too late, Red. I know you agree with me."

"Just because I laughed at the way you phrased something doesn't mean I agree with you." She defended. "Besides, you've been anti-Angel since long before this Wolfram and Hart development."

"True." Spike agreed. "But it still makes me feel better knowing I'm right about him."

"You're terrible, Spike!" Faith said laughing.

"But, he's got a good soul, and that's what matters." Lorne chimed in.

"No need to bring that up, Lorne." Spike told the Pylean.

"But it makes you all squishy inside, sugar plumb." Lorne replied with one of his dazzling smiles.

"I still can't believe what's happened with Gunn." Willow said.

"Yeah, are you sure he's okay, and not a W&H time bomb?" Faith asked.

"No, not at all sure." Spike replied confidently.

"He did sing for me, ladies." Lorne added, trying to sway the women's opinion from what Spike wanted them to think. "He's still our Charlie boy, only with the mind equivalent of a few law degrees."

"Could be a trigger." Spike proceeded. "Like what the First did to me."

"I thought Gunn was your friend, Spike." Faith asked.

"Oh, he is." Spike replied as if nothing was wrong. "It's not his fault if they shoved something evil up his brain."

"Which, by the way, they didn't, from what we can tell." Lorne added. "Even Fred and Knox, who you two just met, examined him to make sure." He then looked at Spike. "Now, stop trying to make these lovely ladies think we're evil!"

"Lorne!" A young man in a shirt and tie yelled as he ran up to the green-skinned demon. "You're not answering your phone."

"That's because I turned it off so I could give our guests my full attention." Lorne replied casually. He eyed the young man, willing him to get the hint.

"Oh. I'm sorry, ladies." He told Willow and Faith before turning back to Lorne. "I'll leave your messages for you in your office." He then turned and ran in the opposite direction.

"Well, you know the saying: Good help is hard to find, blah blah blah." Lorne said dismissively. "Any more questions, my little darlings?"

"So far, not really." Willow stated. "The tour was pretty thorough."

"Yeah, you really know how to show a girl a good time, Lorne." Faith added smiling.

"Well, I AM the head of the Entertainment Division, cupcake." Lorne replied, smiling.

The trio began walking towards Angel's office when they noticed Spike wasn't following.

"Oh, Spike, your commentary was extremely helpful." She said, trying to appease the vampire.

"Spare me your pity, Red." Spike said pouting. Faith and Lorne looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"No, it's not pity!" Willow defended. "Your insight gave us a different perspective than the one the rest of the firm wants us to see. I'd say you were instrumental in this little tour." She finished with the sweetest smile Spike had ever seen.

"Fine," Spike said, trying to keep the smile from his face. "I'll let it go this time."

The four headed towards Angel's office engaging in light conversation. When they got there, they realized that Angel and Gunn weren't back yet. Spike immediately sat down in Angel's chair.

"Spike, you know he's going to say something." Lorne told the bleached blonde.

"And that matters to me, why?" Spike asked, unimpressed.

"Because I could very well kick your ass out of the seat, William." Angel said as he stood at the door with Gunn stifling a chuckle next to him.

"Bugger off." Spike replied.

Angel brought his attention to the slayer and the witch. "<Now> do you see?" He asked them, as if that would explain what a pain he believe Spike was to have around.

"I think it's cute." Faith answered.

"Cute?" Angel asked, baffled.

"You two not only keep one another on your toes with your constant bickering," the slayer explained. "But, you also don't act like champions that save the world, as opposed to." She looked to Willow for help.

"A couple of kids fighting over whatever toy is popular at the moment?" the redhead finished.

"Exactly!" Faith exclaimed. "Honestly, I'm surprised Gunn, Lorne, Wes, and Fred haven't sent you to your rooms without any dessert."

"Hey!" Spike protested at the same time Angel said, "Now just a minute!"

"She's right." Fred told them as she walked through the door. "I guess I'm just in time."

"Sure, let's make fun of all of the men of Wolfram and Hart so Angel and Spike don't feel like they're being picked on." Willow announced happily.

"But, they ARE being picked on." Gunn stated.

"Point taken." Willow said. "So, how did your meeting go?" She asked Angel.

"Fine," Angel replied. "How was the tour?"

"The tour went great." Willow replied.

"Both Lorne AND Spike are excellent tour guides." Faith added.

"So, what do you think?" Gunn asked. "Are we turning evil?"

"I can't make any conclusions on that right now." Willow answered. "So far, I don't see it."

"Yeah, same here." Faith amended. "As far as I can sense, you're still the good guys. So, I'm thinking we may have to stay a while to figure out what's going on and why we were sent here."

"Look at you, being all in-charge-y." Willow told the slayer proudly. Faith smiled widely.

"Now, did somebody say something about going out tonight, because I can be a seriously fun tour guide." Lorne told the women.

"Sounds like a plan." Faith accepted.

"Yeah, I'm up for it." Willow added. "Anybody else?"

"Sure, why not?" Spike said. Angel looked at his grandchilde, surprised. "What? I deserve a night out."

"And so do I." Angel proclaimed. "I'm in."

"Bloody hell." Spike grumbled.

"Gunn, Fred, Wes?" Willow asked.

"Are you kidding?" Gunn replied. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"You said it." Wes agreed.

"I'm going!" Fred acknowledged.

"Okay, let's go get some dinner, and we'll go on from there." Faith suggested.

~Part: 5~

The group went to a swanky restaurant that Lorne suggested, which boasted a waiting list, even for the top celebrities. The group, of course was ushered into one of the private dining rooms and immediately waited on. Dinner was lots of fun for Willow and Faith, who found the former AI group extremely entertaining. As they prepared to leave the restaurant, the group finished their drinks and gathered their things.

"I said it earlier, and I'll say it again," Faith declared. "Lorne, you really know how to show a girl a good time." The majority of the group laughed.

"Well, cream puff, I aim to please." Lorne replied and put his arm around her as they all headed outside towards the limo.

Willow noticed how quiet Angel was at dinner and also caught his seemingly subtle glances at her best friend. {He has the hots for Faith! This is terrific!} She thought as she took hold of his arm and pulled him back behind the rest of the gang as they walked to the limo.

"Hey." She said, smiling.

"Hey." He replied, remembering how refreshing it was to have the witch around.

"You were pretty quiet at dinner." She told him.

"Well, with Spike there, it seemed like the best thing to do." He replied.

"You two are so cute!" She said giggling. Spike noticed a giggle and immediately got a frown on his face. "You're not like these 'larger than life champions that constantly save the world from evil'. You're approachable and fun and just plain adorable." She told him.

"Don't tell Spike you think he's adorable." Angel teased.

"Not a chance." She replied before changing the subject. "But, I also noticed some wandering eyes." She teased.

"Huh?" The dark haired vampire said stupidly.

"You. Faith. With the watching." Willow explained slowly with a huge smile. "You think about that. I'm going to play with the kiddies."

Meanwhile, after Spike saw Willow giggle, arm in arm with Angel, he got a bit quiet. "Chill, blondie." Faith told the former poet. "She's so not interested in Angel. Definitely not her type."

"What?" Spike asked, trying to play dumb. "What do I care if she's interested in Angel?" He added with a brave façade. "She's still into the feminine sex anyway. And Angel sure falls under that category." He mumbled. "Pouf."

"Oh, you're so totally jealous!" Faith whispered excitedly.

"So, what if I am?" He asked. Before she could answer, he continued. "Don't say a word, slayer." He warned. "Or I'll tell Paingel you're in love with him."

"Wha.?" She managed to squeak out.

"I'm not stupid, pet." He said with a smile as he started to saunter again. Just then, Willow joined them, and hooked arms with Spike and Gunn.

"Tell us about this bar you're taking us to, Lorne." The witch asked the green singer in front of her.

"It's a surprise, kitten." Lorne replied. "But trust me, you'll like it. Hell, even Charles here will like it."

"Hey, I'm not the finicky one around here." Gunn defended himself before joining the others in looking at Angel.

"Just for that," Angel announced. "I'm going to love it. And I'm going to have a good time." The vampire marched off to the limo and got inside.

"A dollar says he doesn't." Fred offered.

"Two dollars says he does." Faith replied. "And, he dances."

"You are so on, sweet cheeks." Lorne replied.

"Yeah, I want a piece of that action, too." Gunn proclaimed. "Put me down for two."

Willow and Spike looked at one another and burst into giggles.

"Have you ever seen him dance?" Spike asked Willow. She shook her head no.

"Only slow dance at prom." She told him.

"Let's hope the slayer's right, and he dances." Spike said with a chuckle as they all got into the limo.

~Part: 6~

The limo ride was rather quiet with small talk. Angel sat stoically, trying to think of ways to pretend to enjoy himself so that Faith wouldn't think he was such a stick-in-the-mud.

        Gunn leaned over to Faith and said, "Remember when I said put me down for 2 dollars?" The slayer smiled and nodded. "Look at him. I changed my mind. Put me down for 5." Faith laughed and playfully elbowed him. Finally, the limo pulled up in front a rather large building that Willow guessed was the bar they were supposed to go.

"Look at that line." Faith said with a whistle.

        "Yeah, it goes around the corner." Gunn added. "No offense, Lorne, but I don't plan on waiting in anybody's line all night."

"I agree." Fred stated. "Is there some place else that's a little less crowded?"

"Oh, ye of little faith, dumpling." Lorne said. "That goes for the rest of you, as well.. He got out of the car and was immediately approached by one of the men at the door. They spoke for a few seconds before the Pylean returned.  "Let's go, campers."

The group exited the limo and followed Lorne through a previously unseen door. As they walked into the building, each member of the group looked around in awe. It was several floors high with each floor only circling the first floor. However, the upper levels were encased in glass, muting the dance music on the bottom floor. Lorne motioned for them to follow him to an elevator that took them to the 3rd level. Although the music from the dance floor could still be heard, it was still easy to have a conversation. A waiter appeared and took orders. Once all orders were in, the waiter rushed off to get the drinks.

"So, do I know where to go or do I know where to go?" Lorne addressed the group.

"I'm totally impressed." Willow told her friend.

"Same here." Gunn added.

"Do I even need t say, 'holy shit'?" Faith inquired.

Lorne beamed and turned to the resident vampires. "Well?"

"I can get used to this." Spike said with a smile.

"Great job, Lorne." Angel said. The waiter came back with another to help him carry the drinks. Each took his or her drink. Angel downed his and took a deep breath which ended in a loud sigh.

"Drama queen." Spike mumbled, which made Willow giggle. Angel glared at his grandchilde.

"Now, if you all will excuse me, I'm going to find the fun!" He practically ran to the stairs and started down.

"Is he really going to .?" Fred asked.

"Nah, he's just putting forth a brave front." Gunn said.

"Oh, you're just saying that because you bet a lot of money." Faith teased.

"Let's go see!" Willow said excitedly. She turned to Spike. " What about you? You want a dance partner?"

"You offering?" The former poet asked.

"C'mon Red," grabbed Willow's hand and headed to the elevator. Willow shrugged and let herself be pulled by Lorne.

"You snooze you lose, blondie." Faith told the vampire. Spike was still stunned that while he was trying to be cute and flirty with his Red, Lorne just snatched her away.

        "Damned lounge singer," Spike said as he pouted, but followed behind Faith and the rest of the group.

         Once they were again on the first floor, everyone began to wander and explore.

"Hey Charles, do you want to dance?"

"You sure?" He asked.

"It's not like we've never danced before, silly." Fred answered. "We used to be a couple.  And a very happy one at that. Or did everyone just forget that?"

"Come on," Gunn said with a smile and took her hand and they headed to the dance floor.

Willow and Lorne had already hit the dance floor and were laughing as they danced. Spike stood at the edge of the dance floor and pouted. Faith laughed at the blonde's behavior before heading to the dance floor and dancing. Lots of men ran to dance with the beautiful brunette. Spike had to smirk. Angel was definitely going to have his hands full with that one, he thought.

Willow smiled as she and Lorne waved Gunn and Fred over to dance with them.  The redhead's eyes searched the crowd looking for Spike. She was about to give up when she saw him at the edge of the dance floor with eyes as wide as saucers. She followed the direction of his shocked expression and found what Spike was looking at.

Towards the middle of the dance floor was what could only be called a spectacle. {Do people still do the running man?} She thought to herself as she continued to stare. {Cabbage patch? He's doing the cabbage patch?} Just then, the dancer spun and continued to do a few more outdated dance moves before repeating them all.

At this point, Lorne, Faith, Gunn, Fred, and Wesley had also spotted Angel on the dance floor. They all migrated to the edge of the dance floor, eyes never leaving the Scourge of Europe. At this point, Spike was literally on the floor laughing because his knees had buckled he was laughing so hard.

"You know what the sad part is," Willow said to no one in particular. "He looks like he's really having fun."

Faith smiled. "Well, I'm proud of him. He said was going to have fun, and he is."

"I say we join him." Lorne suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Agreed Faith.

"When in Rome." Willow stated as she took Spike's arm and helped him up before dragging him behind the rest of the group. All Spike could do was continue to wipe the tears from his eyes at laughing so hard and follow the redhead that had his hand firmly in hers.

~Part: 7~

The group danced for at least another two hours, during which time they took rest breaks and had their drinks refilled. After finally agreeing that their night of fun was winding down, the group headed outside to the limo.

"I can't believe how much fun I had!" Fred exclaimed as they waited for the car to come around. Everyone was still giddy.

"I know!" Willow agreed. "I really did have a great time." She turned to the Pylean and gave him a big hug. "Thanks Lorne!"

"Yeah, thanks for taking us out, Lorne." Gunn added.

"Actually, if you want to thank anyone," Lorne said. "Thank the marathon dancer here." He indicated Angel. "He's the one financially responsible for the night's activities."

"Is that true, Angel?" Faith asked. The dark haired vampire just shrugged sheepishly. She ran to him and put her arms around him. "You're the best! I had the best time."

    When the hug didn't end immediately, Gunn cleared his throat and addressed the rest of the group. "Limo's here. Let's get in." He motioned to Faith and Angel so that the rest of the group would understand.

Surprisingly, Spike was rather quiet by the end of the evening. He enjoyed seeing Willow have such a great time with her friends. The poor little hacker had been through so much in her short life.  She had to deal with too many deaths for one thing. Darla and the Master had killed and turned her friend Jesse. Her girlfriend was murdered right in front of her.  Also, she had the experience of the almost nightly battles of some of the worst kinds of evil, including the darkness inside herself. She had even killed a man, not to mention, brought someone back from the dead. She recreated the entire slayer line, giving power to all of the world's potential slayers. And she still managed to be here tonight giggling, having fun and making fun of his wanker of a grandsire dancing. Nope, he sure wasn't falling for her. He noted the sarcasm in his own mind.

Angel and Faith finally realized that the hug had lasted a little longer than was normal. They pulled apart and looked at one another.

"Guess we should get going." Faith said, trying to be indifferent.

"Guess we should." Angel replied, wondering if she knew she was blushing and if maybe she did have feelings for him. He smiled as the slayer entered the limo. He took one last look at the building the nightclub was in, and said to himself. "I can't believe I danced."

The ride home was full of small talk from the entire gang, except for Wes and Lorne who had fallen asleep.

"So, who's hungry?" Fred asked. "I can make breakfast!"

"My place is bigger, Fred." Angel told the physicist. "Why don't you all come to my place and I can make breakfast." He looked at the two people asleep. "After we take the two 'sleepy heads' home." The group giggled and chuckled.

"Yeah, Angel." Gunn told his boss. "We need to talk."

"What's the matter?" Angel asked, as he worried if anything was wrong with his friend.

"I owe Fred here some money because of you." The handsome lawyer finished with a sexy smirk.

"That's right!" Fred replied happily. "You danced and had fun, Angel!"

"He sure did." Willow agreed. "I'm so happy to see you be.well, non-broody."

"Yeah, what right bore that was." Spike agreed. "Don't get me wrong, he's still a ponce, but at least he's trying."

"Can I change that invite to everyone EXCEPT Spike?" Angel asked no one in particular.

"Sorry, Angel." Faith informed the CEO of W&H. "All of us or none of us."

"Damn." Angel said. "That's really disappointing." He looked and Faith and hoped she caught his meaning. If not, the rest of the awake ones in the limo sure did.

The limo pulled to a stop as the driver got out and opened the door.

"Oh! We're at Lorne's place." Fred announced. "Charles, you wanna help me bring him up?"

"Sure." Gunn replied. They managed to get Lorne out of the car before he awoke for about a second proclaiming how good it was to be home, before nodding off again. Fred and Gunn partly walked, partly carried the demon to his townhouse.

"Thanks again for taking us out tonight, Angel." Willow told her friend. "We all really did have a great time."

"I second that." Wesley agreed sleepily. "Why did we stop?"

"We're making sure Lorne gets inside his place safely before we take you home." Faith informed the ex-watcher.

"Right then." Wesley replied. "I'm only a few blocks away. I'll just stay awake."

He was asleep inside of 10 seconds. Luckily, that's when Gunn and Fred came back to the limo.

"He's out cold and locked in safe and sound." Gunn declared. "Let's get the other sleeping beauty home."

The limo proceeded to drive to Wesley's place and the group again made sure their teammate was safely inside before heading towards Wolfram & Hart.

Willow's eyes went to Spike. She couldn't believe how much fun he had been tonight. She certainly couldn't believe that they'd just talked almost the entire time they had danced. And it wasn't 'end of the world' stuff. It was just.stuff. Nice stuff. Informative stuff. It was 'things she didn't know about Spike before this' stuff. She liked it. She liked him. And she should probably not let her thoughts head in that direction, she thought to herself.

     And then there was the matter of Angel and Faith. They had finally noticed their attraction. That was definitely of the good. She smiled as she looked at the brunette slayer. Said slayer of course was sneaking glances at a certain Irish vampire.

All in all, it had definitely been a good night. And it wasn't even over yet.

"So, are you guys still going to work in the morning?" The redhead asked the two vampires, the lawyer and the physicist.

"Yep!" Fred replied. "And so are you."

"Huh?" Faith asked as she snapped to what the Texan had just said.

"Well, I'm guessing only not as early." Fred added.

"Hey, you two are the ones who came here to see if we were all evil." Angel told the witch and the slayer.

"You can't do that if you sleep all day and don't see the day to day routines, can you?" Spike added with his trademark smirk.

Once Willow was done melting, she spoke with mock exasperation. "Fine, we'll be there."

"I can promise I won't be there early though." Faith stated.

"We honestly didn't think you would, slayer." Gunn countered.

The slayer responded by greeting him with her favorite finger.

~Part: 8~

"Mmmmmm." The Willow moaned with intense pleasure.

"Oh yeah!" Faith moaned within 2 seconds of the redhead's moan.

Gunn and Fred were seated at the table as they watched Spike and Angel both try to control themselves at hearing and seeing the respective objects of their affections in such a raw moment.  Fred was doing okay, but Gunn was about ready to laugh out loud.

"So, I take it you ladies like the omelets." Gunn said before he died from holding in his laughter.

"Oh God yes!" the witch and the slayer said at the same time with as much enthusiasm as before.

"Good." Angel squeaked before clearing his throat and saying it again. "Good. I'm glad you like it."

Fred felt bad for her two favorite vamps and decided to help them out. "Angel always makes the best breakfast." The brunette told their guests. "But, he usually only does it after a night of fighting evil."

"Well, we could consider the alcohol evil." Faith said smiling.

"You should seriously think about opening up a restaurant." Willow told the brunette vampire. "This is heaven." She said, indicating the food.

"Thanks Willow." Angel said, smiling at the woman that had become like a sister to him since she restored his soul the first time.

"I thought you liked regular food, Spike." Willow said as she turned to the bleached blonde.

"He does." Angel replied. "He just doesn't want to admit that he likes something I cooked."

"Please tell me you're kidding." Faith said, not believing that two centuries old vampires could be so childish.

"Oh, shut up, you git." Spike told his grandsire.

Willow leaned closer to the former poet. "So, what's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, Red." Spike answered, staring straight ahead with almost no emotion. He missed the hurt look on Willow's face since she was sitting next to him.

"Oh." She replied. "Okay." She quietly finished eating her breakfast. ~Maybe he was drunk and that's why he talked to me so much earlier. It's not like we were best friends before he.exploded or anything.~ She sighed.

Both Faith and Angel glared at the blonde, as Gunn and Fred looked sympathetic towards the redhead. Faith went back to quickly eating her breakfast and then drank her orange juice in two gulps. She stood and sat her napkin on the table.

"Well, gang." She started. "Tonight was a riot. I had a blast, really." Willow took that as her cue to sit her fork down and wipe her mouth before standing, as well. "But, since you guys want us at the office first thing, we need to head back to the hotel." She turned to Willow. "You ready, Red?"

"Yeah, let's take off." Willow said stonily. "Thanks Angel." She gave him a hug. Gunn, Faith and Angel saw Spike's eyes flash yellow as the witch hugged the dark vampire. Willow turned back to the slayer. "I'll head down to the car while you say your goodbyes." She turned to Fred and Gunn. "See you guys in the morning." She then walked out with her head held high.

"Be careful." Gunn told her.

"I'm a bad ass wicca." She said to the new lawyer as a cold smile appeared on her face, the anger at Spike's lack of concern for her feelings evident. "Nobody's stupid enough to fuck with me." With that said, she got on the elevator and headed down.

Since Faith was closer to Spike, she smacked him across the back of the head once the elevator doors closed. "What is your deal?" She yelled.

"What?" Spike answered sharply as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You hurt her feelings for no reason whatsoever, Spike." Fred said with disappointment in her voice. "That was completely uncalled for."

"Yeah, especially knowing that she likes you." Gunn added. "And I THOUGHT you liked HER. That wasn't right at all." He sighed and turned to Fred. "You want me to walk you to your car?" Fred nodded and the two left.

Spike at least had the decency to look guilty. However, he didn't say a word. He just glared at Angel and headed to his room.

"I'd better go and check on Will." Faith told Angel. She was halfway to the door before Angel stopped her with a hand on her arm.

"Thanks for coming out with us tonight." He said.

"Thanks for the invite." She replied smiling. "I had fun."

"Me too." Angel agreed. He felt as if he were a teenager asking a girl out for the first time. "Look, Faith."

Of course the slayer interrupted. "You don't have to say anything." He looked at her with perplexity. "I know you've noticed. And it's okay if you don't return the feelings." Before she finished the last word, Angel pulled her close and brought his lips to hers. It took a second for Faith to register what was happening. But, when she did, she relaxed and returned the kiss. She then barely touched her tongue to his before withdrawing. "I don't want a fling, Angel." She said before walking the rest of the way to the elevator and hitting the button.

"I don't either, Faith." Angel replied. "I know you need to get to Willow, but just keep in mind that my feelings for you run deeper than that. And I'll wait as long as I have to for you to see that." The slayer was actually speechless. He took advantage of that and brushed his lips lightly against hers. "See you in a few hours." The elevator doors opened and Faith stepped inside. The couple looked intently at one another until the doors closed.

Once the doors did close, Angel furiously headed to Spike's room and opened the door. Spike was sitting on the bed staring at nothing.

"I don't want to hear it, mate." Spike said before Angel could begin.

"I don't care what you're going through or what you think you have to prove." Angel said in a calm voice that the rage in his eyes betrayed, completely ignoring his troublesome grandchilde. "But don't you EVER hurt her again." He shut the door and went to his room to think about a future with Faith.

~Part: 9~

Willow was sitting in the car when Faith arrived. Both waved goodbye to Gunn and Fred as each headed out to the parking garage in their separate cars. Finally, Faith got in on the passenger side.

"Do you want me to drive?" The slayer asked.

"No, I'm fine." Willow said snappily.  As soon as it left her mouth, she sighed and faced her best friend. "I'm sorry, Faith. You know it's not you."

"I know, Red." Faith replied with a sad smile. "No harm, no foul."

"You know," Willow started as she started the car. "I'm waiting for you to dish. So, dish."

"What do you mean?" Faith asked innocently.

"Oh, you're right." Willow answered in a monotone voice. "Your lipstick is always smeared like that." She smirked as she saw the blush creep up on the brunette's face. "I love the fact that LA seems to make you blush."

"Ha ha." Faith replied sarcastically.

"C'mon." The redhead begged as they drove away. "Tell me about the Angel smoochies."

"You sound like a junior high school kid." Faith told the witch.

"Yeah, well, it'll keep my mind off of other things." Willow replied.

"He was being a dick for no reason, Will." Faith announced.

"I don't want to get into it, okay?" Willow pleaded silently with the former Bostonian.

"Fine." Faith conceded. "He kissed me." She sat back in her seat and thought about the moment again before continuing. "I told him I didn't just want to do him."

"I'm sure he doesn't 'just want to do' you, either, silly." The hacker assured her friend. "Angel looks at you in a way that screams 'forever'."

"I hope you're right." Faith replied. "I've never had a real relationship before. Might be nice." She mused.

"I'm so right." Willow guaranteed her friend. "At least one of us will be happy."

"He likes you, Will." Faith said. "He told me I'd better not tell or he'd tell Angel I liked him."

"You were saying something about junior high?" Willow countered. "Besides, it's a moot point." Faith looked at her quizzically. "I don't deserve to be treated with such disregard for my feelings by someone who supposedly cares for me. Just because he put up with it in the past, doesn't mean I will now."

"Did you ever think that might be his problem?" Faith asked.

"Possibly." Willow responded, her resolve face firmly in place. "But it's still no reason to take it out on me. I'm not the one who hurt him."

"The infamous 'resolve face', huh?" Faith asked. "I guess this discussion is over."

The next morning at Wolfram and Hart.

"Hey, thanks for making sure I got home okay last night, cupcake." Lorne told Gunn as they headed to Angel's office for the morning meeting.

"You missed breakfast, though." The former street fighter informed the Pylean.

"Did we help the helpless last night and I missed it?"

"No, Angel was just trying to impress Faith." Gunn replied with a smile.

"Hey, it worked." Fred announced as she met up with her two friends. "They're so smitten with one another." She said happily.

"Well, I could've told them that without him having to cook." Lorne said playfully.

"It was a lot of fun though." Fred told Lorne, remembering the events of last night with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, up until the bleached idiot decided to ruin things with Willow." Gunn added.

"I still can't believe he did that." Fred mused.

"Oh no." Lorne groaned. "He pushed her away, didn't he?"  Fred and Gunn nodded in unison. "He's going to pay for that."

"How do you know?" Fred asked.

"Remember when she was here to return Angel's soul?" Lorne asked. The two nodded once again. "She sang for me. That sweet little cookie is a force to be reckoned with."

"I believe it." Gunn explained. "That cute little redhead gave the entire population of potential slayers their power all at once."

"She's exceptionally powerful." Fred readily agreed.

"Who is?" The three turned to see who asked the question.

"Oddly enough," Gunn replied. "You."

"You guys were talking about me?" Willow asked as she and Faith joined them with Wesley in tow. "Boring day?"

"I think you <know> you're far from boring, sweetums." Lorne told the redhead.

"I pay him lots of money to say stuff like that." Willow told the rest of the group. Everyone laughed. "Anyway, we were just telling what he missed while he got his beauty sleep last night."

"Yeah, who knew the poor guy was addicted to Angel's eggs?" Faith said in mock sympathy.

"Okay, my two new employees," Angel announced as he opened his office door. "Let's get to work."

The group followed Willow and Faith into Angel's office, where everyone took a seat.

"Okay," the dark haired vampire said. "Let's get started."

"Starting without me, grandpa?" Spike asked as the door to Angel's office opened.

~Part: 10~

The group followed Willow and Faith into Angel's office, where everyone took a seat.

"Okay," the dark haired vampire said. "Let's get started."

"Starting without me, grandpa?" Spike asked as the door to Angel's office opened.

"I was hoping to." Angel replied harshly.

"Okay," Fred started talking, trying to break the obvious tension in the room. "Since we're getting started, I'd like to be first."

"Very well, Fred." Wesley replied, trying to help. "Please, go on."

Fred explained what was going on in the Science division. Wesley was next with an update on his division, followed by Lorne. Gunn decided to finish up the department summations.  No one looked at Spike, for fear Willow would think they were taking his side. Spike stared at Willow inconspicuously, although the redhead could feel his eyes on her. She purposely ignored him and paid attention to everything that was going on in the meeting. Faith was so proud of her friend; the slayer couldn't keep a smile from occasionally forming on her lips.

"Well, if that's everything," Angel announced. "I'd like to get you two assigned to groups."

"Cool." Faith said happily. "Do we get to kick some evil butt in the process?"

"Oh, you'll definitely be involved in the finding and destroying of evil." Angel said, happy that Faith wanted to take the initiative and fight alongside him. He realized his focus on the slayer and turned to Willow. "Both of you."

"Nice to know you're not playing favors or anything." Spike deadpanned.

"You are so not allowed to speak." Fred told the blonde vampire. He looked at her in shock. Gunn and Angel laughed out loud. Faith, Willow, and Wesley tried to hide their smirks.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Ms. Burkle." Angel told his head of Science. Spike just glared at everyone. "Now, before I was rudely interrupted, Fred and Wes, you will get the ladies for a couple of hours a day. Fred, you'll have them Mondays and Wednesdays. Wes, you'll take them Tuesdays and Thursdays."

         "Insert smart-ass comment here." Faith said in a mock whisper.

         "Ha. Ha." Angel acknowledged the joke and continued. "For the most part, Faith will be with Spike and me watching how we handle the day-to-day non-lawyer related events. Willow." before he could finish, there was a knock at the door. "Perfect timing." Angel said to himself. He then called out, "Come on in." to the person on the other side of the door. As the door opened, Angel continued. "Willow, you'll be with the top lawyers."

"Lawyers, plural?" Willow asked.

"Faith, you remember Lindsey McDonald." Angel said as he gestured to the now open door. "Lindsey, could you shut the door?"

"Wow," Faith said. "Being 'not evil' definitely agrees with you." She told the blue-eyed lawyer.  "You look hot."

"Same to you." Lindsey replied with a smile.

Willow just stared. ~Okay, he's a hottie.~

"Willow." Angel said, smiling at the hacker, noticing her interest in his former nemesis.

"I didn't just say that out loud, did I?" Willow whispered to Faith.

"Say what out loud?" Angel asked. When she said it was nothing, he continued. "If some of us could keep the growling to a minimum," He glared at Spike. "Willow Rosenberg, this is Lindsey McDonald."

"Oh! Former Wolfram and Hart lawyer who used to be evil and hired Faith to kill Angel before raising Darla from the dead and bringing Drusilla back to town, and then getting a new hand before leaving LA. And I really shouldn't have brought up all of these bad memories." Willow stopped talking and sighed. "Sorry guys."

Lindsey walked over to the beautiful redhead and decided to join in her cute babble. "And you're the powerful witch that not only helped close a Hellmouth, but managed to give every potential slayer on the planet her slayer powers all at once." He shook her hand. "Beautiful and powerful. I'm impressed."

Spike was now in gameface as Angel quietly made his way to his grandchilde. "Don't make her anymore angry at you than she already is. Think, boy." He cleared his throat and spoke to the entire group, making sure Spike had his his human face forward. Lindsey did not miss this exchange.  "As I was saying, Willow, you'll be with Gunn and Lindsey. I'm sure you'll be able to keep up with their legal antics."

"You bet, Angel." Willow told the vampire, although her eyes still hadn't left the gorgeous lawyer standing in front of her.  "I'm on it."

The redhead knew she could definitely like this guy. She also knew that she could show Spike she didn't need him or his attitude. ~Childish? Yes. But, look at this guy! He's amazing.~

"Everybody ready to move out?" Angel asked, as he grinned at the situation in front of him. Spike stood and stomped out the door like a petulant child. Angel's grin grew.

"Let's do it, Red." Gunn told Willow as he and Angel exchanged a look. Things were definitely about to get interesting. The three left the office engaging in polite conversation.

"I couldn't have planned that better myself." Angel contemplated.

"You mean you didn't plan that?" Fred asked perplexed.

"Lindsey showing up? Yes." Angel replied. "Lindsey and Willow's fireworks? No. I really just wanted her to work with Gunn and Lindsey. I had no clue they'd like each other."

"It was nice to see Spike seething and not able to do a thing about it." Wesley stated.

"Especially since he's the one that got himself into this." Faith added. "I guarantee that if he wouldn't have been such an ass last night, the thought that Lindsey's hot...well, would have crossed Willow's mind, but she wouldn't have been so into him."

"Serves him right." Fred agreed.

"Maybe next time he'll treat her better and not take out any of his past so-called relationship problems on her." Angel said.

Standing in his office looking out of a huge sun-proofed window, a blue-eyed vampire let a tear escape his otherwise stony features.
