A Lot To Think About
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Joss, etc own all. I own the conversation.
Spoilers: Up through Buffy's birthday in S6
Pairing: W/S (mentions B/S--yes, it stands for
Summary: A certain redhead and certain vampire have an insightful conversation.
Distribution: my site "Gunnin' Down Angel" http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/gda134/ , Near Her Always, Red's Soul Mates, and whoever else already has it. Anyone who wants it, just tell me where it's going.
Author's note: It was just in my head since that episode. You know how much I hate B/S, although there is no Buffy bashing in this one.

   Walking through the suburban streets of Sunnydale
left little or no comfort to a worried mind.
Especially in the middle of the night. Yet, the
redhead continued her trek around the block.
   Willow knew it was dangerous, but her brain would
not let her rest. So, she decided that moving around
was the best way to induce sleep.
   "I always figured you for the smart one." An
accented voice stated.
   "Maybe you should reconsider how much brain power
you think you have." She replied coldly as she
continued to walk. Spike quickly caught up to her and
began to match her steps.
   "Seriously Red, shouldn't you be inside now?" Spike
   "What do you care, Spike?" Willow asked as she
stopped to face the vampire. "As long as you have
permission to f-- sleep with my best friend, you
really don't *have* to care what happens to the rest
of us." She then continued to walk. The bleach blonde
stood in shocked silence as the redheads retreating
form got farther and farther away.
   "Hey!" He yelled. "Wait up!"
   Willow stopped and 'shushed' him. "Are you crazy?
We are in a residential neighborhood!" She said in a
loud whisper.
   "And that matters to me, why?..." He asked. She
just looked into his playful blue eyes and shook her
head. "Anyway, how did you...?" He started to ask.
  "Yeah, like it wasn't obvious." she replied.
  "Hm." He said. The two were silent for a few
  "So, what are you doing here?" She finally asked.
"It's not like you have to sneak up on her to see her
  "Maybe I didn't want to see her." He said
   "And maybe I live on a tv show." She said
   "Well, well. Look who decided to finally become a
bitch!" He said playfully.
   "Get used to it." She replied with a smile. "Not
being able to use magic is worse than than the most
horrible kind of PMS. Makes a girl more than cranky."
   "Well, I wouldn't know about that." He said as he
looked her over. She was wearing a pair of worn jeans
and a dark blue turtleneck. Her hair seemed the
perfect length: just above her shoulders. A definite
natural beauty.
   "What?" She asked when she saw him staring at her.
   "Do you have *any* idea how brave you are?"
   "Willow, demon-girl did *not* make it easy on you
tonight. You could've easily reverted back to using
magic, but you didn't." Willow stared at Spike in
disbelief as he continued to speak. "That amount of
self control shows who has got the biggest wrinklies
in this little Scooby gang."
   "Spike, I..." She started.
   "Don't say anything, Red. I'm just letting you know
that...well...I admire you." He gestured towards the
house. "You'd better get inside. Wouldn't want
anything bad to happen to you after everything you've
been through, now would you?"
   "Um...no." She was still stunned speechless. When
she finally regained the power of speech, she called
out to the retreating form of the handsome vampire.
   "Yeah, Luv?" He said as he turned to face her.
   "Thanks." She said with a smile.
   He smiled a genuine smile at her before saying,
"Keep the volume down, pet. We're in a residential
neighborhood, after all."
   Then, he turned and headed towards his crypt, where
he realized he had a lot of thinking to do.


read the sequal 'So, What Do You Think?'
