Electric Blue
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Joss owns the characters and the town. Icehouse owns the song.
Summary: Will he get over her ?
Pairing: S/W
Distribution: Mysteries Untold, Gunning for Angel, the Playground, Willow Spike Forever, and of course Nell, Susi, and Tellie.
Spoilers: Season 5, just to be safe.
Feedback: I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.
Dedications: To Vampie, Inell, Tellie, Nutmeg, Dru, Susie, Susi, Angel Negra, Tisienne Blue, Saladin, Indra, FK Frater, and all of the wonderfully talent writers out there.
Author’s note: I just REALLY like the song. Oh, and {} = Thoughts

[If a girl had a chance
To dance with someone like you.
Are you going to break her heart?
Let her cry for you.]

{Why even bother?} She thought to herself. {He only
has eyes for Buffy. I’m happy she’s back and
everything, but I just wish he would get over it
already and move on to more promising avenues.} She
giggled from behind her computer screen. {Like me} She
giggled again. This time everyone noticed. Well,
ALMOST everyone noticed.
“Wills,” Buffy said as she walked over to her best
friend. Spike’s eyes followed the slayer until she was
behind Willow looking at the screen. Willow’s heart
hurt just a little more as she watched Spike. He never
even realized she’d been watching him.

[Are you hiding somewhere behind those eyes?]

. “What’s with the giggles? You looking at porn?” The
slayer asked playfully.
“What?…No…I mean…oh hush!” The redhead stammered.
Then, she thought for a second before adding. “Aren’t
you forgetting that my name is Willow and not Xander?”
“Hey!” Xander yelled from across the room. “How did I
get involved in this?”
“You’re just too easy to pick on.” Spike drawled.
“I don’t remember asking you, evil dead.” Xander
“Would everyone try to remember his or her age,
please?” Giles said in a fatherly tone. Xander went
back to researching the book he was reading.

[I just freeze every time you see through me
And it’s all over you
Electric blue (In too deep)
In too deep, standing here waiting
As I’m breaking in two
Electric blue]

“So what gives, Will?” Buffy whispered.
“You have ‘something face’.” The slayer replied.
“Relax, Buffy, everything’s okay.” The witch assured
her friend.
“Okay,” Buffy said. “I’ll leave it alone for now, but
I think I know what’s up.”
“W-w-what do you mean?” Willow asked with shock and
fear evident on her face.
“I’m not blind, Wills.” The blonde said smiling as
she headed back to the book she was researching.
Willow looked around nervously and stole another
glance at Spike, before returning to work on her
Later, during an extremely uneventful patrol, Buffy
and Spike were walking through one of the many
cemeteries of Sunnydale.
“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Spike asked.
“As long as I can ask you one.” The slayer replied
with a smirk.
“I’m a vampire. Do I look like I make bargains?”
“Do you REALLY want me to answer that?” Buffy asked.
“Look, Summers,” Spike said. “Are you going to answer
the question or not?”
“Now that’s the Spike I remember!” She said with a
chuckle. “Ask away.”
“Would you be upset if I tell you that I’m over you?”
Buffy started to laugh. “I wasn’t finished, slayer.”
Buffy calmed herself and motioned for him to proceed.
“I know you don’t care whether or not I’m still in
love with you. That’s not the bleedin’ issue.” He
sighed. “The issue is whether or not you approve of
the my having feelings for the person that I AM in
love with.”

[Oh, I had a dream
For a moment I believed it was you.
Oh, I would’ve given anything
Just to be there with you

Are you hiding somewhere behind those eyes?]

The next evening, everyone was once again in research
mode. Anya was doing inventory, while Xander was
munching on some chocolate chip cookies. Willow stared
into space thinking. Something had happened last night
on patrol, because both Buffy and Spike had smirks on
their faces. {I guess she finally realized she does
like him.} Her heart seemed to crumble to pieces. But,
she kept up a brave façade. {As long as he’s happy. As
long as he’s happy} She kept repeating the mantra to
herself as she stole another glance his way, only to
find him watching her. {How am I ever going to get
over him?}

[I just freeze every time you see through me
And it’s all over you
Electric blue (In too deep)
I can see, see that it may be
Just a vision of you
Electric blue
On my knees, help me baby
Tell me what can I do?
Electric blue]

“Why don’t we call it a night?” Giles said as he took
off his glasses and rubbed his tired eyes.
“Guys, I want to do one last patrol just for the hell
of it.” Buffy announced. “Spike, can you make sure
Willow gets home safely?”
“I guess that’s our cue, Red.” The sexy bleached
blonde said as he stood.
“Umm, okay.” The redhead said while putting her
things in her backpack. She glared at Buffy and headed
toward the door where Spike waited for her.
“See you at home, Wills.” The slayer called out to
her best friend.
“You did a good thing, Buffy.” Giles said.
“Those two actually do belong together. I just
figured I’d light a fire under their asses to let them
know it.”
“Very eloquently put.” Giles said.

[Are you hiding somewhere behind those eyes?]

“So, Spike,” Willow said, uncomfortable with the
“So, Willow,” Spike replied.
“Wow, I didn’t even know you knew my name.” The witch
“I just like nicknames, is all.” Spike answered. He
then stopped walking and took her hand. “Listen, I
know you’ll probably think the worst after this, but,
can we go somewhere and talk?”
{Why does he look so nervous} “S-sure. Of course.”
She replied. “Lead the way.”
The two walked towards the nearest cafe for
very long talk.


read the sequal 'The Talk'
