Title: Here We Go Again (1/?)
(Sequel to Under Extreme Circumstances)
Author: Angel S.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Joss and David own all. I'm just playing with 'em.
Pairing: A/F, S/W, C/G
Summary: Angel and the gang return to LA. Angel wrestles with how to tell Faith he's in love with her.
Distribution: G4G site 'Mysteries Untold', Nell, Poppy, Lina. Anyone else, just ask.
Feedback: Pleeeeeeeeeese!! I crave it like I crave Spike, Lindsey, Angel, and Gunn. :-)
Author's notes: Faith is out on good behavior and is working for Angel Investigations.
Author's notes 2: 'Voices' is by Disturbed from 'The Sickness' cd.

Part 1

Faith was dancing around one of the desks with the headphones to her
walkman attached to her ears as she sang.

Someone is gonna die
When you listen to me
Let the living die, Let the living die

Are you breathing now?
Do the wicked see you?
You still breathing
You're making me known

On the last 3 words, the brunette spun around and came face to face with a
very amused dark haired vampire.
"Angel!" She shouted in surprise as she hit stop on the cd player. "You
scared the hell out of me!"
"Sorry," Angel replied still smiling.
"You'd better stop that whole smiling thing, or I'm gonna have to think of
new non-broody nick names for you." She added.
"Don't speak too soon." Gunn said. "You know he'll never give up his title
as 'King of Brood.'
"Or 'King of the Nancy Boys'," a voice said from the lobby doors.
"Spike," Angel said. "I thought I made it clear that I didn't want you in
"When was the last time I obeyed an order from you, Peaches?"
Angel took a deep unneeded breath, as he tried to calm down. "Spike," he
said in a warning tone.
"Don't worry Angel," Willow said as she walked in behind the blonde vampire
and kissed his cheek. "I'll make sure he's a good boy."
"Red," Faith said in shock. "You and William the Bloody! Cool!"
"Hey Faith." Willow said and walked over to the Slayer to give her a hug.
Faith gratefully returned the hug and sat on top of the desk she was dancing
around a few minutes before. "So, how was the trip to Sunnydale?" Faith
asked the LA crew.
"The usual." Cordy answered. "Got the bad guys, got caught up on everyone's
love lives."
"Or lack thereof." Spike added. Angel glared at him, and he stuck his tongue
"O-kay," Faith replied.
"How did it go here?" Angel asked trying to change the subject.
"You know, boring." Faith answered. "Wes caught up on some research and I
caught up on my new cd collection."
"What'cha got in there, Slayer?" Spike asked, referring to the walkman.
"Have it." Spike said. "What's your favorite?"
"I'm torn between 'Stupefied' and 'Voices'." The Slayer answered.
"I'm 'Voices' all the way."
"Anybody else feel like those two are speaking Portuguese?" Cordy asked.
"Count me in." Angel said.
"So, Peaches," Spike said as he put his arm around Willow's waist. "Where do
we sleep?"
"You," Angel said. "Will sleep in 223. Willow will sleep in room 310." He
turned to face the redhead. "It's right next door to Faith's, so you'll be
"Oh, bloody hell, Dad!" Spike whined. "Why can't I sleep in the room with
Red? I promise not to try and shag her."
"Because, Spike," Angel replied in a fatherly tone. "As long as you're under
my roof, you'll live by my rules."
"That was bad, Fang." Faith said laughing. "Even for you."
"Just because you don't have the stones to do something about YOUR love
life," Spike began as Willow covered his mouth with her hand.
"End of discussion, boy!" Angel said and walked upstairs to unload his

Part 2

"Anybody wanna tell me what his problem is?" Faith asked as Angel
slammed the door to his room.
"Not a clue," Willow replied. "Hey, why don't you show me to my
The two women walked up the stairs. Spike stood there trying to look
innocent as Cordy and Gunn began to gang up on him.
"Look," the vampire began. "Maybe I didn't have to be such a
pillock. But he wouldn't let me share a room with my Red!"
"I never knew William the Bloody was such a big baby!" Gunn said,
trying to put on a serious face.
"Oh, bugger off!" Spike said to the couple. He grabbed his bag and
headed upstairs to his room.

"What happened in Sunnydale, Red?" Faith asked Willow as they headed
up the stairs.
"What do you mean?" Willow asked, wide eyed.
"Don't even try the innocent look with me, babe. I know something's
going on."
"It's not my place to say anything, Faith." The redhead replied.
"And, you don't want to talk about B with me, is that it?" The
Slayer asked, obviously getting the wrong idea. "It's cool. I understand.
Hell, after what I did to you guys, I'm surprised you gave me hug when you
got here."
"Oh, no, Faith." Willow said as realization hit her. "It's not that.
Really. This has nothing to do with Buffy. I promise."
"So, I just shouldn't ask." The witch shook her head. "I should just
shut up and not push it." Willow nodded. The two laughed as they got to the
rooms. Once inside, Willow put her things away as Faith sat on the bed and
waited for her.
"How the hell did you Spike get together?" Faith finally asked.
"It was fluke, I tell ya!" Willow answered. "One minute we were
fighting vampires on patrol, and the next minute we were in a lip lock."
"So you NEVER thought about throwing him on the ground and
straddling him BEFORE that?" The redhead blushed. "That's what I thought.
How long did you have the hots for him?"
"I don't know," Willow said, suddenly finding the floor very interesting.
"Since he was about to kill me last year?"
"When he first got the chip?"
"Uh-huh." Willow nodded. "Once he saw that he couldn't bite me, we
talked. And it was nice."
"Oh, you so have it bad." The Slayer said.
"Does the story of the pot and the kettle mean anything to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, 6 foot 2. Dark hair. Dark eyes. No pulse. Broods incessantly."
"Don't go there, Red." Faith warned playfully.

An hour later found everyone in the lobby discussing that evening's
plans. Angel had calmed down considerably. Willow and Spike were slowly
walking down the stairs to join them.
"Just remember that if Faith finds out Angel is in love with her
from you," Willow warned her new boyfriend. "You'll NEVER know what it's
like to shag me. Is that clear."
"Oh, come on, Pet." Spike answered, as he noticed her dreaded
'resolve' face. "I was just having a bit of fun is all."
Willow glared at the vampire and walked ahead of him to join the
group. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"
Angel smiled an Angelus grin. Spike involuntarily flinched.
"Carita's." The dark vampire said. His chlide would pay for his insolence.
"Oh, this should be fun." Gunn said.
"I definitely want a front seat for this." Faith added. Angel
continued to smile.
"Why Spike," Angel said, still smirking. "You look like you've seen
a ghost."
"I am so lost." Willow said.
"We're going to Carita's." Cordelia said, stressing each word.
"Remember, Willow. I told you about Carita's."
"Oh, the place where..." That's when it hit the redhead. "Well, what
are we waiting for?" She said as she picked up her jacket and nearly ran
towards the door. "Let's get going."
"Amen to that." Gunn said as they walked out of the hotel.
"What the bloody hell is Carita's?!?!"
