Title: Here We Go Again (3-4/?)
Author: Angel S.

Part 3

"A bloody karaoke bar?" Spike asked as the group walked into
"Well, well," the Host said as he walked up to the group. "I see you
brought along a few new friends." He said, as he looked Spike and Willow
over. "So, who's going to be first?"
"He will." Everyone said, as they pointed to Spike.
"Not bloody likely."
"You will if you ever want to touch me again." Willow said.
"Come on, Blondie. I won't bite." The Host said, pointing towards
the stage.
"You pick the song." Angel whispered to the Host.
"Say no more, Mr. Brood." The Host replied. "But if I do, you have
to get up and sing tonight. And bring the cute brunette on stage with you."
He then followed Spike to the stage.
The blonde vampire glared at his so-called friends and turned
towards the Host. "So, why do I have to bloody sing?" he asked.
"Well, Mr. Bad Ass," the Host replied. "I can't do a reading if you
don't sing."
"Because when you sing, you bear your soul, so to speak." Spike
"Exacalactly!" The Host answered. "You know, you're a lot more
intelligent than you let on. I can tell that about you without you having to
sing. But, I need more." He gestured for Spike to get on the stage.
"I'll do this," Spike said. "But only if you make Peaches sing."
"Have heard him sing?" The Host asked as he made a face.
"Yes, I have." Spike answered with a smirk. He then walked on the
The music started and Spike once again glared at the LA Scoobies.

Black and orange stray cat sittin' on a fence
Ain't got enough dough to pay the rent
I'm flat broke, but I don't care
I strut right by with my tail in the air

"Did you guys know he could sing?" Willow asked.
"Not a clue." Angel said in awe. "He never said anything."
"He's actually kinda sexy up there." Faith said. Angel growled but
only Gunn noticed, and smiled.
"I have to agree." Cordelia added as she took a deep breath.

Stray cat strut, I'm a (lady's guy)
I'm a feline Casanova, hey
Get a shoe thrown at me from a mean old man
Get my dinner from a garbage can

Spike then smirked at the gang, and winked at Willow. He finished
the song with the women in the audience swooning. Everyone applauded as
Spike strolled off the stage and sat at the table.
"Bra-vo." The Host said, slowly applauding. "Who knew you had such
an awesome set of pipes?"
"I sure as hell didn't." Cordelia said.
"Yeah, well," Spike replied as he took Willow's hand. "A bloke's got
to have some secrets."
"Not anymore, sweetums." The Host said. "Don't worry, I won't reveal
everything, Mr. Poet."
"Poet?" Gunn asked.
"Don't bloody start."
"Why don't we get the next one up there?" The Host asked.

Part 4

Angel stood on stage and looked around the club. All eyes were on
the tall dark vampire as he nervously surveyed the crowd.
"I remember when he told me he sang 'Mandy'." Faith said. "I guess
now I get to see why he was wiggin' so much about it."
"Cover your ears, baby." Spike told Willow. "This won't be
Just then, the music started. Cordelia and Gunn doubled over with
laughter as they recognized the song. Angel glared at the people at his
table, closed his eyes, took a deep, unneeded breath, opened his eyes and
started singing.

You put the 'boom boom' into my heart
You make my soul fly high when your lovin' starts
Jitterbug into my brain. (Yeah yeah!)

Angel stopped singing. "I can't do this." He said. "I'm pickin' another
song." Spike, Cordelia and Gunn hadn't stopped laughing since the song
started. Willow tried to suppress her giggling along with Faith. The new
music started as Angel looked at Faith and began to sing the old Cutting
Crew song.

I, I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight

I keep looking for something I can't get
Broken hearts lie all around me
And I don't see an easy way to get out of this
Her diary sits by the bedside table
The curtain's closed, the cat's in the cradle
Who would've thought that a boy like me
Would come to this?

The gang stared wide-eyed at the vampire on the stage until finally
Willow spoke. "I thought you guys said he couldn't sing."
"He can't." Cordy said. "It's gotta be a fluke."
They watched the rest of the song in silent awe as Angel continued
to sing.
"I knew you could do it, big guy." The host said as Angel walked off
of the stage and headed towards the table. "Let's keep going while we're on
a roll, shall we?" He said as he stood in front of the mic.  "But first,
give it up one more time for Mr. Broody himself, Angel." He paused as the
applause finally died down. "You gotta love the fact that she's tough,
strong, and a total hottie. Your favorite slayer and mine...Faith."
The Slayer stood and slowly walked towards the stage. {I can't
believe I'm doing this. What the hell am I thinking?} She thought as she
stepped up to the mic. The music started and the most beautiful voice
floated through the bar.

That old dog has chained you up all right
I'll give you everything you need to live inside this twisted cage
Sleep beside that empty rage
I had a dream I was your hero

Damn! I wish I was your lover
I'd rock you 'til the daylight comes
Make sure you are smiling and warm

            I am everything
Tonight I'll be your mother
I'll do such things to ease your pain
Free your mind and you won't feel ashamed

Angel kept eye contact with the beauty as she sang. Truth be told, he had
stopped listening to her, and lost himself in her eyes. Faith's eyes never
wavered from his, as well.  The rest of the gang sat in silence as the
Slayer belted out more of the song by Sophie B. Hawkins.

This lil kid can't stand to see you black and blue
I'll give you something sweet each time
You come inside my jungle book
But, is it just too good?
Don't say you'll stay
Cause then you'll go away

Damn! I wish I was your lover
I'd rock you 'til the daylight comes
Make sure you are smiling and warm

Faith danced around as she sang. It was as if she had written the

I am everything
Tonight I'll be your mother
I'll do such things to ease your pain
Free your mind and you won't feel ashamed

Shux, for me there is no other
You're the only shoe that fits
I can't imagine I'll grow out of it
Damn! I wish I was your lover

Cordelia looked around to see if everyone was her friend sing when
she spotted the Host wiping a tear away from his face. She didn't say
anything because she knew that he understood every heartbreaking thing Faith
had gone through. And she was sure that the girl's amazing voice wasn't
helping matters, either. Cordy turned her attention back to the girl

If I was your girl believe me
I'd turn on the rolling stones
We can groove along and feel much better
Let me in!
I can do it forever and ever and ever and ever

Give me an hour to kiss you
Walk through this door and I'll show you
You don't need no doctor to feel much better
Let me in!
  Forever and ever and ever and ever....

She held the note for a good fifteen seconds before she let the next
interlude of music play. Her body swayed as if she was the music's puppet.
Her voice was softer.

I sat on the mountainside of peace of mind
And I lay by the ocean makin' love to her with visions clear
Walk the days with no one near
And I return as chained and bound to you.
  Damn! I wish I was your lover
I'd rock you 'til the daylight comes
Make sure you are smiling and warm
Damn! I wish I was your lover....

The slayer stopped singing and looked around. She wondered if the standing
ovation was for her.
