Title: Here We Go Again (5-6/7)
Author: Angel S.
Rating: PG

Part 5

"Once again, let's show Faith how much we love her!" The Host said
as he walked to the stage and spoke into the microphone. Faith slowly walked
back to the table and sat down as the Host introduced the next act.
"Damn, girl." Gunn said as the Slayer took a sip of her drink. "You
got a set of pipes on you, don't you?"
"Not really," Faith answered. "I mean, I'm okay, I guess."
"Faith, you were phenomenal!" Willow said.
"Yeah," Angel added. "I'm really impressed."
"Thanks!" Faith said, as her confidence slowly started coming back
to her.
"Why the long face, Blondie?" The Host asked as he joined them.
"Don't you know, Mr. 'I Can Read People'?" Spike asked dryly.
"Of course I know, Smarty Pants." The Host replied. "I just want to
hear you say it out loud." The vampire didn't say anything his girlfriend
squeezed his arm warningly. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Now, we'll start
with you." Spike looked at the Host fearfully. "Oh, it's okay. I won't share
EVERYTHING with your friends." He said with a smile. Everyone listened
attentively.  "You're in love with the cute redheaded witch, which is good."
Willow sat there in shock at the thought that Spike actually loved her. The
Host continued. "She balances you out. You've got so much passion and
intelligence in that brain of yours, and you don't want to express it any
other way except through violence." He leaned towards Spike. "Just because
the poetry didn't work, doesn't mean you can't find another healthy form of
expression. Don't let that solitary violent streak ruin what you have with
Red, here. She's the best thing that ever happened to you. Express your
passions in a more relationship-friendly way."
"Passions," Spike said as he smirked.
"Not your television show, silly vampire." The Host remarked
laughing. "But you already know that. And be more understanding of things
that are about to happen." He turned to face Faith. "And you," he said. "The
spirit of a fighter. The voice of an angel-not this one, thank the gods-" he
said as he gestured to the dark vampire. "And a heart as big as all get
out." He said with a smile. "You're on the right path now, Miss Slayer.
You've been honest with yourself, now be honest with others, if you get my
drift." She nodded silently.  He then turned to Angel. "Do I really need to
have this discussion with you?" Angel looked away shyly and shook his head.
"Take care of it soon, Mr. Long Dark Coat. You'll regret it if you don't."
He then stood.
"Wait a minute," Spike said. "What about Red? She needs to get up
and sing." Willow blushed as she hit Spike on the shoulder. "Ow! What?"
"Actually, she doesn't." The Host replied.
"She doesn't?"  Cordelia asked.
"Why not?" Gunn added.
"She was humming a song when you all walked in." The Host informed
the group. "She was the first person I read."
"Well, c'mon," Faith said. "Spill it!"
The Host smiled at Willow and said, "It's only fair." The redhead
nodded. "You have one of the purest hearts I've ever seen." He paused and
took a deep breath. "However, there is darkness in you. And you are aware of
it. That's good. I wouldn't have wanted to be around the Evil Vamp Willow
unless I had just taken a bath in holy water." He shivered before going on.
"But the goodness in you will always prevail-because you want it to. That's
what makes you such a strong person. And it would be that way even if you
didn't have so much Wiccan power in you." She looked at him with tears in
her eyes as she smiled. "And stop being so self conscious! You're a
beautiful, intelligent young woman. Act like it!" He looked towards the
stage, as the Gak demon finished its rendition of  'Walkin' on the Sun' by
Smashmouth. "Well, duty calls. Have a sea breeze on me." He said as he stood
and sauntered towards the stage.
"Whoa," Faith said.
"That was intense." Cordelia added. "Do we really need to stay here
much longer? Because I don't think I can handle more rest and relaxation."
"Amen to that." Gunn replied. "Let's go somewhere less cerebral."
The group stood and headed towards the door.
"Just bloody wonderful," Spike said.
"What's wrong?" Willow asked.
"What are you babbling about?" Gunn asked.
"It wouldn't be the first time." Spike answered
"First time for what, Spike?" Cordelia asked, slightly annoyed.
Spike motioned for them to look at Angel and Faith, who had walked
on ahead and pretended to be in deep discussion just to be near one another.
"A vampire and a slayer." He replied. "Here we go again."

Part 6

The group walked outside and headed toward the 'Angelmobile'.
Everyone was settled in and on the car headed towards a nice, quiet little
bar.  Not one of them noticed that they were being followed.
As they sat at a table discussing the Carita's experience and having
drinks, the gang decided that they were actually having a good time. Even
Spike admitted it.
"So, what's next?" Gunn asked. "Another drink, or should we call it
a night?"
"It's probably wise to call it a night, considering the fact that
the sun will be up in about an hour." Angel replied.
"Good plan, dad." Spike said with a goofy grin.
"My boy," Angel said to Spike. "Are you drunk?"
"Not bloody likely!" Spike answered. "Okay, I'm slightly
intoxicated. It'll go away in a few minutes."
"Let's get going before Mr. Peroxide Head here starts
philosophizing." Cordelia said.
"You say that like it's a bad thing, Spike, my dear." Cordelia
replied with a smirk.
The group walked outside. Immediately, both vampires and the slayer
tensed up. "I hope you guys are up for some action." Faith said to her crew.
"Because here it comes." Eight vampires jumped out of various hiding places
and began to attack. Willow did a small protection spell to make sure the
humans were okay. She knew Angel and Spike could take care of themselves.
Spike saw a fledgling head towards his witch and immediately jumped between
her and it. Before the fledgling knew what was happening, Spike had put his
hand through its chest and pulled out its heart. The vampire turned to dust.
At the same time, Angel went into a spinning side kick and managed to knock
down two of their opponents.  Spike got Willow to the safety of the car,
grabbing Cordelia on the way.  Gunn saw that his girlfriend was safe and
pulled out a stake. He avoided a few punches and roundhouse kicked a vamp.
Said vamp landed on its butt as Gunn staked it. Faith was having a good time
working one vamp over as she staked another who tried to gang up on her.
When she felt she had delivered enough punches, she staked the semiconscious
fledgling and turned to see who could use some help. Angel was battling 3
vamps, so Faith headed in that direction. Spike was sucker punched from
behind and immediately flipped up and landed on his feet. He swung his bent
arm so that his elbow collided with the vamp's nose behind him. He then spun
around connecting his fist with its face. The blonde vampire pulled a stake
from his duster and quickly dusted the fledgling.  Faith jumped in the air
as she straddled her legs and managed to kick two of the three vamps that
Angel was fighting. She landed on her feet and staked one while she
delivered a back kick to the other. Meanwhile, Angel easily staked the one
he was left fighting, just in time to turn and stake the one that Faith
kicked his way.  The final fledgling ran away as the warriors walked to the
car. The drive home was silent.
 When they finally were inside of the Hyperion, Cordelia broke the silence.
"Is anybody else beginning to think that we're not meant to have a nice,
relaxing evening?"
"Yes, I am." Willow said. "For a minute there, I thought I was the only one
with that feeling." Spike put his arm around her.
"Why don't we head up to bed, Luv?" Spike said to the redhead.
"But didn't Angel say--?"
"It's okay, Willow." Angel said. "After our little experience at Carita's
tonight, I'll go ahead and look the other way." He smiled at Spike knowingly
as the blonde playfully arched his scarred eyebrow and smirked at his
Spike and Willow headed upstairs. "We're not too far behind them." Cordy
said. "Can you guys lock up?" She asked Angel and Faith.
"Yeah, Cordy," Faith said. "Now get upstairs with that good looking
boyfriend of yours and stop worrying. Goodnight Charles." She said
"I'm gonna let that slide this time, Slayer." Gunn said with a smile. "But
only because you know somebody good looking when you see 'em." He then took
Cordelia's hand and headed up the stairs.
Faith sat down on one of the couches. Angel sat on the opposite end of the
same couch.
"So." Angel said.
"So." Faith repeated, not knowing what to say or do next.
"Faith, listen. We need to talk."
"It's okay, Fang," the brunette replied. "I know what you're gonna say."
"You do?"
"Yeah." She replied, trying not to show the hurt on her face. "It's cool.
I'll deal with it."
"Deal with what?" He asked, wondering why she had to 'deal' with him being
in love with her.
"Look, don't worry. I won't be all weird around you or anything." She
sighed. "I just don't want you to treat me any different, is all."
"Wait a minute." Angel said, still extremely confused. "Maybe you should
tell me what you think is going on."
"Oh c'mon Angel! Do I have to spell it out? I'm in love with you." Angel's
jaw dropped in shock. "And you're not in love with me. I accept that. I'll
He could hear the hurt in her voice. But, it was a moot point considering
the fact that his undead heart was soaring. She was in love with him!
"Faith," He said. "I'm so in love with you, I can't even see straight." He
then reached over and kissed her.
