It's Alright

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy. The song is from Big Head Todd & the Monsters, from their 'Sister Sweetly' cd. It's called 'It's Alright'.

Pairing: W/S (as always-except lots of angst)

Summary: Love is a bitch

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Later S7 after they've defeated the First. Spike now lives in the basement of Buffy's house.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soul Mates, Willow's Lil Secret, Willow Spike Forever, Near Her Always, Cat's Hellmouth Cafe, Angelic Vamps, Cyberline, Rapture. And anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.

Author's Note 2: ^^ = Willow's thoughts


Willow walked downstairs into the basement that Spike was now occupying in the Summers' house.

"Spike?" She called out.

"Hey Red." The vampire replied. He was lying on the makeshift bed. "I thought you'd forgotten about me." He sighed. "I thought everyone had forgotten about me."

"Oh, please." Willow replied reassuringly. "How could anyone forget about you? You may be one of the few truly unforgettable people out there."

"Why would anyone not want to forget about me?" He asked as he sat up.

"I'll always remember you." She replied softly. Spike smiled at the redhead. Willow looked into his sad, crystal blue eyes and sighed. ^Why am I doing this to myself? He only wants Buffy.^

Spike stood and walked over to the witch that had become his best friend in the past few weeks. He stood before her and enveloped her in a hug.

"I truly don't know what I'd do without you, Red."


You can't turn back the tide
Of the cold tears in your eyes
Or the pangs of wounded pride
If you hold me

"So," Willow started as she released the vampire from his hug. "What do we talk about today?"

"You mean your problems or mine?" He smiled at the joke he'd just made.

"Something like that." She said as they walked over to the futon to sit. There was silence for a few moments after the two sat side by side, his arm around her shoulders.

"She's still being nice to me." He said. "But, she still doesn't want to touch me." He paused. "Can't say that I blame her."


Someone do you wrong
You got a love as good as gone
Maybe you ain't as strong
As you wanna be

It's alright if you don't wanna go home
It's alright if you don't wanna be alone
It's alright if you don't wanna go home
I understand

The two talked for a couple of hours until the sun went down. Willow was enjoying her time with the recently souled vampire. Truth be told, she was already head over heels in love with him. William, the soul, was an incredibly intelligent and likeable person. She wasn't stupid. She knew he was in love with Buffy. But, she was in so deep that she would take what she could get from him. Even if it was just a couple of hours a day of talking.

They were deep into one of their conversations when the basement door opened and Buffy walked downstairs. Spike immediately jumped up and straightened his clothes, forgetting momentarily that the hacker was still in the room.

"Spike, are you ready for patrol?" she asked. When the slayer reached the bottom of the stairs, she saw Willow sitting on the futon and she smiled.  "Hey Wills."

"Hey Buffy." The redhead answered dejectedly.

"I just need to get my boots on." Spike answered the slayer's question.

"Are you patrol-bound, too, Will?" Buffy asked.

The witch stood. "You know what? I think I am." She headed up the stairs.

"Do you want us to wait?" The slayer asked.

"Nope, I'll just meet you guys out there." She replied as she shut the basement door.

"Does she even know where we'll be?" Spike asked no one in particular.


Nothing stays if it's gotta go now
You can't get water from a stone, now
Sometimes you gotta think about
The things you're gonna love

You can't point the finger at them
You can't say you're suffering from sin
Somehow our 'never was'
Never was good enough

Another two hours found a very angry redhead battling 3 vampires. And winning. Watching Spike forget everything else around him--yet again--just because Buffy entered the room had her needing to release that anger. Sure, she could've easily used magic to zap them into oblivion. However, she had also studied hand-to-hand combat, so she chose that route. After staking the last one, she looked up and saw a very surprised slayer and bleach blonde vampire watching her, with their mouths wide open.

"Hey guys." Willow said before heading towards the house.

"Have you been out here patrolling this whole time?" Buffy asked as she and Spike caught up with the redhead.

"Uh-huh." She answered.

Spike leaned over to the witch. "Do you want to continue our conversation when we get back?" He asked. Her stomach did flip flops, but she tried to sound calm. "Sure." She replied.

The rest of the walk home was silent. Until they reached the front door.

"Um, Spike could I talk to you for a minute?" Buffy asked.

"I guess I'll see you guys in the morning." Willow said before Spike had a chance to answer. She ran up the stairs and got ready for bed as she silently cried.


When the morning comes and you put yourself together
To face another day
When the day is gone, and you ain't seen better
You come walking my way


Willow got into bed and thought about her life. She never thought she'd fall in love again after Tara died. And here she was: in love again. With someone who worshipped the ground her best friend walked on. She knew it wouldn't change. She knew she'd be back in the basement tomorrow.


Sure, I'll be right here

Now that you're doing alright
You're pretty much out of sight
I don't hear you knocking 'round my door anymore
I'm glad to hear you're doing well
But I know that time will tell
Only when you're broken down,
Is that what friends are for?

But it's alright if you just wanna go home
It's alright if you just wanna be alone
It's alright if you just wanna go home
I understand


