Days Go By

Sequel to 'It's Alright'

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy. The song is from Duncan Sheik's debut self-titled cd called "Days Go By".

Pairing: W/S (as always)

Summary: Love is a bitch-sometimes

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Later S7 after they've defeated the First. Spike now lives in the basement of Buffy's house.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soul Mates, Willow's Lil Secret, Willow Spike Forever, Near Her Always, Cat's Hellmouth Cafe, Angelic Vamps, Cyberline, Rapture. And anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.

Author's Note:  ^^ = Willow's thoughts  {} = Spike's thoughts  ~~ = Buffy's thoughts.

Author's Note 2: This takes place as Willow walks into the house at the end of 'It's Alright'.


Spike watched as Willow shut the door. "Why did she just leave like that?" He asked himself aloud. "I don't think she's telling me everything."

"Spike?" Buffy asked, aware that he'd forgotten she was still standing out on the porch with him.

"What if something's really wrong and I didn't see it, even after everything we've talked about?" The vampire went on as if the slayer hadn't said anything. "How could I have let her down like that?"


I know it's not fashionable
To be this hopeful
.well laugh anyway

I didn't think it was possible
To be grateful


Buffy looked at vampire and then to the door that her best friend disappeared through only minutes before.

~Oh my God. I can't believe I didn't see this before!~ The slayer thought to herself. ~Spike's in love with Willow! Okay, yeah, sort of jealous, but that'll pass. I mean, it's not like I was 'in love' with him. I wonder if she feels the same way about him.~ She was distracted from her thoughts by Spikes hand waving in front of her face.

"Buffy. Slayer!" He said, finally getting her attention.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Spike." The blonde answered.

"I said, do you think she's okay?" He apparently repeated a question he'd just asked. Before the slayer had time to answer, the vampire began again. "I mean, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary with Red?"


I know it's not sensible
To be this passionate

"Um, Spike." Buffy started. "Why don't you go check on Willow? I think you may be right. She did seem like she had something on her mind."

"Right, then." He replied as he reached for the doorknob. "Oh, you wanted to talk to me, didn't you?"

"You know what: it can wait." She replied with a genuine smile. "I think Willow needs you right now."

Spike didn't hesitate to open the door and head upstairs, taking the steps two at a time with vampiric speed. He was there in seconds.

"Red." He called out as he knocked on her bedroom door. "Willow? You in there?"

He heard her sniffle and immediately knew his witch had been crying. {But why?} He wondered. {Whoever hurt Willow I'll rip the bloody bastards apart!}

"Spike?" He heard on the other side of the door, followed by another muffled sniffle. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, luv. It's me." He replied. "May I come in?"

He heard moving around, and then footsteps. Finally the redhead opened the door. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and she was in a t-shirt and boxer shorts. However, Spike thought she was the most beautiful, radiant creature he had ever seen. {She's amazing.} He thought to himself before realizing why his thoughts were headed that way. "Bloody hell." He said.


Days go by
I catch myself smile
More than you'd ever expect
It's been a long while
Since it's been okay
To feel this way

Misunderstanding the meaning behind his words, the redhead replied. "Don't worry about it, Spike. It's not your problem. I'll deal with my own problems."

She was about to shut the door when he stepped in.

"Red, that's not gonna happen." The vampire said. "I'll never allow you to hurt again, as long as I can help it."

"Well, you can't. Not with the attitude of 'bloody hell'." She replied, mocking his accent. "Goodnight Spike. I'll see you tomorrow." She tried to shut the door again. This time, Spike walked passed her and shut the door. "Spike, what are you doing?"

He pulled her into his arms and gave her the most tender, passionate kiss she'd ever experienced.


In the volumes of history
Have you ever seen anything
.so pure

In the wildest mythology
Were the gods and goddesses
.ever so in love

In your own experience
Have you ever known tenderness
.like this

When the kiss ended, Willow took deep breaths. "What was that for?" she asked surprised by his sudden attentions.

"I'm an idiot." He replied. "Do you have any idea how much I've fallen in love with you?"


Days go by
I catch myself smile
More than you'd ever expect
It's been a long while
Since it's been okay
To feel this way
These are the most precious
Of all my days


