The Next Morning

Sequel to:  Days Go By

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy.

Pairing: W/S (as always)

Summary: Love is a bitch-sometimes

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Later S7 after they've defeated the First. Spike now lives in the basement of Buffy's house.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soul Mates, Willow's Lil Secret, Willow Spike Forever, Near Her Always, Cat's Hellmouth Cafe, Angelic Vamps, Cyberline, Rapture. And anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.

Author's Note:  ^^ = Willow's thoughts  {} = Spike's thoughts  ~~ = Buffy's thoughts.



The next morning had Buffy and Dawn discussing last night's events in the kitchen while preparing breakfast.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Dawn gushed. "This is SO cool!"

The blonde smiled at her younger sister. "Yeah, it is. Isn't it?"

"How are you with it?" Dawn asked.

"You know, I thought it'd be weirder. Or more difficult to deal with." Buffy mused. "But, I'm actually dealing. I'm even okay with it." She finished, surprised by the truth in her statement.

"Well, that's good to know, because I like seeing them together." Dawn replied. "Neither of them seems so hollow and distant when the other is in the room. Did you notice that?"

"I didn't until you mentioned it." Buffy answered. "But, you're right. They've been in love for a while now, haven't they?"

"Well, it sure took you guys long enough to figure that one out." A male voice said from the entrance to the kitchen.

"Oh, c'mon, Xander." Dawn said. "Are you telling me that after everything he did in the past--including my sister-that you think this thing with him and Willow is okay?"

The slayer gasped. "Dawn!"

"She's right, you know." Xander replied. "What can I say? I guess I've grown up a lot recently." He looked at the Summers sisters. "I guess we all had to."

"Damn," a female voice behind Xander added. "And I was hoping we'd all stay young and carefree forever."

"Wills!" Buffy said excitedly as she jumped from the bar stool and ran over to her best friend. "I'm so sorry for being such a blind idiot!"

"Blind idiot about what, Buff?" Willow asked as the slayer continued the death grip from hell. "And.oxygen.please." The blonde released her hold on the redhead.

"What are you doing down here, anyway?" Dawn asked. Willow raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you still be upstairs with Spike?"

"Dawnie?!?" Willow screamed as embarrassment and a deep red blush overtook her.

"No kidding." Xander said. "I really don't want details."

"What?" Dawn asked. "I'm 17 years old. I know about the birds and the bees. Besides, with as many details as Anya has given, I'm pretty sure you have no room to talk." She then paused and addressed Willow once again.. "Are you coming down here to warm his blood and bring it back up to him?" She sighed. "That is so sweet: breakfast in bed."

"You guys," Willow started, but was interrupted by the basement door opening to reveal a very sleepy and grumpy Spike.

"I know it is daytime and all, but please try to remember that vampires sleep during the day, people." The vampire stated.

"Hey!" A very surprised Dawn said. "What are you doing down there when Willow came from upstairs?"

"Well, Bit, it's like this:" Spike said as he directed a quick wink to the redhead. "Willow's room is upstairs." He spoke to her as if she were two, as well as pointed in the direction of the stairs. "I sleep in the basement." He finished slowly as he pointed to the basement door.

"B-b-but.I thought," Dawn began.

"I guess what we all want to know is why you two weren't 'together'." Xander explained.

"Harris, I am not that kind of vampire." Spike replied with mock hurt. "Now Red, here. Couldn't keep her hands off me." He said with a smirk as he walked to the fridge to get a packet of blood.

"Spike!" Willow chided. Then, she spoke to her friends. "Guys, let us deal with whatever this is, okay? It's our business. And, things will be taken very slowly. That's all you need to know." She grabbed a piece of toast and put peanut butter and syrup on it before making herself a cup of coffee.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Red." Spike whispered. "I'll see you after class?" He asked, totally oblivious to the other occupants in the room.

Willow nodded and kissed him on the cheek. Spike retrieved the blood from the microwave and headed back into the basement.

Willow smiled after him and headed upstairs with her coffee and toast so that she could start her day.

"But what happened last night?" Dawn asked rather loudly. However, she got no reply.

