Some Things

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy.

Pairing: W/S

Summary: The usual fluffiness. I really need that right now.

Rating: PG-13

Spoilers: It's set in S4. Well, this is pretty much AU, but there are things up through S6 that may come up. I never know. I make it up as I go along.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Soulmates 'til the End of Time, Willow's Lil Secret, Near Her Always, Willow Spike Forever. And anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Author's note: Spike never 'fell in love' with Buffy. I think that's disgusting and untrue to the character. Willow now lives at her parents' house because they gave it to her before they moved to Europe.

Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.

Author's Note 2: <> = Willow's thoughts  {} = Spike's thoughts


~Part: 1~

"Why can't I kill him?" The slayer whined.

"Because he's actually helping us, Buffy." Giles replied as he took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I'd be doing the world a favor." She replied as she sat in a huff on Giles sofa.

"You really want to do the world a favor, Slayer?" Spike said as he returned from the kitchen and sat on a chair with his mug of blood. "Leave it."

"Spike. Not helping." Willow said as she continued to type, never taking her eyes off of her laptop.

"But, it's still fun." He whispered to her in his oh-so-sexy voice.

The redhead took a deep breath and counted to ten. It was the only way she could keep herself from becoming a gelatinous mass when she was near him. Before she finished counting, the computer beeped.

"Hey, we've got it!" She announced.

"Great!" Buffy replied happily. "Now, I get to kill something." She stood.

"I'll just print this out." Willow said as she hit the button.

Spike finished his blood and looked at the redhead. She was so amazing to him. Something of an enigma, really. Quiet and shy, yet strong and determined. He really admired her.  He knew that he would've never been as remarkable as she when he was human. Willow was truly a treasure.


"What?" He asked, annoyed that his train of thought was interrupted.

"Are you going to lead us to the place you saw the Mevkininik demon, or not?" Giles asked.

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled as he stood. He noticed Willow putting on her jacket. "Where is she going?"

"Well, Mr. Living Challenged." Xander explained slowly. "If you would have been listening, you would know that Willow needs to do a spell so that its major defense is down, and then we can actually fight the damned thing!"

"That would require my being interested in what you have to say, and therefore paying attention, Xapper."

"Spike, it's the only way." Giles said, somewhat exasperated.

The vampire looked at the curious faces around him.

"Right then," He announced as he puffed his chest out. "Let's be on our way." He grabbed his coat and headed outside.

"What's with him?" Anya asked.

"He's being his usually annoying self." Buffy said as she headed out. Xander followed the slayer.

Anya and Willow gave each other a look.

"It did seem as though he was worried about your welfare, Willow." Giles explained.

"That's ridiculous." Willow sputtered. "Why would he care about me?"

"Maybe he wants to have sex with you." Anya mused.

"Yes, erm, well, let's take care of this Mevkininik demon, shall we?" Giles replied with a blush.



Giles front door is slammed open.

"What in the bloody hell were you thinking?!?"

"Gee, could it be that this monster was about to KILL you?" Willow screamed at the vampire as he limped into the apartment behind her. "And don't give me that 'I'm already dead' crap. You would've been dust, and you know it!"

"I could've handled myself." He said quietly.

"Well, I didn't know that for sure and I wasn't about take that chance, okay."

"Why not?" Spike asked sincerely. Willow spun to look at him and saw not a bruised ego, but genuine concern for her.

Just then, the rest of the group filed in. Buffy had a gash on her forehead. Xander's arm had claw marks. Giles looked like every part of his body was bruised, and Anya was limping.

"You know, you shouldn't be fussing over Willow considering the fact that she's the only one of us that's not wounded." Anya pointed out.

Spike snorted, and tried his best to sound aloof.

"I'm not fussing over the chit. I'm just saying that I could've taken care of myself, is all."

Anya smiled at Giles. "Well, " the watcher announced. "Good job, everyone. Why don't you all head home and get some well deserved rest?"

"Good idea." Willow agreed a little too quickly as she ran out the door.

~Part: 2~

Pacing her room, Willow couldn't get the bleached blonde vampire out of her thoughts.  ^What the heck is wrong with me? Why can't I stop thinking about him?^ She stopped pacing.  ^Well, okay, there are those ice blue eyes, the adorable scar over his left eyebrow. Those amazing cheekbones and awesome body.^  She sighed.  ^Oh, and let's not forget that damned smirk!^  She got into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin after turning off her bedside lamp. ^Do they even realize how intelligent he is? Probably not. All they see is William the Bloody. Slayer of Slayers. That IS bad. But, I think there is more to him than he lets on.^  She shifted in bed so that she was facing the French doors. ^What's the REAL story, William?^ "And what is your last name?" She added aloud before succumbing to sleep with visions of her favorite vampire in her head.

Spike watched from his station outside her French doors. He lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply. "G'night Red." He said softly before leaping from the balcony and heading back to his crypt.

The next two days were rather uneventful for the Hellmouth. However, the third evening had the gang back at the watcher's place.

"No, Giles." Buffy announced. "This thing was HUGE! I'm talking 9 feet tall, razor sharp teeth, and claws bigger than my head. Shut up, Spike." She finished before the vampire could even open his mouth.

"But it was a good one, Slayer." The vampire goaded. It took all of Willow's strength to suppress a giggle.

"What else do you remember about it, Buffy?" Giles asked as he glared at the vampire.

"Definitely not into personal hygiene." The slayer continued. "At first I thought it was black. But when I got closer, I noticed it was dark blue." She paused. "With these funky colored eyes."

"I can't actually type 'funky colored' into the database, Buff." Willow said to her best friend.

"Oh." The slayer said dejected. "Ooh! Remember that top I got that looked really cute in the store, but when I brought it home and put it on, it was way slutty?"

"Nothing's too slutty for you, bimbo." Spike said as he finished his mug of blood.

Willow tried to ignore the vamp. "Oh, yeah. That funky fusia color?"

"Yup!" Buffy answered proudly.

"Those of us who don't speak 'girl' would like a translation, please." Xander said after he stuffed another chip in his mouth.

"I figured you'd have picked up on it easily, you ponce." Spike announced.

"And score yet another one for the vampire." Willow said to herself.

"Wills!" Xander whined. "You're supposed to be my best friend!"

"Oops! Was that out loud?" The redhead asked sheepishly. She then continued typing.

"It's like a hot pink, Xander." Anya supplied to the boyfriend.

"Got it!" Willow announced. "We need to thank Angel and Cordelia next time we talk to them. It's a Flactem demon. It says here, they encountered one about 2 months ago."

"How do I kill it?" Buffy asked.

"The usual." The redhead replied. "Decapitation, sword through the heart, etcetera. But, that's not the problem."

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy." Xander said.

"It usually has lots of fledgling minions with it." Willow explained.

"Oh, that's not too bad." Xander said, somewhat relieved. "Weapons all around, people." He then looked at Spike. "Alive and dead. We got some monsters to kill."

"I'm up for it." Buffy said as she stood.

"Isn't that what got you in trouble with that Parker bloke?" Spike asked as he headed to the door.

"Weren't you dating Harmony at the time?" The slayer replied.

"Bitch." The vampire shot back.

"And don't you forget it." The blonde answered as she headed out the door. Xander, Anya, and Giles immediately followed. It took Willow a little longer because she had to shut down her computer. Spike stopped her before she reached the door.

"Stay close to me." He told her. "And don't do anything stupid, or what may be construed as heroic."

"Oh, bite me." She replied as she removed her arm from his grasp. "Oh, no pun intended. Asshole." And she walked out the door leaving a very surprised vampire staring after her.

~Part: 3~

Buffy fought her way through the minions and headed straight for the Flactem demon. The rest of the gang kept the minions busy so that she could do her job.

Giles made quick work of two of the minions with a sword in one hand and a stake in the other. He ran the sword through the one on the left, but let the one on the right get close enough to him so he could drive the stake home. Once he dusted the one on the right, he shifted and staked the one with the sword in its gut.

Meanwhile, Xander and Anya, who were armed with holy water and stakes, held their own against a couple of the minions. Willow had the crossbow and purposely went to the opposite side of where she knew Spike would be. She was going to prove to him that she was not a helpless weakling, and could take care of herself. As she aimed the crossbow at her first vamp, she pulled the bottle of holy water out of her jacket pocket and threw it at the minion approaching her from the left, hitting her target. She then simultaneously fired the crossbow dusting the vamp in front of her and kicked backwards with all of her strength as her foot came in contact with the groin of another vampire. She dusted the one she doused with holy water and used the same stake to dust the one that she kicked.

Spike had quickly dispatched of 5 minions and was watching his redhead do severe damage to the ones that went after her. He leaned against a crypt and lit a cigarette. Pride overwhelmed him as he watched her head to the slayer and hand Buffy the sword she had dropped. Buffy decapitated the demon just as Xander and Anya staked their last minion. Giles walked over to the slayer and the hacker.

"Is everyone alright?" The watcher asked.

"I think so." Xander replied.

"Just a few bumps and bruises." Buffy added. "But we'll live." She looked at Spike. "Well, most of us."

"So, Ripper, if that's everything, I think I'll head home." Spike announced, and started walking away.

"Hey deadboy junior! Did you hit your head?" Xander asked. "Your crypt is that way." He announced pointing in the opposite direction.

"I don't live there anymore, Xapper." Spike replied as he kept walking.

"But, how will we find you?" Willow asked. Everyone looked at her. "Um, if we need your help again?"

"Watcher's got my cell number." Spike answered as he disappeared into the darkness.

"You know," Buffy said as she noticed the sad look on her friend's face. "Barring complications of the Hellmouth variety, I say we have some fun tomorrow night."

"Bronze?" Xander asked.

"Bronze." Buffy replied.

"You up for it, G-man?" Xander asked Giles.

"Actually Xander, Buffy did say fun. So, I'll go with no." Giles replied with a smile. "I'll be at the Espresso Pump with people closer to my own age."

"Well, we could all go there." Buffy suggested.

"No, Buffy, that's quite alright." Giles answered. "You all have fun tomorrow night and check in with me before you go."

"Okay." She said to her watcher. "Wills, you up for Bronzing, then?"

"Sure, I'll meet you guys there." She replied.

"Nice job tonight, by the way." Buffy said as she put her arm around the redhead when the group started walking out of the cemetery. "You really kicked some booty."

Willow smiled. "I did, didn't I?" she asked proudly as they disappeared into the night.

"Yes you did, Red." Spike said softly as he stood at the gates before heading to his new apartment.


The next evening, just after sunset, Willow was getting dressed when she heard the doorbell. ^Who the hell is that?^ she wondered. She ran downstairs and to the front door.


"Hey Red." The vampire replied. "May I come in?"

"Do you still have your chip?"

"No, I got rid of it months ago, but wanted to continue helping the bloody slayer because it's fun." He answered dryly.

"Fine. Come in." She answered.

Spike dropped his cigarette and sauntered in. He took off his duster and headed to the lounge room.

"So," Willow was getting impatient. She couldn't be around him knowing he hated her. So why was he here?

"What do you need?"

"Hot cocoa, if you've got it" He replied seriously. "With the little marshmallows." ^He looked so innocent when he said that!^

"Let's go to the kitchen." She said with a sigh.

After making the cocoa and finding marshmallows, which she knew she had because Joyce had told her he liked it, Willow set the mugs down on the table and sat across from Spike. He took a sip.

"Mmmm. Good stuff." He said mostly to himself.

"Spike, not that I'm not happy to see you or anything but.why are you here?"

Spike took a deep breath. "I need your help." He said.

"What is it?" Now she was worried.

"I can't tell you." He replied. "I have to show you. Do you have time?"

~Part: 4~

After Willow finished getting ready, she and Spike headed out the door. They walked in silence for about 15 minutes before they were standing outside of someone's house. It was a one-story home with a few softly lit lamps inside.

"Um, Spike?" Willow asked as they walked up to the front door.

"What, Luv?" the vampire asked.

"Why are we here?"

"I told you," he replied as he opened the front door. "You need to see it."

The hacker looked inside, afraid of what she might find. This was definitely NOT what she was expecting. The front area of the house had a couple of chairs, a lamp, and a coffee table. As she stepped inside, she noticed that the walls were bare. The first bedroom down the hall and to the right was completely empty. Across from it, there was a restroom. Further down the hall and to the left was the master bedroom. There was another lamp, a mattress, a little 13-inch television, and lots of books all over the floor of the room.

When she reached the front room again, she headed to the other entranceway. The kitchen and the dining room where there was an old table and a couple of mismatched chairs was that way. She slowly walked back to the front room where she found Spike sitting on one of the armchairs and smoking a cigarette.

"Spike, what the hell is this?" The witch asked.

"It's my new digs." The vampire replied. "You like?"

"Yeah, it's really nice." She furrowed her brow in confusion. "Is that what you wanted? For me to see your new place?"

"A little more than that, Luv." He answered with his trademark smirk.

^I will not faint, I will not faint, I will not faint, I will not faint.^  "So, do I have to guess?" She asked.

"Now, now. What's with the attitude?" He asked playfully.

"Spike." She warned.

"Oh, alright." He said and stood. "I want.I need you to help me make it look presentable."


"You know: help pick out furniture, wall decorations, nothing too nancy boyish." He replied, loving the surprised look on her face.  {Please don't say no. Please don't say no. Please don't say no.}

"Why me?" The redhead asked.

{Well, at least it's not a 'no'.} "Because I think I may need someone who is not as old as I am to help me shop. The watcher is too stuffy, the slayer would make look like Paingel's place, and the whelp has no taste." He answered as he walked toward her. When he stopped he said, "And that leaves you."

"Oh, so by process of elimination, I get the job." She said coldly as she looked him in the eye. "I guess I should say thanks for thinking of me. But, no thanks." She headed towards the door. Before she could completely open it, Spike had shut it again.



"Truth is, I didn't even consider anyone else but you." He mumbled with his eyes downcast.

"Really?" she asked, still not convinced.

"You see, there is this bird," he began, still not making eye contact with her. "And, I got this place for her-in a way. I know she won't want to spend time in a crypt."

Willow's heart sank. ^Oh gosh! There's someone else. And he wants me to make this place all nice and comfy for HER. No way. No way in hell.^ Then, she saw the look on his face.

"You really care about her." It wasn't a question.

"As much as a vampire can, I guess." He replied, still looking at the floor.

"I know you're not the average vampire. You have an enormous capacity to care." She said. "So, when do we start?"

"You serious?" The stunned vampire asked.

"Sure. Why not?"

"Okay then. Now." Spike answered.

"Um, Spike." She felt a little nosy asking, but she needed to know. "How are we paying for all of it?"

"I've been a vampire for over a hundred and twenty years, Pet." The Spike replied as he put his duster on. "Do you really think that I haven't acquired mass amounts of money?"

"So, why do you take money from Giles?" She asked.

"Because I'm a vampire, Red." He said as though it was the most logical answer in the world.


Two and half hours later at the Bronze...

"Buffster, I'm not liking this." Xander said as he and Anya returned from the dance floor. "Shouldn't Wills be here by now?"

"Yeah." The slayer replied. "It's not like her to be so late and not call."

"Maybe we should go look around for her." Riley suggested.

"Good idea." Xander said as he stood and gathered his and Anya's things.

"We'll search her house and the cemeteries, just in case she was attacked on the way." Buffy said.

"And we'll start here and work towards her house in case she was attacked closer to the Bronze." Xander replied.

"We'll meet back here in an hour." Riley said.


Fifty-seven minutes later, about 100 meters from theBronze...

"That was so much fun!" Willow looked like she'd had lots of caffeine and was literally bouncing.

"Well Red, we're not even halfway done."

"I know." She replied. "I'm sorry I had to bail tonight."

"You made plans with your friends." He answered. "I understand."

"Well, thanks for walking me." she replied.

He paused. "But, you're all mine tomorrow, right?"

^Do NOT fall. Do NOT fall. Do NOT fall. He's doing this for some other girl, remember?^

"Yup. All yours." She tried to sound nonchalant about it.

"Something wrong, Pet?" Spike asked. {She probably thinks the idea of being 'all mine' is disgusting. Bloody hell, what was I thinking? She'll never--}

Before he could finish his internal monologue, an extremely irate slayer tackled him.

~Part: 5~

After the first punch was landed, Xander and Anya showed up.

"Buffy!" Willow yelled. The slayer ignored the hacker and went for a second punch. That one, of course, never connected due to the fact that an extremely enraged witch held a very confused slayer suspended in mid air.

"What the.?" Buffy said.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" Willow demanded.

"Willow?" Riley asked, as he finally put 2 and 2 together. Spike stood and returned to Willow's side.

"Wills, sweetie, put the superhuman down." Xander said in a soothing voice.

"Answer the question, Buffy." The witch replied as she ignored her lifelong friend. Spike had his trademark smirk on his face as the slayer stared in disbelief.

"Well, you were.and then we were worried.and he." Buffy stammered.

"What exactly was he doing to me that would make you attack him?" The redhead asked as she stood there calmly with her hands on her hips.

"Don't you know, Luv? I was talking you to death. Don't know what would've happened if the slayer hadn't shown up to save you." Spike deadpanned.

"Don't touch him." Willow said to her best friend. The slayer nodded. Willow carefully released her and took a step towards the vampire.

"Geez, Will." Buffy said. "Remind me to never piss you off again."

"Not to break up the 'next time ask questions before slaying the chipped vampire' speech," Xander interrupted. "But, where were you and why didn't you let us know you were with the bleached blunder?"

"Sorry guys," the redhead replied innocently. "But I really did lose track of time."

"Well, as long as you're safe." Buffy said hesitantly.

"What exactly were you doing to lose track of time?" Anya asked. "Having sex?" She asked hopefully.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" The hacker asked playfully as she headed towards the Bronze with Spike following behind her.

"She's kidding, right?" Xander asked no one in particular.

"Of course she is." Buffy replied confidently. "Right?" She then asked uncertainly. When no one replied, they all followed Willow and Spike into the Bronze.


Later that night, after a night of dancing and actually having a good time, Spike volunteered to walk Willow home. First there was the comfortable silence, followed by the inevitable.

"Thanks for not saying anything, Pet." Spike said.

"It's none of their business, Spike." Willow replied.

"All the same, I won't forget it." He insisted. "So, tomorrow then?" He asked after another silence.

"Definitely." Willow answered giddily. "I really had a great time helping you out."

"I be here right after sunset, then."

"Why don't I meet you at your place since I can venture out into the daylight?" The hacker asked. "That way, we can get started as soon as the sun sets."

"I always knew you were the smart one, Red." Spike answered with a smile as they walked to her front door.

"Well, thanks for walking me home." She said shyly.

"I have to make sure you're alive to help me finish this project, don't I?"

"Oh. Of course." She answered dejectedly. "Goodnight Spike." She quickly said before going inside and shutting the door behind her.

A bewildered Spike just stood there for a few moments wondering what had just happened.

Inside, Willow ran upstairs to her room and quickly changed for bed.  "It's okay. Relax. Calm down. You know he doesn't care for you in that way, you stupid nobody. He never will." She said aloud to herself as she paced her room once again thinking about the bleach blonde vampire. "This is all to help him get some other girl. She's probably beautiful like Drusilla.or.or Buffy. Why would he want plain old." She stopped in front of the mirror and stared into it. ".you?" she said the last word in a whisper. With her head down, she walked over to her bed and crawled into it. She then turned out the light and tried to get some sleep.

The silent spectator outside her French doors just stared in awe. {How could she be so wrong? She's everything I want. She's beautiful and smart. She's what I should've been if I hadn't become a vampire. How could she think that I would want anyone except her? The slayer is the daft one, not my Red.} He leapt from the balcony and headed towards his new place.

"Don't worry Red." He said aloud as he lit a cigarette. "You'll soon see how special you are to me."

~Part: 6~

The next day went by in a flurry of activity. Willow decided to not think of the ramifications of spending so much time with Spike, and to focus on the positive aspects of it. She went to classes and worked on all of her homework so that she could head directly to Spike's place after going home to freshen up and change clothes.

^At least I'm spending time with him.^ she thought to herself as she hurried out the door in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with 'Girls Kick Ass' across the chest. Willow reached Spike's house in just a few short minutes and rang the bell. It took a while before the vampire came to the door.

"Red?" Spike asked as he opened the door.

"I'm all ready!" Willow replied in a cheerful voice. She then noticed a shirtless Spike with curly hair looking very much like his sleep had been disturbed. ^Holy crap! He has someone here! It's the girl! I know it is.^

"Spike I'm so sorry. I'll leave right now. I thought you wanted to go shopping again, but you obviously."

"Red." The vampire said sternly, interrupting her babble. "Come in."

"No!" She answered as she blushed. "If you still, I'll come back tomorrow."

"Willow," Spike looked at the redhead with amused blue eyes. {She thinks I've got some bird here.} "Sit down." She walked hesitantly to the sofa and sat rigidly. "I just didn't think you'd be this early, what with the sun still out and all." He said as he took a pack of cigarettes from the chair and lit one.

"It's not like we could get that much of a head start on the evening." He raised an eyebrow to let her know that he knew what she'd been thinking.

"Oh!" She looked away, completely embarrassed. "Well, I guess you have some time to get ready then."

"I'll be out in a few." He said as he put out the cigarette and headed towards his room to shower and dress.

Willow heard the shower running and started walking around the house trying to keep her mind off of the fact that a very naked Spike was in the other room showering. ^I am so going straight to hell.^ She thought to herself. When she got to the kitchen, she noticed something that wasn't there before. Walking over to the table, she decided to get a closer look. What she saw had her frozen where she stood.

With bright, innocent eyes and love of optimism
Why do you doubt me?
With soft, gentle, perfect beauty
And a fierce fire that burns within
How can you think I don't love you?
For every moment I spend alone,
It is then that I spend time
With you in my mind.
Will you never see the man
That wants to love you forever?

The sound of the shower being turned off brought Willow out of her reverie. The witch took a deep breath and walked back to the sofa in the other room. ^Poetry? He's writing poetry about her? I've always wanted to meet the luckiest woman in the world. Maybe he'll introduce me to her when we've finished decorating.^

Spike walked back in with towel in hand, getting rid of the excess water in his hair.

"You just about ready, Pet?" He asked.

"Um, yep." She said shakily.

"Anything wrong?"

"No." She replied in her cheery Willow voice. ^Think Wills! Think! You're supposedly the smart one!^  "I was just wondering how you were going to manage all of the deliveries that will be happening tomorrow during the day.

"Hadn't really thought of that." Spike said thoughtfully. "Now I wish I would've asked for night deliveries."

"Well," she started timidly. "I could.that is.I wouldn't mind coming in tomorrow morning so that you wouldn't have to be in the direct path of the sun all day."

"Great idea, Red." Spike said, genuinely happy. "You know what would be even better?" He asked. The redhead just stared. "If we stopped by your place after the rest of our shopping and picked up some of your things so that you can just stay here tonight." Willow's eyes became bigger than her face. "That way, we can come back here and start figuring out where everything is going."

"Um, okay." Was all she could say.

~Part: 7~

Since last night was spent finding things for the kitchen, dining room, and lounge room, tonight the duo focused on the bathrooms and bedrooms. Things for the bathrooms went without a hitch. The guest bedroom was the same. The witch and the vampire agreed on practically everything for these rooms. For example, although the guest bedroom would still have a bed, it would also be a type of office for the vampire. However, when it came time to decorate Spike's bedroom, the redhead clammed up. One minute Spike was talking to the salesperson while Willow stood beside him. The next minute, the hacker was nowhere to be found. He excused himself from the woman helping him and went in search of Willow.

"Red?" He called out. When she didn't answer, he knew she was trying to hide from him. So, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. "There you are." He said in a whisper as he headed towards the scent of his redhead.

When he knew he was within hearing distance of her, he said softly. "Pet, you know that hide and seek is not a game you want to play with a vampire."

She quickly stood and started to stammer. "I-I-I wasn't h-hiding." She said trying to sound confident.

He arched his scarred eyebrow. "I w-was just looking for." she started looking at her surroundings. "I was looking for a nice wallpaper."

"Right." He said. Then paused. "So, what'd you come up with?"


"Wallpaper?" He reminded her.

"Oh!" She remembered. "That's where I got s-stuck. I don't know what color you want your bedroom to be."

"Hmmm." Spike said as he pretended to be thinking. "Tell you what." He turned to the redhead. "I'm kind of bored with the stereotypical 'vampires have to have everything either black or red' theory. So, point to something and we'll work from there." She was about to speak when he interrupted her. "No pinks or pastels, though."

Willow pretended to pace and think while her eyes focused on the perfect aspect of Spike's bedroom. ^I'm so brilliant! Yay me!^ she thought to herself as she turned to the waiting vampire. "Let's pick out the furniture first." She said with a devious smile.

"What's going on in that noggin' of yours, Red?" He asked. She just continued to smile. "Whatever it is, you'll have to do more of it. That smile alone is definitely worth a shag."

"Cut it out." She warned playfully and started walking to the place where the vampire had lost her.


Two hours later, the two were at Willow's place. "Get a move on, Red." Spike yelled upstairs.

"Stop rushing me!" She yelled back.

The vampire stood from his resting position on the sofa.

"The delivery men are going to beat us there." Spike whined.

"Oh, hush, you big baby." She said as she walked down the stairs, with bag in hand.

"That's 'Big Bad', Pet."

"You are so full of yourself." She said playfully.

They walked outside to the front of the house where Willow's car was parked. She opened the back door and put her things inside. Spike moved the wallpaper and things aside for her.

"Well, well." A voice from the shadows came. Spike was so wrapped up in everything Willow that he hadn't sensed any other vampires. "He not only helps them kill our kind, but he also helps them pack."

A couple other vampires chuckled as Willow sized up the odds. Spike smiled as he took out a cigarette and lit it. "You know what, mate?" He said in his sexy drawl. "How about I don't do a thing, except make sure everyone knows that a little redheaded human kicked your ass?"

Willow turned to Spike surprised. She figured all he wanted to do was stop Weak Willow from getting hurt. She smiled her now famous devious smile at the bleach blonde, but did not say a word.

"You up for it, Luv?" Spike asked as he took another drag.

"Shouldn't you be asking THEM that question?" The redhead replied as tiny green bolts of lightning appeared to dance in her eyes."

~Part: 8~

Without warning, the redhead pulled a stake from the back pocket of her jeans as she silently chanted. This caused her to jump and flip landing on the other side of the car, where Spike was casually leaning, still smoking his cigarette. The witch staked one vamp and let the momentum carry her body into a spin where she elbowed another in the face, breaking its nose. Spike smiled proudly and took another drag. Willow turned to face the leader and the two that flanked him.

"You want to play, little girl?" The leader asked.

"I think I'll save you for later." She replied before pointing her finger towards him. A bright blue lightning bolt shot from her finger and encased him in a bright force field, where he remained.  The other two were about to run as the redhead focused on them.

"Going somewhere?"

Meanwhile, Spike finished his cigarette just in time to turn and block a 'surprise' punch from behind him.

"Now, now." He scolded playfully. "Play fair, or I'll have to hurt you before I kill you." He landed a punch in the vamp's face, and kicked him in the stomach. The vamp flew and landed on it's back. Without looking, Spike back kicked another vamp directly in the face as he headed towards the other to finish it. He pulled out a stake and rammed it home just as the other ran up to him and tackled him. They fell in the dust of the staked vamp and Spike easily got the upper hand. He quickly punched the vamp in the face grabbed its head, and twisted it off. He stood and wiped the dust from his hands onto his duster. He looked up to see how the redhead was doing.

Willow had dispatched of the two vamps and was about to let down the force field surrounding the leader.

"Red! Wait!" Spike said.

The witch turned towards the bleach blonde. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothin'." He replied. "I just wanted to get comfortable and light a fag before you started on this one." He smirked and she nearly lost her concentration. ^I can't believe he's being so great about this!^ She thought. She then turned her attention back to the imprisoned vamp.

"So, what should I do with you?" She asked.

"You could let me go, and I won't bother you again." The scared leader suggested.

"Hmmmm." Willow replied before turning to Spike. "What do you think?"

"Oh, come on, Pet." Spike said like an impatient child. "I want violence." Willow turned back to the imprisoned vamp.

"Sorry." She said. "Spike's the Big Bad. And the Big Bad usually gets what he wants." She waved her hand and the force field disappeared. "No magic. Hand to hand."

"Will," Spike warned.

"You promised to stay out of it, remember?" She called back to Spike without taking her eyes away from the other vamp. The vamp charged her, and ran directly into the stake she was holding before he noticed it. "Aww, he didn't wait for me to say 'go'." She pouted.

"Impressive." Spike announced. "Nice work, luv."

She did a small curtsy and smiled. "Thank you, sir." She answered.

"So, are we off?" Spike asked as he gestured to the car.

"Way off." She replied.

"Oh, ha bloody ha." He said dryly.

"C'mon! I can't wait to start putting up the things we brought with us!" The redhead said excitedly as she ran towards the driver's side of the car.

"Are you sure it's all going to look okay?" Spike asked as he opened the passenger door and got in.

"So NOW you decide to doubt me?" She asked as they headed to the vampire's house.

~Part: 9~

Two hours later, the witch and the vampire were sitting on the floor in Spike's bedroom.

"Well, Red, this is the second time in one night you've completely amazed me." Spike announced as he looked around at the newly decorated walls.

"Shame on you!" She said in mock surprise. "You doubted me?"

"Actually, I was pretty sure you'd know what I wanted." He said with a smile, as he looked her in the eyes. The redhead quickly drew her eyes away and proceeded to use them to peruse the room herself. After a moment, Spike realized that not only was he still staring at her, but also the room was incredibly quiet. "Um, just out of curiosity," he spoke again. Willow turned her eyes to him. "Why did you pick this color?" He asked.

"Spike, you are one of the most intelligent people I have ever met." She said.

"Really, Pet?"

"Let me finish." She replied.

"Right then."

"Why can't you realize how obvious it is?" She asked.

"How obvious what is?" The extremely confused vampire asked.

"Spike," she sighed and stood. She left his room only to return moments later with one of her bags. She sat down again and went through her things.

"Red?" Spike asked. It seemed to him that she had forgotten he was there.

"Aha! I found it!" she exclaimed as she pulled some pictures from her bag. She handed them to him. He looked through the pictures. He remembered her running around with a camera last week taking candid shots of everyone. One was of her and the slayer dancing around the watcher's apartment. The next was of the moron and demon-girl hugged up on the sofa.. The third was of Giles going through one of his big, dusty books, with Willow standing behind him making rabbit ears with her fingers. The next was of the slayer and her boy toy. Another was of Xapper and Slutty fighting over a bag of potato chips. Then, he saw the one she meant to show him. He stared at it in complete shock. It was a close up of him looking off to the right, with his head turned slightly. His scarred eyebrow was showing. He didn't look angry, like he usually does when he's at the watcher's house. He peace. He stared at the picture.

"Now, do you see?" she asked.

"I don't remember you taking this picture." He said quietly.

"I didn't." She replied. She then moved to sit next to him, as opposed to across from him.

He looked at her. "But-"

Before he could finish, she interrupted. "Anya took it. She said she could've sworn you were watching me." Willow took a deep breath. "I-I mean, I know that's not true. But, it is a nice picture. A-and l-look! The point I was trying to make was that your eyes are so amazing." He stared at her in shock and disbelief. She continued. "See how similar the color is to the color I picked for your room? I figured she'd like it." She whispered the last part.

Spike remained silent for another few moments as he let everything sink in. {She went through all of this trouble to make some chit notice my eye color? I can't believe how bloody extraordinary she is.}

"Thanks, Red. For thinking of me." He said and then stood as he handed her the pictures.

^Did I do something wrong?^ She thought.

"Why don't we get a little sleep since the deliveries are going to arrive in a few short hours, ey, luv?"

"Spike, are you mad at me?" She asked. But didn't let him answer. "Be-because if you are, I could go. I just thought that since you cared so much about this girl-I mean, you wrote her such beautiful poetry-I figured you'd want her to see all the wonderful things about you. Look, I'll just get my things and."

"Willow!" Spike shouted to stop her babble. She looked up expecting to see an angry vampire, but saw only amusement in his blue orbs. "Bloody hell, Pet. How do you breathe when you go on like that?"

"Force of habit?" She answered playfully.

"Red, I think you did a marvelous job in here. Nice inspiration and such." He stated. She smiled back at him and stood. She put the pictures back in her bag, and picked it up. After a moment of just standing there, looking at one another, trying to assess the other's thoughts, the vampire spoke first as realization dawned on him. "You um, you saw the poetry?"

"I wasn't snooping! Honest!"

"I believe you, Pet." He said calmly with a chuckle. "Don't tell anyone el."

"Don't worry." She interrupted. "Your secret's safe with me. I could only dream to be so lucky." She sighed. "And thanks for letting me take care of those vamps earlier. I really appreciate it." He smiled and gave a polite nod in recognition. "Goodnight, Spike."

"'Night, Red." He said softly as went she towards the door. She stopped and turned to him with the sweetest smile he'd ever seen, before walking out of his room and closing the door. Spike pulled something out from under some of the things that were still on the floor in his room. It was a picture of Willow at her computer looking off into the distance. {Was she looking at me?}

~Part: 10~

"That one goes in the guest bedroom, first door on the left." Willow commanded the delivery guys. All morning it would've been complete chaos had it not been for the redhead presently directing traffic through Spike's lounge room. Her cell phone rang. She hit the talk button. "Set that in the right corner." She called to the guys moving the entertainment center. "Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Wills?" Buffy's voice came through.

"No, the other right." She said to the delivery person. "Hi Buffy. What's up?"

"Will, where are you and what are you doing?" She asked, a little concerned by the domineering tone of her best friend's voice.

"I'm helping a friend, um, move!" she hoped that excuse worked.

"Well, I haven't seen you in a couple of days." The slayer replied. "You wanna do lunch?"

"Oh, Buffy, I can't. This is an all day thing." Willow replied. "No! Please don't put that on the new sofa." She whined to the delivery guys.

"Well, it sounds to me like you could use a break." Buffy pushed on. "C'mon. The only time we see each other lately is when some big evil's-a-brewin'."

"I know. You're right." Willow said with a sigh. "I'll tell you what: I'll take a lunch break in about half an hour. Where do want to meet?"

"That new cute little café on Main?"

"I'll be there. I just have to tell S-my friend."

^Close one, Willow.^

"Okay, see you in half an hour." Buffy replied as she hung up.

"Spike!" Willow called out to the vampire.

"I'm right here, Red." He said as he came out of the kitchen in a pair of jeans and nothing else. "What's up?" He asked as he sipped on his mug of blood.

"Nobody saw you make that, did they?" She asked worriedly, indicating the mug.

"I've been 'doing this' for decades, pet. I can be discreet." He said. "So, you goin' to make nice with the slayer?"

"Yeah, I'll only be gone an hour." She replied. "I think the bulk of the deliveries is here. All we have to do is make sure everything is in its place."

"Have fun." He said. "I'll see you in a couple of hours."

"Spike, don't go 'grrr' and scare the delivery people."

"Would I do that?" He asked in mock innocence. Willow didn't bother to answer. She just went and collected her things and headed to the café.


"So," Buffy said excitedly once they were served.

"'So' what?" Willow asked.

"Will, contrary to popular belief-mainly his-I am not stupid."

"His?" she asked timidly.

"Yes! His! Spike's." The slayer replied. "What's up? Are you doing the nasty?" She teased playfully.

"Buffy!" Willow said as she turned a particularly nice shade of red. "We're just friends. As to why we're hanging out, I can't really tell you, because I promised."

"But, you want it to be more." It wasn't a question.

"Like he'd ever think that way about me." The redhead answered dejectedly.

"Wills, he obviously likes you!" Buffy continued. "You're beautiful, smart, compassionate, strong-willed."

"Yeah, that's what I want in a description of me. 'She's compassionate'."

"Did you purposely tune out everything else I said?" Buffy asked. "Willow, there is no reason why he wouldn't want you. He voluntarily spends time with you. Not the rest of us."

"But, he's trying to impress some other girl." Willow replied.

"But, if you like him so much, why are you still hanging around him knowing that?" The slayer asked.

"Because it's the only 'quality' time I'll ever get to spend with him." She sighed and then thought about the conversation. "Wait. Why are you so 'gung ho' about a possible me and Spike scenario?"

"I hate to say it, but you balance each other out." Buffy replied. "You see, he's a lot less callous and you're a lot more outgoing and the risk taker. Does that make sense?"

"Wow. Thanks Buffy." Willow said. She got up and gave the blonde a hug.

"It's the truth." Buffy replied as she returned the hug. "I want you to be happy." The two sat down again. "Now, how do we get rid of this 'other girl'?"

