Title: Trigger Happy (1/1)
 Author: Angel S.
 Disclaimer: I own none. Joss owns all characters. Poe owns the song.
 Pairing: Duh. S/W
 Summary: You can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being.
 Dedication: To everyone who has ever given me feedback. You have no idea  how much that means to me.
 Spoilers: None
 Distribution: G4G Site 'Mysteries Untold', Lina, Nell, Suzi. Anyone else, just let me know where it's going.
 Feedback: It means the world to me.
 Author's note: { } means thoughts
 Author's note 2: 'Trigger Happy Jack" is on the Poe CD 'Hello'.

 He scares easily
 It makes him so angry
 At me

 Willow walked into Spike's crypt.
 "What do you want, Red?" The vampire asked.
 "Hello to you, too, Mr. Grumpy." She replied sarcastically.

 And his head it spins around
 Just like the Exorcist and I
 Find it ever so
 Hard to resist his cries

 "Why are you here, Witch?" Spike asked the redhead.
 "I want to make sure you're okay." She replied, suddenly thinking
 that this visit was a bad idea. But, he looked so edible sitting there.
 Gods, he was beautiful.

 But there's nothing more sadistic than an infant
 Waving his pistol in my face
 He wants me right down on my knees
 Crumbling in disgrace

 "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked.
 "What's the matter this time, Spike?" Willow was becoming angry at
 his treatment of her. The two had been lovers for 3 weeks, and Spike could
 be so sweet sometimes. Or, so cruel at other times. Willow had finally
 become sick of it.

 But he underestimates my mind
 I know he's messing with my head
 My only weakness is
 I can't believe the guy could be entirely dead

 "You know what," the redhead announced. {I can't believe I fell in
 love with him! Way to go, Willow! How stupid could you be?}
 Spike raised an eyebrow and looked at her with complete boredom.
 "Please," he replied sarcastically. "Enlighten me."

 Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being
 Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being
 Trigger Happy Jack
 You're gonna blow
 But I'm gonna get off
 before you go
 My Trigger Happy Jack is just a
 drive by a go-go

 "Fuck this!" She yelled. "Who the hell do you think you are? 'The
 Big Bad'? Like hell! I am NOT Harmony! I won't kiss your ass while you
 treat me like shit! I deserve so much better, and you know it!"
 Spike looked at his redhead. {She's such a fiery little thing.
 Brains, beauty, and spirit. She's right; she doesn't deserve this. She
 deserves so much more. More than me, that's for sure. Maybe that's why I'm
 falling in love with her} He stood and walked towards her. He could see
 her confidence waiver, but he knew she was serious about this little

 And after awhile he calms down
 And he looks at me like a prince
 But I know I better bite the bullet
 'Cause it's just another one of his
 Jedi mind tricks

 But this ain't no headtrip honey
 This is a collision on the road
 And you've got me feeling oh just like a roadkill
 And you know deep down I know

 She took a deep breath and met him halfway. {Come on, Rosenberg,
 it's now or never.} She thought to herself. She grabbed the back of his
 head and locked her lips to his. The vampire immediately responded. He
 took her in his arms and held tightly to her as their mouths devoured one
 another's. {Why can't it always be like this? He's so amazing.} Clothing
 was removed at record speed as Spike carried his fire goddess to his bed
 once again.

 Why do you make me feel like this? (1-2-3-4)
 Why do you gotta be such a dick? (1-2-3-4)
 Why do you make me feel like this? (1-2-3-4)
 Why do you gotta be such a dick? (1-2-3-4)

 What followed was an intense lovemaking session. When they were
 both completely spent, Willow curled up in his arms and a tear escaped her

 And I hate myself
 Just enough to want him
 But I hate him just enough to get off
 But I understand him
 Maybe I'm just crazy enough
 To love him
 Why not? (Why not?)

 "I have to go." Willow said as she pulled away from his arms and
 went in search of her discarded clothing.
 "What?" Spike asked. She never just got up and left him. "Why?"
 "This is wrong on so many levels, Spike. It has to stop." Willow
 started to sob as she began to get dressed.
 "I thought it was pretty good." He said with his trademark smirk,
 trying to lighten the mood.
 "You know that's not what I mean." She replied. "I don't like being
 treated like this." The redhead continued to dress clumsily as she finally
 told the vampire what she's wanted to tell him for the past 3 weeks. "You
 have to learn to respect me. And since I know that'll never happen, I
 guess I'll just see you at the next Scooby meeting." She turned at walked
 out of the crypt.
 "You've gotta be bloody kidding me!" Spike yelled as he jumped from
 the bed to try and stop her. "Red!" He then realized that he had no
 clothes on and proceeded to sit and think this through. His red haired
 witch was not going to discard him so easily. He loved her so much. {How
 do I show her?}

 Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being
 Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being


read the Sequal 'Shame'
