Title: Kill You (1/1)
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: I own none. Joss owns all characters. Kicking Harold owns the song.
Pairing: Duh. S/W
Summary: Could this be it?
Dedication: To everyone who has ever given me feedback. You have no idea how much that means to me.
Spoilers: None
Distribution: G4G Site 'Mysteries Untold', Lina, Nell, Suzi. Anyone else, just let me know where it's going.
Feedback: It means the world to me. I crave it like I crave Spike.
Author's note: { } means thoughts
Author's note 2: 'Kill You' is from the Kicking Harold CD 'Ugly and Festering'.

Willow and Spike returned with lots of food.  The gang was grateful
and felt energized.
"Anybody feel like Bronzing?" Buffy asked after everyone was
"I'm up for it." Xander replied.
"Wills?" Buffy pleaded with her eyes.
"Yes, I'm in." Willow said with a sigh.
Spike watched the redhead with his peripheral vision. {Why are they
going to the bleedin' Bronze?  The rest can sod off! Why is Red going?}
"Spike, you coming with?" Xander asked. He was going to try and
solve this animosity without getting directly involved. The past few weeks,
his best friend had seemed so happy. He was starting to guess the reason
Spike couldn't believe his luck. {Xapper just invited me to the
Bronze. What the hell is going on here?} Willow looked at  Xander with
wide-eyed surprise. The carpenter just smiled.
{Come on, genius,} Xander was willing his thoughts to Spike. {Don't
look a gift horse in the mouth. Just say yes. It'll give you two a chance to
{But, she wouldn't want me there.}

Somewhere I lost touch with you
You disappeared without a clue
And I just want to talk
I just want to talk to you

Would it kill you if I told you I love you?
Would it kill you if I told you I care
(I care)

Everyone was at the Bronze having a good time. Xander and Buffy were
dancing. Ben and Anya were dancing. Willow had managed to get Giles to dance
with her. Spike immediately headed to the bar when they all entered.  He
stood there watching Willow dance.
Xander noticed the vampire at the bar and showed the slayer.
"Omigod!!!" Buffy squealed in Xander's ear. "I guess that would explain a
lot, wouldn't it?"
The song ended and everyone walked back to the table. "Who wants a
drink?" Everyone said yes.
"You need help?" Ben asked.
"Nah," Xander replied. "Spike is at the bar. He'll help." He then
stood and headed towards the bar.  He ordered the drinks and looked at the
vampire. "Just tell me you really do love her and I will do everything in my
power to make sure you two hook up."
"You know?" Spike asked with confusion in his eyes.
"Of course I know." Xander said. "How stupid do you think I am?"
Spike opened his mouth to say something. "Don't answer that, Evil Dead."
"Why do you want to help me?"
"I don't want to help you. I want to help Willow." Xander said.
"She's been so happy these past few weeks. Then you went and pissed her off
a couple of days ago. Now, do you want it to work out or not?" The bartender
brought the drinks.
"Oh, bloody hell, let's do it." Spike said with determination in his
Willow and Buffy were deep in conversation when the two men reached
the table.  Giles and Anya were listening to Ben recap some of his stories
of godhood.  Spike took the initiative and sat next to the redhead.
"You have to talk to me at some point, Red."
"Are you crazy?" Willow asked nervously. "Not here! They'll figure
it out."
"Are you ashamed of me?" Spike asked with hurt in his blue eyes.

Crashing through a wall of fear
'Cause this old brick has new ears
And I just want to talk
I just want to talk to you

Would it kill you if I told you I love you?
Would it kill you if I told you I'm scared?

Willow felt terrible. She couldn't believe that Spike would ask
something like that. "No, Spike. I'm not. I'm..." She looked around the
table. Everyone was pretending not to listen to hers and Spike's
conversation. "We need to speak in private."
The witch stood and grabbed Spike's hand as she led him to a remote
corner of the club. Buffy and Xander exchanged knowing looks.
"It's okay, Red. I get it." The vampire said.
"Get what, Spike?"
"That you're ashamed of me." Spike replied. "I know I don't deserve
you, Willow." He said as his fingers traced a line along her jawbone. "But I
love you."

Would it kill you if I told you I love you?
Would you drop dead?
Or would you fall for me?

Willow could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she looked
into Spikes crystal blue orbs and saw truth to his statement.
"Spike I can't just jump back into that situation." Willow started.
"No Red, I don't expect you to."
"Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"
The redhead smiled. "I'd love to."

