Title: Under Extreme Circumstances
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Joss and David are the gods of the Jossverse. They own all. I'm just playing with their creations.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season 5
Distribution: The G4G site 'Mysteries Untold', Lina, Nell, Poppy.
Feedback: I crave it like I crave Spike.
Dedications: To all of the wonderful fic writers. (Vampie, Dru, Myst, Tellie, Susie, Tisienne Blue, Nutmeg, Poppy, Faekitty, Nell, Angel Negra,
Inell, Neko, Kylia, Rae, Hana, etc.)
Author's note:  The whole Spike liking Buffy thing never happened.
Author's note 2: {indicates thoughts}
Author's note 3:  Should I keep going?

Part 1

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Willow asked tentatively.

"Don't worry, Pet." Spike replied with a whisper. "You can trust me."

"Yeah, right." The redhead replied sarcastically.

"Are you saying you don't trust me?"

"Hmmm, let's see," Willow mused. "Kidnapped me...threatened me with a broken
bottle...showed up at my dorm room with every intention of killing
me...should I go on?"

"But, have I done anything mean to you since?"

"You mean besides telling me that I'm a useless tenth grade loser?"

"Oh, bloody hell!" The blonde vampire said. "I give up! If you don't want to
do it, go and get your precious slayer."

The red head thought about it for a moment. {I could handle this. I don't
need Buffy or anyone to help. I'm strong enough and focused enough to do
this} She thought to herself.  "Fine, I'll do it!" She finally answered

"Don't forget: stay out of site." Spike gave his trademark smirk to the
witch before standing and sauntering over to the group of vampires that were
sitting around drinking. Willow took a deep breath and focused her energy on
the tree branch directly above the fledglings. It started to shake. She knew
she could do it.

"Evening mates," Spike said.

"It's the traitor." One fledgling said.

"Let's get him." Another added.

"Now Red!" Spike yelled.

Willow said a silent prayer to the goddesses and used her magic to break the
branch apart from the tree. She then floated it to the first fledgling where
it went straight through him. The vamp exploded into dust. Spike took it at
his cue to front side kick the second vamp while he punched a third in the
opposite direction. Willow began to twirl the branch in her mind, while a
few more vamps ran away screaming. The redhead smiled to herself and looked
to see what Spike's position was. He had been watching his witch after he
staked the two vamps he was fighting. She had so much fire in her. Her eyes
were just bloody amazing. He was actually quite proud of her for going
through with it. He knew she could do it. Just then Spike was kicked in the
chest by a fledgling. He fell on his ass and flipped back up. Without
wasting any time, he did a spinning side kick and the vamp flew about 10
feet before getting up and running away. Spike was about to give chase when
Willow screamed. A vampire was headed towards her. {Why couldn't it be a
certain bleach blonde vampire stalking me?} She asked herself. {Hello!
Willow!! You're about to be killed and you're still having dirty thoughts
about Spike? What's the matter with you?}

"Red!" Spike yelled as he headed towards the witch. The slayer would have
his hide if anything happened to the redhead. Besides, she was the reason he
was hanging around the Scooby gang. She was always so nice to him, even when
he kidnapped her and the moron. No, he wouldn't let anything happen to her.
Willow was in shock as the vampire approached. She then saw the same branch
she was using come out of the fledgling's chest before it exploded into a
pile of dust. Spike was standing there holding the makeshift weapon.

"Didn't I tell you to stay out of site?"  The vampire asked.


"Ooops?" Spike asked. "Damn it, Red! You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"You-you care whether or not I get killed?" Willow asked hopeful.

"Well, you see," Spike stammered trying to come up with something plausible
to say that would keep his reputation as The Big Bad in tact. "The slayer
would actually introduce me to that bleedin' Mr. Pointy, now wouldn't she?"

"Oh," The redhead replied, a little disappointed.

"Oh, bugger it all!" Spike exclaimed as he took the redhead into his arms
and brushed her lips with his. Willow was so that this wasn't a dream this
time; she wasted no time in reciprocating the kiss. She parted her lips and
slid her tongue into Spike's cool mouth. The vampire gasped as the witch
slipped her arms around his neck. Their tongues dueled as Spike pulled her

Once Willow pulled away for a much needed breath, she looked up into crystal
blue eyes.

"Wow," she sighed.


"Really?" she asked as she turned a nice shade of crimson.

"Much." Spike answered. "So, are you going to tell Slutty, or am I?"

Part 2

 Buffy paced the floor of The Magic Box.

 "Where the hell are they?" The blonde demanded.

 "Relax Buffy," Xander assured the Slayer. "She's with Spike. She'll
be fine." The brunette thought about that statement. "Oh shit. WHERE THE

 "Calm down, the both of you." Giles said. "Spike knows better than
to let anything happen to Willow. I don't think he fancies a stake through
the heart."

 "Maybe they're having sex." Anya said. "What?"

 "But Giles," Buffy protested, ignoring the ex-demon. "We got back
from patrol almost an hour ago! What if something's happened to her?"

 "Happen to whom?" A voice said from the door.

 "Wills!" The blonde screeched as she ran to hug her best friend.

"You're okay!"

 "Bloody hell, doesn't any of you lot trust me?" Spike whined.

 "No," ended up being the collective answer. Spike glared.

 "Where were you?" Xander asked.

 "Oh, guys, this was so great!" Willow started to explain. Spike
confidently moved in behind the redhead. "We ambushed these vamps at the
cemetery and I floated a HUGE tree branch and staked some!" Spike's
unbeating heart sank. He actually thought she was this excited about what
happened between the two of them. "And then, one was coming after me and
Spike came up behind it and poof! It was all dust! But, I did it, Buffy. I
fought off more than one vampire at a time!" Adrenaline was at an all-time
high in the redhead's body.

 "Congratulations, Will. Really." The Slayer said as she glared at
Spike. "I'm just glad you're safe. "But, why did it take you a whole hour?"

 "It didn't, Slayer." Spike announced. Willow blushed and tried to
nonchalantly maneuver herself between the vampire and the slayer.

 "So," Buffy said trying to keep calm. "What. Took. You. So. Long."

 "Well, we made out like a couple of teenagers." Spike answered with
a smile. "Hey moron! Why didn't you tell me Red was such a great kisser?"

 "Spike!" Willow yelled, turning even redder.

 "What?" The vampire asked. "I'm happy to say my girl knows how to
use her tongue." He said in a sexy voice.

 Once Buffy got over the initial shock, she quickly pulled Mr. Pointy
from her hiding place and advanced on Spike. "You jerk!" She yelled. Willow
saw Buffy snap out of her shock and stood where the Slayer couldn't get a
clear shot of the vampire's heart.  "Willow, move out of the way!"

 "No!" Willow answered, rather annoyed at her best friend.

 "Wills, he's taking advantage of you!  Don't you see it?" Buffy
replied. "I mean, I know he's a hottie, but do you really want to get caught
up in that?" Spike arched his scarred eyebrow at the Slayer's mention of his
sex appeal. "Don't get any ideas, Fangless. If you hurt her, I'll torture
you before I stake you." The Slayer then walked closer to the vampire.
Realization hit her as she looked into Spike's blue orbs. "Holy shit. You
actually care about her."

With that, the Slayer walked over to the nearest chair and sat down with a

Part 3


 "Calm down, Xander." Anya said. "Like it wasn't so completely

 "You mean it was?" Spike asked the ex-demon.

 "You could've gotten it tattooed on your forehead, and it wouldn't
have been more obvious." Anya answered.

"I'd have to agree with Anya." Giles said.

"You would?" Willow asked as Spike put his arm around her waist.

"Why didn't I see it?"

"And this is okay with everyone?" Xander asked after forcing himself
 to calm down. "Look, I only want what's best for Wills."

"Xaaand," Willow said with tears of joy in her eyes.

"You know I do, Wills. And I see the look in your eyes. I've never
seen you happier." Xander paused, and faced Spike. "And under the
circumstances-however extreme they happen to be-I'll support her."

"I'm glad you got my back, Xand." Willow stated. "I'm too white to
pull that off, aren't I?"

"Uh. Yeah." Xander replied.

"Well, yes," Giles said. "I-I'm inclined to agree with Xander on
this matter."

"You don't think she can pull it off either?" Xander asked.

"No, whelp." Spike answered. "He's talking about the bloody speech
you just gave."

"Of course," Giles continued as he ignored the interruption. "I'll
give the usual disclaimer of 'If you hurt her, your dismemberment is
definitely involved. Starting with your penis.' But, you already know that.
Don't you, Spike?"

"The Watcher's got stones." Spike smirked. "Who knew?"

"Just remember that YOU won't if you hurt Willow." Giles reiterated.

"You guys are the best friends ever." Willow said.

"So, what now?" Xander asked.

"Sex?" Anya

"Not yet, demon girl." Spike replied as the redhead blushed. "And
don't think I'm going to be any nicer to you lot because I fancy the witch."

"Gee Spike," Xander replied sarcastically. "And we had such high
hopes of that."

"Yes, well," Giles started as he took off his glasses and began to
wipe them clean before putting them on again. "It's been a long night. I say
we all get some rest and deal with everything else tomorrow." Xander,
Willow, and Anya agreed as everyone started to leave the Magic Box.

"I know I'm going to regret this later," Spike said as he grabbed
Willow's hand.

"What is it now, Spike?" Giles asked, irritated.

"Fine, leave Slutty here to sit in the dark all night in shock. See
if I care."

Part 4

The next day, Willow met Buffy for lunch.

"Oh, I still can't believe I wigged like that!" Buffy said. Her head
was on the table as they waited for their food. Willow chuckled.

"That was definitely of the comedy variety." The redhead answered.

"But, look at it this way: he could have kept quiet and left you at the
Magic shop all night."

Buffy raised her head and looked at Willow. The two girls burst into
fits of laughter. Just then, Xander walked in.

"Did you guys order me something?" He asked. "What's so funny?"

"It was one of those location things." Willow said.

"Yeah, you had to be there." Buffy added, as she wiped a tear from
her face.

"O-kay." Xander said as he pulled up a chair. "So, did you order for
me or not?"

"Yes sir!" Willow replied. "Your everything-on-the-menu will be out

The girls looked at one another and burst into a fit of giggles once

"Hey! I'm a growing boy! I need my nutrition." Xander replied with
mock hurt in his voice.

"So, do we want to start this conversation now?" Buffy asked

"You and Spike?" Xander said to the redhead. "That still blows my

"But guys," Willow pleaded. "You know how you just...know!"

"Yeah," both of her friends replied as they each thought of their
present and past loves.

"All I ask is that you not stake him. 'Kay?" Willow said. "Either of

"'Kay." The two answered reluctantly.

"I may not stake him," the Slayer added. "But, I won't be nice to
him, either."

Later that afternoon, Willow walked into Spike's apartment.

"Spike," she called out. "Are you here?" She walked to the bedroom
where the vampire was sound asleep. She stood there just looking at him.
{Wow, he is so beautiful. How am I going to keep saying no to him?}

"Nice lunch, Pet?"

Willow jumped. "I thought you were asleep! You scared the hell out
of me!"

"Sorry Luv. I was waiting for you to join me, but you never did."
The vampire replied. "So...do you like what you see?" He said with a smirk.

"Stop that." She replied, a fresh shade of red appearing on her
face. "I got Buffy and Xander to promise not to stake you." She continued as
she plopped on the bed next to him.

"Oh, you did, did you?" Spike responded. He grabbed her and pulled
her on top of him. "What else did you do?"

"Um, Spike," She asked nervously. "What's under the sheet?"
"Why not have a look, Pet?" He asked in a husky voice.

{I will have will power. I will have will power. I will have-is that
for me?}

"Don't look so worried Red. I won't force you to do anything you
don't want to do." Spike assured his new girlfriend. "Unless of course you
actually WANT to."

"Do you really care about me?" she asked.

"Where did that come from?"

"Is it true what Buffy said? That you really care about me?"

"Oh, bloody hell! Don't bring the Slayer into this. You'll ruin the
mood." The witch couldn't help but giggle. "But for the record: Every

Willow's mouth descended on his as he rolled them over and was on
top of her. She knew he really did care. Now it was time to show the blonde
vampire how much SHE cared.

Part 5

Willow and Spike walked into the Magic Box hand in hand.

"Well, well," A voice said. "If it isn't the happy couple."

"You've gotta be bleedin' kidding me!" Spike said in an irritated
voice. "What's he doing here?"

"Hi Angel." Willow said. "What's going on?"

"What do you think is going on?" Spike asked angrily as Buffy walked
in. "The Great Pouf is here because he wants you for himself!"

"What?!?!"  Willow and Buffy screamed.

"Come on! Admit it!" Spike demanded. "Angelus always had a thing for
Willow! And now you think that just because she fell for a demon, you might
have a chance. Well, don't bet on it!"

"Spike," Angel warned. "Don't do this. That's not the reason I'm..."

"You don't expect me to believe that, do you Peaches?"

"Yes, Spike, I do." Angel replied as calmly as possible.

"Then why are you here?" Buffy asked. Her voice was barely audible.

"Hellllllooooo!" Cordelia yelled. "Angel's not the only one here! He
doesn't get the visions! I do! Why does everything have to revolve around
the Buffy/Angel soap opera?"

"Wesley, good to see you." Willow said, ignoring Cordy's outburst.

"And you must be Gunn. I'm Willow." The two shook hands. Then Willow leaned
in and stage whispered to the tall handsome young man. "Are you sure you
want to put up with dating Cordy?"

"Hey!" Cordelia said. "I'll have you know he loves me for my faults!
Few as they are." She said playfully with a smirk.

"So, why are you guys here?" Xander asked. The curiosity was getting
the better of him.

"Well, before this turned into a shouting match," Angel said as he
glared at his Childe and Cordelia. "Delia had a vision. It involved
Poignerra demon."

"Good Lord." Giles said. "Are you certain?"

"I saw it in my vision. Wesley showed me a book. And I pointed to
it." Cordelia said. She was obviously proud of herself for summing it up so

"Cordelia, what else did you see?" Buffy asked.

"Vampires. Lots of vampires. Tonight."

"Well, it's a good thing we're all here." Willow said. She turned to
Gunn. "I hear you're quite the fighter." She said.

"Hey, I'm always up for some demon ass-kicking." Gunn replied with a

"Well mate," Spike said to Gunn. "It looks like you and I have
something in common."

"Hey, I'm down with that." Gunn said with a smile.

"Our next step would probably be to form a plan." Wesley announced.

"Way to state the obvious, Wes." Xander replied.

"Umph!!!" Wesley managed to say before the blow of the vampire
knocked him unconscious.

"Wesley's down!" Buffy yelled as she back kicked another vampire and
sent him flying. "Cordy! Wills! Get him to safety!"

Gunn blocked the punch of one fledgling and sent him sprawling into
another who was trying to sneak up on him. He then ran to help the slayer
who was surrounded by 4 vamps.  Xander was holding his own with another
fledgling. Angel and Spike had their hands full with the demon.  But still,
a conversation ensued.

"Just stay away from her, Peaches!" Spike said as he ducked an
attempted blow from the demon. He side kicked the creature as Angel punched
it from the other direction. "Damn it, Spike!" Angel answered as he blocked
a punch from a fledgling and swung around to stake it. "I'm not in love with
Willow!" Angel staked the fledgling.  "Oh no?" Spike asked as he flipped up
in the air and landed sitting on the demon's shoulders with his legs around
its neck. "Then why were you (punch) so bloody pissed (punch) about us being
together?" Angel found his sword as the demon tried to throw Spike off of
itself. "Because (punch) she's my friend! I just (kick) don't want you to
(block, punch) hurt her, that's all." He swung the sword and made contact
with the demon's arm. It growled in pain. Buffy saw where Angel dropped the
sword and ran to retrieve it. Gunn made sure the demon would be distracted.
"Are you sure you're not in love with my witch?" The demon threw the blonde
vampire off of it and sent Spike flying into Angel. Both men fell to the
ground. "How can I be in love with Willow when I'm in love with Faith?!?!"
The demon's head came off as Buffy decapitated it. Then all stood there in

"You're what?" Xander asked as he stumbled over to his friends. And

Spike stood and brushed himself off as Gunn helped Angel to his

"I can't even make any jokes." Spike said. "In love with 2 slayers
in a 5 year time period. That's just pathetic."

"Thanks my boy," Angel said sarcastically. "I feel so much better."

"Guys!" Cordelia yelled. "We need to get Wesley back to the magic
shop now!"

"So, you're in love with Faith now?" Buffy asked, the hurt evident
in her voice.

"Buffy, I,"

"No." The Slayer interrupted. "Don't try to explain. I know you
can't." Angel stared at the blonde, who had obviously grown up a lot
recently. "Love is the most unpredictable thing ever. Look at those two."
She gestured to Willow and Spike who were snuggled together on a chair. She
once again faced her former love. "As long as you're happy."

"Well, she kinda doesn't know." The dark vampire said shyly.

"You've got to be kidding." Buffy said in shock. "Angel! You have to
tell her."

"I've been tryin' to tell him that." Gunn said.

"Me too." Cordelia replied as she put her arms around Gunn's waist.

"Don't make ME go up there and break the news to her."

"Stay away from LA, William." Angel replied.

"You know," Xander said. "It's amazing how close people get after
something like tonight."

"Yeah," Willow replied. "Anything can happen under extreme


read the Sequal Here We Go Again
