Blue Moon Love
Rated: PG to PG-13
DISCLAIMER: It all belongs to Joss, no infringement dared, just for fun
Feedback: Please this is my first. Help!
SUMMARY: Willow cast a spell with suprising results.
Author's Note: I used Britspeak a web page for some British Colloquism and history pages for information about Leeds in Yorkshire.


Willow walked with tripidation into the clearing. She scanned the tree line looking for signs of any vamps or hellmouth monsters. Her stomach was filled with butterflies. Her arms and back were tired from carrying her backpack and duffel bag filled with her Wicca cache. She thought to herself about the preperation it had taken to plan these ritual spells. This was no easy task with Giles about. < They don't call him the watcher for nothing. > Willow knew he would forbid her to try this spell. He would quote all the reasons why it was dangerous, what could go wrong. < I know I can do this Just think how happy Buffy and Angel will be when his soul is permenently bound to his body. > Willow remembered how easy it was to find the soul-binding spell. It was so simple. The problem she encountered is that the spell had to be cast before the soul was lost. Angel had lost his soul twice. < Even though I gave Angel back his soul, Giles says that any true bliss would banish h! is soul and Angelus would be back. Unholy Hades! Just the thought of Angelus on a killing rampage makes me faint. The binding spell needed to be cast before he lost his soul, before he became a vampire. This was a problem.


Willow smiled to herself < Where there is a Willow there is a way. I believe in the power of love. The ancient text wasn't easy to find, a spell that allowed travel over time and space. > Willow reviewed the conditions to cast the spell. First, the spell must be conducted at midnight under a blue moon. No man made elements would cross time and space. Willow pulled out handmade leather shoes, a hand woven wool cape, a long wool shirt and vegtable dyed cotton shirt from her backpack. Willow quickely changed into these items, glancing around nervously. < With my luck I'll be half dressed and get attacked by some ghoul. > She placed silver Irish coins into her skirt pockets.

She made a magic circle with white lime. She used a compass to mark east, south, west and north. She placed four white candles in each clay chalice at the four points. She sprinkled earth around the candles marking north to represent earth, to the west the chalice was given water from a natural spring, to represent water. Small pieces of oak kindling were placed in the chalice to the east to represent fire and three sticks of incense placed into the candle marking south representing air. The ancient text had explained that a meaningful tailsmen once possessed by the person sought would act like a beacon across time and space to be united with the owner.

Willow held in her hands a silver locket; it was slightely tarnashed and scratched and despite her trying she had been unable to open it. She placed the silver chain and locket around her neck. < I can't beleive how sacred I was when I borrowed this from Angel's trunk in the mansion. I would have perferred his ring, but how was I going to get it. Getting the locket was like an episode of "Mission Impossible" >

Willow unrolled the sheepskin scroll she had transcribed the time travel spell upon. Willow knew that if the spell was done right she would travel back in time to pre-vampire Angel complete the spell and return only moments after she had left in this timeline. Willow had given Amy a sealed envelope to be given to Giles if she hadn't been seen in 48 hours. < I ready to begin.>


To perform the spell she had to find her own quiet energy.

Willow stood facing south, inhale... exhale.. Several minutes past, she opened her eyes, placed her right hand over the locket.

"Goddess Aphrodite thee stirs the air with love for all creation, hear my plea.
Winds flee before thee, bringer of grace, beauty and love.
Reunite me with the lover of the locket."

Turning to the west:

" Godess Thetis nymph of the seas hear my plea
Accept my salty tears as homage to your power
Let me cross over to the lover of the locket."

Turning to the north:

"Goddess Demeter protectress of earth, hear my plea
Giver of earth's good gifts
Deliver me unto the lover of the locket."

Turning to the east:

"Goddess Io thee stirs human heart's with love aflame
I open my heart to love's arrow
Unite me with my true love".

Willow saw only white light, felt buzzing in her head, felt like she was falling..opened her mouth to scream.. suddenly she felt weak and dizzy.


< What is that awful smell, road kill? > Willow looked around and was in some sort of alley. < O.K lets find Angel, Oh I wonder what he'ss look like all young and alive and.. > Willow walked out of the alley onto a rut -filled street, aligned with various shops, most of which were closed. She heard rowdy voices comming from what looked like a pub. < I bet he's there, after all what would a 19th century guy be doing except hanging out with his buds. >

Willow nervousely walked through the doorway, only several patrons glanced her way. He eyes quickely scanned the pub. In the back playing cards with several men..Willow saw a broad shouldered man, dark wavey hair with his back to her.
< It's him, Oh calm down be cool, my knees are shaking. >

She approached the table with trepidation, "Ah hmm", she cleared her throat placing her hand on his shoulder. He pushed back his chair and turned around. Willow smiled nervousely; saw baby blue eyes, chiseled cheekbones cover with stubble, skin the color of butternut,

< Oh Godess its.. its.. > "Spike" she managed to croak. At that moment her legs gave way and the room began to spin.


William didn't recognize this lithe, green eyed, red haired women falling into his lap.

"Who's the little crumpet" asked Jonathan, sitting to his right.

"Is she a friend of yours lad?" chuckled Henry."

"I never saw her before, and I think I woul remember a winsome creature like this. Randy, get me some Applejack for Red here," William said.

Jarred whined, "Knowing you, this is some scrubber you paid to come and break up the game now that you've got our winnings."

" Don't be a bloddy berk, Jarred. You'r just crying cause you lost your weeks wages and you've got no monry to get buggered." William brushed silky stands of hair from the fair skined beauty, as she stired in his arms.

"Hello Pet, feeling better?" he asked.

Willow groaned, < What have I done, this is Spike..This is a very warm, alive man, whose lap I'm sitting on..He's looking at me..too warm..too close> Willow began to blush, "Spike let me up"

"Alright Red, but me name's not Spike"

Willow stood on shaky legs, < Something is very wrong, what have I done! >


Jarred spoke, "William, I know this is some sort of trickery on us, she know you work on the railroad with us, and keeps calling ye Spike. Just because you can lay rail faster than anyone on the crew..."

Randy came over from the bar with a pint of Applejack, and handed it to Willow. Randy noted the girl looked like she was about to cry.

"You look a might peckish, lass, would you like some bubble and squeak or how's about bangers and mash?" Randy asked.

"Where am I?" < Oh Zeus, what year is it, everyone sounds English >

"She don't sound like she's from here" remarked Henry. "Have you hit your head, are you ill?" Jonathan added. "What's your name?" Jarred chimed.

William rose and offered the red head his seat, pulled in another and sat down. Willow fell into the vacant seat and took a drink from the stein. She coughed violently, and almost spew the liquid out, but managed to swallow it. It burned her throat and made her eyes water. All the men started to laugh. She glared at them.

"Where am I?" she repeated

"Your in Leeds." William said.

"Where is that exactly?" she asked.

"Are you daft, this is Yorkshire providence," remarked Jarred.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" William asked softly.

< Oh Goddess, What are you going to say Will, I'm from the future, I'm a witch, why not stoke up the fire now so you can burn me to a crisp before dawn ... what was I thinking >

"My name is Willow, I'm from America and I'm.... looking for a friend, I mistook... Sp... William for him."

"Well, you may not be from around here missy, but you'd better not let Mary, Randy's wife catch ya, she don't like your kind working in the pub. But I'll be glad to show you over to tent row and give you a tour." Jarred winked.

Willow shot up out of the chair spilling her drink all over William, " I am not that kind of girl and don't be getting any ideas!". She noticed what she had done, looking sheepish " Oh gosh I'm sorry...William."

"It's all right Willow" he said wiping at the cider. < I know this gal is not a whore, raised by a whore in a bawdy house, I've seen them all ages, shapes and sizes. But who is she and what is she doing alone in a pub on a Saturday night? >
"Let's show some respect for our visitor" William replied.

"'Well the game's over, Will'm you've won most of me weeks wages, I'm headed back to tent row and get some sleep" said Henry rising.
"I'll come along" Jonathan said following.

"What about you lass, last chance for a warm..." said Jarred.

"Why don't you sod off" William growled.

The three men settled there bill with Randy and left. Willow's head felt like it was about to split open. < Now what>.


Willow's head felt like it was going to explode. She was so tired and had gotten herself into quite a "bloody" mess. She needed some sleep and in the morning she would figure out what went wrong.

"Randy can I rent a room for the night?" she asked.

"I'm sorry luv, William rents the room upstairs by the week when he wins at Poker, and he usually does. Mary and me have only a small room in back of the pub."

"Oh I see," she replied weakly "...could I just stay here in the pub for the night, I could sleep over there in the corner booth?"

"Me Mary says I got a soft heart lass, she be back tomorrow and if she finds out I sent you off into the night, she'd have my head." Randy said.

Willow managed a small smile, "Thank You, I can pay you," she said reaching into her pocket.

"Be off with ye now, watch out for the vermin, they come out late at night looking for scraps." Randy said as left.

William cleared his throat and said, "Red you can share my room."

"Oh no" Willow said shaking her head and looking down, "Thanks, I be fine here, night."

< You bloody fool she probably thinks you were trying to get into her knickers, well the thought had crossed me mind but, she lost and alone and ....Think man the last time you got attacked was to some stray kitten when you were a boy. >

"Good night Red," William said climbing the stairs.

Willow curled up into the corner booth, she thought she might start to cry but was just to exhausted, she spread her wool cape over her and feel asleep as her head hit the hard bench.

William striped down to his cotton y-fronts and crawled into the large feather bed. He tossed and turned, he thought about the little kitten he had rescued a as boy. He brought the creature back from the brink of death. He remember how helpless and angry he felt when one of his Mother's customers killed it in a fit of rage.

He rolled over and got out of bed. < I'm not a helpless child but a grown man >
He walked downstairs and picked up the sleeping girl into his arms. She shifted and sighed softly in her sleep. He placed her on the far side of the bed, and lay down on the opposite side. William fell asleep listening to Willow's soft breath.

< Come on Willow get up you have a history test today > She turned over and rolled down into a warm hard body. Her eyes flew open and she was staring into a very well muscled chest. She scrambled backward so fast she landed on the floor, with a loud crack upon her tailbone.

"Oweeee" she cried She saw a sleepy looking William look down at her from the spot she had just vacated.

Willow on her ass, couldn't get up fast enough, so she scrambled back another few feel on the floor like a crab.

William grinned, "Don't worry luv, I didn't get into your knickers. I like my women conscious and willing."

Willow face was aflame she got up with all the dignity she could muster. She turned her back on William and approached the vanity, pouring water into the accompanying basin.

"As soon as I freshen up I'll be on my way." Willow reached up to touch the silver locket.

"My locket it gone! " she cried in alarm. "Oh Goddess, I need it I can't leave," she cried her eyes searching the floor. She approached the bed and started searching it.

"Calm down, let me get dressed and I'll help ye find your locket." He said pulling on his breeches. He went to the vanity to wash his face.

Willow felt panic stricken, she tossed covers off the bed, got on her hands and knees and looked on the floor. "It must be downstairs," she cried running out the door.

William followed and help Willow search the pub.

"It gone," Willow moaned, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'll never get home."


"It's all right, Red, we'll keep looking. Let retrace your steps, where were you last...?" William asked.

"Yeah, the alley," Willow tore out the door with William in pursuit.

Upon entering the alley Willow saw the burlap bag she had put some of her Wicca supplies in. "Oh there she pointed," and raced to pick it up. She dumped her things onto the ground; the scroll, candles, incense, various herbs, and gemstones. No Locket.

William kneelt beside Willow. "I bet it fell off when I arrived here," she said scanning the surrounding area.

William began to pick up the items dropped by Willow and placed them back into the bag. " What is all the stuff for?" he asked

"Just girl stuff" she answered.

"What does this locket look like?" he asked.

"It on a long silver chain, the locket is kind of oval ... and oblong and.... has some scratches,'s kind of tarnished," she answered, kicking up dust with her feet and hands as she continued to search the alley.

"What's in the thing?" he asked curiously. < must be pretty valuable for her to be in such a tizzy over an old locket. >

"I don't know I was never able to get it open, it was kinda old ... and stuck," she replied.

< Women, no wonder he tried to steer clear > "Willow, I don't think we're going to find the locket here. Where else have you been? " he asked.

"Lets look in the street and boardwalk near the pub" she said with enthusiasm.

After scouring the street and walkway for almost an hour.

"Willow I don't think we're going to find the bloody thing here," he said softly touching her arm.

Tears ran down Willow's face. "You don't understand. I need it... I can't go home without it." She sobbed.

"Come on don't cry, crying never fixed anything ... only makes your green eyes red. We'll think of something. Come, lets go back to the pub get some food in your stomach and well talk about it." William offered.

Willow bit her lip, and sniffled O.K. I'm kind of hungry.

When they enter the pub, Mary came over to William and asked: " Who's your new friend lad? Me Randy spoke of you. Are you allright child?" she asked with concern.

"Hello, I'm Willow, your husband has been very kind and so has William." Willow said reaching out her hand to Mary's.

"Can we have some breakfast Mary?" William asked.

"Sit down and I'll bring out my famous porridge," she clucked.

"Why is the locket so valuable?" he asked

"I need it to reverse the spe.... < Watch it Rosenberg. You can't tell him your a witch .. a good witch ... well not so talented ... you screwed up... Oh but I'm no good at lying ... stick close to the truth. > She cleared her throat and started over: "To return to my friend so he can go home and be with his true love."

Mary returned to the table with steaming porridge, and tea. She placed then down with a smile and bustled off to wait on some other customers.

William shook his head, " I not sure I understand, can you start over?"


< You'd better think fast Will > Willow took a deep breath. She knew she was horrible at lying but had to explain somehow, or at least some part of what was going on. < He had been very nice so far, very helpful and sweet. Maybe he can help me. >

Willow put on her resolve face. She looked at William, sipping his tea. < Oh my stars he is so handsome. His hair ... dark brown ... looks so soft and long...and his cheekbones and nose..and those ..fall into the sky blue eyes.. when he looks at me with those eyes I forget what I'm saying. I admit I found Spike sexy is a very bad girl kinda way but William is...>

"Willow, are you going to explain?" William asked.

"Sure" she said looking down at her porridge. "The locket belonged to my friend Angel who is in love with one of my best friends Buffy... Well, they can't be together cause .. < don't go there Will > ...well a long story.. but I came here looking for Angel to help him so that he and Buffy can get back together, " She explained looking at William.

"So you came to England looking for your friend Angel to help him and Buffy ... reunite." He repeated.

"That's right," She shook her head.

"But what about the locket?" he asked.

< Gee most men don't listen to a word I say and this guy mister hang on every word > "Oh the locket, well you see ... ah mnnnn.. Good porridge.. How's yours?"
she inquired.

"Pet, you don't have to explain if you'd rather not" he said.

Willow was feeling kind of embarrassed and guilty < Stop being so nice > She thought she might start to cry again. < I wish I could tell you everything.
I'm Willow the Reliable Net Girl.. friends with the Vampire Slayer.. Witch.. from the Hellmouth. By the way don't go to out for an Irish vampire demon and a loony brunette. Wait a minute, maybe I've altered the time line, maybe all that stuff won't happen. Giles... I need Giles... he'd know what I should do. >

Willow wiped a tear away. "William the locket belonged to Angel ... and now that I can't find him ... the locket should go to Buffy.. I can't go home without it... I can't go home." She whispered.

<Great William you've made her cry. I know she is not telling the truth, but who an I to judge. Maybe she is running from something ... or someone.. There are lots of things I wouldn't want her to know about me. Gee how about, I'm a Bastard, my Mother was a whore, died of the pox. I left the bawdy house after being raped by Mother's pimp, who wanted to put me to work. I ran away lived off the streets not much better than a rat. >

He reached out and touched Willow's hand, "Hey since your new to this city and this is my day of rest how about I give you a tour of this fine town?"

Willow smiled at him, her face lighting up. " Terrific."


William decided to take Willow to see the River Aire.

"Tell me about yourself William?" Willow asked smiling.

William was admiring how the sunshine looked on her red mane, the breeze blew it softly about her neck and face. "Not much to tell really." He said shyly.

"Come on Spike, since when have you been closed mouth." She said teasing.

William stopped, " Who is this 'Spike? You keep confusing me with this bloke."
He questioned, somewhat irritated.

< Great Willow, you should know you can't be around a good looking guy without getting sweaty palms and putting your foot in your mouth. >

"I'm sorry William ... you remind me a little of this guy back home. But your nothing like him really," she said touching his arm.

< Damn, everytime we touch it feel like an electric current, keep your sweaty palms to yourself.>

< Your in way over your head,... every time we touch my body starts to flood with desire ... Why this girl? She a bloody Yank, and mighty strange at that... and I feel all jealous of some bloke she knows...I'm a hopeless sod. >

Willow broke the tension, Oh there is a newspaper pointing to a street vender. She pulled out some Irish coins from her pocket. "William, can you help me I'm not sure about these coins or the cost of anything." She asked.

Willow purchased the paper and made a note of the date 1869. " Queen Victoria, " she exclaimed.

"What about the Queen," William said looking at Willow.

"Victoria is the Queen, It's the Industrial Revolution. oooh ohh and sweat shops and..." she bubbled.

"Are you all right?" Have you had too much sun? He said eyebrows raised.

Willow laughed, " no I just realized what... < time> kinds of things were going on here in England.

< See she is a strange girl>

William showed Willow the new Cookridge Street Bathhouse. They admired the oriental design. Willow remarked, " It must be strange taking a bath with a bunch of strangers. Is it expensive? Have you used them here?"

"Its not too expensive, so I've been told. Most of the railroad workers don't bath regularly. That why, when I have the funds, I rent a room above Randy's Pub. I hate sleeping in a small tent with three other unwashed bollocks."

"Well, you smell nice enough, tell me your secret, 'Willow said coyly, smiling at William.

< Gads, I think I'm blushing, how can that wisp of a girl get to me. >

"Well, the old fashion way heated water and a copper tub. Since we're sharing secrets, tell me Pet, where did you get that lovely hair?" He said reaching out to capture a strand between his fingers. < So silky.. and her lips one taste..>

Willow 's eyes were drawn to his smiling lips,< Oh god, those lips.. to kiss those lips. > She looked down and replied " That's for me to know and you to find out!"

William, a voice shouted. William's poker mate Henry approached. "Hello luv, feeling better today? You look a might flushed."

"Hello" replied William and Willow. "I 'm fine thank you, William was just showing me around Leeds. It truly is a beautiful city."

"Where you headed mate?" asked William.

"Off to Boer Lane, Mr. Beers has the perfect establishment. I need to purchase some new breeches. He has clothing goods on the second floor and a smashing pub on the first". commented Henry.

"Clothes" echoed Willow. "I need some things, since it looks like I'll be staying a while. Can we tag along?"

"I'll be have a bit of ale before I pick up my breeches" explained Henry as they approached the establishment.

William accompanied Willow upstairs. Willow oohed and awed over the pretty things, but choose two simple cotton gowns. One a forrest green, the second a navy blue. William browsed about the store, and picked up a new shirt for himself. He approached Willow, who's back was to him." Hello Red, find something else." She turned around somewhat startled, she was holding up a cream silk chemise in one hand and a black corset in the other.

William's mouth was suddenly bone dry, and his body was on full alert. He stammered slightly, "I came to tell you I'm going downstairs to join Henry for a drink.. and you can meet me when you're done."

"I'll join you shortly," Willow croaked

< What is the matter with you, I've seen women in their underclothing since I was a babe... but that just helped me imagine what Willow would look like ... Stop
it man, for Christ sake your in a public place... >

Willow swallowed hard as she watched William walk away.


William went out into the street a few minutes to collect himself. < Don't get any ideas, Willow isn't interested in the like's of you. We have nothing in common. She's a Yank, on some sort of romantic lark, sticking her nose in her friends business ... just cause she a pretty bit of fluff. She talks nonsense about lasting love, naive chit ... there's only supply and demand as me ma use to say ... people be wanting and needing things there's always somebody to 'supply' the service. All's I need is find me a scrubber to ease my lust. >

William joined up with his mate Henry in Beers Pub. William ordered a drink. "So me boy tell me, about the pretty lass," winked Henry.

"There's nothing to tell, I'm helping the little girl out since she's new to Leeds. I've traveled about a great deal and know how difficult it can be to adjust to a new place." William stated.

"Oh come now, Admit you got a fancy for the lass." Chided Henry.

"I told you Henry, the girl's not my type, I'm helping her out a bit, nothing more." William replied.

Willow overheard the men as she approached. < See Willow your teenage hormones are imagining things, why would a handsome guy like him be interested in you for. Besides, I'm going to rework the spell and I'll be back in SunnyHell in no time ... with my boyfriend Oz and my friends...> "Hey Guys," Willow said with more enthusiasm than she felt. "Would you like something lass?" asked Henry. "Yes, please, I would love a diet Pepsi." She said without thinking. "A what? Is that some sort of fancy Yank drink? Henry asked. " Something like that yeah, but how about a lemonade instead." she answered

Willow asked polite questions about Henry and William's work on the railroad. Henry asked her about her home. Willow shared that her parents traveled a lot. She talked about her love of books, and her friends and only slipped up a couple of times when she made reference to movies, and her computer. Willow covered up quickly and usually changed the subject and asked Henry something.
"It's getting kind of late, do you mind if we go William? I need to find a room for the night, and start looking for a job, as I'm almost out of money." She asked.

Henry piped up, "Rooms are very expensive here. Willow, why don't you stay at Randy and Mary's Pub again. The city keeps growing and it isn't safe for a women alone. William won't mind sharing his room do you lad? He's an honorable lad, you'll be safe with him, besides Mary wouldn't allow nothing else "

"I've been enough trouble and Mary, Randy and William have been too kind." Willow replied.

"Nonsense, Mary would love to have some female companionship, as a matter of fact she said she was looking for a nice girl to help her in the pub. Mary is fussy, she had a hard time finding someone just right. See you've got a room and a job lass, have another drink?" Henry smiled.

Willow rolled her eyes and laughed, "I really can't impose on..."

"Come now" said Henry taking Willow's arm, " The pubs on me way back to camp, let me have a word with Randy, I can sweet talk Mary into anything. Are you coming William?"

William glared at Henry but followed. Upon reaching the pub, Henry cornered Mary and within minutes, Mary approached Willow full of smiles, "follow me darling lets go fix up the room so as to be respectable for two unmarried persons, and tomorrow you can start helping me and Randy out with the pub."

"No... I... But.... Can..." Mary was marching Willow about like a drill
sergeant, < How did I get myself into this.> Willow helped Mary fix
up the room. They made a room divider by hanging an old white linen sheet.
Mary used a down quilt and several wool blankets to make a sleeping pallet.
Willow place several candles and an oil lamp under Mary's watchful eye.
"Oh but that's much better, child. Why don't you come down and have some supper?" Mary cooed.

"I'll wash up and change my dress first," Willow replied. < I also need some time to review my time travel spell to try and figure out how to get home. She looked at the scroll, reviewing the printed words matching them to her memory of events. Wait, the last stanza ... did I say 'unite me with my true love,' or 'unite me with my locket's true love. I don't know... Damn I need MY COMPUTER, I don't think I can get back without the locket... I don't know if I can live in 1869... my parents, oh God, Xander and Buffy, Giles and Oz... and my beanie babies and chocolate... > Tears welled up in Willow's eyes. < Stop it... I'll just find another spell or Amy will have told Giles and He'll know what to do.... I can think of this as one big school field trip, I should start taking notes... I could write a paper...>

Willow changed into the forest green dress, and brushed out her hair. She decided to pin it up, as it looked more flattering with the style of the dress. < Much better>

Willow noted that the pub was filling up with patrons. She saw William, Henry and Jonathan in the corner booth to her left. Willow caught a glimpse of a tweed and wire rim glasses to her right. "Giles, Oh Giles" she shouted. "I knew you'd find me" she said pushing her way towards him. He turned. Willow stopped dead in her tracks as she was overwhelmed with disappointment. "Miss" the man replied. Willow turned and bolted towards the stairs and her room.

William heard Willow's joyful cry and thought she was going to throw herself in the well dressed man's arms. She suddenly stopped in her tracks turned and bolted.
< What was that all about? > He decided to check on her.

He heard Willow's weeping as he stepped onto the top of the landing. He didn't know if he should go to her or leave her alone. < It sounds like her heart is breaking>

William opened the door and approached Willow's prone figure. "Red, are you all right? He asked softly, kneeling down next to her. She shook her head, "No. I 'm so alone ... and I''m afraid I'll never see..." she hiccupped ..." any of my friends or family again."

William felt helpless, he sat down next to Willow and pulled her into his arms. She pressed her head into the crook of his shoulder, and wrapped her arms tight around his back weeping harder. "You're not alone now... sh... sh.... it's all right..." he whispered into her ear, his hands brushing her hair and the back of her neck.

One-minute Willow felt her world had ended. The next she had this supercharged awareness of William's warm breath in her ear. His unique sent. She felt shivers down her spine as his callused hands petted the nape of her neck. Her breasts ached, pressing against his hard chest. The feel of his well
muscled back under her hands. She had an overwhelming urge to run her hands through his hair and....< don't embarrass yourself, this man is trying to be your friend, your one and only friend here... Rejection isn't a good topper for depression and angst. >

William didn't know what possessed him to take Willow into his arms. Her skin was so soft. She smelled like lavender and vanilla. Her hands were kneading his back; her breath and tears caressed his neck, her breasts pressed against his chest, set him aflame. As he held her and soothed her, he felt like she was filling some deep void with warmth and goodness. Deep inside he felt an unknown sense of tranquility expand. That wasn't the only thing that was expanding. He began to panic; thinking Willow would notice his erection at any moment and be horrified and disgusted by him.

They both pulled away from each other. "I'm sorry William, I was just feeling so homesick." She explained wiping her nose, and getting up from the floor.

"It's all right" he replied huskily. William was afraid to move he wasn't sure he could.

"I saw someone downstairs that reminded me of my friend Giles, and it sunk in that I can't go home." She sighed, walking toward the vanity.

William took this as his chance to get up, he wanted to bolt, knew that would likely give him away and walked over and sat on his bed, his hands strategically placed upon his lap.

"What's keeping you from going back to America? Are you in some sort of trouble?" Is some wanker giving you trouble? Is it that bloke Angel or Spike?" he questioned."

Willow wanted to run across the room and throw herself into William's arms and forget about everything. "It's kinda confusing... you see I've come here to England by accident, I should have gone to Ireland to find Angel. Now it's too late to help him. < He's been turned into a demon already > Now I don't think he and Buffy can be together, ... and because of my actions < I lost the damn locket> .. I' ve...... < no way to get back> disappointed my friends..." she said sadly.

"Willow from what you've told me, you've risked a lot to help your friends. It seems to me that no matter what you may have done to upset them, they'll forgive you. If they don't than they are a bunch of daft bums."

Willow couldn't help smiling at William, "Thank you, lets end this pity party and get some dinner. Last one downstairs pays." she said racing out the door.

William chuckled and followed the mysterious red head.

Willow and William joined Jonathan and Henry in their corner booth. Jonathan waved Mary over. "What's on tonight's menu?" he asked.

"You have your choice of a pilchard butty; bubble and squeak or bangers and mash" Mary offered.

Willow giggled, all three men smiled. "I don't have any idea what you've just said Mary."

Henry tried to translate, "Pilchard is tiny fish, butty is bread".

"Oh a sardine sandwich, I'll pass" Willow replied scrunching up her face to avoid say yuck.

"Bubble and squeak is cabbage and potatoes, and bangers and mash is sausage and mashed potatoes." Henry continued.

"The last one sounds good." Willow said licking her lips. < So long Mickey'Dees>

"I have the pilchard butty, and how's about a pitcher of plonk for the table" Henry winked.

" Bubble and squeak for me, Mary" replied Jonathan.

"I have bangers and mash too Mary", thanks William said.

Randy brought the picture and glasses and poured plonk for everyone.

Willow tasted it, "mmmm... s'tart wine" she exclaimed.

The food came quickly, Willow, couldn't help notice how fast Henry ate. "You remind me of my friend Xander, he'll eat anything. One time when we were kids playing truth or dare he ate sardines with chocolate sauce and ice cream. He actually liked it." She said laughing.

Conversation flowed freely as did the plonk.

William noticed Willow's fair complexion flush with the consumption of the cheap wine. Willow was getting more and more animated in her stories. She was certainly good at chatting up with the men thought William. Both Henry and Jonathan appeared to hang on her every word.

AS Willow was gesturing with her hands she knocked Jonathan's drink over, spilling it into his lap.

"Oops" Willow offered, as she used her linen napkin to wipe Jonathan's pants.

Jonathan, gave a sly grin, "I think you missed a spot love a little to the left, ah that it"

William stood up, "Willow come on your completely legless, it time to call it a night"

She looked down and touched her legs. "No I'm not, mister spoil all the fun" she chided.

Jonathan chimed, "yeah lets have another round."

"Sod off mate", Willow's going to start work tomorrow, and a hangover not going to help, William lectured, taking Willow by the hand.

"No, I want to stay and play with my new friends Dad" Willow said pulling out of William's grip."

"Willow, let's go, I'll not have you make a fool of yerself, and me in front of my mates." He growled into her ear.

" Good night mates" she said " Mr. Pub monitor spulling the plug" She slurred slightly."

"Listen here macho man," she said placing her hands on her hips and swaying slightly " You can't make me."

William picked up Willow by the waist and slung her over is shoulder.

"EEEEP" she cried. Hey... I guess you can make me.

"Good night mates, Mr. Pub monitor spullling the plug" she slurred.


"William put me down this instant," she squealed.

He was near the top of the stairs, "I mean it ... I've live in Sunnydale, I know how to... handle monsters and demons" she threatened.

"Oh I'm shaking in my shaking in my boot Red, besides who's going ta make me?" He said mocking her, and kicked open the door to their room.

Willow did the only thing she could think of. She bit him, hard in the ass.

"Owe, you little witch," he said, grasping her about the waist, she struggled against him and ended up sliding down the front of his body.

William wasn't sure if he wanted to throttle her or ravish her.

Her hands rested on his chest, and his hands rested upon her ass. Willow had a devilish smile upon her face.

William decided to ravish her.

She felt like she was on fire... dizzy... she realized she was going to vomit. Oh no she moaned, pushing hard against William, accidentally hitting him in the nose, as he leaned down to kiss her. She staggered over to the basin on the vanity.

Willow heaved and heaved.

William wiped at his bloody nose. < I should have picked throttle. I don't know if I survive this lass, It like I'm on a run away train with no conductor.>

William helped Willow by cleaning up after she finished getting sick. He offered a cool cloth to wipe her sweaty face.

Willow looking paler than before mumbled "sleep" She went to the far side of the room behind the linen room divider and began to undress.

William stripped down to his y-fronts and crawled into bed.

"Oh no" he heard.

"What is it now Willow?"

She poked her head around the linen sheet, her body outlined in detailed shadow by the lantern. "I forgot to buy something to sleep in, could I borrow a shirt?"

< Sweet Jesus! > William got up, retrieved a semi-clean shirt, and handed it to her. His body was practically humming with sexual frustration.

"Thanks Will," she said her arm snaking out to retrieve it.

Willow could help but notice his um... you know. She also noted how the shirt smelled of him. She sighed slipped into her pallet and slipped into a drunken sleep.

William tossed and turned unable to get comfortable, listening to Willow's soft snores.
