Dragon's Lair Prologue

Author's Note: I am borrowing from several Celtic legends/mythology. I will give credit where due. In the prolog I am borrowing the Celtic Goddess Macha. She was alleged to be a war goddess who's royal stronghold was Emain Mhacha who fought and ensnared five brothers who she used as slaves to build this fort. She was also believed to be the goddess who cultivated crops. I am changing the myth a bit and giving her power to create animals.



The Goddess Macha was weary. She had been in conflict with the five O'Floinn brothers over Emain Mhacha her personal domain. Macha had sought them out one by one on their hunting ground. She had enticed four of the five brothers into her forest and bound each one in turn to her in servitude. She had the four O'Floinn's building a mighty fort on Emain Mhacha. This fort would make Emain Mhacha invincible to others seeking her domain.

The fifth and last brother Adomnan, was proving to be more difficult. Macha was unsuccessful in seducing him. She knew she needed a plan to conquer this stubborn mortal. Macha slept in her alcazar, in the glade where the magic waterfall coursed. Upon awaking Macha knew what her plan was to be.

She would bring into being, two creatures, one to lure the stupid mortal and one to bring about its death. The man Adomnan liked to hunt. Macha would create a sly female fox to lure the mortal. Macha would create a dragon to inhabit the hidden cave behind the waterfall. When the fox lured the mortal into the glade the dragon would charge from behind the waterfall and slay him. Macha smiled at her brilliance. < Now how to get the two stupid creatures to do her bidding? >

Macha decided to ensure the mutual cooperation of the creatures by giving them one mortal soul to share between them. They would know one another's thought and desires. The soul would feel complete together. They would serve her or bear her wrath. By having one mortal soul Macha knew she could intimidate both creatures true animal natures to subservience by threatening the life of the other. Macha's experience with mortals was that they would do anything to save their souls.

At dawn Macha called upon her powers and created a fox. She was lithe and had a red silky coat. Macha gave the fox emerald eyes; the same color as her lush glade. She made the fox cunning and fearless. The dragon she called forth from the underworld. He was large and muscular. Macha gave the dragon ice blue eyes; the same color as her waterfall frozen in winter. She made the dragon loyal and impulsive. Last Macha gave the two creatures one brand new mortal soul. Macha knew she would have to wait several days for the new beings to adapt to their surroundings and each other. She would be patient a little longer.

Green eyes looked at lush, green foliage. She sensed a small animal; Hunger gnawed in her belly. She picked up the sent of her prey and took off in pursuit through the dark green vines and ferns. She captured the small mole and snapped its neck with her long powerful snout. She licked her lips and groomed the animal's blood off her coat. She smelled water nearby. The fox came upon a large cascading waterfall. The sound of the water crashing deafened her acute hearing. She lapped the cold water.

The dragon looked out with icy blue eyes from behind the cascading waterfall. He had explored the glade and learned the boundaries of his realm. As a creature of the underworld he knew he could exist only within an enchanted place. He saw a blur of red and something deep within him quivered. He slowly moved from the cave through the waterfall, he was hungry.

The fox didn't hear the dragon at first, she smelled him and her heart began to race, she lifted her eyes and at the base of the falls he stood poised as if ready to strike. Her instincts told her to flee for her life as this large animal could devour her. She looked at him with her green eyes and was met by his clear blue ones. She felt a strange tremor. They stared at one another frozen for what seemed like an eternity. His size and power awed her. He had razor sharp teeth and his scales, glinted and dropped water the same color as his eyes. The dragon watched the fox with admiration; he envied her grace and beauty. The dragon knew he was powerful but ungainly and looked fierce. His animal intent was to slay this creature but he could do nothing but stare at her. The fox felt the strange tremors increase as she looked into the dragon's eyes. She heeded her animal instinct and fled. She was aware as she fled that the animal was hungry and she felt empathy for this large creature.

The next morning the dragon came out from his cave and found two freshly killed rabbits on the riverbank. He moved as quickly as his limbs would carry him. He looked around suspiciously. He could feel eyes watching him but couldn't smell any prey. He bent down and sniffed the animal carcasses. He caught the sent of the female fox. He felt a quiver deep within his body. He ate the offered bounty and growled deep in his throat his contentment. The fox felt another tremor course through her body.

The next day the fox drove a small fawn into the glade. The dragon had been watching for the fox and charged out of the cave and slayed the young fawn. He saw the fox panting and glistening from her exertions. The dragon ate part of the fawn and moved back to allow the fox to claim her prize. The fox watched the dragon with trepidation. She slowly crept up to the dead animal and ate her fill, watching the dragon watch her. The dragon watched the fox eat and drink her fill. He watched the woodland creature groom and preen her fur upon the knoll overlooking the river. He felt himself unusually sated and comfortable. The fox felt protected and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Macha returned to the glade and explained to the two creatures that she was responsible for their creation. Macha explained her mission for the creatures. The fox's heart beat in fear. She knew that to challenge or tease hunters would very likely lead to her death. The dragon felt the fox's fear and growled at the Goddess in warning. Macha laughed, "how very mortal" she scoffed. She explained that if the fox didn't lure the hunter into the glade she would send the dragon back to the underworld. She made know to the dragon that if he was unsuccessful in killing the man, she would torture the fox to death just outside the the enchanted glade where he cold witness the results of his impotence. The dragon was filled with rage at his creator. The fox worry bloomed into concern for the dragon. She knew what she had to do. The dragon knew what he had to do.

The fox had never run so fast. She could hear the baying hounds hot on her heels. Her heart felt like it would leap from her small body. Her limbs ached with exertion. She was almost upon the glade. The dragon stalked impatiently in the glade awaiting her return. He smelled her sent first then heard the sound of the dogs. She broke through the trees and dashed past him. The dogs smelled the dragon and split off from the charge and whined in terror. The man, Adomnan ran into the clearing and was surprised by the dragon. The dragon used his powerful claws to knock the man down and leaned down to finish the man.

Adomnan cursed the dragon. If you shall kill me I will come back to hunt you down and kill you, and I shall chase the other until I possess her and destroy her also. The dragon snapped the mortal man and left his broken body for his mistress Macha.

Macha gloated to the O'Floinn brothers her success in destroying their kin. The brother's raged and swore vengeance upon their brother's killer. The brother's knew they were powerless to stop Macha but banded together to hunt the creatures that killed their brother.

The fox ran faster and faster but couldn't escape the hounds and the men who chased her. Her thoughts went to the mighty dragon. If only she could see him once more. The men fired their weapons and two hit her small body. The dragon sensed the fox's mortal injury and growled in fury. He raced to the edge of his enchanted glade and wanted to see her once again. The fox limped into the glade and collapsed at his feet. He leaned down and gently licked the blood off her coat. The fox's green eyes looked into his blue ones sighed and died. The dragon howled his pain. The four men stopped and looked at the menacing Dragon expecting him to retreat or attack. The dragon simply lay down next to the small fox passively. The men attacked and killed the dragon imagining it was Macha.

Part 1

Aine transformed as an old hag swaddled the stillborn child in her cloak. The Lugh family had always paid her fine tribute and respected her simple requests. Thus, Aine took the stillborn male from Nera Lugh. As it was October 31st Aine would travel to the nearest sidh and conger a spirit from the otherworld to inhabit this lifeless babe. After all she had her reputation as a fertility goddess to keep.

Aine laid the babe upon the sidh. As the moon climbed in the night sky she awaited the opening of the otherworld. Aine stood on one leg and reached forward with one arm, as was the druid way.

She began the incantation, "Beloved Goddess Danu, Queen of the underworld please hear my plea." "Offer up on this sacred night a souled one from the underworld" "If it shall please thee, I shall do thee bidding in sowing a bountiful harvest across your mother Demeter's plains."

The sidh shook, as did the ground under Aine's feet, she lost her balance and fell hard to the ground, hitting her head upon a sharp stone. She rose and saw movement under her cloak. Aine gave thanks to Danu for hearing her appeal. Aine unwrapped the cloak and sucked in her breath. "Hera," she swore. Aine gazed upon the male child resurrected, looking at her with icy blue eyes; but she also saw a green eyed, redheaded baby girl, who clutched the tiny hand of the male child lying next to her. < Whose baby girl is this? > < Hera, what have I done? > < Danu, what should I do with her, this child of the underworld? >

Aine picked up both babies and wrapped them in her cloak. She headed back toward her home. Aine thought about the baby girl. < Ah, the Queen of Ireland had been paying her tribute to enable her to become with child. > Aine knew that she couldn't help the Queen due to her husband's bad seed. Aine was empathetic of the Queen's plight, as the King had threatened to seek another to bear him a child. < This child could pass as the King's daughter. > < I've got little to loose and it can't hurt to have the King and Queen beholding to me. > Aine left the baby girl with the Queen.

She returned to her home by sunrise after dropping the male child off at Nera Lugh's. Aine was glad to be rid of the squalling brat. He screamed like a bloody fury ever since she had separated him from the little lass. Aine had a headache, she crawled into her bed; < no one appreciates how hard it is to be a goddess. >

The Lugh's were happy to se they're first born son healthy. They named him Daire. The Queen was able to keep the baby girl's presence secret from her husband as he was currently away on business in a nearby nation. Upon his return she would tell him she was several months along with child. The baby girl shall make an appearance shortly thereafter. The Queen decided she shall be called Dagney

Part 2

"Niall, one of our own has been drawn into the above world by Aine" explained Danu.

"Is it your wish that I bring her back?" Niall asked.

Danu paused, "no perhaps it is time for our kind to roam free in the above world again."

"You shall go and be her mentor and protector, teach her our ways." Danu smiled. " Make sure she knows she is special and that she won't be wasted on some pitiful mortal." Danu commanded.

"But Goddess, if she is in the other world she lives as a mortal? Does she not?" Niall asked.

"Yes, but her soul is from Tuatha De Danaan." Danu proclaimed.

" Niall, you have some time to prepare, you cannot cross over until the feast of Samhain." Danu dismissed Niall with a wave of her hand.


King Brian Boru smiled down at his tiny redheaded daughter. " She is magnificent, Clio," he said softly placing a kiss on his wife's forehead. < She barely looks like she's broken a sweat. >

" I shall like to call her Dagney." Clio asked smiling up at her husband. < You foolish swine. > < Now that I have given you a child you shall not be able to rid yourself of me, nor shall I have to put up with your boorish attempts to fornicate. >

"Yes, as you finally graced me with a child why not, Dagny Boru it shall be." The king left his wife's chambers and requested a handmaiden be brought to him to help him celebrate.


Nera and Collin Lugh were overjoyed with their son Daire. The couple knew that they should place the baby into his cradle but they wanted to have him between them. Nera reminded Collin that Daire was special, that Aine had made him well. Collin touched his son's soft head as he watched him nurse at his wife's breast in awe. " Your pretty amazing yourself," he grinned and kissed his wife on the lips.


16 years later

Daire had walked in on his parents groping and kissing one another in the kitchen. < I can't believe them, they never stop, and ma is ready to give birth to yet another child. I'm sure it shall be another sister, 'tis not like I have enough already. > "Daire," one of his five sisters tugged on his arm, " You promised" Eriu whined. " Not now, I've got to talk to Da, be off with you" Daire said sharply.

His parents looked up at him, " I've got to talk to you both." He said. < He reviewed in his head all the reasons he was going to give them for him going off to Dublin to join with Cormac's army. I'll not live out my life on this farm and die here. I've to see the world and have a bit of adventure before I settle down. >

Despite his mothers tears Daire felt good that his father was supportive of his decision. His father was unhappy that he was going to take up with the Viking Clan but understood his need to spread his wings a bit. ~~~~~ Niall looked in amazement at Dagney. < She is a magnificently beautiful young woman. She is also one of the most stubborn temperamental chits I have ever know mortal or Goddess. > Niall couldn't help but laugh at his charge. " You can not conquer the stone Dagney, it is not alive…instead you must use the air." He encouraged. " That it" he watched as her face scrunched up and her green eyes narrowed in concentration as she managed to levitate the large rock.

The rock splintered into small pieces. " Hera" she swore stomping her foot as her long red hair flew about her face like she was a fury.

"Dagney", he chuckled " patience". " Your Mother and Father would not approve of your swearing either" he admonished. " How will your father find a suitable husband for you when you go about swearing like a solider?" Niall teased.

" I shall not be married, Niall." " Not to anyone, I shall be my own women." She said royally.

"Unless of course you decide to make me your consort." " That might be agreeable, but I shall never marry" She smiled at his slyly.

Niall found himself aroused by his young charge. He wasn't sure when things had changed for him. He had always enjoyed his tutoring the child. Her brilliant and inquisitive mind made her a quick study. Her stubborn streak and fearlessness kept him challenged by her as often as not. Lately his thought drifted to a more impure nature. It was his own fault his not making her more disciplined. Her mother catered to the child's every whim. Her father treated her with ambivalence and looked upon her as an investment. Niall walked a fine line between both parents. Her father tolerated him, and warned him that Dagney safety and virtue were to remain intact. Niall scoffed angrily, that it wasn't the girls' welfare her father was concerned about but her value as a pawn in his growing empire. The King saw the powerful Druid in his court another resource to exploit. He used Niall's affections for the child against him at times to have him perform powerful spells over the king's enemies. Niall cursed himself self over his involvement with the child's mother Clio. He and Clio had been lovers for some time now. The King knew but didn't care. Niall was in a trap of his own making. The King used his wife and daughter to manipulate him.

Niall was shocked out of his silent reverie as he heard: "That is of course, if you fancy me more than my mother?" Dagney grinned.

Niall blushed, "That sassy talk shall get you into trouble young lady." He lectured. " If you spent more time on your studies and worked your spells instead of challenging everyone around you out of spite."

Niall stopped his lecture as he noted Dagney's downcast look. < What does she know of her mother and I? Is she teasing or jealous? >

Dagney hated it when Niall was cross with her. She didn't like having to share him with anyone. Niall had always been her constant companion; he was her father, her friend, and her teacher. He told her how special and gifted she was. Dagney couldn't help but feel jealous that he appeared to love her mother in a way that he didn't her. Dagney in her Druid studies watched nature and was well aware of how animals mated. She had a hard time thinking of Niall mounting her mother like a stallion. < Well she could imagine Niall all-powerful and strong but her mother.,.. ewee. > Dagney didn't understand why humans wanted to lose control like animals anyway. < Perhaps I need to study this a bit more to comprehend the power and use of copulation, outside the need for procreation>

" Come Dagney, lets see you levitate that rock there." Niall said pointing.

~~~~~~ Daire had started out as a livestock handler in Cormac's army. He had this job until six months ago when he had joined a fierce battle against another clan of Vikings trying to overrun Cormac's territory. Cormac himself had witnessed Daire's bravery and prowess in battle. Cormac decided to make the lad his aide de camp. His nephew Liam was about the same age as the lad Daire, was also his aide. His nephew Liam was bright enough but lacked some of Daire's natural grace and skill in battle. Cormac knew that he intimidated Liam but hoped that having a younger peer around would help Liam grow. Cormac watched the two young men practicing their dueling. Liam was gangly, thin and blond, as Daire was larger in build and dark of coloring. Cormac noted that Daire had quite the temper. He had seen the boy stab several opponents with his icy blue eyes before running them through with his blade. < If only Liam had that passion. > ~~~~~~

Dagney had been spying again and overheard her father speak of marriage to Dermot O'Leary, a large landowner that was loyal to her father. < I shall never marry. Besides Dermot had outlived two wives, he has bred six sons, why should he want to remarry? > Dagney ran off in search of Niall, he would help her figure out a way to dissuade her father.

Dagney had looked all over for Niall. < Where can he be? > < I need him. > < Perhaps mother knows where he is. > As Dagney entered her mother's suite she heard moaning coming from her mothers bedchamber. < Mother must be ill.. I can help her with some herbs or a spell. > Dagney quickly moved to her mother's door and opened it. Dagney saw Niall naked ass lying upon her mother's bed and his head between her mother's legs. He looked like he was devouring her. He had his hands on his mother's breasts. He was hurting her. Her mother cried out in pain and her eyes glazed over. Dagney picked up a water basin and brought it down on Niall's head. Clio yelled in shock and outrage. " Dagney… what.. Oh my…" Niall had rolled off the bed with the impact of her blow and was lying on his back upon the floor groaning. Dagney eyes were drawn to Niall's swollen member. She looked back at her mother, who was hastily pulling the sheets up, over her naked form. "Hera?" Dagney swore "Explain this … why was Niall hurting you?" she asked tears in her eyes. She felt betrayed by her best friend. Dagney noticed her mother's embarrassment and deduced that this was not what it seemed. It was some sort of mating. Dagney felt sick.

Niall moaned, he felt hot tears fall upon his face. He opened his blue green eyes and his vision cleared. He saw hurt green eyes boring into his. " How could you do this to me?" she cried. Dagney stood up and screamed at her Mother HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Dagney bolted from the room.

~~~~~~ Cormac asked to see both Liam and Daire. "Lads I've an important task for you both." " I want you to travel to Tara to see King Boru." " I want you to inquire about him selling me some land adjoining Tara".

Both young men were eager for the important task.

Cormac explained his wishes to the two young men. He gave them guidelines as to what to offer. He also instructed them to look around Tara and assess the King's strengths and weakness. He reminded Liam and Daire that at some point, " the King may become an enemy." "Always investigate what the competition has to offer." "Most important if you truly want something bad enough, take it use force if necessary." Cormac lectured.

He was interrupted by an older solider who clutched a young redheaded girl. " This one had escaped… sir.. but we managed to catch her." the solider replied.

Liam and Daire watched Cormac. Daire knew that as part of the warfare the Viking army engaged upon, it was often common place to capture women and children as bounty. The army then traded or sold the prisoners back to gain either goods or to help settle into a peaceful accord. Daire had seen Cormac offer prisoners back to the defeated opponents in a benevolent manner to coax their loyalty.

Cormac moved closer to the small girl. He lifted her face and saw green eyes peer back at him. " You thought you were being a sly little fox, trying to best me!" Cormac growled. He backhanded the girl, splitting her lip with his ring.

Liam and Daire jumped at Cormac's violent outburst. Daire moved forward, < this girl is hardly older then one of my sisters> and put his hand on Cormac's arm. Cormac seemed oblivious to his presence. He smiled at the girl lecherously. " I order you to take the girl into the camp. Every solider shall have his way with her, then I want whatever is left of her brought back to me!" he grinned evilly. Daire saw the girl shudder and felt a corresponding shutter go through his own body. Daire had never seen Cormac this angry or vengeful. Daire saw Liam bolt from the room. Cormac focused on Daire, " Would you like to be first lad?" " I'm sure this whore has spread her legs before but best to have a piece before half the camp." He snickered. The girl whimpered and sagged in the soldier's grasp. Daire felt sick to his stomach. He had always seen his parents treat one another with love and respect in regards to carnal acts. Cormac saw Daire blanch, " come now boy don't tell me yea are still a virgin?" " No need to be shy about it." Daire found his tongue, " This is wrong Cormac." He gave him an icy stare.

" You dare question me?" " You little whelp, perhaps you prefer a young lad instead?" Cormac ripped the shaking girl's dress from her small body. " Look at her lad, you can turn her over and pretend she is a lad."

" No!" " You must stop this!" Daire commanded, he felt his stomach lurch at the terror in the girl's green eyes.

" Cormac slapped Daire, " You shall never question my authority boy, Ever!" " If you can't get it up then you shall watch!" he ordered. He pointed at the solider; " You may take her first."

" Yes sir" he replied. He pushed the girl down and began to unbuckle his pants.

Daire moved forward to stop him. Cormac struck out again at the young man. He quickly subdued the struggling man and held him in such a way that to force his face upon the girl's rape. Daire shut his eyes, but he couldn't shut out the small girl's screams. He vomited. Cormac released him. " You're as pathetic as my nephew!" he said in disgust. You and he should go now to Tara.

Daire and Liam rode out of camp silently. "I don't know what comes over his sometimes." Liam said softly.

" Has he done that before?" Daire asked.

" Yes, he seems fixated and cruel when it comes to redheads." Liam answered. "I don't understand.. he is honorable and fair in battle but this." " Once when he had a slave raped by the entire camp he brought her back and waited till she regained consciousness.. then he tortured her violently." He was so angry with me.. he made me watch." Liam's voice shook. " He did unspeakable things to the women. " He seemed to get such pleasure out of making her suffer and scream."

The two resumed their silent ride.


Dagney ran from the room. She felt totally betrayed by the two most important people in her life. She long ago knew that her father was interested only in his kingdom. Dagney sought out her father. < I will not ever be married> Dagney interrupted a meeting her father was having with the physician.

" Father, I must speak with you." She said wiping tears from her eyes.

< I see she has found out I mean to marry her off to Dermot, sneaky little witch just like her mother. >

" Now Dagney, there isn't much to talk about, You shall be married by tomorrow night, I will host the wedding feast." He said tightly.

" No!" " No." "I won't." she retorted angrily. The physician shifted uncomfortably. The King was outraged. " YOU SHALL!" He roared.

The physician excused himself, " Go upstairs and wait in her chambers I shall have her brought up there!" the king snapped irritated.

" Dagney shook her head and her eyes flashed, " I won't allow it, and you can't make me." She spat at her father.

The king grabbed his daughter, " You shall do whatever I damn well order" as he shook her.

" Hah! You can't even keep Naill from between your wife's legs" she said angrily.

Dagney regretted her words as soon as they tumbled from her lips in anger. Her father's face was purple with rage. He slapped her hard. Dagney's eyes burned with tears no one had ever hit her before. Her father spat, " I don't care what that whore does." " You just better hope that that he hasn't been between yours!" he roared shaking her violently before letting her go to fall to the floor in a heap. " If you've been with anyone, I'll bloody will ship you off to a convent of that fanatic Patrick's." he said from clutched lips.

That damn Dermot wants to make sure you aren't carrying another's babe in your belly. The doctor is here to make sure you are still a virgin. " Father please," Dagney begged, " I can't be married to him…" she reached up to touch his leg.

" I've had enough of your mischief and nonsense." " I should have married you off last year, your nearly too old, almost ten and seven." " Your strong willed enough that's for sure, so I can understand you not wanting to be under another's dominance, but you've got too many sniffing round you girl… it's only a matter of time."

Dagney raised her self up to her full height, " I am not some animal that shall be bought and sold as chattel."

" Yes, you are" the king said solemnly.

The king yelled for two aides, " take her up to her chamber, get four of the female staff to help the doctor.

Dagney yelled and tried to make a brake for the door.

" I won't let that filthy, horse doctor touch me!" she yelled, as she was dragged kicking and screaming from the door.

< What have I ever done to deserve that? Too bad she was not born a man, a mighty warrior she would have made.> The king swallowed some ale.

~~~~~ The doctor and the four women struggled with Dagney as she fought them. She swore all sorts of curses upon the doctor if he touched her. The five were unable to subdue the girl so the two aids were called back into help tie her up. The two aides left and two women stripped her from the waist down. She struggled and swore. " You shall have pig faced children" at the women. She threatened the doctor with loosing his hair. She watched in fear as he lubricated his fingers. She knew he was going to touch her there. < No one shall touch me unless invited ever. > She growled out at the doctor, " If you touch me I shall put a hex on you and your cock shall wither up and fall off like a dead leaf from a vine!" she threatened. " You know I have the power" she threatened her eyes burning into his.

He began to sweat. He looked at an elderly female servant. " You shall examine the lass" " You will enter her slowly and feel for her hymen." " According to her father, she isn't fond of horses or men for that matter so I would expect her to be intact."

Dagney bore the indignantly of the older women's intrusion. She vowed she would not marry. < If my father wants to send me to a convent, so be it. >

Both Clio and Niall heard the commotion and tried to get into Dagney's chamber. The two aids didn't allow it. After the women and the doctor left, both entered her room. Dagney looked at her betrayers " "Get out, your as bad as him!" she choked. " Darling, please let us explain." Her mother begged. Naill just looked at her guiltily. " Get OUT" she cried.

Naill took Clio's arm. " We'll talk later."

Dagney cried for several hours. She fell asleep and woke up with a plan. < I'll fix them all. >

Naill was weary; it had been a long day. He was heartbroken over the events with Dagney. He truly loved the girl. He went to her father and implored him to not marry the girl off to Dermot. The king had scolded, humiliated, and threatened him. "If you interfere I shall send the chit away to a convent and you shall never see her again."

Naill entered his dark chamber and lit a lamp. He looked up as he heard a small noise. His breath caught in his throat. His cock jumped to life. Dagney was lying upon his bed naked.

" What are you doing?" he hissed unable to make his voice work properly. He couldn't stop his eyes from hungrily drinking in her alabaster skin, her firm, pert breasts and the dark mahogany of her soft curls.

Dagney felt her skin tingle as Naill looked at her; he hadn't met her eyes. She could feel his gaze devouring her. She felt a small shudder in her chest.

Dagney parted her legs, " I want you to love me like my mother." She said breathless.

" Goddess Danu," he swore. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself within this women. His cock was so hard he thought that if he merely touched her skin he would come.

Dagney noted Nail's erection. She smiled, " I know you want to." She said coyly.

Naill turned his back to her and gripped the dresser, his fingers practically gouging the wood.

" Get dressed" he croaked.

Dagney was suddenly embarrassed by her brazen behavior. < Perhaps he doesn't want me after all. > Dagney hastily grabbed her clothes and bolted.

Naill swore and moved to the bed. He could smell her on his bed. He unbuckled his tight pants and stroked himself imagining himself inside her virgin passage making her cry out in pleasure. He shot his seed quickly and he moaned her name.

Dagney felt utterly alone. She refused to see her mother or Naill. She conceded her father this battle but wasn't through with the war yet. She let her maids dress her in fine silk. She was to go downstairs to meet her husband to be and break bread. < I'd like to brake his stinking neck. >

The King was worried that Dagney would make a scene. He was pleasantly suprized with how charming and polite and submissive his daughter was during the feast. Dermot kept looking at his daughter like she was some sort of sweet. The king noted that Dermot's eyes never moved from his daughter's breasts. He felt a small wave of guilt. < It's for the best; perhaps she'll kill the old man. > He smiled. < As long as they consummated the marriage, I as her father would take over control of her estates wresting them away from the other male heirs. >

Dagney simmered in anger, her eyes careful not to meet her father, mother's or Naill. < That damn toad keep staring at my breast. I wonder if he'd have a stroke at the table if I popped one out from my dress. > She smiled evilly.

Her father had prepared a chamber for them. Dermot took her arm practically drooling and escorted her to the chamber.

Once the door was closed her pushed her up against the wall and grabbed viscously at her breasts.

Dagney shoved him backwards. " Now, Now lass, I'm to be yer husband you can relax and enjoy it or fight." " It makes no difference to me," he said pouncing on her again. He dipped his hand under her dress to grab at her nipple and pinched it. Dagney opened her mouth to cry out and she found his tongue in her mouth. She practically gagged at his vile taste and slowly reached down and drew her dagger from her thigh. She brought it up against his face slicing him open from cheekbone to lip.

He stumbled back in shock his face burning. " You shall tell my father you changed your mind or I will start by cutting out your vile tongue and precede to cut you open till I slice off your cock" she said menacingly.

< I'm to old for this shit> he thought to himself.

Dermot came charging back into the banquet hall several minutes after he had just left. The king was still drinking his ale. Dermot had his face covered with a bloody towel. " The wedding contract is off, That wench is a demon." He spat and left.

The king jumped up out of his chair so quickly it hit the floor with a bang. He strode to the chamber bellowing " Dagney" She had bolted the door from the inside. He could hear her sobbing. She ignored his threats. A small part of him was impressed once again by her spirit. < Damn that girl is to be my downfall. I'll have to find a stronger man to break her spirit, and someone willing to get me Dermot's land.

The next morning Liam and Daire arrived at Tara. They met with the king to discuss Cormac proposal. The king had not met Cormac but was familiar with his reputation as a might warrior.

" Lads I think I can propose an acceptable deal for the both of us. " Cormac is still unmarried?" he asked

" Yes," Liam replied.

" My daughter is of marrying age, you know… I want only the most suitable husband for the kind lass… if Cormac will wed her; he shall have the lands adjacent to mine now owned by Dermot.

< She must be ugly as a boar if he wants to be rid of her. > Daire thought.

"We will discuss it with Cormac, and get back to you." Liam replied

" If he consents, the wedding can be held in several months on Samhain." < I will need that long to begin to work on the girl so she doesn't mess this up. > the King thought.

Dagney remained in the chamber pouting, she had refused food and water (although she was starving) and was going to be passive aggressive a while to punish her father. She was however getting bored. She wanted so much to see Naill but she thought he needed to be sorry for a while longer before she forgave him. Dagney was looking out the chamber window and saw two young men she didn't recognize. Her eyes took in a tall thin blond man. Her breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes on the dark muscular graceful man.

Daire stopped.

" What is it?" Liam asked.

" Nothing" he replied. < It felt like someone was watching him. He looked around the courtyard looking for the pair of eyes that burned him. > He looked up and his gaze was drawn to a darkened window. Someone is watching me from there. He stood and stared up with his icy blue eyes.

Dagney drew back from the window. Her chest tightened and she felt a quiver deep inside she had never experienced before. She saw his blue eyes. < He could not see me from this dark window. >

Daire turned his back upon the window, < he felt slightly aroused and hungry>

" Let's go," he said to Liam.

Part 4

Dagney was dreaming: She was being chased running as fast as she could to escape. She could hear hounds barking calling out to her: going to die, going to die, in tempo with her heartbeat. She felt branches and trees slap against her body. She broke free into a clearing. < Goddess Macha, a dragon with eyes icy blue as water, eyes the same color as the dark haired man. Dagney woke with a start. Her heart was beating so fast. She had a funny feeling in her lower body. She felt tense and wet. < Hera, I've started my monthly again? > Dagney got up to tend to herself. < That's strange, my flow wasn't blood but clear fluid. > Dagney jumped at a knocking at the door. "Go away she barked."

" Open the door or I shall do it myself" Naill called.

" Go away" she replied petulantly

" Dagney it's been three days, open the door, Please." Naill asked softly.

Dagney rose from the bed and opened the door. Naill took in her unkempt appearance and his heart broke. For all the girl's fire and bluster she was only just a wee lass. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. Dagney began to cry. " Oh Naill, it was awful... he... tried to hurt me...he.. tried to bite my tongue and pull off my... she hiccuped.

"I know sweet, shhh." He held her while she cried. He pulled her onto his lap as he sat upon a wingback chair. He had her drink some water. She looked at him with sad eyes, " Is father very mad still?" she asked.

" No, he's... over it" < Time enough to tell her about the new match.>


The red fox smelled of musk and wildflowers. He watched her clean her silky coat. He wanted to lick her with his raspy tongue. She watched him with half lidded emerald eyes.

He groaned and woke up, his member was swollen and he felt tense. <Damn what is wrong with me, that's the third time I've dreamed about a red fox. Maybe it's time I find a woman; else I'll be rubbing up against a tree. >

Liam was stirring the ashes of their campfire.

"We should be home today before supper." He commented.

" Yes,.. Do you think Cormac will contract marriage for the King's daughter?" Daire asked.

" Not sure, he said he wanted land next to the king, I suppose he'll do whatever it takes to get it, he usually does,... don't ever forget that Daire." Liam answered.

Before their journey home the pair had done some exploring and investigating the lands and people in Tara's domain. The men were doing as ordered; collecting information that might prove useful to the Viking Cormac later. The men had stopped in a local Pub and overheard a drunken man they quickly learned was none other than Dermot lament about his disfigurement at the hands of the demon Dagney. Liam ordered him another drink and asked the man his story. Liam empathized with how painful the nasty cut on his face sewn up with black catgut must be.

" Damn right." " Bloody witch" " I know now why the old maid is still a virgin I tell yea." ' Looks like a vision all flaming red hair and jewel eyes." " Nice set of tits too." "I think the damn druid got her under some sort of spell or else she's plain possessed." He rattled on.

" What happened?" Daire asked curious. " Everyone knows here in Tara how strange and wild the girl is. Her father lets her run wild everywhere with the Druid" " I expected the Druid had taken her, but the doctor said no." " He said, the girl balked at the examine so much she had to be tied down." " she didn't want anything tween her legs,"he laughed. Dermot ran his hand carefully down his sew up face. " Guess, that's what I should a done before I touched her." "She acted like no one every kissed her fore" " It was to be our wedding night, I only kissed her and copped a feel of her pert tits and she drew a blade and sliced me to ribbons." " Damn bitch threaten to cut off my cock too." Dermond swallowed his drink. "She would have to.. I told him the marriage was off... now If I were a young man like yea lads I might have a good time trying to tame that demon witch." "I'll tell you, the King will be hard pressed to pawn off that witch." "yes, she looks right sweet, but she's feral."

Daire's thoughts came back to the present. He couldn't help but picture this red haired girl much like the lass Cormac had had raped. Daire swallowed, he had pledged to Cormac. Daire worried about this unknown girl, if she was half as spirited as everyone claimed; Cormac might like the challenge of breaking her.

" Liam, perhaps we should just tell Cormac that the King was unreasonable and wouldn't consider any land." Daire said.

" Lie to him?" Liam's thought also drifted to this unknown girl and his stomach hitched.

" The King gave us a letter outlining his wedding contract." If the King follows up with another correspondence if he doesn't hear from Cormac." Cormac would kill us both for treason if only to set an example." Liam replied.

" Eye, your right." Daire answered.

~~~~~~ The King was friendly and loving towards Dagney. He apologized for trying to make her marry a man who clearly was beneath her and was just boorish to boot. Dagney was happy that her father showed her some care and remorse for his actions. She also had come to a peace with her mother. She and Niall continued with her studies. Niall knew he should be the one to tell the girl of her father's latest plan to marry her off to a Viking warlord, but he secretly hoped it wouldn't come to pass and things could continue as before. He wasn't worried about any local men coming forward to claim her since Dermot blabbed about Dagney's behavior to anyone who would listen. < One might think the man would be shamed but no.>

As hard as he tried though he couldn't make things go back to the way they were before Dagney saw him with her mother. Nor could he look at her for more than a few minutes without imagining her naked as she was in his chamber.

" Naill, have you heard a word I've said" Dagney asked annoyed.

" What, Oh..yes.. the spell, repeat the incantation to be used for the cloak of invisibility one more time." He asked.

Dagney did so; She blinked out of his vision.

" Splendid" he cried happily.

Dagney held her hands over Naill's eyes. "Boo." Naill jumped as he had neither seen nor heard Dagney moved behind him. He twirled around and captured her hands in his. He softly caressed several strands of her fiery whips from her face. " That was wonderful".

She gave him such a warm inviting smile. Naill gave into the temptation to kiss her. He lowered his lips to hers and placed a soft kiss. Dagney was startled by his actions. < Maybe he does find me attractive. > Dagney's thoughts suddenly drifted to the dark haired stranger with cold blue eyes. She wondered if his kiss would feel like this. Dagney pulled back from Naill's kiss. < What's the matter with me? > < I've wanted Naill to love me like this and now the first sign of affection he shows me I'm thinking of someone else. >

Naill thought she had responded for a moment but then she pulled away. " I'm sorry Dagney, I should have never done that." Naill said softly moving away.

" Naill, no.. its me.. I'm just a bit frightened as all. I' know the way's of animal mating but after.. well after everything.. there is so much I don't understand or know." Dagney explained.

Naill flushed and felt his erection straining against his too tight slacks. < I want nothing more than to show you the pleasures of love>. " Perhaps you should ask your mother"; he said his voice tight.

< He had to bring her up. >


Cormac talked with Liam and Daire about the Kings proposal. Cormac was very interested and thought marriage could be an even easier way of getting his foothold into Tara. He agreed with the King's request to hold the wedding feast on Oct. 31. Samhain. Cormac was to send some horses and fine silks and lace as part of the wedding offer. Cormac was writing an acceptance letter to the King to accompany the goods. He also was writing a note to his bride to be.

" Aren't you curious about her?" Liam asked

" Who, the lass.. What's her name?" he asked scratching his head.

" Dagney", Daire chimed in.

"I could care if this Dagney is a leper, this is business boys." " A wife is for money, property and status." Cormac lectured. " You lads should get romantic notions about love and affection in a match out of your heads." " A man seeks comfort in the arms of a lover or mistress. " If she is unpleasant I shall only have to copulate with her until she bears me a child."

Daire shuttered at the thought of this man with this woman for some unknown reason.

The King went to Niall to ask his assistance in helping him break the news to Dagney of her upcoming wedding. The king pointed out to Naill, that the Viking was rich and powerful and a good catch. He would likely leave Dagney on his newly acquired lands once she was with child. Thus he reason, Naill could still be with her. He winked at him. Naill wanted to smash the man in the face. How could he prostitute his own daughter?

Even though Naill didn't like this situation, the King had a point, He could still watch out for her if she was close by. Naill agreed.

Dagney appeared to take the news of her Wedding to Cormac the Viking with aplomb. < Now they are both ganging up to rid themselves of me, so be it.. at least I have about two months to formulate a better plan this time. >

The time approaching the wedding feast flew by quickly. Dagney spent a great deal of time being fitted with new gowns and reviewing with her mother expected social protocol as would be expected a women in her position.

" Mother", Dagney asked causally, "Will it hurt much?"

" What, dear?" her mother asked distracted with her stitchery.

" Will it hurt when my husband ... takes me?" she asked.

Her mother blushed; she had never really spoke about the ways of things between a man and a woman. Her mother knew she owed it to her daughter. She needed to prepare her for her wedding night and perhaps if she were lucky she might marry a considerate lover like Naill. If not then in time her daughter might take a lover as she had.

Clio, cleared her throat, " Sit down dear." Clio knew that Dagney understood the way of animals and how women and animals became pregnant. "Well dear it may hurt a bit when your husband takes you." Try and get him to be patient for you until your ready." Her mother said.

"How will I know when I'm ready?" she asked innocently.

" Oh.. well you will be slick at your center" her mother explained. " If that doesn't happen dear.. he should use some ... lubricant." " How long will it take for him to leave his seed?" Dagney asked.

" That depends dear, some men come very fast and others last a long time," she smiled thinking about what a skilled lover Naill was.

" So that's all, he enters me and looses his seed." "How many times must he do this before I become with child.?"

" That also depends" her mother chuckled.

" This copulation seems very messy and inexact." Dagney answered frowning.

" Yes but with the right person you can have great pleasure darling." Her mother smiled.

"Is it like that with you and Naill" Dagney asked softly looking down.

" Yes" she nodded.

" Mother, what was he doing when I interrupted that day?"

"Dagney, men and women can pleasure each other greatly when they use their lips and tongue." Her mother blushed red.

" Pleasure how?" she still didn't understand.

"Dagney when you touch a man's member it gives him great pleasure. That's why it gets hard from pleasure." " Women have a small organ that is hidden between our folds that also can give us great pleasure when touched.

" Oh" she said.

Her mother changed the subject but Clio knew she was going to need to seek out her lover soon as she was wet from excitement in thinking about him.

The wedding feast fast approached. Dagney had received several letters from Cormac. He at least seemed to have a brain in his head. < I however, still won't marry him.>

Both Naill and the King were wary of Dagney's acceptance of her upcoming wedding. Both silently prayed that the girl would go through with it.

~~~~~ Cormac had brought Liam and Daire back to Tara for his wedding feast. The day of the feast Liam was asked to present the bride to be with a special gift. He was granted entrance into her private chamber under the supervision of her tutor Naill.

Liam had never seen a lovelier creature. Her hair was on fire, and her eyes when they looked at you were like music in his veins. Dagney accepted the gift and asked the young man to tea. He excepted and tried hard to make small talk and not embarrass himself in her company. ~~~~~~ " Daire, Cormac is such a lucky man" Liam gushed.

" I had tea with her, she is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." He babbled.

" Eye, like you have occasion to spent time with any fine ladies." Daire teased.

" You'll see, there is something about her.

That night the entire wedding party was waiting at the banquet table for Dagney to be escorted in an introduced to her husband by Niall.

Liam sat to Corm's right and Daire to his left. Dagney was to sit across from Cormac.

Daire was drinking wine when she entered the room.

Dagney's eyes quickly swept over her husband to be. < Ha another old man, if my first plan fails perhaps I shall resort to my last success. > She smiled brightly.

Daire saw her and sucked in a deep breath. The problem was that his mouth was full of wine and he began to choke. Dagney wore her fiery hair upon her head. Little red ringlets caressed her face. Her forest green silk gown was low cut and showed off her long neck and a great amount of her creamy breast. The dress clung to her tiny waist. Daire started to choke violently.

Dagney's eyes had moved from her husband to be and drifted over his aid Liam. She looked at the source of the choking and her heart stopped beating. This was the well-built dark haired man she had seen several months ago. < Hera, he is like a sculpture. > Dagney's knees suddenly felt weak and she felt a strong flame of something she had never experienced before shoot from her breasts to her core.

Naill felt her shudder, " Are you alright Dagney?" he whispered in her ear.

< No, I'm most definitely not all right.>

Part 5

Dagney composed herself and tore her eyes away from the handsome blue eyed young man. Dagney smiled, and whispered to Naill, " Fine, Fine."

Cormac was distracted by Daire's choking and moved to tap him on the back. " Are you alright boy?"

Daire managed to catch his breath and flushed an even deeper shade of red due to drawing attention to himself.

Naill stopped in front of the table. " May I present Dagney Boru soon to be Lady Cormac."

Cormac was surprised with how lovely his bride was in spite of her vile red hair. He noted how protective the Druid was of her. Cormac thought the Druid might be useful to him. He had limited personal experience with these holy men, but had been beaten several times in battles where his opponents had magical assistance from Druid's.

The men all stood as dictated by protocol. Dagney's father moved to her side bowed and kissed her hand. Each male guest in turn approached the bride to be, bowed and kissed her hand and addressed her as "Lady"; introduced themselves and respond, " at your service". Liam was awestruck at Dagney's beauty. As he approached her to give the required greeting he wiped his sweaty palm upon his breeches. He bowed nervously, unable to meet her eyes and took her hand gently and placed a small kiss upon her knuckle and managed to croak, "Lady, Liam at your service"

Daire couldn't keep his eyes off her. He watched her respond with apparent indifference to each of the male guests. Her skin was like cream, and her hair was the color of a burning fire. He felt a twinge of jealously as she gave Liam a small smile, the first evidence of any emotion she displayed. Daire berated himself, he realized he was next to rise and greet her and he had a raging erection.

Dagney could feel the blue eyed man gaze burn her skin. < Deep breath, ignore him, you are a Druid. > Dagney sensed his approach, she kept her eyes downcast not wanting to make eye contact with this young man. Daire bowed, " Lady, Daire at your service." He touched her hand, he suddenly felt like he had been run through with a heated blade.

Daney's eyes flew open and she looked into his eyes. < He has some kind of magic power, for I feel warm and tense all over like I'm about to burst into flames. > Dagney quickly pulled her hand out of his grasp before he could kiss her hand.

Daire felt her pull away, and felt like he was loosing his life's breath. He released her hand. < Excuse me for living and breathing you spoiled little witch. > He moved back to his seat, and thus did not witness the interaction between Cormac and her.

Cormac was just behind Daire and acknowledged Dagney, " Lady, Cormac at your service." She composed herself and looked up into Cormac's eyes. He quickly took her hand and raised it to his lips.

He noticed her green eyes and he felt a flush of anger and disgust, he tightened his grip on her hand.

< He's hurting me> She tried to wrench her hand away from him because as soon as she looked into his eyes and he touched her she felt herself shudder in unbridled revulsion. < He has such dark soul.. he hates me.. he's evil.. Oh I think I may vomit..>

He tightened his grip even more as he felt her try and pull away. < No you don't.. I'll teach you some manners.. bitch..> He raised her hand to his lips and opened his lips and bit her knuckles slightly and then quickly released her hand.

Dagney wanted to bolt from the room. < Oh Hera, the spell has to work.. this man is evil.. vile.. dark..> She felt faint; Niall noticed her skin pale and saw her pulse point in her neck beating like a captured bird.

He took her elbow and guided her to her chair.

All the guests had been reseated. Naill sat down next to Dagney. Naill looked at the two men who had upset his student. Naill noted Dagney seemed unsettled and unnerved by the younger man. He had witnessed and been at the receiving end of most of Dagney's mecurical moods but had never seen her as genuinely flustered and as uncertain as she was when the man touched her. He was shocked when she pulled out of his grasp.

Niall was downright disturbed with the ripple of fear he felt come off her when Cormac touched her. Dagney was practically fearless. Naill knew her well enough to know that when she felt even the least bit afraid or disturbed she usually challenged herself by trying to best the person that was causing her distress. Naill had witnessed Dagney's hidden fear on numerous occasions but he had never seen her so shaken, he smell the fear on her like she was a wild thing caught in a trap.

Naill began to worry. None of this bode well. If he knew her the lass had something planned well in advance to wreck this contract? He only hopped she wasn't foolish enough to challenge herself and ignore her fear of this Viking just to prove something to herself or lash out in spite. The more Naill thought about either action she might take the more concerned he was for her safety. Her father will likely thrash her to within an inch of her life and send her away to try and break her. Naill looked at Cormac across the table he had expected to see lust or curiosity in the man's eyes as he perused Dagney. He felt a tremor of fear run through his body. That man looks like he wants to kill her.
