Dragon's Lair

Part Six

"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."

Dagney swore silently to herself as she saw the serving girl refilling the wine goblets from the smaller of the two pitchers. <She should have used the largest one first damned imbecile. The largest pitcher contains the enchanted stone upon which the trust spell had been cast. The spell was to put everyone soundly asleep except the person whom was most trustworthy. Dagney had a bag packed and was ready to flee Tara as soon as the spell was decisive. >

Dagney felt Naill's hand grip hers under the table. She expected that Naill was the one who would remain awake. He would be angry at first but once he thought about what she had done and the wrath and embarrassment she will have caused for both her father and Cormac, he would realize he had no choice but to leave with her.

Both Cormac and Daire noted that Dagney and Naill appeared to be holding hands under the table. Daire berated himself for his feeling of jealously, even Cormac himself had made some comment before that his bride was likely bewitched by the Druid. Daire, shook his head, and took another drink of wine as the servants brought out the first course of the meal. Besides, she was to be Cormac's… her red hair and green eyes and..Daire looked at Cormac out of the corner of his eye. He took in his master's slowly seething rage just below the surface. < He doesn't like this situation either… but he wants to punish and hurt her> Daire felt sick to his stomach, how was he supposed to make small talk, eat, not look at the redheaded siren, and not be worried about his master torturing his newlywed. He took a big gulp of wine.

Cormac clutched his fist under the table drawing blood with his fingers. That wench will have to learn who is boss and this type of brazen behavior will not be tolerated. He took a big gulp of wine.

The king managed to do most of the talking as the dinner was served. Dagney had drained two goblets of wine herself, and managed to push food strategically around on her plate to give the illusion that she was eating. She managed to make meaningless small talk. Dagney avoided looking at Cormac in the eye. The two times she couldn't avoid his eyes she felt bile rise into her throat and thought she might heave. She tried to avoid looking at the blue eyed Daire, despite her intent she found her eyes being drawn to him of their own volition. Each time she looked at him she found him staring at her. Dagney felt like she was on a precipice sitting too close to an open fire with the man Daire and balancing away from the cold edge of purgatory with Cormac.

Dagney told herself it wasn't going to be much longer. She saw the servant begin to fill up the wine goblets from the enchanted picture.

" Naill, would you honor me with a toast?" Dagney asked.

"Certainly" he replied. " To Dagney and Cormac may they have a prosperous and healthy union."

The wedding party raised up their goblets and drank.

Within seconds heads dropped silverware and dishes clattered noisily. Dagney felt herself sigh and take in a big cleansing breath. She looked to her left to see Naill, < sound ASLEEP>. < Hera>

Daire saw everyone begin to fall asleep. He saw Cormac drop his head unto his plate with a loud splat as his unconscious form sent food flying.

Daire jumped up, he heard Liam exclaim, " What is happening?"

Dagney looked across the table and saw Daire on his feet and Liam sitting open mouth and in shock his hand still clutching a spoon full of vegetables half way to his mouth.

<Hera, how can both Cormac's men be unaffected by the spell. She saw them drink the wine. Now what? >

Dagney rose slowly, < I shall pick Liam to help me.. He seems such a gentle soul and besides I can wield my influence over him quite easily. >

" Do not be alarmed, they are only asleep for a short period of time. I have cast a sleep spell so that I may escape. I shall not be married to Cormac or any man."

Dagney looked at Liam, " I ask that you run away with me?"

Liam dropped the spoon and it clattered against his plate, " Me he squeaked and flushed scarlet."

" Oh my lady, I am flattered thee has chosen me, but I can not as there is a geis preventing me from taking a women that belongs to my uncle." He replied.

Daire was stunned; the witch had cast a spell on everyone, except himself and Liam seemed immune. The witch asked Liam to run away with her..

< This is just great; the old guys are lining up and the young acceptable men have the nerve to refuse me. > Dagney looked at Daire. She swallowed hard and licked her lips. " I ask that you run away with me?" she managed to whisper not able to look him in the eye.

Daire felt his mouth drop open. < The nerve of the little witch, she asks me now after she picked Liam> "I cannot lady," he replied sarcastically " a geis prevents me from running away with anyone who has chosen my friend Liam as a consort."

Dagney stared at Daire indignantly, < How dare that impudent young man… refuse me.. > " I place a powerful geis of danger, destruction, and dishonor upon you, unless you take me out of this house tonight before Cormac and my father awake." She said haughtily

Daire laughed, "If I run away with you, I shall meet my death and destruction all right, at the hands of Cormac. You are pledged to him."

"I am pledged to no man, you will help me… Please?" Dagney asked her voice softening. < I have to get away from here; Naill will wake up and come after me. >

Daire shook his head, this women was crazy as the man Dermot had said. Daire looked at the sleeping Cormac; he looked back at the beautiful lady seeming to plead with her emerald eyes. He looked back at Liam, and then Cormac.

" He'll not like this turn of events and he will not renege on the marriage contract." Liam spoke aloud" "He won't like the lady besting him at all." Liam swallowed and his complexion-blanched pale as he thought about the kinds of punishment Cormac could inflect on this fair creature.

Daire also thought about Cormac. If he took this women away his career with the Viking would be over. He most likely would be thought of as an enemy and perhaps if caught killed for treason. He weighed this out with thoughts of Cormac punishing the witch. Daire decided quickly

" Very well, I shall help you get away safely, but that is all. I will then leave you to your own devices." He said.

" Fair enough we must hurry, I have packed a bag and a haversack of foodstuffs." Dagney ordered. She looked back at Naill and moved over and placed a soft kiss on his sleeping brow. < until we meet again>

" I thought, you wanted to leave in a hurry?" Daire snapped. < She wants to stop and fawn over her lover>

Dagney gave Daire a scathing glare, " This way, I've left the bags near the stables."

The two moved quickly towards the stables. " Hitch up a wagon" she ordered.

" We, cannot get away in a wagon." He explained briskly. "Cormac will give chase with his fastest horses. We will take two horses and I will turn the other loose to roam. This it will be harder for them to follow as quickly." Daire plotted.

" My horse is one of the fastest and we shall take Liam's horse, it also can move like the wind."

" No, that won't work." Dagney said stamping her foot from nervous anxiety.

" Why not.?" Daire asked.

" Horse do not like me." Dagney replied somewhat ashamed.

" Daire laughed, " Your afraid of horses?" he couldn't quit believe this lass. She would stand up to her father and Cormac's wrath yet was afraid of a horse.

" No, They are afraid of me." She clarified.

" That sounds silly. Daire placed a saddle on his and Liam's horse. He tied on the bags ignoring Dagney comment.

" Here, he waved her over towards him, I'll give you a boost up. Hang on to the reins, once I'm mounted you need only hang on and I'll lead the horse."

Dagney moved toward Daire, she felt lightening bolts of heat shoot through her as he placed his hands about her waist and lifted her onto the horse.

Daire felt skittish himself as he touched her slim waist and lifted her upon the horse. The horse whinnied and appeared frightened as the lass stated. The horse eyes were almost white with fear. Liam had seen horses act like that only when they were frightened or tormented by a wild animal. The horse raised up in his hind legs and attempted to throw off Dagney. She gripped the reins white knuckled and swore cursing Daire, " Dumb bullock," Daire spoke softly to the horse and tried to gently it. It reared again and Dagney flew off, her green dress tore from ankle to upper thigh as it was caught upon the saddlehorn. She eeeped loudly and landed on her ass with a grunt.

Daire quickly moved to her aid. "Are you hurt lady?" he asked worriedly.

Dagney sat up slowly with a groan; she pulled hay out of her hair, which had fallen from its well-styled coiffure to hang wildly about her shoulders. " Just fine no thanks to you!" she complained.

Daire offered her his hand to help her get up. She ignored his hand and rolled onto her knees and raised herself up on shaky legs her ass throbbing.

Daire eyes bugged out of his head as he watched her breasts strain against her tight bodice and threaten to spill out as she moved onto all fours. His eyes drifted as she stood up on shaky legs to a large expanse of creamy white leg and thigh exposed by the tear in her dress.

"What now Mr. Wizard?" she said insulting him her hands on her hips.

Daire's eyes once again feasted on her breasts heaving in anger and exertion. " We will have to take one horse." " My horse will mind me." He replied huskily.

He grabbed the bag and handed her a cloak, " You should put this on, it will be cold as we being riding" Daire was more worried about how he was going to focus if he couldn't cover up the beautiful; witch's attributes. < he chided himself, and recalled what Dermot had said, 'she a pretty thing but dangerous and wild'; besides she's in love with the Druid.>

Dagney placed the cloak about her shoulders and reached up to grab Daire's hand as he leaned down from atop the horse.

He pulled her up and she grazed his lap before coming to settle in from of him. Daire's powerful arms held her tightly as he gripped the reins of the horse and away they ran.

"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."

Dagney's mind was reeling. Things hadn't gone exactly to plan. Here she was racing away from Tara, the first time in her life. She was riding on horseback, another first. She was having a hard time forming coherent thoughts. The blue eyes one, Daire, had his powerful arms around her gripping the horses' reins. It hurt to draw breath because every time she exhaled his forearms rubbed against the side of her breasts making them tingle and tighten. She could feel his breath in her ear and felt his muscled chest against her back like a tall oak tree. The worst part was the way her femininity ached against the horse. She was stretched uncomfortably so, she was sure this was causing the tightening in her center.

Daire cursed himself silently. What was he doing? Cormac will kill me. His stomach rolled. Cormac will do worse than kill this lass. He had witnessed with his own eyes this witch's hex, which felled an entire banquet hall, except for Liam and me. This red haired beauty had totally bewitched Liam, not him.. no..

The witches red hair was assaulting him, the wind had pulled it out of her coiffure and was blinding him as her silky whips of fire lashed his cheeks and lips. He drank in her scent and felt intoxicated. He was glad that his bulky cloak was between them as he felt his manhood rub painfully against his pants and the back of her ass.

He let go of one of the reins and lifted his hands to adjust her hair so that he could see.

"What are you doing?" Dagney asked nervesouly as she felt his hand brush her temple and capture her hair in his hands.

" You hair's blinding me, I can't see a damn thing with it hitting me in the face." He ran his hand from her temple down across her soft cheek and wound her hair about his hand. He pulled it off her left shoulder and across the back of her neck. His hand brushed against the creamy column of her neck. He felt her shudder slightly. He could see her pulse point beating like a wounded bird. He wanted to place his lips against this tiny throbbing point and feel her blood move under him.

~~~~~ Naill was the first to awaken. He saw the other guests begin to stir. < What has the child done? > The king woke and began to wipe food off his face. Cormac stirred and groaned. < I've been poisoned. > He thought he had awoken in his own vomit but as he looked around realized everyone had passed out and many had food and drink staining their faces and clothing. He stood up his chair crashing behind him.

" What trickery is this?" he roared irate.

The King knew Dagney was behind this. His eyes quickly scanned the room. < Where is that petulant child? > Cormac noticed she was gone also, as was Daire. Cormac wiped the residue of food from his face. He rounded the table and grabbed the Druid about the neck. "Where is the little witch?" " What has she done with my aide?"

Naill wondered the same thing himself.

" Here, Here.." the King cried out. " Let's keep out wits about us, < I've got to think of something and stall and get that little sorcerer's ass back here>… call the guards.. Dagney's been kidnapped by his aide" the King pointed at Cormac.

" What?" Cormac roared.

" Daire would never cross me?" he replied.

" I want the Druid to explain what is going on?" Cormac released Naill's throat.

Naill gasped in fresh air. < I'm going to tan her hide> " I don't have any idea what is going on… it seems we've been placed under a sleep spell." Naill rasped.

"Yes and the red-haired witch is responsible." Cormac bellowed.

Cormac caught sight of Liam's clean face. " You, son, tell me what happened… you were unaffected by the spell?"

" Uh.. uhmm. Well… er… I…" he swooned like a women.

Cormac threw water in his face. " Wake up now!" " Liam, what happened?"

" Happened?" " I don't know" he responded innocently. < I only hope they get away because Cormac will kill them both.

" Where's Daire?" Cormac shook Liam.

" I don't know." He replied.

Two guards came in to report that, someone had seen Dagney and a dark haired man ride off on one horse.

Cormac ordered his men outside, "saddle up the horses, get the men. They can't have gotten far on one horse. Beside two on a horse will slow the animal down."

The King blustered, " I want that man who stole my daughter punished for his insolence." "I'll see him hanged, drawn and quartered in the courtyard before sunset tomorrow." " I'll pay a reward for anyone who bring my daughter back."

Clio, glanced worriedly at Naill. < What has she done? > Clio knew her daughter well enough to know she was responsible for this trickery. Her heart went out to the young lad who accompanied her.

Cormac and his men mounted and rode off. The king sent his men out in pursuit also. Naill took Clio's hand. " I hope she know what she is doing." He sighed.

Part 8

Dagney felt even more tense as Daire touched her face and hair. < Oh I swear I can fell his hot breath on my neck> She dug her fingers into the horse's mane unconsciously.

The horse already skittish from having a wild creature riding with its master reared up to try and dislodge this animal.

Daire was lowering his lips to kiss the throbbing pulse point on the witch's neck when he felt her neck and shoulder slam back into his face. The horse reared and whinnied in terror. He was surprised and he started to fall off the horse, as Dagney was caught in his embrace she flew off the horse too. He landed hard and Dagney practically landed on top of him on her side.

"Ouch!" The witch's elbow cracked against his ribs and he had also hit his head as he fell. She quickly rolled off him and stood then began to swear at him, " Hera, what is the matter with you?" " You're in the Viking's army and you can't manage to stay on a horse?" She waved her hand at the retreating horse. " This is unbelievable, why did I get stuck with you."

Daire slowly got up, brushing himself off, " I'm fine thank you for asking" " Listen little witch you are not stuck with me, it is I who was foolish enough to try an help an ungrateful snob like you." He retorted angrily.

" How dare you talk to me that way, have you no respect?" She responded indignantly her hands on her hips. The dark cape she wore gaped displaying her breasts clad in green silk and an overabundance of naked thigh.

Daire raised his eyes from her enticing form and snapped back in response to her rudeness. "Have you no respect?" he echoed. "You may talk to your servants like that but not me... I'm not in your employ...Cormac should thank me that I saved him from the likes of being married to a wench like you." He spat his blue eyes narrowed.

Dagney slapped him across one of his chiseled cheeks. Daire caught the offending wrist in his hand and jerked her forward. Their bodies crashed into one another. Dagney had hit him without thinking; he had such a way of making her feel all mixed up and confused. She hated that, she liked to plot and plan and control the situation. He grabbed her and pulled her roughly towards him. Her breasts smacked into his hard chest and she felt the funny wetness between her legs again.

Daire's cheek flamed and his hand on her wrist was radiating fire up into his chest to match that, which burned because of her heaving breasts pressed firmly against his chest.. He was rock hard and very frustrated with the whole situation. His body was on sensory overload but this witch was a spoiled shrew.

" Don't ever hit me again or..." he threatened < he wanted to kiss that snotty sneer off her face. >

"Or what" she sneered. < Why can't I think, Goddess my legs feel like their going to give way. > Dagney tried to liberate her hand from his grip but her pulling only brought his hand in contact with her aching breast.

"Don't toy with me, you'll be sorry witch" He growled < I can feel her nipple though the material of her gown. >

"Lay one hand on me and I'll cut yer heart out while its still beating she threatened!" < Please her body screamed>

" I heard from your first husband to be your prowess with a knife... but I'm not an old man." He stared intro her flashing green eyes. His heart raced in his chest as he envisioned her lithe, naked body beneath his. His prominent arousal rubbed against her nude thigh as he struggled to get loose from his grip.

< Goddess, was that his member against my leg, no.. it was too hard and thick.... Stop this... imagining... he is insolent ...he's probably small like a cat. >

Dagney succeeded in pulling away from him, almost falling backward because of her shaky legs. " You little whelp, I'll turn you into a... a... scaly slimy lizard" she hissed.

< He sucked much need air into his lungs, he let go of her wrist when his cock rubbed against her thigh. I want her... not mine.. make her mine.. the druid..>

"What, I'm shaking... Red... do you think you can manage it without your Druid consort?" he taunted.

The latent sexual tension, emotional stress, and anger Dagney felt suddenly coalesced into a sharp pain at the mention of Naill.

Dagney was missing him, she was angry that he wasn't with her, that he didn't want her.. that he probably was glad she was gone.. She didn't understand why he wasn't the one unaffected by the spell.. the one she had always trusted.... Dagney felt tears well up in her eyes. < I'm just a pawn in a game for territory.. Naill doesn't want me... I'm stuck with this stupid swine... he hates me too.. She tried to push the hurt and pain down and lashed out in anger.

"Naill's too busy with his head stuck between my mothers legs to waste his time on me... I mean you."

" What?" Daire asked in shock < Did she just say.. head between her legs... he visualized himself between her legs. Were her womanly curls the same color as her fiery hair? Would her nether hair burn him like the wisps of fire on her head? >

< Did I just blurt that out loud? > <What must Daire think of me swearing, ungrateful, little witch? > Dagney's faced burned in shame and she turned and began to run. < I have to get away; I can't let him see me cry.. see me weak.. he'll use it against me...>

He stood there like a statue, a rock hard marble statue. His eyes blinked and he swallowed hard. He snapped out of his erotic reverie as he saw Dagney bolt like a chased animal. He had this sudden vision from one of his recent dreams of her as a tiny fox running for her life.. being chased to her death.

<No.. No..> he took off after her.

Part 9

Naill had watched the Kings men and the Viking's men mount a search party for Dagney and Daire.

Naill gathered the necessary ingredients to cast a spell of location. He was going to go after the silly girl. He knew that if the Viking Cormac caught up with her he would enjoy punishing her for her impulsiveness. Naill felt this man's evil, he worried that not only would this man likely break her spirit but kill Dagney as well. The lad if the Kings men caught him would drag him back and kill him. The King needed to make an excuse for Dagney's actions. < I only hope the girl remains a virgin for if she lays with this man to spite me or her father then likely no one can save either one of them.

Naill gathered hair from Dagney's brush. He gathered a soft silk chemise of hers. He made a magic circle lit four candles and chanted to Danu. He stood upon one foot and reached out with one arm and closed one eye.

"Goddess Danu, assist me in finding Dagney, special child of the Tuatha De Danaan. Let my heart lead the way and find her before the brake of day."

Naill mounted a horse and headed off towards the north. He felt his heart beat slow down whenever he strayed off the course that would lead him to her.

~~~~~ Dagney ran as fast as her legs would carry her. She was going to outrun the pain and confusion; she was going to outrun the feelings of betrayal. Her heart pounded in her chest, her blood pulsed through her body, and she felt free and uninhibited and alive.

" Dagney, wait, come back… you'll fall and hurt yourself in the dark." Daire shouted as he ran after her. < She's running like a wild creature, I'm having a difficult time in catching her. Why isn't she stopping.? Can't she hear me? >

Daire ran faster he was thundering through the brush and started to stumble on a tree root but managed to right himself. He saw her lithe form like a shadow moving farther away in the dark. He saved his breath instead of shouting and ran faster. She was within an arm's length of him. He launched himself forward and caught her waist and sent them both sprawling onto the hard ground a jumble of arms and legs.

He ended up on top of her pinning her to the cold ground. Her eyes focused on his, like she was coming out of a deep sleep. She yelled, " get off you swine" and proceeded to squirm and push at him with her body. Daire's ardor had lessened during the chase but was quickly reasserting itself as this woman moved beneath him. The cloak she wore was gapping open thus he was pressed firmly against her thin silk dress. She stopped struggling when she noted his erection pressing into her midsection, and her eyes widened even more.

She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't form the words. Daire's chest heaved from his exertions and met her heaving breasts, causing a charge of electricity energy to shoot back and forth between them; much like a lightening bolt unleashed from a stormcloud when it meets the ground. . Daire lowered his head to capture her parted lips, to feel her energy.

Neither Dagney nor Daire heard the horse approaching, " Dagney" Naill called out. < She's very close and her heart is beating like a wounded bird. >

Dagney, heard Naill's voice and she yelled to him, " Here, oh Naill" she cried. Daire rolled off her like he had been stabbed in the heart. < Damn witch and druid>

Part 10

"Naill, Oh Naill, Dagney yelled, scrambling to her feet. She ran at him fill tilt. His horse caught her scent and started to whinny in fear. Naill moved the horse back and called to her, "Dagney not too close, your scaring Zeus." He warned.

Daire had risen also, and watched as Naill dismounted. Dagney threw herself into his arms, crying, " I knew you come for me!" " I knew It !" she hugged him.

< Aren't I the biggest ass, damn witch? > Daire shook his head.

Naill grabbed Dagney's shoulders and shook her violently, " You've no idea what you have done with your nonsense" he growled.

Dagney eyes widened in shock, < Naill had never treated her like this, and she had seen him angry but never likes this. > " You're hurting me" she choked out.

Daire moved forward but stopped as Naill released her.

" Hurting you, I could bloody well tan your hide." " Your father and the Viking Cormac both have men out looking for the two of you." Naill looked up acknowledging Daire for the first time.

" I don't care" Dagney replied hurt that Naill wasn't happy to see her but was treating her like a recalcitrant child.

" I told you I won't marry, I told my father, no one took me seriously so.."

Naill interrupted, " so you drugged everyone, and dragged off this poor boy."

Daire cleared his throat he was about to speak up.

" I'm my own person, and I'll not be with that bloody Viking.... He's... evil.. I can feel it.." she responded.

Daire listened, < How does she know?>

"Yes he is, and he's angry that you made a fool of him." " He'll not stop looking for you till he finds you and then he wants to punish you." Naill added.

< They both know Cormac's intentions> Daire was puzzled.

Dagney, shuddered, " He wants to see me broken."

"Yes," Naill replied and your father is trying to safe face blaming that boy for kidnapping you.

" Him" Dagney laughed, "have the balls to kidnap me" she giggled. "I had to threaten him and place a gise before he would help me."

Daire flushed angrly and once again was about to interrupt.

"It's not funny, Dagney, if your father's men catch him... he'll be made an example of."

Dagney stopped laughing, < I don't want to see him hurt. > "No he shall not.... He's...my consort," she said boldly.

Daire was just about to speak when he lost his voice.

" What?" "You have not taken him as your lover?" Naill asked incredulously.

" Yes, I have..you had your chance," she snapped, " Tell my mother I said goodbye."

Naill grabbed her arm, " Just a minute, .."

Dagney pulled out of his grasp. " As my consort and our union being consummated; as heir to Tara, any child I carry is an heir of my father's. My consort is under royal protection." "Let my father's army chase the Viking out of our Kingdom." She replied flippantly.

Dagney left Naill standing with his mouth ajar.

Daire stood in shock, he felt like a horse had just trampled him. < That bloody lying witch. > Dagney moved to Daire and put her arm about him and leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. She whispered in his ear, " If you contradict me, I'll tell them you raped me, you'll be killed."

"Naill, tell my father I've taken a consort and he's to get rid of the Viking and I might come home." She smiled sweetly

" What have you to say, man?" Naill asked red faced.

" I... um... " Dagney pinched his ass hard.

He gripped her waist, and felt himself once again respond to her proximity and touch. " I'd rather be damned as a lover than as a fighter." He replied.

"Naill, can you help me with some magic to evade the search parties?" she asked.

" Yes, but you've both put yourself on a dangerous path. Dagney your father may not care you've chosen this man. He may decide to have him killed with or without any heir. He'd then be free to give you to the Viking if he still wanted you. Cormac could kill him and claim you as his; as promised, he'll only wait to see if you are with child; and there are ways to take a child..." You both are in grave danger." "You can not stay in the same place for more than one night."

Dagney and Daire gripped one another's waists possessively as they listened to Naill speak.

" I can help you with a spell to enhance your powers to use earth's gifts to create shelter and offer protection.

" Yes, please" Dagney implored as she moved out of Daire's embrace.

Daire watched as the Druid pulled out white lime from his haversack. He watched Dagney make a magic circle. They each lit a candle and stood in the circle. They chanted: " Goddess of earth, hear our plea Allow your daughter Dagney Covenant with your gifts Of water, fire, stone and air"

Daire watched as Dagney and Naill cut their wrist and commingled their blood and let it drip unto the earth.

"We give you our promise of blood, Protect Dagney and Daire and she Shall slide back to feed you Goddess."

Daire felt a slight tremor in the ground and saw a white aura leap from Naill to Dagney.

" I need to return, before I am missed" Naill said.

" Please tell my father what I've said." Dagney asked.

" I will" Naill replied giving her a hug and kissing her cheek.

Naill looked at Daire, You are her chosen one, by the Goddess Danu, and I now am also your servant. Naill bowed and then mounted his horse.

Dagney and Daire both stared after him.
