Part 11

" So we'd best find some shelter for the night." Dagney said.

" No, first lets talk about what little game your playing,"Daire exclaimed exasperated.

Dagney blinked her emerald eyes innocently," What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" he exploded.

" My head is spinning in trying to keep up with your trickery and deceit." Daire glowered, his blue eyes shooting sparks into the dark.

"First, it Liam, run away with me, when he wisely refused you; I became your next dupe. You threatened to hex me. You apparently are in love with your mentor Naill, and if I understand correctly he's involved with your mother. So you tell him, I'm your consort, to try and make him jealous... soldiers from your father's and Cormac's army are chasing me down like a rabid animal... and if I'm to stop being your puppet you'll tell them I RAPED YOU." He snapped. " No wonder your father is trying to get rid of you."

Dagney listened to his ire and felt sorry for getting him mixed up in this mess. < I only told them you were my consort so they wouldn't kill you if they caught us..> She was feeling remorse until he cut her to the quick with the remark about her father wanting to rid himself of her.

"You stupid Bull," she spat. "I was only tying to keep you safe, I felt somewhat grateful for your helping me in escaping." " I am NOT IN LOVE WITH NAILL," she said flouncing away from his angry countenance; and furthermore I wouldn't pick you as my consort if you were the last man on earth.

Dagney grumbled under her breath as she walked away into the dark. " I don't need any man's help... why I even thought.... I hate that .... brooding... goat herder... so what...," Her tirade was interrupted by three soldiers on horseback. "

"Lookie what we have here, if its not Cormac's bride... in the flesh." He laughed and dismounted followed by his two comrades.

" Look, you best leave me alone or else I'll...." Dagney threatened, but began to back away and was about to turn and run, when the largest man grabbed her by the arm.

" Let me go!" she yelled and slapped him.

The two other men laughed, " Darling, I so like a spirited lass and since I've found yeah, I'll be collecting the finder's fee."

" You better let me loose, Cormac won't like you manhandling me." She blustered.

All three men laughed, the shortest boasted; "Cormac said the first group to catch you could fuck you silly for a week for we had to bring you back."

Dagney felt sick, < I've got to get away. >

Daire watched the situation trying to devise a plan to get the little witch away from the three bastards without getting her raped and him killed.

Dagney sighed and moved closer into her captor's arms. " Well then lets make the best of the situation shall we?" she purred. " One at a time and a little privacy...?" she smiled up at the solider.

" He grinned evilly, Jon, Erik a little privacy for the lady eh."

Dagney heard one of the two retreating soldiers comment, " don't worry O'Leary don't take long at all."

Daire was dumbstruck, what game is she playing now?

The soldier holding her captive put his other hand upon her shoulder and leaned down to capture her lips. Dagney turned her head and offered her neck < I'll vomit if he touches my lips..> he growled and nuzzled her neck and grabbed her ass and picked her up. Dagney used his distraction to reach farther up the slit in her dress and grab her knife. She unsheathed it and stuck the bastard in the gut.

He howled in pain; and released her.

Daire moved forward he knew the other two soldiers would be back before she could escape.

He knew he would have to unarm the soliders and then steal one of their horses if they to get away.

Dagney saw Daire come at her from the dark and she waved her bloody knife, " I'll gut yea bastard!"

"It me, Daire, I've come to help you. Try and stay behind me." He no sooner finished these works when the other two soldiers came running out of the dark, blades drawn.

Daire turned his own blade glinting in the crescent moon. Dagney stood abreast of him waving her knife like a fury.

One soldier feigned a thrust at Daire and he parried the actual blow. Daire managed to slice the soldier's forearm. The solider swore, " ye'll pay for that you traitorous whelp.. you just want the little bitch all for yourself." He panted and thrust again.

The second solider ignored Dagney and attempted to move behind Daire. She lunged forward to try and cut him, and keep him from surrounding Daire.

The solider laughed and slapped her hard, causing her to fall in a heap.

Dagney scrambled quickly to her feet to see Daire holding his own against the one solider but the second was almost upon him.

Dagney raced forward and propelled her lithe body at the solider flanking Daire. Daire had managed to strike a disabling blow to the solider attacking his front, but as he turned to block the blow from the second solider; he was caught by his blade and Daire felt it rip into his shoulder and chest. He saw a blur of motion and saw the solider go down hard and saw a mass of red-hair cursing and stabbing at the downed man. " How dare you ... dung eating little shit... you puss filled pox... hurt him.!"

Daire moved toward her, and called out to her, " Dagney, he's down, and most likely dead... step away now."

She dropped her knife and looked at her bloody hands and arms. " Oh Hera, Oh Goddess, she lurched back of the man and heaved.

" Tis all right" Daire said trying to push her hair back away from her face.

Dagney caught her breath and wiped her face on her sleeve and whimpered as she felt warm blood smear upon her face." Oh no.. ewe.. !" she shrieked and she fainted dead away.

Part 12

" Dagney, come, we must leave, now!" Daire's words managed to seep into her brain. She stirred and found herself looking into his pain filled countenance. She sat up so quickly she bumped her head against his. "Owe" he moaned

"I'm sorry, Daire" she murmured. " Oh Hera, how bad is your wound?"

"I'll live, but I need your help in getting us out of here. There are likely more soldiers lurking about. I can call one of the horses and mount but I don't know if I can hang onto the reins very well with my injury."

"Let me look, at it?" Dagney offered.

Dagney, gently pulled at the torn, blood soaked cloth covering the wound. Dare hissed, and staggered unsteadily on his feet.

" 'Tis deep and long... I need to stop the bleeding for now till I can tend it proper." She announced. " Sit," she directed before you fall. She looked about the three fallen men and saw a water bladder. She squirted the water out onto the ground and manipulated the rich earth to make a muddy assemblage. She then took the cool mud and gently applied it to Daire's oozing wound. He clenched his jaws together so as not to cry out. " I'm so sorry" she whispered gently, "so sorry".

Daire thought he might pass out from the pain. < No you must stay awake! >.

"Daire, call the horse, and mount and then I can get us to a safe place and tend to you proper." Dagney stated.

Dagney helped Daire rise unsteadily to his feet, < Hera, he lost a lot of blood>

Daire managed to call a horse and barely was able to pull himself upon the horse. Daire reached down to her with his uninjured arm. Dagney took his hand and swung up onto the horse to sit behind him. She reached about his waist and took the reins.

" 'Tis all right, lean back into me, so I'll be able to see over your shoulder." Daire sighed, as he relaxed and leaned back against Dagney's lithe frame.

She tightened her arms about his waist and looked over his uninjured shoulder. Daire rested his head back upon her chest, his hair tickling her cheeks. Her forearms rested upon his muscular thighs. The reins pulled sharply at her wrist, as she led the horse across the dark moor. ~~~~ Daire awoke and felt a sharp searing in his shoulder and shoot down his arm. He saw Dagney tresses back lit by a fire. " Where are we?" he gasped out. " I found an old broken down cottage, the roofs half gone, as is one of the side walls, but we've a fire place as yea can see and a fresh water stream." She replied as she removed his shirt.

"I've made some willow bark tea, I want you to drink some and then I've got to clean and dress this wound proper." She commanded.

She helped him lift his head, " Ugh" he sputtered, "that's awful."

" You'll drink it all" she cajoled.

"Witch" he managed to grumble before she shoved the bitter potion into his mouth.

Dagney turned away and moved toward the light of the fire. Daire felt the scratching of hay and the smell of moldy wool underneath him. Dagney came closer to him, her face pale in the firelight. "This is going to hurt I'm afraid." She said softly. " Don't be afraid if you need to cry out." She said. < I'll be damned if; I let the little witch reduce me to...> "Awaaaa..." he yelled as he felt liquid fire being poured unto his open wound and he promptly passed out from the pain.

Tears leaked from Dagney's eyes, < I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. > Dagney finished cleaning the wound, and packed leaves soaked with willow bark tea against the wound. She bound it tightly using the cleanest strips that she could find from her petticoat. She brushed Daire's hair from his sweaty brow. < I'm so sorry I got you mixed up in this? Once you're better, I'll leave you'll be safe.> Dagney was bloody, and exhausted. her clothes were torn and soiled. She decided to take advantage of the darkness and fire and she went to the river stripped and cleaned quickly in the cold water. She rinsed her gown and then slipped back into her camisole and panties. She was freezing and she ran back to the cottage. She hung out her dress by the fire. < Great now what am I going to wear, I'm freezing and I've given the cloak back to cover Daire? > She moved closer and he was still sleeping. Well maybe I can just take a quick nap and get up before he wakes. She lifted the cloak and snuggled up to his uninjured side. < Goddess, he so warm and his body is so hard and ..> She moved her hands across his bare chest, her fingers stroked his chest languidly like she was petting a cat. Her fingers brushed across one of his nipples and it tightened and protruded under her fingers. Dagney felt the strange wetness between her legs once again. <Naill never made me feel so tense and warm like this. > Dagney nestled even closer to the sleeping man who's actions puzzled her and whose body stirred a strange desire and feel asleep.

Part 13

Daire was dreaming of the red fox again. He saw her running away from him; he raced after her, unable to catch up with her. He called her name 'Dagney', over and over but she ran farther and faster. Daire saw something chasing her... men on horseback.. hounds... he ran faster, fear spurring him faster. He ran into a lush clearing the sound of water roaring in his ears. He saw her broken, bleeding body upon the riverbank. He cried out her name and awoke from the dream with a start.

He was aware of her body immediately. She was curled up against him, her cool hands atop his chest resting over his heart, just below the knife wound. Her head rested on the opposite side of his chest. Her red tresses tickled his cheek. He knew she was undressed because he could feel a considerable amount of her silky skin against his bare chest. His already feverish body increased in temperature even more. He felt her breasts pressed against his chest and side. His right hand was trapped between their bodies. The back of his hands and fingers brushed against her upper thigh.

She stirred in her sleep and shifted her legs and head, burrowing further into him. Daire felt his member begin to stir also. < Think about something else... he flashed back to her fighting bravely by his side... he envision her chanting and spilling her blood upon the damp earth.. he saw her falling from the top of the raging waterfalls; her body broken and bloody at the bottom of the falls.> He gasped at the vision and heard her voice 'lie down to feed the dragon's with the moon'. He reached out with his right arm and pulled her closer into an embrace as if to pull her back from the abyss. His sudden movements awoke her. She shifted her head and looked into his cerulean orbs. She felt his fevered body, his left hand was gripping her about the waist and his right arm pinned her up against him.

" Daire,.." she whispered. "Did you have a bad dream?" she asked her voice still velvety from sleep.

" I... yes.. it was a dream." He replied, his eyes drinking in her vibrant emerald eyes.

" You've got a fever, I can feel it.." she said her voice shaky, she tried to sit up and move away from his burning body and eyes. His eyes flashed and darkened and his hands tightened on her waist and back.

He lowered his mouth onto her open lips, about to demand her release. His lips touched hers and Dagney felt that she was the one with the fever. <Hera, I'm melting from the inside out! > Dagney's, hands splayed across his chest, she needed to crawl into him; she tried to bring herself closer into his heat. His tongue probed her open mouth.

He savored her essence, warm berries and cinnamon, and something more.. fiery and feral. She was intoxicating, he felt his chest pound and his flesh burned.

Her fingers grazed against his nipples when he touched her tongue with his. They moaned as one. Dagney was inflamed she needed this... wanted this.. she would die for this man.. he was hers now and forever.

<She is mine..not Cormac's, Naill's or anyone's .. she belongs with me...> He rolled her body on top of his never breaking contact with their lips. Her hands moved up to cup his head her fingers, she pulled at his hair. He moved his hands over her supple back, he felt her feminine buds brand his naked chest.

He lowered his hands to her bottom and cupped her cheeks intimately causing her pelvis to rub against his hard erection.

She gasped and moved her head back to look in his eyes, now almost black with desire.

"Oh Daire," she whispered, "I.. want.. want you.." she stammered huskily.

"Dagney, I want you more! Can you not tell?" he asked smiling devilishly.

"Mmmm," she shook her head and he watched her fiery mane spark in the semi-darkness. Her usual alabaster complexion was flushed, her lips swollen from his kisses, and he could smell her womanly perfume, a hint of fruit and musk.

"He moved his mouth closer to her jaw and used his tongue to lick and nip at her chin. She squirmed and moaned in pleasure grinding her hips into his.

Her licked her chin and neck with his tongue; Dagney felt like she was a pool of water being evaporated by the sun's rays. He nibbled her collarbone with his teeth, and squeezed her bottom between his hands. Dagney wanted him.. wanted to be consumed by him. She rocked her hips up and down back and forth against his pelvis in some immemorial rhythm. He moved his lips to the top of her flushed breasts, heaving against their cotton prison. He used his teeth to tug her camisole lower to free her breast to his fervid ministrations. She arched upward bringing her freed breast in contact with his heated lips. He ran his tongue over the rosy bud. Dagney moaned deep in her throat and pulled sharply on his hair, she, slid her semi-clad body, forwards and upwards lifting herself upon her forearms giving him greater access to her breasts. She growled deeper as the sensations from his mouth and his throbbing cock straining against her mound made her see shooting stars behind her eyes.

Daire feeling her wetness upon his cock and her passionate response to his lovemaking, aroused him even more. He sucked and nibbled at her erect nipple, she cried out as if in great pain. He needed to possess her now. He pulled his lips away from her breast.

" I.. I. off.." he panted breathlesly.

< No, I don't want to stop... Dagney.. the man is sick with fever and you want to mate with him..what is the matter with you?>

She rolled off him and emitted a frustrated sigh. < I hate this man, he's worse than Naill.> She moved away from him and stepped on the cold floor.

Daire watched her stand up and admired her backside through the thin cotton garment; he began to unfasten his pants, and lifted his hips to slide them off.

"Dagney, where are you going?" he managed a strangled gasp, as he saw her moving towards the outdoors.

She turned to give him a venomous glare, and her eyes saw him naked, lying upon the pallet, the firelight outlining a silhouette of his erect cock. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him.

She opened her mouth to speak, but succeeded in only moving her jaws and making inarticulate sounds. " You belong to me!" he rasped and swung his leg off the pallet and placed them upon the floor.

Dagney raced back towards him, not, only knowing that if she weren't coupled with him she would cease to exist. She hugged him, his cheeks brushing against her sensitive breast. She ran her hands down his sinewy back. He rubbed his cheeks across her breasts; he suckled and pinched both her breasts with his tongue, lips and teeth. He caressed her ass, with his rough hands. He moved his hands to the waistband of her pantaloons and drew them down over her slender hips. He lowered his head and kissed her bared stomach. Dagney only gasped and whined wantonly. He moved his hands behind her knees and pulled her forward. Her knees straddled his waist; her hands caressed his sweat-slicked chest.

" 'Tis time your mine." He rasped. Daire moved his hand to womanly folds and gently ran his forefinger along her slit. She hissed and arched onto his hand.

Daire grasped his weeping member and guided himself to her core.

" Look at me!" he demanded.

Dagney opened her passion-closed lids. She stared into his eyes and he pulled her onto his shaft. Daire cried out, " Ahaaa" as her tight passage enveloped his cock. She cried out in shock, and she felt suddenly felt whole. He laid his torso back upon the pallet and gripped her hips with his hands. He whispered huskily at Dagney, " Your Mine".

"Yes," she replied. He moved one hand from her hip up to caress her cheek, traced a trail done her neck, across the valley between her breasts, lower still to her stomach, until he felt her silken curls. He felt her walls clench every so slightly around him. He was awed by the wonder of her fiery hair, pale skin and supple body. He brazenly stared at the junction of their bodies where his met hers. Darkness and light, hard and soft, together as one.

Dagney's core became used to his size and girth. His hand caressed her body and his gaze caused her to pant shamelessly. She cried out in pleasure when his fingers caressed her sensitive nubbin. She gripped his waist and ground her self-closer to his hand and pelvis. He thrust up to meet her stroke. They began a primal rhythm of coming together and pulling apart. They came together, one soul both howling as their orgasms reunited them in body.

Part 14

Dagney felt the heat of the midday sun burning her back and legs. As she slowly awoke two thoughts entered her consciousness. First, she recalled her coupling with Daire and felt an immediate pleasant tingling and liquid fire between her legs. The second conscious thought was that the sun was not up yet. The burning warmth was coming from Daire. His body cocooned her. She felt a hairy leg between her thighs and one of his hands cupped her breast intimately, the other was tangled in her hair. She sat up quickly disentangling herself from his embrace. She turned and gazed at his flushed face; he was burning up. She realized that his wound must have become infected. Dagney felt a wave of guilt. I should have been tending to his wounds instead of mating with him. She then felt a wave of fear, she knew from her druid studies that Daire could die from an infection. She hastily put on her underclothing. < The willow bark tea hadn't kept the fever away. > She removed the binding on the knife wound. The skin was still ragged, puckered and the flesh was oozing red and inflamed. Daire moaned and whispered incoherently about a running red fox. Dagney decided to try a poultice to pull the evil spirits out of the wound.

"Daire, I'm going to help you... please stay with me." She crooned softly as she caressed his fevered brow.

Daire opened his eyes. His blue orbs looked through Dagney. She leaned closer and caressed his flushed face. "Daire, stay with me... don't follow the spirits... please stay with me.." she pleaded. Daire's eyes focused on her green ones. "Dagney, " he croaked. " Shhhh" she whispered, I shall make you feel better. She leaned down and placed a butterfly kiss upon his scorching lips. He closed his eyes once more.

Dagney knew she would need to gather some items before she could cast the spell to ward off the spirits. She moved toward the cottage opening; it was near sunup, the horizon was changing to a lighter gray. Dagney raced to the small stream. She waded into the stream, and used her feet to feel for a smooth stone. She felt a suitable stone, and plunged her arms into the ice cold water to retrieve it. The stone was a black and white lace agate; it was worn smooth by the rushing water. The black and white stone was perfect. It had a grove in the center of the stone. Dagney moved to the creek bed and scooped up a handful of mud. She then hurried towards an outcropping of trees. She looked in the gray twilight for a toadstool and lichens. She was practically frantic as it took her a long time before she found these items.

She ran back towards the cottage to check on Daire. He was still sweating profusely. She grabbed an old container and raced for cold water. She tore more strips from her already ruined gown and bathed his face. She dipped the rag into the water and wrung it out across his broad chest. His body shuddered slightly under the rivulets of water. She used the rag to caress his lean chest with the soothing water. She marveled at his well-defined muscles and how his nipples, puckered under her ministrations. She ran the rag lower over his taut abdominal muscles. Once again she felt his body shiver slightly. Dagney felt as if lightning was about to strike nearby. Her breasts and core hummed with tension.

Dagney closed her eyes and shook her head. <He's ill and I'm like some vulture devouring him with my eyes. > She doused the cloth again with the cold water and lowered the cloak to bath Daire's legs. Her eyes widened at Daire's thick member hidden in a nest of dark curls. She knew it had been larger before. She ran the cold cloth along the cleft in his right leg; the area where his hip and leg joined. She swirled the rag closer to his groin. Her hands felt his curls tickle the back of her wrist. She moved the damp cloth around his curls. Her eyes widened in surprise as she noted his member had grown. It was now raising itself up away from its hiding place. Dagney unconsciously licked her lips. She guiltily raised her eyes and noted his were still closed. < Why does he grow? > Dagney dropped the rag her curiosity getting the better of her. She gently touched Daire's member at its base. It was suprizingly soft. She noted that the girth also appeared to be changing. She curled her small fingers about his member to take in his girth. Her thumb felt a throbbing on his shaft's underside. She lowered her head and took a closer look. Her hair brushed his shaft and she felt it spring upwards in her hand. She inhaled, She ran her enclosed hand up and down his base and was rewarded by its continuing to grow. Her head shot up as she heard Daire moan.

She was caught as his blue eyes bore into hers. " I'm sorry.." she stuttered and flushed redder than her hair, and released his shaft.

" No.. please..." he rasped. Daire's hands were clutching handfuls of hay.

" I was trying to make you feel better..." Dagney squeaked.

" Oh.. I was feeling all right...finish?" he whispered.

Dagney swallowed hard uncertain of what Daire wanted her to do. < Is he asking me to touch him again? > She looked into his eyes and felt heat from his gaze warm her entire body. Dagney was aware that her own sex was wet and she felt an urge to use the cool cloth upon herself.

She tentatively moved her hand towards his engorged shaft, and brushed her fingertips across his mushroomed tipped end. " Yes." Daire groaned... "Dagney". Her fingers felt the wetness oozing slowly from his shaft. She once again leaned forward her hair brushing against his thigh and gazed at this little eye. She blew softly on his shaft. " Sweet Goddess!" Daire rasped. Dagney wrapped her fingers about his base once more. Daire " hummed" softly and let out his breath. She placed a soft kiss upon his tip. She could feel his member quiver under her lips, and he tasted of the salty, earth and water. Dagney felt the underside of his shaft pulse; she lowered her head and used her tongue to taste this pulsing vein. Dagney felt like a Goddess, she was aware of her power over Daire. She knew his shaft contained the secret elixir of life, yet she controlled it in her hands.

She knew her sex had taken Daire's seed when they mated. She wanted to taste his seed in her mouth. She wanted to drink life's elixir. She kissed and licked his shaft. He moaned and writhed beneath her ministrations. Dagney felt Daire's soft sacs contract and she took his head into her mouth and sucked upon it. She felt the warm elixir flood her mouth with a powerful force. She sucked and swallowed until his member shrunk once again. She looked up to meet his eyes and gave him a slight smile. He sighed and closed his eyes. Dagney picked up the cloth and continued to wipe Daire's body. She ground and mixed the mud, mushrooms and lichens into a paste. Dagney uttered the sacred words of the spell pledging to give her lives blood and her body's strength to tempt the spirit. She used her knife to cut her wrist and let her blood mingle with the paste. She applied the mixture upon the wound and covered it once again. Daire slept heavily.

Part 15

Naill approached King Buro as soon as he returned to Tara.

" Well, did you find her.. drag her back here?" the King growled angrily.

" Er.. no.. not exactly." Naill replied.

" What with all your magic… I do not believe that you did not find Dagney!" Buro clenched his hands in frustration.

"It's all your fault… you know.. teaching her this Druid magic… she has mucked everything up… I could wring her scrawny neck…. and I'll see the ass who accompanied her drawn and quartered."

" Do you not care at all for your daughter?" Naill asked testily.

" How dare you question me! " Buro backhanded Naill. " Dagney is mine! My property to do with as I see fit.

Naill wiped blood from his bleeding lip. " Dagney belongs to no mortal creature, she is of the Tuatha De Danaan!" Naill rasped, turned and left the King. < I shan't tell him of finding the child. She deserves to be free. I pray to you Goddess Danu to protect her and her consort Daire.. ~~~~~~

Cormac bellowed for his nephew Liam to ready the horses. The Viking had camped shortly after midnight, and as he and his men were fed, it was time to catch that traitorous whelp Daire. Cormac thought all night about the torment he could inflict upon the traitor. Cormac decided that forcing him to watch the redheaded bitch cry out in torment would be pleasing. Cormac felt himself harden under his violent fantasy of torture and rape he was going to bestow on the whore. He had relieved himself twice during the night as he imagined her body ravaged and torn by him. He brushed his hand against his cock and shook the vision from his mind. < I need to catch them today. They couldn't have gotten far. >

"Liam, Cormac yelled again, the horses had damn well be ready!"


Dagney had watched Daire sleep soundly. It appeared that her poultice and offering to the death spirit had deterred him from taking Daire. Dagney had repacked the haversack and saddlebag of the man whose horse they had stolen. Dagney shuddered again when she realized how close she had come to being captured by the Vikings men and how close she came to loosing Daire. < Why is it that I could not recognize my feeling's until he was almost taken from me?> She looked longingly at Daire's chiseled features, and muscular body. Her body suffused with heat each time she looked at him. Dagney closed her eyes and smiled, recalling what it felt like to have his hands upon her body, his musky scent, the feel of his rippling muscles against her breasts, his member embedded deep within her, and the taste of his life's seed upon her lips.

" What have you done?" Daire clamored.

Dagney opened her green eyes and met Daire's shocked eyes.
