Trust Holds Promise

In Shadow Series IV

Author: FemailoftheSpecies

Disclaimer: Joss is the man

Distro: Mystifying Dreams, WWOMB, WLS, RedsSoulmates and others

Spoilers: season 5

Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: PG

Summary: When trust is earned...or lost

A/N: Thanks to Jennillu and Kat for the beta.

Feedback is a real nice thing to do!    Please be nice to me.




I'm nervous.  I'm about to cast this really powerful spell and even though Tara will be there to help, it's kinda scary.  It's always scary when I know the entire gang is relying on me to pull something off, but tonight is worse.

The spell will strip this demon, a Hingdura, of his magically rooted powers, one of which is the harnessing and storing of sunlight and being able to shot rays of it from its mouth at will.  Bad enough the thing has four arms, and horns, and eyes on all sides of its head, but a Binaca blast of ultra violet rays as well?  Totally not fair.

Buffy can't fight it alone and Spike can't fight it at all until I do my part, which is why I am so much more nervous than normal.

If I fail, Spike could dust.

We are all walking through the woods just outside of town, slowly, Spike and Buffy leading the way.  We're following his nose, which is seems retarded, but it's amazingly accurate. I can tell he is being careful as well, not wanting this demon to catch us before we catch it.

Coming to a group of caves, he slows down and says something to Buffy before slipping away into the cover of the trees.  I glance at Tara and smile.

It's showtime.

Giles helps us lay out the materials and I make a circle, enclosing Tara and I quickly within its confines and safety.  I can feel the magicks being pulled from everywhere, especially my girlfriend, as soon as I start to chant in Latin.  I hate Latin.

Buffy and Xander have ventured into the cave.  He is armed with one of Riley's weapons and a stun gun.  Spike assures us that the latter works great.  And since I am not a vampire, I believe him.  I hear the commotion, spilling from inside one of the caves and wonder about the children the demon has abducted, but keep my focus on the spell.

Xander comes flying out, hitting a tree with a sick thud, and I almost lose it.  Tara's hand on my thigh restrains me and I don't do what I want and instinctively jump up to help my best friend.  Settling back down, I concentrate.  This needs to get

With a violent influx of power, there is nothing else for me but the spell and my focus, the reason I want it to work so desperately.  I can feel him, lurking in shadows, antsy, anxious to get into the fight, and his demon crawls over me, probing, curious as I use its power as well.  I hope he doesn't mind.   I'm just a power-leeching mama.

 There is nothing of me left to stop the vampire's ghostly intrusion; all I am is wrapped up in the spell.  I can't stop it and am not entirely sure I am trying.

Somewhere, far away, I feel a hand on mine and I force my eyes open.  Later I am told they were black abysses, empty and frightening, but I don't see it myself and can't imagine it at all.  Fortunately, the spell is done.

Tara and I both collapse and as I lose consciousness, my eyes follow Spike as he dashes into the cave, trusting that I did my job.


When I awaken, my head is resting in someone's lap and I'm in Buffy's living room.

Tara.  I can smell her perfume and snuggle into the softness of her thighs, feigning sleep.  I just wanna lay here for a few more minutes.

They are talking about tonight's slayage.  Ding-dong, the demon's dead.  I hear them all, except Spike.

I open my eyes to see Xander with a bandage around his head and his arm in a sling.  Nothing new there.

"Were the kids okay?"  I ask, drawing attention to myself.

"Hey Willow...we got them out, all safe."  Then she's frowning.  "You were out a long while this time," Buffy says as she comes and perches on the edge of the coffee table, twisting to look at Giles as she adds, "You said she'd be okay."

He looks sheepish.  "I, well, the spell required a certain amount of power and Willow is certainly capable of harnessing it.  I'm not sure why she was so affected."

It's like I'm not even here.  I sigh and lay back some.  "I'm fine.  Where's Spike?"

"Oh, he was all grumpy vamp because the Humdinger skewered him so he went to his crypt," Buffy offers dismissively.

I lean up.  "It did what?  Giles, does this thing carry toxins?"

He shakes his head, but looks unsure, like he hasn't considered this.  I am sitting up and can feel Tara's hand on my shoulder.

"Does he even have blood?"

"How should we know, Wills?"  Xander tosses in as he gets his coat on, with Anya's help.

I get up and go into the kitchen.  Inside the refrigerator are bags of blood and I take them.  Tara is behind me when I turn around.

"You're going to him."  Her tone it light so I don't respond to the hidden meaning and just kiss her softly on the lips, pleading silently for her trust.

"I won't be long."

The End
